President Sukarno of Indonesia:Speech at the Opening of the Bandung Co terjemahan - President Sukarno of Indonesia:Speech at the Opening of the Bandung Co Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

President Sukarno of Indonesia:Spee

President Sukarno of Indonesia:
Speech at the Opening of the Bandung Conference,
April 18 1955

This twentieth century has been a period of terrific dynamism. Perhaps the last fifty years have seen more developments and more material progress than the previous five hundred years. Man has learned to control many of the scourges which once threatened him. He has learned to consume distance. He has learned to project his voice and his picture across oceans and continents. lie has probed deep into the secrets of nature and learned how to make the desert bloom and the plants of the earth increase their bounty. He has learned how to release the immense forces locked in the smallest particles of matter.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
President Sukarno of Indonesia:
Speech at the Opening of the Bandung Conference,
April 18 1955

This twentieth century has been a period of terrific dynamism. Perhaps the last fifty years have seen more developments and more material progress than the previous five hundred years. Man has learned to control many of the scourges which once threatened him. He has learned to consume distance. He has learned to project his voice and his picture across oceans and continents. lie has probed deep into the secrets of nature and learned how to make the desert bloom and the plants of the earth increase their bounty. He has learned how to release the immense forces locked in the smallest particles of matter.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Presiden Sukarno dari Indonesia:
Pidato pada Pembukaan Konferensi Bandung,
18 April 1955 abad kedua puluh ini telah menjadi periode dinamisme yang hebat. Mungkin lima puluh tahun terakhir telah melihat lebih perkembangan dan lebih kemajuan material dari sebelumnya lima ratus tahun. Manusia telah belajar untuk mengendalikan banyak momok yang pernah mengancamnya. Dia telah belajar untuk mengkonsumsi jarak. Dia telah belajar untuk memproyeksikan suaranya dan fotonya di lautan dan benua. kebohongan telah menggali jauh ke dalam rahasia alam dan belajar bagaimana membuat mekar gurun dan tanaman bumi meningkatkan karunia mereka. Dia telah belajar bagaimana untuk melepaskan kekuatan besar terkunci dalam partikel terkecil dari materi.

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