The towering black armoured man threw the shackles next to Ye Qingyu’s terjemahan - The towering black armoured man threw the shackles next to Ye Qingyu’s Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The towering black armoured man thr

The towering black armoured man threw the shackles next to Ye Qingyu’s foot.

“Do it yourself, and bind the soul stealing shackles behind your back and your hands. Then follow me to the Capture barracks.” The towering man’s words were as if he was announcing judgement. Pausing for a moment, he coldly said again: “Don’t feel lucky. As long as you obediently follow us, I can let go of your family and friends. If you dare resist, then I’ll exterminate everyone that you know.”

A explosive rage and killing intent, permeated the air.

Ye Qingyu fiercely drank a mouthful of the beautiful wine and laughed. His palm sucked the black chain into his hands, and he touched it all over with his hands. Shaking his head, he said : “What kind of toy is this, that you would bring it out to threaten people….”

He clenched the shackles with both of his hand, not seeming exerting that much force, and then this terrifying steel chain instantly transformed into scrap metal. As if an craftsman was kneading dough, he easily destroyed the chain then threw it on the stage. Landing with a bang, it suddenly made the hearts of everyone shake madly.

The colour of this towering man drastically changed. In his tiger like eyes, cold light exploded.

“When was it, that the kingdom’s soldiers defending the city, became the dogs that were privately raised by the nobles? That every dog and cat like character, could deploy as they want?When was it that they became thugs?” Ye Qingyu leaned against the platform, hugging the jar of wine, saying his words clearly and slowly.

“You little trash, you dare to be so arrogant in front of commander Zhang and dare act so recklessly.” Sun Yuhu hid beside the towering man, stamping his foot. Pointing at Ye Qingyu, he began to loudly curse at Ye Qingyu: “I’m telling you this, today you are dead for sure. Wait until you’ve been dragged into the Capture barracks, I will definitely make sport of you, making you unable to even beg for life and death!”

“Liu Yuancheng really is an idiot. His son that stirred up trouble everywhere died. Then he really adopted such a son that would invite disaster everywhere.” Ye Qingyu grabbed through the air.

A soldier of the capture barracks exhaled in shock. He could hold the scarlet red spear in his hands no longer, the spear flying out.

Ye Qingyu held the spear slightly. Without aiming or looking, he casually threw it out.

The long spear formed a long trajectory, with not a very fast speed that sailed towards Sun Yuhu.

Sun Yuhu was shocked, and instinctively wanted to retreat backwards. But then he realised he was under the many layers of protection of the soldiers of the capture barracks and the commander Zhang next to him was a expert of the martial way. There was completely no need to be afraid. Such a soft and weak spear throw definitely could not injure him.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The towering black armoured man threw the shackles next to Ye Qingyu’s foot.“Do it yourself, and bind the soul stealing shackles behind your back and your hands. Then follow me to the Capture barracks.” The towering man’s words were as if he was announcing judgement. Pausing for a moment, he coldly said again: “Don’t feel lucky. As long as you obediently follow us, I can let go of your family and friends. If you dare resist, then I’ll exterminate everyone that you know.”A explosive rage and killing intent, permeated the air.Ye Qingyu fiercely drank a mouthful of the beautiful wine and laughed. His palm sucked the black chain into his hands, and he touched it all over with his hands. Shaking his head, he said : “What kind of toy is this, that you would bring it out to threaten people….”He clenched the shackles with both of his hand, not seeming exerting that much force, and then this terrifying steel chain instantly transformed into scrap metal. As if an craftsman was kneading dough, he easily destroyed the chain then threw it on the stage. Landing with a bang, it suddenly made the hearts of everyone shake madly.The colour of this towering man drastically changed. In his tiger like eyes, cold light exploded.“When was it, that the kingdom’s soldiers defending the city, became the dogs that were privately raised by the nobles? That every dog and cat like character, could deploy as they want?When was it that they became thugs?” Ye Qingyu leaned against the platform, hugging the jar of wine, saying his words clearly and slowly.“You little trash, you dare to be so arrogant in front of commander Zhang and dare act so recklessly.” Sun Yuhu hid beside the towering man, stamping his foot. Pointing at Ye Qingyu, he began to loudly curse at Ye Qingyu: “I’m telling you this, today you are dead for sure. Wait until you’ve been dragged into the Capture barracks, I will definitely make sport of you, making you unable to even beg for life and death!”“Liu Yuancheng really is an idiot. His son that stirred up trouble everywhere died. Then he really adopted such a son that would invite disaster everywhere.” Ye Qingyu grabbed through the air.A soldier of the capture barracks exhaled in shock. He could hold the scarlet red spear in his hands no longer, the spear flying out.Ye Qingyu held the spear slightly. Without aiming or looking, he casually threw it out.The long spear formed a long trajectory, with not a very fast speed that sailed towards Sun Yuhu.Sun Yuhu was shocked, and instinctively wanted to retreat backwards. But then he realised he was under the many layers of protection of the soldiers of the capture barracks and the commander Zhang next to him was a expert of the martial way. There was completely no need to be afraid. Such a soft and weak spear throw definitely could not injure him.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Menjulang pria lapis baja hitam melemparkan belenggu sebelah kaki Ye Qingyu ini. "Lakukan sendiri, dan mengikat jiwa mencuri belenggu belakang punggung dan tangan Anda. Kemudian ikuti saya untuk Capture barak. "Kata pria yang menjulang tinggi ini yang seolah-olah ia mengumumkan penghakiman. Berhenti sejenak, ia dingin berkata lagi: "Jangan merasa beruntung. Selama Anda patuh mengikuti kami, aku bisa melepaskan keluarga dan teman-teman. Jika Anda berani menolak, maka saya akan memusnahkan semua orang yang Anda tahu. " A kemarahan meledak dan membunuh niat, meresap udara. Ye Qingyu sengit minum seteguk anggur yang indah dan tertawa. Telapak tangannya tersedot rantai hitam ke tangannya, dan ia menyentuhnya seluruh dengan tangannya. Menggelengkan kepalanya, ia berkata: ". Apa jenis mainan ini, bahwa Anda akan membawa keluar untuk mengancam orang ..." Dia mengepal belenggu dengan kedua tangannya, tidak tampak mengerahkan banyak tenaga, dan kemudian rantai baja yang menakutkan ini langsung berubah menjadi besi tua. Seolah-olah seorang pengrajin itu menguleni adonan, ia dengan mudah menghancurkan rantai kemudian melemparkannya di atas panggung. Mendarat dengan bang, tiba-tiba membuat hati semua orang goyang liar. Warna pria yang menjulang tinggi ini berubah drastis. Dalam harimau nya seperti mata, cahaya dingin meledak. "Kapan itu, bahwa tentara kerajaan mempertahankan kota, menjadi anjing-anjing yang secara pribadi dibesarkan oleh para bangsawan? Bahwa setiap anjing dan kucing seperti karakter, bisa menyebarkan mereka inginkan? Kapan itu bahwa mereka menjadi preman? "Ye Qingyu bersandar platform, memeluk botol anggur, mengucapkan kata-kata dengan jelas dan perlahan-lahan. " Anda sedikit sampah, Anda berani menjadi begitu sombong di depan komandan Zhang dan berani bertindak begitu ceroboh. "Sun Yuhu menyembunyikan samping pria yang menjulang tinggi, stamping kakinya. Menunjuk Ye Qingyu, ia mulai keras mengutuk Ye Qingyu: "Aku mengatakan ini, hari ini Anda sudah mati pasti. Tunggu sampai Anda telah diseret ke Capture barak, saya pasti akan membuat olahraga Anda, membuat Anda tidak dapat bahkan mengemis untuk hidup dan mati! " " Liu Yuancheng benar-benar idiot. Anaknya yang mengacaukan mana-mana mati. Kemudian ia benar-benar mengadopsi anak seperti itu akan mengundang bencana di mana-mana. "Ye Qingyu meraih melalui udara. Seorang tentara dari barak capture dihembuskan shock. Dia bisa memegang tombak merah merah di tangannya tidak lagi, tombak terbang keluar. Ye Qingyu diadakan tombak sedikit. Tanpa bertujuan atau mencari, dia santai melemparkannya keluar. Tombak panjang membentuk lintasan panjang, dengan tidak kecepatan yang sangat cepat yang berlayar menuju Sun Yuhu. Sun Yuhu terkejut, dan secara naluriah ingin mundur ke belakang. Tapi kemudian dia menyadari bahwa dia berada di bawah banyak lapisan perlindungan tentara dari barak menangkap dan komandan Zhang sampingnya adalah seorang ahli dari cara bela diri. Ada benar-benar tidak perlu takut. Seperti tombak melemparkan lembut dan lemah pasti tidak bisa melukai dia.

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