Related DomainsSiteliner shows you other subdomains within the site yo terjemahan - Related DomainsSiteliner shows you other subdomains within the site yo Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Related DomainsSiteliner shows you

Related Domains
Siteliner shows you other subdomains within the site you have entered. For example, if you entered '' (English Wikipedia), Siteliner will show you the related subdomains within that site such as '' and '' (Wikipedia in other languages). It is important to scan all the subdomains in your site. Clicking on a row in the table sets up a new scan for that subdomain, unless you have already scanned it in the past, in which case Siteliner will take you to the existing report for that subdomain.

Siteliner may also show you a closely related form of the URL you entered: e.g. if you entered '', Siteliner will show you the related domain ''. These forms are closely related, but may appear different in the eyes of search engines.
Page results provide detailed information for a particular page. To see Page results, click on a row in the Site Summary. You can return to the Site Results at any time by clicking "Site Results" on the left. The following links appear under Page Results:
Duplicate Content
Siteliner shows you all the pages with duplicate content matching the selected page. Click on a row in the table to see the duplicate content highlighted on the page. The colored shading refers to which other pages the duplicate content was also found. Click the colored boxes on the right to see the duplicate content from the various other pages. The grey box at the bottom refers to "Common Content" - items such as menus or navigational phrases that typically appear on most or all of your pages, and are therefore not usually considered to be duplicate content.

Search engines can penalize your site for duplicate content. You may want to either remove the duplicate content so it appears on only one of your pages, or modify the content on the various pages to ensure that each page is unique.
Internal Links In
Siteliner shows you all the pages on your website with links pointing to the selected page.

A link between two pages of your website allows your visitors to easily move through your site to access relevant and related content. Such a link also strengthens the "Page Power" or prominence of the page being linked to. It is always good to consider carefully which pages you link to within your site, in order to direct your visitors and search engines crawling your site to the pages you want to emphasize. If you want to raise the prominence of a page on your site, you might consider adding links to it from other relevant pages.
Internal Links Out
Siteliner shows you all the links from the selected page that point to other pages on your website.

A link between two pages of your website allows your visitors to easily move through your site to access relevant and related content. Such a link also strengthens the "Page Power" or prominence of the page being linked to. It is always good to consider carefully which pages you link to within your site, in order to direct your visitors and any search engines crawling your site to the pages you feel are most important. If you want to raise the prominence of a page on your site, you might consider adding links to it from relevant pages.
External Links Out
Siteliner shows you all the links from the selected page that point to pages on other websites.

A link from your website to an external website allows your visitors to easily move from your site to the other site, and may be considered by some as an endorsement for the content on the other site. It is always good to consider carefully which sites you link to and whether you wish to send your visitors to these external sites. External pages may change their content or cease to exist at any time, so it is important to regularly monitor and check all external links to ensure that they continue to contain the content that you wish to link to. This may be done by simply clicking on all the links that appear in the table and checking the resulting pages that appear.
Show Cached Page
Siteliner shows you its cached version of the selected page -- this is the version of the page that Siteliner downloaded when it performed the scan of your site.

If your page has changed since Siteliner scanned your site, you might find this information useful. It may also be useful if you wish to see what information is made available to a crawler that is scanning your site. In this case it is Siteliner's crawler, but similar results would likely be presented to a crawler belonging to a search engine.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Domain terkaitSiteliner menunjukkan Anda subdomain lain dalam situs yang Anda masukkan. Misalnya, jika Anda memasukkan (Wikipedia bahasa Inggris) '', Siteliner akan menunjukkan subdomain terkait dalam situs seperti 'di' dan (Wikipedia dalam bahasa lain) ''. Hal ini penting untuk memindai semua subdomain di situs Anda. Mengklik pada sebuah baris dalam tabel set up scan baru untuk subdomain tersebut, kecuali jika Anda sudah memiliki dipindai dulu, di mana Siteliner kasus akan membawa Anda ke yang sudah ada laporan untuk subdomain tersebut.Siteliner juga dapat menampilkan bentuk terkait erat URL yang Anda masukkan: misalnya jika Anda memasukkan 'di', Siteliner akan menunjukkan domain terkait 'di'. Bentuk ini berhubungan erat, namun mungkin tampak berbeda di mata mesin pencari.HALAMAN HASILHalaman Hasil menyediakan informasi rinci untuk halaman tertentu. Untuk melihat halaman hasil, klik pada baris dalam ringkasan situs. Anda dapat kembali ke hasil situs setiap saat dengan mengklik "Situs hasil" di sebelah kiri. Link berikut muncul di bawah halaman hasil:Duplikat kontenSiteliner shows you all the pages with duplicate content matching the selected page. Click on a row in the table to see the duplicate content highlighted on the page. The colored shading refers to which other pages the duplicate content was also found. Click the colored boxes on the right to see the duplicate content from the various other pages. The grey box at the bottom refers to "Common Content" - items such as menus or navigational phrases that typically appear on most or all of your pages, and are therefore not usually considered to be duplicate content.Search engines can penalize your site for duplicate content. You may want to either remove the duplicate content so it appears on only one of your pages, or modify the content on the various pages to ensure that each page is unique.Internal Links InSiteliner shows you all the pages on your website with links pointing to the selected page.A link between two pages of your website allows your visitors to easily move through your site to access relevant and related content. Such a link also strengthens the "Page Power" or prominence of the page being linked to. It is always good to consider carefully which pages you link to within your site, in order to direct your visitors and search engines crawling your site to the pages you want to emphasize. If you want to raise the prominence of a page on your site, you might consider adding links to it from other relevant pages.Internal link keluarSiteliner menunjukkan Anda semua link dari halaman yang dipilih yang mengarah ke halaman lain di situs web Anda.Link antara dua halaman website Anda memungkinkan pengunjung Anda untuk dengan mudah bergerak melalui situs Anda untuk mengakses konten yang relevan dan terkait. Link tersebut juga memperkuat "Page Power" atau menonjol halaman sedang terhubung ke. Hal ini selalu baik untuk mempertimbangkan dengan hati-hati halaman yang Anda link ke dalam situs Anda, untuk mengarahkan pengunjung Anda dan pencari merangkak situs Anda ke halaman Anda merasa paling penting. Jika Anda ingin meningkatkan keunggulan halaman di situs Anda, Anda mungkin mempertimbangkan menambahkan link dari halaman yang relevan.Pranala luarSiteliner menunjukkan Anda semua link dari halaman yang dipilih yang mengarah ke halaman di situs-situs lain.Sebuah link dari situs ke situs eksternal memungkinkan pengunjung Anda untuk dengan mudah bergerak dari situs ke situs lainnya, dan dapat dianggap oleh beberapa sebagai pengesahan untuk konten di situs lain. Hal ini selalu baik untuk mempertimbangkan dengan hati-hati situs yang Anda link ke dan apakah Anda ingin mengirim pengunjung ke situs eksternal tersebut. Halaman eksternal dapat mengubah konten mereka atau lenyap setiap saat, jadi penting untuk secara teratur memantau dan memeriksa semua eksternal link untuk memastikan bahwa mereka terus berisi konten yang ingin Anda tautkan. Ini dapat dilakukan dengan hanya dengan mengklik pada semua link yang muncul dalam tabel dan memeriksa halaman hasil yang muncul.Tampilkan halaman cacheSiteliner menunjukkan Anda versi cache halaman yang dipilih--ini adalah versi halaman yang Siteliner download ketika itu dilakukan pemindaian situs Anda.Jika halaman Anda telah berubah sejak Siteliner scan situs Anda, Anda mungkin menemukan informasi ini berguna. Ini juga mungkin berguna jika Anda ingin melihat informasi apa yang tersedia untuk crawler yang pemindaian situs Anda. Dalam hal ini adalah Siteliner's crawler, namun hasil yang sama mungkin akan disajikan untuk crawler milik search engine.
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