• a willingness to find and accept a challenge;• family background (in terjemahan - • a willingness to find and accept a challenge;• family background (in Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

• a willingness to find and accept

• a willingness to find and accept a challenge;
• family background (in particular, researchers think that people whose families
have been in business, successfully or not, are most apt to start and run their own
businesses); and
• age (those who start their own businesses also tend to cluster around certain
ages—more than 70 percent are between 24 and 44 years of age; see Figure 5.1).
There must be some motivation to start a business. A person may decide that he or she
simply has “had enough” of working and earning a profit for someone else. Another may
lose his or her job for some reason and decide to start the business he or she has always
wanted rather than to seek another job. Still another person may have an idea for a new
product or a new way to sell an existing product. Or the opportunity to go into business
may arise suddenly, perhaps as a result of a hobby. For example, Cheryl Strand started
baking and decorating cakes from her home while working full time as a word processor
at Clemson University. Her cakes became so popular that she soon found herself working
through her lunch breaks and late into the night to meet customer demand.
Women as Small-Business Owners
According to the latest 2012 data available from the Small Business Administration:
●● Women are 51 percent of the U.S. population, and according to the SBA, they
owned at least 50 percent of all small businesses in 2008.
●● Women already own 66 percent of the home-based businesses in this country, and
the number of men in home-based businesses is growing rapidly.
●● About 7.8 million women-owned businesses in the United States provide almost
7.6 million jobs and generate $1.2 trillion in sales.
●● Women-owned businesses in the United States have proven that they are more successful;
more than 40 percent have been in business for 12 years or more.
●● Women-owned businesses are financially sound and credit-worthy, and their risk
of failure is lower than average.
●● Compared to other working women, self-employed women are older, better educated,
and have more managerial experience.
●● Just over one-half of small businesses are home based, and 91 percent have no employees.
About 60 percent of home-based businesses are in service industries, 16 percent
in construction, 14 percent in retail trade, and the rest in manufacturing, finance,
transportation, communications, wholesaling, and other industries.7
People in all age groups become entrepreneurs, but more than
70 percent are between 24 and 44 years of age.

Teenagers as Small-Business Owners
High-tech teen entrepreneurship is definitely exploding. “There’s not a period in history
where we’ve seen such a plethora of young entrepreneurs,” comments Nancy F. Koehn,
associate professor of business administration at Harvard Business School. Still, teen
entrepreneurs face unique pressures in juggling their schoolwork, their social life, and
their high-tech workload. Some ultimately quit school, whereas others quit or cut back
on their business activities. Consider Brian Hendricks at Winston Churchill High School
in Potomac, Maryland. He is the founder of StartUpPc and VB Solutions, Inc. StartUpPc,
founded in 2001, sells custom-built computers and computer services for home users,
home offices, small businesses, and students. Brian’s services include design, installation
of systems, training, networking, and on-site technical support. In October 2002, Brian
founded VB Solutions, Inc., which develops and customizes Web
sites and message boards. The firm sets up advertising contracts and
counsels Web site owners on site improvements. The company has
designed corporate ID kits, logos, and Web sites for clients from
all over the world. Brian learned at a very young age that working
for yourself is one of the best jobs available. According to Brian, a
young entrepreneur must possess “the five P’s of entrepreneurship”—
planning, persistence, patience, people, and profit. Brian knows what
it takes to be a successful entrepreneur. His accolades include Junior
Achievement’s “National Youth Entrepreneur of the Year” and SBA’s
2005 “Young Entrepreneur of the Year” awards.8
In some people, the motivation to start a business develops
slowly as they gain the knowledge and ability required for success
as a business owner. Knowledge and ability—
especially, management
ability—are probably the most important factors involved. A
new firm is very much built around the entrepreneur. The owner
must be able to manage the firm’s finances, its personnel (if there
are any employees), and its day-to-day operations. He or she must
handle sales, advertising, purchasing, pricing, and a variety of other
business functions. The knowledge and ability to do so are acquired
most often through experience working for other firms in the same
area of business.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
• a willingness to find and accept a challenge;• family background (in particular, researchers think that people whose familieshave been in business, successfully or not, are most apt to start and run their ownbusinesses); and• age (those who start their own businesses also tend to cluster around certainages—more than 70 percent are between 24 and 44 years of age; see Figure 5.1).MotivationThere must be some motivation to start a business. A person may decide that he or shesimply has “had enough” of working and earning a profit for someone else. Another maylose his or her job for some reason and decide to start the business he or she has alwayswanted rather than to seek another job. Still another person may have an idea for a newproduct or a new way to sell an existing product. Or the opportunity to go into businessmay arise suddenly, perhaps as a result of a hobby. For example, Cheryl Strand startedbaking and decorating cakes from her home while working full time as a word processorat Clemson University. Her cakes became so popular that she soon found herself workingthrough her lunch breaks and late into the night to meet customer demand.Women as Small-Business OwnersAccording to the latest 2012 data available from the Small Business Administration:●● Women are 51 percent of the U.S. population, and according to the SBA, theyowned at least 50 percent of all small businesses in 2008.●● Women already own 66 percent of the home-based businesses in this country, andthe number of men in home-based businesses is growing rapidly.●● About 7.8 million women-owned businesses in the United States provide almost7.6 million jobs and generate $1.2 trillion in sales.●● Women-owned businesses in the United States have proven that they are more successful;more than 40 percent have been in business for 12 years or more.●● Women-owned businesses are financially sound and credit-worthy, and their riskof failure is lower than average.●● Compared to other working women, self-employed women are older, better educated,and have more managerial experience.●● Just over one-half of small businesses are home based, and 91 percent have no employees.About 60 percent of home-based businesses are in service industries, 16 percentin construction, 14 percent in retail trade, and the rest in manufacturing, finance,transportation, communications, wholesaling, and other industries.7People in all age groups become entrepreneurs, but more than70 percent are between 24 and 44 years of age.138Teenagers as Small-Business OwnersHigh-tech teen entrepreneurship is definitely exploding. “There’s not a period in historywhere we’ve seen such a plethora of young entrepreneurs,” comments Nancy F. Koehn,associate professor of business administration at Harvard Business School. Still, teenentrepreneurs face unique pressures in juggling their schoolwork, their social life, andtheir high-tech workload. Some ultimately quit school, whereas others quit or cut backon their business activities. Consider Brian Hendricks at Winston Churchill High Schoolin Potomac, Maryland. He is the founder of StartUpPc and VB Solutions, Inc. StartUpPc,founded in 2001, sells custom-built computers and computer services for home users,home offices, small businesses, and students. Brian’s services include design, installationof systems, training, networking, and on-site technical support. In October 2002, Brianfounded VB Solutions, Inc., which develops and customizes Websites and message boards. The firm sets up advertising contracts andcounsels Web site owners on site improvements. The company hasdesigned corporate ID kits, logos, and Web sites for clients fromall over the world. Brian learned at a very young age that workingfor yourself is one of the best jobs available. According to Brian, ayoung entrepreneur must possess “the five P’s of entrepreneurship”—planning, persistence, patience, people, and profit. Brian knows whatit takes to be a successful entrepreneur. His accolades include JuniorAchievement’s “National Youth Entrepreneur of the Year” and SBA’s2005 “Young Entrepreneur of the Year” awards.8In some people, the motivation to start a business developsslowly as they gain the knowledge and ability required for successas a business owner. Knowledge and ability—especially, managementability—are probably the most important factors involved. Anew firm is very much built around the entrepreneur. The ownermust be able to manage the firm’s finances, its personnel (if thereare any employees), and its day-to-day operations. He or she musthandle sales, advertising, purchasing, pricing, and a variety of otherbusiness functions. The knowledge and ability to do so are acquiredmost often through experience working for other firms in the samearea of business.139
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
• kemauan untuk mencari dan menerima tantangan;
• latar belakang keluarga (khususnya, peneliti berpikir bahwa orang yang keluarganya
telah berada di bisnis, berhasil atau tidak, yang paling tepat untuk memulai dan menjalankan sendiri
usaha); dan
• usia (orang-orang yang memulai bisnis mereka sendiri juga cenderung mengelompok di sekitar tertentu
usia-lebih dari 70 persen adalah antara 24 dan 44 tahun; lihat Gambar 5.1).
Harus ada beberapa motivasi untuk memulai usaha. Seseorang dapat memutuskan bahwa ia
hanya telah "memiliki cukup" bekerja dan mendapatkan keuntungan untuk orang lain. Lain mungkin
kehilangan pekerjaan nya untuk beberapa alasan dan memutuskan untuk memulai bisnis dia selalu
ingin bukan untuk mencari pekerjaan lain. Masih orang lain mungkin memiliki ide untuk baru
produk atau cara baru untuk menjual produk yang sudah ada. Atau kesempatan untuk masuk ke bisnis
mungkin timbul secara tiba-tiba, mungkin sebagai hasil dari hobi. Misalnya, Cheryl Strand mulai
memanggang dan menghias kue dari rumahnya saat bekerja penuh waktu sebagai pengolah kata
di Clemson University. Kue nya menjadi sangat populer sehingga ia segera menemukan dirinya bekerja
melalui istirahat makan siang dan larut malam untuk memenuhi permintaan pelanggan.
Perempuan sebagai Pemilik Kecil-Bisnis
Menurut data terbaru 2012 yang tersedia dari Small Business Administration:
●● Wanita 51 persen dari penduduk AS, dan menurut SBA, mereka
dimiliki setidaknya 50 persen dari semua usaha kecil pada tahun 2008.
●● Perempuan yang sudah memiliki 66 persen dari bisnis rumahan di negara ini, dan
jumlah laki-laki di rumah berbasis bisnis ini berkembang pesat.
●● Tentang 7,8 juta bisnis yang dimiliki perempuan di Amerika Serikat menyediakan hampir
7,6 juta pekerjaan dan menghasilkan $ 1,2 triliun pada penjualan.
●● Perempuan milik bisnis di Amerika Serikat telah membuktikan bahwa mereka lebih sukses;
lebih dari 40 persen telah berada di bisnis selama 12 tahun atau lebih.
●● bisnis Perempuan dimiliki secara finansial suara dan kredit-layak, dan risiko
kegagalan lebih rendah dari rata-rata.
●● Dibandingkan dengan perempuan yang bekerja lainnya, wanita wiraswasta lebih tua , lebih berpendidikan,
dan memiliki pengalaman lebih manajerial.
●● Hanya lebih satu setengah dari usaha kecil berbasis rumah, dan 91 persen tidak memiliki karyawan.
Sekitar 60 persen dari bisnis rumahan dalam industri jasa, 16 persen
dalam konstruksi, 14 persen dalam perdagangan ritel, dan sisanya di manufaktur, keuangan,
transportasi, komunikasi, grosir, dan industries.7 lainnya
Orang-orang di semua kelompok umur menjadi pengusaha, tapi lebih dari
70 persen adalah antara 24 dan 44 tahun.
138 Remaja sebagai Kecil Pemilik -Bisnis berteknologi tinggi kewirausahaan remaja pasti meledak. "Tidak ada waktu dalam sejarah di mana kita telah melihat sejumlah seperti pengusaha muda," komentar Nancy F. Koehn, profesor administrasi bisnis di Harvard Business School. Namun, remaja pengusaha menghadapi tekanan yang unik di menyulap sekolah mereka, kehidupan sosial mereka, dan beban kerja tinggi mereka. Beberapa akhirnya berhenti sekolah, sedangkan yang lain berhenti atau mengurangi kegiatan bisnis mereka. Pertimbangkan Brian Hendricks di Winston Churchill SMA di Potomac, Maryland. Dia adalah pendiri StartUpPc dan VB Solutions, Inc. StartUpPc, didirikan pada tahun 2001, menjual komputer yang dibangun dan jasa komputer untuk pengguna rumahan, kantor rumah, usaha kecil, dan mahasiswa. Jasa Brian meliputi desain, instalasi sistem, pelatihan, jaringan, dan dukungan teknis di tempat. Pada bulan Oktober 2002, Brian didirikan VB Solutions, Inc., yang mengembangkan dan mengkustomisasi Web situs dan papan pesan. Perusahaan set up kontrak iklan dan nasihat pemilik situs web pada perbaikan situs. Perusahaan ini telah dirancang ID perusahaan kit, logo, dan situs Web untuk klien dari seluruh dunia. Brian belajar pada usia yang sangat muda yang bekerja untuk diri sendiri adalah salah satu pekerjaan terbaik yang tersedia. Menurut Brian, seorang pengusaha muda harus memiliki "lima P kewirausahaan" - perencanaan, ketekunan, kesabaran, orang, dan keuntungan. Brian tahu apa yang diperlukan untuk menjadi seorang pengusaha sukses. Penghargaan-Nya meliputi SMP "Pengusaha Pemuda Nasional Tahun" Prestasi dan SBA 2005 "Pengusaha Muda of the Year" awards.8 Pada beberapa orang, motivasi untuk memulai bisnis berkembang perlahan-lahan karena mereka mendapatkan pengetahuan dan kemampuan yang diperlukan untuk sukses sebagai pemilik bisnis. Pengetahuan dan kemampuan-terutama, manajemen kemampuan-mungkin merupakan faktor yang paling penting yang terlibat. Sebuah perusahaan baru yang sangat banyak dibangun di sekitar pengusaha. Pemilik harus mampu mengelola keuangan perusahaan, personil (jika ada yang salah karyawan), dan yang operasi sehari-hari. Ia harus menangani penjualan, periklanan, pembelian, harga, dan berbagai lain fungsi bisnis. Pengetahuan dan kemampuan untuk melakukannya diperoleh paling sering melalui pengalaman bekerja untuk perusahaan lain di sama bidang bisnis. 139

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Bahasa lainnya
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