Talk to one of the girls to start the next event [62: Who’s the Liar?  terjemahan - Talk to one of the girls to start the next event [62: Who’s the Liar?  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Talk to one of the girls to start t

Talk to one of the girls to start the next event [62: Who’s the Liar? – Start]. Tomba will be provided with the Liar Buzzer, then each of the girls will say something. Tomba needs to give the Buzzer to whichever of the girls is lying. If the Buzzer is given to the right girl, the event proceeds to the next round. If it’s given to the WRONG girl, Tomba is sent back to the first round. The event is cleared if Tomba gives it to the right girl 3 times in a row before making 3 mistakes. Tomba can speak to any of the girls at any point before handing over the buzzer to make her repeat the statement she gave. Since the statements and the liar are random each round, this can take some trial-and-error to succeed. Moreso since the text for the event is entirely in Japanese. The first round is a basic trivia quiz on game facts. A partial list of ‘lies’ has been compiled below:The second round is a logic puzzle that isn’t something that can just be answered with screenshots. Each girl will give a statement about which of them is lying or telling the truth, and Tomba must use these statements to find out the REAL Liar. A relatively simple trick for this is that if one of the girls says that another one is telling the truth, than the one which hasn’t been mentioned is the liar. Figuring out what the statements ARE is going to require a brief lesson in Japanese.

Position Words:

左 Left
右 Right
向こう Opposite Side
まんなか Middle Truth/Lying Words:

正直 Honest
うそ Lie

if either of the previous words is followed by ‘ない’, it means the person being talked about is NOT that.

For the third round, the girls will toss 4 colored balls between each other, then say which color they have. Watch which girl gets which ball, and then give the Buzzer to the one who says they have a color that they don’t. The actual Japanese text that corresponds to each color is as follows:

赤色 Red
白色 White
青色 Blue
緑色 Green

If the text doesn’t have any of those, the girl is saying she doesn’t have any of the balls.

Once all 3 rounds are finished, the event is cleared [62: Who’s the Liar? – Clear], and Tomba is given the ½ Spell of Strength.

After obtaining the ½ Spell of Strength, return to the Ranch Area and head up to the very upper-left corner of the area, where the Mountain Peach and the Green Pig Door were located. Head to the platform at the very left, stand next to the wall and use the ½ Spell of Strength to reveal the entrance to the Tower [43: Mythical Tower of Strength – Start].
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Talk to one of the girls to start the next event [62: Who’s the Liar? – Start]. Tomba will be provided with the Liar Buzzer, then each of the girls will say something. Tomba needs to give the Buzzer to whichever of the girls is lying. If the Buzzer is given to the right girl, the event proceeds to the next round. If it’s given to the WRONG girl, Tomba is sent back to the first round. The event is cleared if Tomba gives it to the right girl 3 times in a row before making 3 mistakes. Tomba can speak to any of the girls at any point before handing over the buzzer to make her repeat the statement she gave. Since the statements and the liar are random each round, this can take some trial-and-error to succeed. Moreso since the text for the event is entirely in Japanese. The first round is a basic trivia quiz on game facts. A partial list of ‘lies’ has been compiled below:The second round is a logic puzzle that isn’t something that can just be answered with screenshots. Each girl will give a statement about which of them is lying or telling the truth, and Tomba must use these statements to find out the REAL Liar. A relatively simple trick for this is that if one of the girls says that another one is telling the truth, than the one which hasn’t been mentioned is the liar. Figuring out what the statements ARE is going to require a brief lesson in Japanese.Position Words:左 Left右 Right向こう Opposite Sideまんなか Middle Truth/Lying Words:正直 Honestうそ Lieif either of the previous words is followed by ‘ない’, it means the person being talked about is NOT that.For the third round, the girls will toss 4 colored balls between each other, then say which color they have. Watch which girl gets which ball, and then give the Buzzer to the one who says they have a color that they don’t. The actual Japanese text that corresponds to each color is as follows:赤色 Red白色 White青色 Blue緑色 GreenIf the text doesn’t have any of those, the girl is saying she doesn’t have any of the balls.Once all 3 rounds are finished, the event is cleared [62: Who’s the Liar? – Clear], and Tomba is given the ½ Spell of Strength.After obtaining the ½ Spell of Strength, return to the Ranch Area and head up to the very upper-left corner of the area, where the Mountain Peach and the Green Pig Door were located. Head to the platform at the very left, stand next to the wall and use the ½ Spell of Strength to reveal the entrance to the Tower [43: Mythical Tower of Strength – Start].
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Berbicara dengan salah satu dari gadis-gadis untuk memulai acara berikutnya [62: Siapa yang Liar? - Start]. Tomba akan diberikan dengan Liar Buzzer, maka masing-masing anak akan mengatakan sesuatu. Tomba perlu memberikan Buzzer ke mana gadis berbohong. Jika Buzzer diberikan kepada gadis yang tepat, acara dilanjutkan ke babak berikutnya. Jika itu diberikan kepada gadis SALAH, Tomba dikirim kembali ke babak pertama. Acara ini dihapus jika Tomba memberikannya kepada gadis yang tepat 3 kali berturut-turut sebelum membuat 3 kesalahan. Tomba dapat berbicara dengan salah satu gadis-gadis di setiap titik sebelum menyerahkan bel untuk membuatnya mengulang pernyataan dia memberi. Karena pernyataan dan pembohong adalah acak setiap putaran, ini dapat mengambil beberapa trial-and-error untuk berhasil. Lebih sejak teks untuk acara ini seluruhnya dalam bahasa Jepang. Babak pertama adalah dasar trivia kuis fakta pertandingan. Daftar sebagian 'kebohongan' telah disusun di bawah ini: Putaran kedua adalah teka-teki logika yang bukan sesuatu yang hanya dapat dijawab dengan screenshot. Setiap gadis akan memberikan pernyataan tentang siapa di antara mereka berbohong atau mengatakan yang sebenarnya, dan Tomba harus menggunakan pernyataan ini untuk mengetahui Liar nyata. Sebuah trik yang relatif sederhana untuk ini adalah bahwa jika salah satu dari gadis-gadis mengatakan bahwa satu sama lain mengatakan yang sebenarnya, daripada yang belum disebutkan adalah pendusta. Mencari tahu apa pernyataan YANG akan membutuhkan pelajaran singkat dalam bahasa Jepang. Kata Posisi: 左Kiri 右Kanan 向こうOpposite Side まんなかKebenaran Tengah / Berbohong Kata: 正直Jujur うそLie jika salah satu dari kata-kata sebelumnya diikuti dengan 'ない', itu berarti orang yang sedang berbicara tentang TIDAK itu. Untuk putaran ketiga, gadis-gadis akan melemparkan 4 bola berwarna antara satu sama lain, kemudian mengatakan yang warna yang mereka miliki. Perhiasan yang gadis mendapat mana bola, dan kemudian memberikan Buzzer kepada orang yang mengatakan mereka memiliki warna yang tidak mereka lakukan. Teks Jepang yang sebenarnya yang sesuai dengan masing-masing warna adalah sebagai berikut: 赤色Merah Putih白色青色Biru 緑色Hijau . Jika teks tidak memiliki salah satu dari mereka, gadis itu mengatakan ia tidak memiliki bola Setelah semua 3 putaran selesai, acara akan dihapus [62: Siapa yang Liar? -. Batal], dan Tomba diberi ½ Spell Kekuatan Setelah mendapatkan Eja ½ Kekuatan, kembali ke area peternakan dan kepala sampai ke sudut yang sangat kiri atas daerah, di mana Gunung Peach dan Hijau Babi Pintu berada. Kepala ke platform di bagian paling kiri, berdiri di samping dinding dan menggunakan Ejaan ½ Kekuatan untuk mengungkapkan pintu masuk ke menara [43: Mythical Menara Kekuatan - Start].

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