Weaning is one of the most stressful events a pigencounters in commerc terjemahan - Weaning is one of the most stressful events a pigencounters in commerc Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Weaning is one of the most stressfu

Weaning is one of the most stressful events a pig
encounters in commercial swine production (Whittemore and Green 2006). The influence of weaning stressors
is often required to initiate the development of
enteric diseases, suggesting that stress plays a critical
role in disease susceptibility (Melin et al. 2004). One
reported deleterious effect of weaning is the breakdown
of intestinal barrier function (Boudry et al. 2004),
which is characterized by increased intestinal permeability,
that allows antigenic agents (e.g., bacteria,
toxins) to “leak” across the epithelium and gain access
to subepithelial tissues, resulting in inflammation,
malabsorption, diarrhoea, and potentially systemic disease
(Berkes et al. 2003). Breaches in intestinal barrier
function have shown to be a pathophysiological event
in several postweaning swine enteric diseases (Kyriakis
1989, Nabuurs et al. 2001).

The term probiotics has been defined as live microbial
cell preparations or microbial cell components
feed supplements, which beneficially affect the host
animal by improving its intestinal balance (Fuller 1992,
Salminen et al. 1999). Administration of probiotics to
re-establish the ideal relationship between beneficial
and pathogenic microorganisms is preferred during
periods of stress whereas this balance can be altered
(Fox 1988). Probiotics act as growth promoters for use
after weaning to slaughter, nutritional bioregulators
competing with harmful gut flora, stimulators of immune
system of the animal (Fuller 1989) and increase
the body’s resistance to infectious diseases (Tannock
1997, 2001). The use of a probiotic containing Bacillus
cereus var. Toyoi in sows and their litters has positive
effect on the health and performance characteristics
(Taras et al. 2005, Stamati et al. 2006), as well as on
the reduction of incidence and severity of Post Weaning
Diarrhoea Disease (PWDS) (Kyriakis et al. 1999).
Though, the encouraging results of using the
probiotics have not convinced all authors (Bertschinger
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Weaning is one of the most stressful events a pigencounters in commercial swine production (Whittemore and Green 2006). The influence of weaning stressorsis often required to initiate the development ofenteric diseases, suggesting that stress plays a criticalrole in disease susceptibility (Melin et al. 2004). Onereported deleterious effect of weaning is the breakdownof intestinal barrier function (Boudry et al. 2004),which is characterized by increased intestinal permeability,that allows antigenic agents (e.g., bacteria,toxins) to “leak” across the epithelium and gain accessto subepithelial tissues, resulting in inflammation,malabsorption, diarrhoea, and potentially systemic disease(Berkes et al. 2003). Breaches in intestinal barrierfunction have shown to be a pathophysiological eventin several postweaning swine enteric diseases (Kyriakis1989, Nabuurs et al. 2001).The term probiotics has been defined as live microbialcell preparations or microbial cell componentsfeed supplements, which beneficially affect the hostanimal by improving its intestinal balance (Fuller 1992,Salminen et al. 1999). Administration of probiotics tore-establish the ideal relationship between beneficialand pathogenic microorganisms is preferred duringperiods of stress whereas this balance can be altered(Fox 1988). Probiotics act as growth promoters for useafter weaning to slaughter, nutritional bioregulatorscompeting with harmful gut flora, stimulators of immunesystem of the animal (Fuller 1989) and increasethe body’s resistance to infectious diseases (Tannock1997, 2001). The use of a probiotic containing Bacilluscereus var. Toyoi in sows and their litters has positiveeffect on the health and performance characteristics(Taras et al. 2005, Stamati et al. 2006), as well as onthe reduction of incidence and severity of Post WeaningDiarrhoea Disease (PWDS) (Kyriakis et al. 1999).Though, the encouraging results of using theprobiotics have not convinced all authors (Bertschinger1999).
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Menyapih adalah salah satu peristiwa yang paling stres babi
bertemu dalam produksi babi komersial (Whittemore dan Green 2006). Pengaruh penyapihan stres
seringkali diperlukan untuk memulai perkembangan
penyakit enterik, menunjukkan stres yang memainkan penting
peran dalam kerentanan penyakit (Melin et al. 2004). Satu
melaporkan efek merusak dari penyapihan adalah rincian
dari fungsi barrier usus (Boudry et al. 2004),
yang ditandai dengan peningkatan permeabilitas usus,
yang memungkinkan agen antigenik (misalnya, bakteri,
racun) untuk "kebocoran" di epitel dan mendapatkan akses
untuk subepitel jaringan, mengakibatkan peradangan,
malabsorpsi, diare, dan penyakit yang berpotensi sistemik
(Berkes et al. 2003). Pelanggaran di penghalang usus
fungsi telah terbukti menjadi acara patofisiologi
dalam beberapa penyakit enterik postweaning babi (Kyriakis
1989, Nabuurs et al. 2001). The probiotik jangka telah didefinisikan sebagai hidup mikroba persiapan sel atau komponen sel mikroba pakan suplemen, yang menguntungkan mempengaruhi host hewan dengan meningkatkan keseimbangan usus nya (Fuller 1992, Salminen et al. 1999). Administrasi probiotik untuk membangun kembali hubungan yang ideal antara menguntungkan mikroorganisme patogen dan lebih disukai selama periode stres sedangkan keseimbangan ini bisa diubah (Fox 1988). Probiotik bertindak sebagai promotor pertumbuhan untuk digunakan setelah penyapihan untuk membantai, bioregulators gizi bersaing dengan flora usus yang berbahaya, stimulator kekebalan sistem hewan (Fuller 1989) dan meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh terhadap penyakit menular (Tannock 1997, 2001). Penggunaan probiotik yang mengandung Bacillus cereus var. Toyoi di induk babi dan tandu mereka memiliki positif efek pada kesehatan dan kinerja karakteristik (Taras et al. 2005, Stamati et al. 2006), serta pada pengurangan kejadian dan keparahan Pos Menyapih Penyakit Diare (penyandang cacat) (Kyriakis et al. 1999). Padahal, hasil menggembirakan dari menggunakan probiotik belum yakin semua penulis (Bertschinger 1999).

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