She nodded. “Yes, you know I don’t like spending much on the venue. Ju terjemahan - She nodded. “Yes, you know I don’t like spending much on the venue. Ju Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

She nodded. “Yes, you know I don’t

She nodded. “Yes, you know I don’t like spending much on the venue. Just make sure there’s good food and overflowing drinks and we’ll be fine.”

“Got it, Unnie.”


“Don’t you think the party’s going to be too simple, though? I mean, we should do something more. Tiffany unnie’s been very down lately.”

Nicole, Yonghwa, Sulli and Juhyun stayed back after Tiffany bid goodbye. The four were always the masterminds to Tiffany’s parties.

“Well, Nicole spoiled the suprise,” Juhyun said, earning a pout from Nicole. She ignored it and continued, “but I’m sure we can still surprise her with something else.”

“What do you have in mind?” Yonghwa asked.



Taeyeon was about to slip under the covers when her phone rang. She groaned and picked it up before looking at the caller ID.



Juhyun ended the call and smiled at her friends. “Now that that’s out of the way, how about we go home and rest? We can bother ourselves with the party tomorrow.”

“Okay. Let’s go.”


She walked out of her room, all ready for work. She walked quietly as she passed the kitchen to the front door but stopped when she felt a soft hand grab her wrist.

“Aren’t you going to eat breakfast?”

She bit her lip and fought the urge to turn around and hug the owner of the voice. She missed her so much. “N-no,” she stammered without looking back. She cleared her throat. “I have an early meeting today.”

“Again? You’ve been missing breakfast since...” Taeyeon’s voice trailed off.

“I really have an early meet–”

Taeyeon sighed and let go of her wrist. “Do you really have to avoid me like that?”

She spun around immediately after hearing what Taeyeon said. She saw the sad and hurt eyes. “I’m not avoiding you,” she tried saying with a steady voice.

“That was the same excuse you used yesterday–”

“But it’s tru–”

“And the other day. Even the day after that.” Taeyeon sighed again. “I know we broke up but...” she took a deep breath. “ my presence bothering you?”

“W-what?” She wasn’t expecting that.

“You don’t eat breakfast anymore. You leave early for work. You don’t even come home as early as before. If it’s because of me then I guess I can move back to my old apartment. There’s only four days left anyway and I–”

“No!” She did avoid Taeyeon these past few days after their break up but that was only because she didn’t know if she could stop herself from hugging and kissing the girl every time she saw her. She avoided Taeyeon but that didn’t mean she wanted Taeyeon to move out. She still wanted to see the old girl around even if it meant constantly peeking from behind whatever wall she was closest to.

“But everything seems so awkward around here and I don’t want you to feel uneasy in your own home.”

Tiffany sighed. “I’m sorry. It’s just...” She didn’t know how to continue.

Taeyeon weakly smiled. “It’s fine. Like I said, I can always move out. I’ll still be here during the day, so you don’t have to worry about me not fulfilling my job.”

Tiffany shook her head. “No no. You’re not moving. Nobody’s moving out.” She ran a hand through her hair and took a deep breath. “I’m sorry for avoiding you. I just... I don’t know. I didn’t think I could take being with you in the same room for so long without hugging you or kissing you.” She blushed when she realized what she just admitted.

“I know what you mean,” Taeyeon said in a small voice. Her cheeks were the same color as Tiffany’s. “And I know it’s really hard but I hope we can get past that. I mean, there’s only a few days left, I don’t want to spend the rest of our days together ignoring each other.”
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
She nodded. “Yes, you know I don’t like spending much on the venue. Just make sure there’s good food and overflowing drinks and we’ll be fine.” “Got it, Unnie.” --- “Don’t you think the party’s going to be too simple, though? I mean, we should do something more. Tiffany unnie’s been very down lately.” Nicole, Yonghwa, Sulli and Juhyun stayed back after Tiffany bid goodbye. The four were always the masterminds to Tiffany’s parties. “Well, Nicole spoiled the suprise,” Juhyun said, earning a pout from Nicole. She ignored it and continued, “but I’m sure we can still surprise her with something else.” “What do you have in mind?” Yonghwa asked. “Well...” --- Taeyeon was about to slip under the covers when her phone rang. She groaned and picked it up before looking at the caller ID. “Juhyun?” --- Juhyun ended the call and smiled at her friends. “Now that that’s out of the way, how about we go home and rest? We can bother ourselves with the party tomorrow.” “Okay. Let’s go.” --- She walked out of her room, all ready for work. She walked quietly as she passed the kitchen to the front door but stopped when she felt a soft hand grab her wrist. “Aren’t you going to eat breakfast?” She bit her lip and fought the urge to turn around and hug the owner of the voice. She missed her so much. “N-no,” she stammered without looking back. She cleared her throat. “I have an early meeting today.”
“Again? You’ve been missing breakfast since...” Taeyeon’s voice trailed off.

“I really have an early meet–”

Taeyeon sighed and let go of her wrist. “Do you really have to avoid me like that?”

She spun around immediately after hearing what Taeyeon said. She saw the sad and hurt eyes. “I’m not avoiding you,” she tried saying with a steady voice.

“That was the same excuse you used yesterday–”

“But it’s tru–”

“And the other day. Even the day after that.” Taeyeon sighed again. “I know we broke up but...” she took a deep breath. “ my presence bothering you?”

“W-what?” She wasn’t expecting that.

“You don’t eat breakfast anymore. You leave early for work. You don’t even come home as early as before. If it’s because of me then I guess I can move back to my old apartment. There’s only four days left anyway and I–”

“No!” She did avoid Taeyeon these past few days after their break up but that was only because she didn’t know if she could stop herself from hugging and kissing the girl every time she saw her. She avoided Taeyeon but that didn’t mean she wanted Taeyeon to move out. She still wanted to see the old girl around even if it meant constantly peeking from behind whatever wall she was closest to.

“But everything seems so awkward around here and I don’t want you to feel uneasy in your own home.”

Tiffany sighed. “I’m sorry. It’s just...” She didn’t know how to continue.

Taeyeon weakly smiled. “It’s fine. Like I said, I can always move out. I’ll still be here during the day, so you don’t have to worry about me not fulfilling my job.”

Tiffany shook her head. “No no. You’re not moving. Nobody’s moving out.” She ran a hand through her hair and took a deep breath. “I’m sorry for avoiding you. I just... I don’t know. I didn’t think I could take being with you in the same room for so long without hugging you or kissing you.” She blushed when she realized what she just admitted.

“I know what you mean,” Taeyeon said in a small voice. Her cheeks were the same color as Tiffany’s. “And I know it’s really hard but I hope we can get past that. I mean, there’s only a few days left, I don’t want to spend the rest of our days together ignoring each other.”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dia mengangguk. "Ya, kau tahu aku tidak suka menghabiskan banyak pada tempat tersebut. Pastikan ada baik makanan dan minuman meluap dan kami akan baik-baik. "" Mengerti, Unnie. "---" Jangan Anda berpikir partai akan menjadi terlalu sederhana, meskipun? Maksudku, kita harus melakukan sesuatu yang lebih. Tiffany unnie sudah sangat turun akhir-akhir ini. "Nicole, Yonghwa, Sulli dan Juhyun tinggal kembali setelah Tiffany tawaran selamat tinggal. Keempat selalu dalang kepada pihak Tiffany. "Nah, Nicole manja mengejutkan," kata Juhyun, mendapatkan cemberut dari Nicole. Dia mengabaikannya dan melanjutkan, "tapi saya yakin kami masih bisa mengejutkan dia dengan sesuatu yang lain." "Apa yang ada dalam pikiran?" Yonghwa bertanya. "Yah ..." --- Taeyeon hendak menyelinap di bawah meliputi saat telepon berdering. Dia mengerang dan mengambilnya sebelum melihat caller ID. "Juhyun?" --- Juhyun berakhir panggilan dan tersenyum pada teman-temannya. "Sekarang yang keluar dari jalan, bagaimana kalau kita pulang dan beristirahat? Kami dapat mengganggu diri dengan partai besok. "" Oke. Mari kita pergi. "--- Dia berjalan keluar dari kamarnya, semua siap untuk bekerja. Dia berjalan pelan saat ia melewati dapur ke pintu depan tapi berhenti saat merasakan tangan lembut meraih pergelangan tangannya. "Apakah kau tidak akan makan sarapan?" Dia menggigit bibir dan berjuang dorongan untuk berbalik dan memeluk pemilik suara. Dia merindukannya begitu banyak. "N-tidak," dia tergagap tanpa melihat ke belakang. Dia berdeham. "Saya memiliki sebuah pertemuan awal hari ini." "Lagi? Anda telah hilang sarapan karena ... "suara Taeyeon melemah." Saya benar-benar memiliki muan awal "Taeyeon mendesah dan melepaskan pergelangan tangannya. "Apakah Anda benar-benar harus menghindari seperti itu?" Dia berbalik segera setelah mendengar apa yang dikatakan Taeyeon. Dia melihat mata sedih dan terluka. "Saya tidak menghindari Anda," dia mencoba berkata dengan suara mantap. "Itu alasan yang sama yang digunakan kemarin-" "Tapi itu tru-" "Dan hari lain. Bahkan sehari setelah itu. "Taeyeon mendesah lagi. "Saya tahu kami putus tapi ..." dia menarik napas dalam. "... Adalah kehadiran saya mengganggu Anda?" "A-apa?" Dia tidak mengharapkan itu. "Anda tidak makan sarapan lagi. Anda pergi lebih awal untuk bekerja. Anda bahkan tidak pulang ke rumah sejak sebelum. Jika itu karena saya maka saya kira saya bisa kembali ke apartemen tua saya. Hanya ada empat hari tersisa tetap dan aku- "" Tidak! "Dia menghindari Taeyeon beberapa hari terakhir setelah istirahat mereka up tapi itu hanya karena dia tidak tahu apakah dia bisa menahan diri dari memeluk dan mencium gadis itu setiap kali dia melihatnya. Dia menghindari Taeyeon tapi itu tidak berarti dia ingin Taeyeon pindah. Dia masih ingin melihat gadis berusia sekitar bahkan jika itu berarti terus-menerus mengintip dari balik dinding apapun dia paling dekat dengan. "Tapi semuanya tampak begitu canggung di sekitar sini dan saya tidak ingin Anda merasa tidak nyaman di rumah Anda sendiri." Tiffany mendesah . "Maafkan saya. Itu hanya ... "Dia tidak tahu bagaimana untuk melanjutkan. Taeyeon lemah tersenyum. "Tidak apa-apa. Seperti saya katakan, saya selalu bisa pindah. Aku masih akan berada di sini pada siang hari, sehingga Anda tidak perlu khawatir tentang saya tidak memenuhi pekerjaan saya. "Tiffany menggeleng. "Tidak tidak. Anda tidak bergerak. Tidak ada yang pindah. "Dia mengusap rambutnya dan mengambil napas dalam-dalam. "Saya minta maaf untuk menghindari Anda. Aku hanya ... Aku tidak tahu. Saya tidak berpikir saya bisa mengambil berada bersama Anda di kamar yang sama begitu lama tanpa memeluk Anda atau mencium Anda. "Dia tersipu ketika dia menyadari apa yang dia hanya mengaku." Aku tahu apa yang Anda maksud, "kata Taeyeon dengan suara kecil . Pipinya warna yang sama seperti Tiffany. "Dan aku tahu itu benar-benar sulit tapi saya harap kita bisa melewati itu. Maksudku, hanya ada beberapa hari lagi, saya tidak ingin menghabiskan sisa hari-hari kami bersama-sama mengabaikan satu sama lain. "

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