Study the two groups (I & II) of sentences below.i. A) the traits appr terjemahan - Study the two groups (I & II) of sentences below.i. A) the traits appr Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Study the two groups (I & II) of se

Study the two groups (I & II) of sentences below.
i. A) the traits approach was found not to be true when tasted by research.
b) this conclusion, if properly substantiented, would mean that....
c) the leader was thought of as a person blessed with certain qualities
these underlined parts are really short forms of passive constructions, thus:
ii. A. The trait approach was found not to be true when it was tested by research.
b. this conclusion, if it were properly substantiated, would mean that....
c. the leader was thought of as a person who was blessed with certain qualities.
Now in the following sentences, if the underlined part is like the sentences in part 1, change it to the same pattern as the sentences in part II. If it is like the sentences in part II change it so that it is like those in part no.I.
1. Workers separated by great distances from the source of authority have difficulty in communicating upwards.
2. Some officials, if not threatened by penalties for failing to improve operations, become lazy.
3. Any information which is passed upward through the hierarchy, goes through a filtering process at each level.
4. The trait approach to leadership which was once accepted by many acholars is now no longer in favour.
5. The trait approach when investigated by one scholar was found not to be true.
6. A leader, if properly selected, will be able to lead in a new situation with new demands.
7. These statements when they are carefully considered, reveal both the nature and the importance of leadership.
Below are a lists of words.
In the passage below the lists put in the passage a word from the list whose number apears in the space.
1. Conclusion
2. Effect
3. Suitability
4. Influence
5. Characteristic
6. Identification
7. Selection
8. Distinction
1. Conclude
2. Effect
3. Suit

4. Influence

5. Characterize

6. Identify

7. Select

8. Distinguish

1. Conclusive
2. Effective
3. Suitable
4. Influential
5. Characteristic
6. Identifiable
7. Selective
8. Distinctive

Not very long ago it was thought that there were certain personality traits that... 5... leaders. The exact list of these... 5... were not known but it was ...1... that they were inherited. This idea was quite ...4... among scholars at that time. Its ...4..., however, became much less after a certain scholar carried out research to try to...6... these personality traits from various studies that had been done on the subject. His research was quaite...1...
He found that there was, in fact, no complete list of...6.. traits that was common to all leaders. As far as personality traits were concerned there seemed to be no ..8.. between leaders and non-leaders. The ...2... of this research was to weaken the ...4.. of the trait approach to leadership. Most social scientis today have ...1... that certain personality traits are possesed equally by both leaders and non-leaders. They now believe that a leader is a person whose personality ...3... a certain situation and function and that in his ...7... these things must have an ...4... therefore, when the function the leader has to perform and the situation in which he has to perform itbhad been ...6... then a person can be ...7.... who has those ...8... traits that will enable him to be an ...2... leader in these circumstances.

Below are 7 sentences. They are written in a mixed order. Rearrange them in logical order so that they form a small a paragraph.
1. As a result, the trait approach to leadership is today no larger widely accepted.
2. The main point of this summary is that different functions of leadership and different situation require different characteristics in a leader.
3. When tested by research, however, this approach was found not to be true.
4. On the contrary, it showed that personality traits thought to be necessary for leaders were possessed equally by non-leaders.
5. In its place most social scientists today accept the ideas about leadership as summarized cartwright and zamder.
6. This research showed that there was really no list of personality trait that was common to all leaders.
7. Not very long ago the trait approach to leadership was accepted by many scholars.
Hal 20.
The situational approach to leadership
Most writers now support the situational approach to leadership although, in fact , it is not new, in the late 1920’s mary parker follett drew attention to the appearance in american life of ‘ leadership by function’. She noted that in organizations that were scientifically managed three types of leadership could be distinguished: the leadership of position, of personality, and of function. The first two were not new; they represented the accepted opinions that gave him formal authority over others could make himself a leader. If he had a forceful personality he could do this more easily. This kind of person combined the leadership of position with that of personality.

Something was absent, however, in these accepted opinions. They did not take into account the possibility that some persons, especially in modern specialized organizations, exercised leadership because of their expert knowledge. The organization depended on them to give technical advice to their superiors. In many situations these experts actually did the ‘leading’ because they influenced others by their judgements. Miss follett said that we have expert giving what are in fact orders to those of higher rank. The stores clerk will tell the man in charge of buying when to buy. The leadership of function is inherent in the job and is respected by the president of the organization. She said that the man who has the knowledge which the situation demands, tends in the best-managed organizations to become the leader at that moment.

There is a difference between formal authority and power. Formal authority is the basis of leadership of position. Sometimes a person who holds a position of formal authority cannot persuade others to accept his ideas. This is because he does not possess the knowledge demanded by the situation. However, all power is not in the hands of a few people at the top of an organization. Subordinates often exercise power because they ‘know best’ about a particular operation. Specialination has, in fact, spread decision making out throughout modernorganizations. The real leaders are the ‘experts on complexity ‘or, particular situation.

Miss follett did not consider that leadership of function and leadership of personality could not be combined in the same person. She did not deny that personality played a big role in ledership. She did belive, however, that the leadership of function was becoming more important that the leadership of personality. She felt that for an organization to be successful it tought to be ‘ sufficiently flexible to allow the leadership of function to operate fully – to allow the man with the knowledge and technique to control the situation.
1. The situational approach to leadership is quite new.
2. Leadership of personality and leadership of function were both new ideas.
3. It is easier for a person with formal authority over others to be a leader.
4. Experts in modern specialized organizations often exercise leadership.
5. In an organization, superiors sometimes have to do what a subordinate tells them.
6. The man who has the knowledge that the situation demands will become the leader of the organization.
7. A person with formal authority sometimes cannot lead because he does not have the knowledge demanded by the situation demanded.
8. The best type of leader at any moment would be a person who had formal authority and also had the knowledge that the situation demanded.
9. The phrase experts in commplexity means those who have formal authority.
10. It is possible for the same person to exercise the leadership of function and of personality.
11. Leadership of function should not be allowed to operate too much in an orgaization.
12. According to this passage the leadership of an organization cannot be completely in the hands of one man if it is to be sucessful.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Study the two groups (I & II) of sentences below.
i. A) the traits approach was found not to be true when tasted by research.
b) this conclusion, if properly substantiented, would mean that....
c) the leader was thought of as a person blessed with certain qualities
these underlined parts are really short forms of passive constructions, thus:
ii. A. The trait approach was found not to be true when it was tested by research.
b. this conclusion, if it were properly substantiated, would mean that....
c. the leader was thought of as a person who was blessed with certain qualities.
Now in the following sentences, if the underlined part is like the sentences in part 1, change it to the same pattern as the sentences in part II. If it is like the sentences in part II change it so that it is like those in part no.I.
1. Workers separated by great distances from the source of authority have difficulty in communicating upwards.
2. Some officials, if not threatened by penalties for failing to improve operations, become lazy.
3. Any information which is passed upward through the hierarchy, goes through a filtering process at each level.
4. The trait approach to leadership which was once accepted by many acholars is now no longer in favour.
5. The trait approach when investigated by one scholar was found not to be true.
6. A leader, if properly selected, will be able to lead in a new situation with new demands.
7. These statements when they are carefully considered, reveal both the nature and the importance of leadership.
Below are a lists of words.
In the passage below the lists put in the passage a word from the list whose number apears in the space.
1. Conclusion
2. Effect
3. Suitability
4. Influence
5. Characteristic
6. Identification
7. Selection
8. Distinction
1. Conclude
2. Effect
3. Suit

4. Influence

5. Characterize

6. Identify

7. Select

8. Distinguish

1. Conclusive
2. Effective
3. Suitable
4. Influential
5. Characteristic
6. Identifiable
7. Selective
8. Distinctive

Not very long ago it was thought that there were certain personality traits that... 5... leaders. The exact list of these... 5... were not known but it was ...1... that they were inherited. This idea was quite ...4... among scholars at that time. Its ...4..., however, became much less after a certain scholar carried out research to try to...6... these personality traits from various studies that had been done on the subject. His research was quaite...1...
He found that there was, in fact, no complete list of...6.. traits that was common to all leaders. As far as personality traits were concerned there seemed to be no ..8.. between leaders and non-leaders. The ...2... of this research was to weaken the ...4.. of the trait approach to leadership. Most social scientis today have ...1... that certain personality traits are possesed equally by both leaders and non-leaders. They now believe that a leader is a person whose personality ...3... a certain situation and function and that in his ...7... these things must have an ...4... therefore, when the function the leader has to perform and the situation in which he has to perform itbhad been ...6... then a person can be ...7.... who has those ...8... traits that will enable him to be an ...2... leader in these circumstances.

Below are 7 sentences. They are written in a mixed order. Rearrange them in logical order so that they form a small a paragraph.
1. As a result, the trait approach to leadership is today no larger widely accepted.
2. The main point of this summary is that different functions of leadership and different situation require different characteristics in a leader.
3. When tested by research, however, this approach was found not to be true.
4. On the contrary, it showed that personality traits thought to be necessary for leaders were possessed equally by non-leaders.
5. In its place most social scientists today accept the ideas about leadership as summarized cartwright and zamder.
6. This research showed that there was really no list of personality trait that was common to all leaders.
7. Not very long ago the trait approach to leadership was accepted by many scholars.
Hal 20.
The situational approach to leadership
Most writers now support the situational approach to leadership although, in fact , it is not new, in the late 1920’s mary parker follett drew attention to the appearance in american life of ‘ leadership by function’. She noted that in organizations that were scientifically managed three types of leadership could be distinguished: the leadership of position, of personality, and of function. The first two were not new; they represented the accepted opinions that gave him formal authority over others could make himself a leader. If he had a forceful personality he could do this more easily. This kind of person combined the leadership of position with that of personality.

Something was absent, however, in these accepted opinions. They did not take into account the possibility that some persons, especially in modern specialized organizations, exercised leadership because of their expert knowledge. The organization depended on them to give technical advice to their superiors. In many situations these experts actually did the ‘leading’ because they influenced others by their judgements. Miss follett said that we have expert giving what are in fact orders to those of higher rank. The stores clerk will tell the man in charge of buying when to buy. The leadership of function is inherent in the job and is respected by the president of the organization. She said that the man who has the knowledge which the situation demands, tends in the best-managed organizations to become the leader at that moment.

There is a difference between formal authority and power. Formal authority is the basis of leadership of position. Sometimes a person who holds a position of formal authority cannot persuade others to accept his ideas. This is because he does not possess the knowledge demanded by the situation. However, all power is not in the hands of a few people at the top of an organization. Subordinates often exercise power because they ‘know best’ about a particular operation. Specialination has, in fact, spread decision making out throughout modernorganizations. The real leaders are the ‘experts on complexity ‘or, particular situation.

Miss follett did not consider that leadership of function and leadership of personality could not be combined in the same person. She did not deny that personality played a big role in ledership. She did belive, however, that the leadership of function was becoming more important that the leadership of personality. She felt that for an organization to be successful it tought to be ‘ sufficiently flexible to allow the leadership of function to operate fully – to allow the man with the knowledge and technique to control the situation.
1. The situational approach to leadership is quite new.
2. Leadership of personality and leadership of function were both new ideas.
3. It is easier for a person with formal authority over others to be a leader.
4. Experts in modern specialized organizations often exercise leadership.
5. In an organization, superiors sometimes have to do what a subordinate tells them.
6. The man who has the knowledge that the situation demands will become the leader of the organization.
7. A person with formal authority sometimes cannot lead because he does not have the knowledge demanded by the situation demanded.
8. The best type of leader at any moment would be a person who had formal authority and also had the knowledge that the situation demanded.
9. The phrase experts in commplexity means those who have formal authority.
10. It is possible for the same person to exercise the leadership of function and of personality.
11. Leadership of function should not be allowed to operate too much in an orgaization.
12. According to this passage the leadership of an organization cannot be completely in the hands of one man if it is to be sucessful.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Jenjang kedua kelompok (I & II) dari kalimat di bawah ini.
i. A) pendekatan sifat ditemukan tidak benar bila terasa oleh penelitian.
b) kesimpulan ini, jika substantiented benar, berarti ....
c) pemimpin itu dianggap sebagai orang yang diberkati dengan kualitas tertentu
bagian-bagian digarisbawahi adalah benar-benar bentuk pendek dari konstruksi pasif, demikian:
ii. A. Pendekatan sifat ditemukan tidak benar ketika diuji oleh penelitian.
b. kesimpulan ini, jika itu dibuktikan benar, berarti ....
c. pemimpin itu dianggap sebagai orang yang diberkati dengan kualitas tertentu.
Sekarang dalam kalimat berikut, jika bagian yang digarisbawahi adalah seperti kalimat di bagian 1, mengubahnya dengan pola yang sama dengan kalimat di bagian II. Jika seperti kalimat dalam perubahan bagian II sehingga seperti yang ada di bagian no.I.
1. Pekerja dipisahkan oleh jarak yang jauh dari sumber otoritas mengalami kesulitan dalam berkomunikasi ke atas.
2. Beberapa pejabat, jika tidak terancam oleh hukuman karena gagal untuk meningkatkan operasional, menjadi malas.
3. Setiap informasi yang dilewatkan ke atas melalui hirarki, berjalan melalui proses penyaringan di setiap tingkat.
4. Pendekatan sifat kepemimpinan yang pernah diterima oleh banyak acholars sekarang tidak lagi mendukung.
5. Pendekatan sifat ketika diselidiki oleh salah seorang sarjana ditemukan tidak benar.
6. Seorang pemimpin, jika dipilih dengan benar, akan dapat memimpin dalam situasi baru dengan tuntutan baru.
7. Pernyataan-pernyataan ini ketika mereka seksama, mengungkapkan kedua sifat dan pentingnya kepemimpinan.
Berikut adalah daftar kata-kata.
Dalam bagian bawah daftar dimasukkan ke dalam bagian itu kata dari daftar yang jumlahnya apears dalam ruang.
1. Kesimpulan
2. Effect
3. Kesesuaian
4. Pengaruh
5. Karakteristik
6. Identifikasi
7. Seleksi
8. Perbedaan
1. Menyimpulkan
2. Effect
3. Jas 4. Pengaruh 5. Karakterisasi 6. Identifikasi 7. Pilih 8. Membedakan kata sifat 1. Meyakinkan 2. Efektif 3. Cocok 4. Berpengaruh 5. Karakteristik 6. Diidentifikasi 7. Selektif 8. Distinctive Belum lama berselang ia berpikir bahwa ada ciri-ciri kepribadian tertentu yang ... 5 ... pemimpin. Letak dari ini ... 5 ... tidak diketahui tapi itu ... 1 ... bahwa mereka mewarisi. Ide ini cukup ... 4 ... di antara para sarjana pada waktu itu. Its ... 4 ..., bagaimanapun, menjadi jauh lebih sedikit setelah seorang sarjana tertentu melakukan penelitian untuk mencoba ... 6 ... sifat-sifat kepribadian dari berbagai penelitian yang telah dilakukan pada subjek. Penelitiannya adalah quaite ... 1 ... Dia menemukan bahwa ada, pada kenyataannya, tidak ada daftar lengkap ... 6 .. ciri-ciri yang umum untuk semua pemimpin. Sejauh ciri-ciri kepribadian yang bersangkutan tampaknya ada ada ..8 .. antara pemimpin dan non-pemimpin. The ... 2 ... dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melemahkan ... 4 .. dari pendekatan sifat kepemimpinan. Kebanyakan scientis sosial saat ini memiliki ... 1 ... bahwa ciri-ciri kepribadian tertentu possesed sama oleh kedua pemimpin dan non-pemimpin. Mereka sekarang percaya bahwa seorang pemimpin adalah orang yang kepribadiannya ... 3 ... situasi tertentu dan fungsi dan dalam bukunya ... 7 ... hal-hal ini harus memiliki ... 4 ... oleh karena itu, ketika berfungsi pemimpin harus melakukan dan situasi di mana ia harus melakukan itbhad pernah ... 6 ... maka seseorang bisa ... 7 .... yang memiliki orang-orang ... 8 ... ciri-ciri yang akan memungkinkan dia untuk menjadi ... 2 ... pemimpin dalam situasi seperti ini. Berikut adalah 7 kalimat. Mereka ditulis dalam urutan campuran. Tata ulang mereka dalam urutan logis sehingga mereka membentuk sebuah paragraf kecil. 1. Akibatnya, pendekatan sifat kepemimpinan saat ini tidak lebih besar diterima secara luas. 2. Titik utama dari ringkasan ini adalah bahwa fungsi yang berbeda dari kepemimpinan dan situasi yang berbeda membutuhkan karakteristik yang berbeda dalam pemimpin. 3. Ketika diuji oleh penelitian, namun, pendekatan ini ditemukan tidak benar. 4. Sebaliknya, itu menunjukkan bahwa ciri-ciri kepribadian dianggap perlu bagi para pemimpin yang dimiliki sama oleh non-pemimpin. 5. Sebagai gantinya para ilmuwan sosial yang paling saat ini menerima ide-ide tentang kepemimpinan seperti yang dirangkum cartwright dan zamder. 6. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada benar-benar ada daftar ciri kepribadian yang umum untuk semua pemimpin. 7. Belum lama berselang pendekatan sifat kepemimpinan diterima oleh banyak ulama. Hal 20. Pendekatan situasional kepemimpinan Kebanyakan penulis sekarang mendukung pendekatan situasional kepemimpinan meskipun, pada kenyataannya, itu tidak baru, pada akhir tahun 1920-an mary Parker Follet menarik memperhatikan penampilan dalam kehidupan Amerika dari 'kepemimpinan dengan fungsi'. Dia mencatat bahwa dalam organisasi yang secara ilmiah dikelola tiga jenis kepemimpinan dapat dibedakan: kepemimpinan posisi, kepribadian, dan fungsi. Dua yang pertama tidak baru; mereka mewakili pendapat diterima yang memberinya kewenangan formal atas orang lain bisa membuat diri seorang pemimpin. Jika dia memiliki kepribadian kuat dia bisa melakukan hal ini lebih mudah. Orang seperti ini gabungan pimpinan posisi dengan kepribadian. Sesuatu tidak hadir, namun, dalam pendapat ini diterima. Mereka tidak memperhitungkan kemungkinan bahwa beberapa orang, terutama dalam organisasi khusus modern, dilakukan kepemimpinan karena pengetahuan ahli mereka. Organisasi bergantung pada mereka untuk memberikan saran teknis kepada atasan mereka. Dalam banyak situasi ahli ini benar-benar melakukan 'terkemuka' karena mereka dipengaruhi oleh orang lain penilaian mereka. Nona Follett mengatakan bahwa kita telah ahli memberikan apa sebenarnya perintah untuk orang-orang yang berpangkat lebih tinggi. Toko petugas akan memberitahu orang yang bertanggung jawab dari pembelian kapan harus membeli. Kepemimpinan fungsi yang melekat dalam pekerjaan dan dihormati oleh presiden organisasi. Dia mengatakan bahwa orang yang memiliki pengetahuan yang menuntut situasi, cenderung dalam organisasi pengelolaan terbaik untuk menjadi pemimpin pada saat itu. Ada perbedaan antara kewenangan dan kekuasaan formal. Kewenangan formal adalah dasar dari kepemimpinan posisi. Kadang-kadang orang yang memegang posisi otoritas formal tidak dapat membujuk orang lain untuk menerima ide-idenya. Hal ini karena ia tidak memiliki pengetahuan yang dituntut oleh situasi. Namun, semua daya tidak di tangan beberapa orang di bagian atas sebuah organisasi. Bawahan sering menjalankan kekuasaan karena mereka paling tahu 'tentang operasi tertentu. Specialination telah, pada kenyataannya, menyebar pengambilan keputusan keluar seluruh modernorganizations. Para pemimpin yang sebenarnya adalah 'ahli pada kompleksitas atau, situasi tertentu. Nona Follett tidak menganggap bahwa kepemimpinan fungsi dan kepemimpinan kepribadian tidak dapat digabungkan pada orang yang sama. Dia tidak menyangkal kepribadian yang memainkan peran besar dalam ledership. Dia belive, bagaimanapun, bahwa kepemimpinan fungsi itu menjadi lebih penting bahwa kepemimpinan kepribadian. Dia merasa bahwa bagi suatu organisasi untuk menjadi sukses itu pemikiran manusia untuk menjadi 'cukup fleksibel untuk memungkinkan pimpinan fungsi untuk beroperasi penuh - untuk memungkinkan orang dengan pengetahuan dan teknik untuk mengendalikan situasi. Hal21. 1. Pendekatan situasional kepemimpinan cukup baru. 2. Kepemimpinan kepribadian dan kepemimpinan fungsi berdua ide-ide baru. 3. Hal ini lebih mudah bagi seseorang dengan kewenangan formal atas orang lain untuk menjadi pemimpin. 4. Para ahli dalam organisasi khusus modern sering latihan kepemimpinan. 5. Dalam sebuah organisasi, atasan kadang-kadang harus melakukan apa yang seorang bawahan kepada mereka. 6. Orang yang memiliki pengetahuan bahwa tuntutan situasi akan menjadi pemimpin organisasi. 7. Seseorang dengan kewenangan formal kadang-kadang tidak bisa memimpin karena ia tidak memiliki pengetahuan yang dituntut oleh situasi menuntut. 8. Jenis terbaik dari pemimpin setiap saat akan menjadi orang yang memiliki otoritas formal dan juga memiliki pengetahuan bahwa situasi menuntut. 9. Para ahli frase dalam commplexity berarti mereka yang memiliki kewenangan formal. 10. Hal ini dimungkinkan untuk orang yang sama untuk latihan kepemimpinan fungsi dan kepribadian. 11. Kepemimpinan fungsi seharusnya tidak diperbolehkan untuk beroperasi terlalu banyak dalam orgaization. 12. Menurut bagian ini pimpinan suatu organisasi tidak dapat sepenuhnya di tangan satu orang jika ingin menjadi sucessful.

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