our simplest individual acts to the work of grea, corporations which c terjemahan - our simplest individual acts to the work of grea, corporations which c Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

our simplest individual acts to the

our simplest individual acts to the work of grea, corporations which call for the most elaborate cooperation. A prime goal in scientific management was the substitution of science for rule-of-thumb approaches to problem solving. Taylor's efforts were fo-cused on relatii/ely simple tasks, as indicated by the "science of shoveling" and the "pig-iron-handling experiment." Fie concen-trated on the operating level and the physical-physiological aspects of the job. The term scientific in the phrase scientific management is justified primarily in terms of the approach used in problem solv.- ing. The scientific method was employed to provide a logical, systematic, thorough analysis of shop-level problems. Efforts to-ward increased efficiency which would result in both increased profits and higher wages fostered the development of specific procedures within individual companies. In some cases, the find-ings could be generalized to similar operations. However, Taylor himself emphasized the fact that each situation must be analyzed separately in order to ensure success. He continually stressed that the findings in any specific study were only narrowly applicable and that the important factor was the approach used, the scientific method. He was convinced that the greatest problem involved in the change to scientific management was the need for a complete revolution in the mental attitudes and habits of all those engaged in management. He called attention to the interrelationship of the following four points: 1. Science, not rule of thumb 2. Harmony, not discord 3. Cooperation, not individualism 4. Maximum output, in place of restricted output; the de-velopment of each man to his greatest efficiency and prosperity' Out of the early beginnings of scientific management a num-ber of tools of analysis and groups of practitioners have developed. The field of industrial engineering stemmed from the early sci-entific management movement. The field of statistical quality control has grown substantially over the past decades. As the problems have become more complex, additional techniques have been developed. In many cases they represent fairly straightfor-ward approaches which can be related directly to the scientific method. However, other more sophisticated techniques (fostered by the development of electronic computers) have evolved, almost
"Ibid., pp. 36-37.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
our simplest individual acts to the work of grea, corporations which call for the most elaborate cooperation. A prime goal in scientific management was the substitution of science for rule-of-thumb approaches to problem solving. Taylor's efforts were fo-cused on relatii/ely simple tasks, as indicated by the "science of shoveling" and the "pig-iron-handling experiment." Fie concen-trated on the operating level and the physical-physiological aspects of the job. The term scientific in the phrase scientific management is justified primarily in terms of the approach used in problem solv.- ing. The scientific method was employed to provide a logical, systematic, thorough analysis of shop-level problems. Efforts to-ward increased efficiency which would result in both increased profits and higher wages fostered the development of specific procedures within individual companies. In some cases, the find-ings could be generalized to similar operations. However, Taylor himself emphasized the fact that each situation must be analyzed separately in order to ensure success. He continually stressed that the findings in any specific study were only narrowly applicable and that the important factor was the approach used, the scientific method. He was convinced that the greatest problem involved in the change to scientific management was the need for a complete revolution in the mental attitudes and habits of all those engaged in management. He called attention to the interrelationship of the following four points: 1. Science, not rule of thumb 2. Harmony, not discord 3. Cooperation, not individualism 4. Maximum output, in place of restricted output; the de-velopment of each man to his greatest efficiency and prosperity' Out of the early beginnings of scientific management a num-ber of tools of analysis and groups of practitioners have developed. The field of industrial engineering stemmed from the early sci-entific management movement. The field of statistical quality control has grown substantially over the past decades. As the problems have become more complex, additional techniques have been developed. In many cases they represent fairly straightfor-ward approaches which can be related directly to the scientific method. However, other more sophisticated techniques (fostered by the development of electronic computers) have evolved, almost "Ibid., pp. 36-37.c
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