next to the quran itself, the most important literary material is hadi terjemahan - next to the quran itself, the most important literary material is hadi Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

next to the quran itself, the most

next to the quran itself, the most important literary material is hadits or sayings attributed to the prophet Muhammad and his immediate companion. in fact, the hadits has had as much influence as the quran in shaping the muslim spirit and religious consciousness.
the collection of hadith material is massive. unlike the quran, some of it is considered spurious by muslim scholars. even among selection accepted by earlier scholar, there are money which are nowadays rejected by modern muslim critics. however, some muslim groups accept items in the collection that are unacceptable to others. hence, no absolute canon of hadits has ever been established.
the research into the authenticity of hadits material resulted in a system of classification. it comprises three main categories: genuine or sound, good, and weak. a hadits came to be accepted as genuine in terms of its source a chain of narrators dating back without a break to the prophet or to a companion of the prophet. a good hadits is reserved for items with a chain of narrators, although complete, include one weak link. a weak hadist has item attributed to the collections that are weak: demonstrably false, spurious or forged.

in islamic tradition, hadits literature represents a monumental treasury of wisdom. it is at once a commentary on the quran and a complement to its teaching. in the literature of the hadits, one finds the earliest biography of the prophet Muhammad, an account of the founding of the community, a portrait of Muhammad as the founder and legislator of the community, and of Muhammad as the model and guide for muslims. in addition, the collections in the hadits deal with every problem related to social, political, economic, and domestic life. they also deal with esoteric questions probling cosmology, metaphysic and eschatology.
The hadits is vital directing the daily life of millions of Muslims. For over fourteen hundred years Muslims have modeled their life after their prophet Muhammad. They awaken every morning as he awakened; they ate as he ate; they wash as he washed; and they behave even in the minutest acts of daily life as he behaved. The presence of the prophet is felt in a tangible way, as much through the hadits as through the quran.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
di samping Alquran itu sendiri, bahan sastra yang paling penting adalah hadits tersebut atau perkataan-perkataan yang dikaitkan dengan Nabi Muhammad dan rekannya langsung. pada kenyataannya, hadits tersebut telah memiliki pengaruh sebanyak sebagai Al-Qur'an dalam membentuk muslim semangat dan kesadaran agama.koleksi bahan Hadis besar. tidak seperti Alquran, beberapa di antaranya dianggap palsu oleh para cendekiawan muslim. bahkan di antara pilihan yang diterima oleh sarjana sebelumnya, ada uang yang saat ini ditolak oleh kritikus muslim modern. Namun, beberapa kelompok muslim menerima item dalam koleksi yang tidak diterima oleh orang lain. oleh karena itu, canon tidak mutlak dari hadits tersebut pernah telah didirikan.penelitian ke keaslian bahan hadits tersebut menghasilkan sebuah sistem klasifikasi. ini terdiri dari tiga kategori utama: asli atau suara, baik, dan lemah. hadits tersebut datang untuk diterima sebagai asli dalam hal sumber rantai perawi dating kembali tanpa istirahat untuk Nabi atau seorang sahabat Nabi. hadits tersebut baik disediakan untuk item dengan rantai perawi, meskipun lengkap, termasuk satu link yang lemah. hadist lemah memiliki item dikaitkan dengan koleksi yang lemah: terbukti palsu, palsu atau islamic tradition, hadits literature represents a monumental treasury of wisdom. it is at once a commentary on the quran and a complement to its teaching. in the literature of the hadits, one finds the earliest biography of the prophet Muhammad, an account of the founding of the community, a portrait of Muhammad as the founder and legislator of the community, and of Muhammad as the model and guide for muslims. in addition, the collections in the hadits deal with every problem related to social, political, economic, and domestic life. they also deal with esoteric questions probling cosmology, metaphysic and eschatology.The hadits is vital directing the daily life of millions of Muslims. For over fourteen hundred years Muslims have modeled their life after their prophet Muhammad. They awaken every morning as he awakened; they ate as he ate; they wash as he washed; and they behave even in the minutest acts of daily life as he behaved. The presence of the prophet is felt in a tangible way, as much through the hadits as through the quran.
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