Gu Bai ap­pears the ap­pear­ance that a lit­tle does not spare a glanc terjemahan - Gu Bai ap­pears the ap­pear­ance that a lit­tle does not spare a glanc Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Gu Bai ap­pears the ap­pear­ance th

Gu Bai ap­pears the ap­pear­ance that a lit­tle does not spare a glance, the cor­ners of the mouth casts aside slightly: „Is Gu Bei nephew this He Yi?” His right hand wields, sees only cloth wrap­per in­side dozens Spir­i­tual Stone essence also to have Rank 6 Ar­ti­fact vividly.
Saw this, the Gu Bai eye­brow pal­pi­ta­tion jump­ing, like the elder of this rank, al­to­gether also hun­dreds of thou­sands Spir­i­tual Stone prop­er­ties. Gu Bei de­liv­ers is dozens Spir­i­tual Stone essence, is equal to sev­eral thou­sand Spir­i­tual Stone, Rank 6 Ar­ti­fact, al­ready was equal to he 50% prop­er­ties!
„I heard that the Gu Heng male cousin has de­liv­ered sev­eral thou­sand Spir­i­tual Stone to eight un­cles , was too rather mean-spir­ited. So long as eight un­cles sup­port me, this mat­ter set­tles, I pre­pare cer­tainly a gen­er­ous gift!” Gu Bei smiles to say lightly that „I know eight un­cles prac­tice la­bo­ri­ously, needs the large amounts of re­sources, where nephew if from now on will have to be able to add on. Eight un­cles open the mouth freely!”
„Gu Bei nephew's where words, the Gu Bei nephew's mat­ter, my this is the uncle. Nat­u­rally bounden!” The Gu Bai hearty laugh­ter said.
„Good, eight un­cles' these words, the nephew felt re­lieved! The nephew must go to nine uncle there, in ad­vance said good­bye!” Gu Bei stands to say.
„Good, the Gu Bei nephew walks slowly!” Gu Bai has also stood, has de­liv­ered to the en­trance Gu Bei, saw Gu Bei to go far away, turns head to look at cloth wrap­per on a table, mut­tered is say­ing. „Can­not think se­ri­ously that Gu Bei this boy has this and other breadth of spirit now un­ex­pect­edly. Gu Heng Gu Heng, is not I do not help you. What do you take with the Gu Bei strug­gle?”
Gu Teng said near the ear of Gu Bei qui­etly: „Young mas­ter, is Gu Bai that old fogy will­ing to lis­ten your?”
„Gu Bai this per­son of high in­ter­est for­gets right­eous­ness, un­de­cided, so long as gives his Xu by the high in­ter­est, does not be­lieve him not to swal­low the bait!” Gu Bei said with a smile lightly, these years in Gu Clan, his moral char­ac­ter to the Gu Clan el­ders, al­ready knew from A to Z, „Gu Heng this per­son sin­is­ter and ruth­less de­ceit­ful, there­fore the birds, sup­ported his elder are not the good thing, we dis­in­te­grated slowly!”
Their sev­eral peo­ple to­gether, went to visit an­other elder.
Gu Heng other in­sti­tute.
„Reply the young mas­ter, Gu Bei just vis­ited eight el­ders, is vis­it­ing nine el­ders!” A ser­vant runs to say hur­riedly.
Gu Heng has smiled say­ing with a smile con­temp­tu­ously: „Gu Bei thinks that he vis­its these el­ders, will these el­ders sup­port him? Thought too beau­ti­fully! These el­ders and be­tween me, are more than ten years of friend­ship, every year I will give some gifts to their your fam­ily place, Gu Bei visit, wants to make these el­ders sup­port him, that never has the pos­si­ble mat­ter!”
Gu Heng has thought that said: „You con­tinue to stare at Gu Bei!”
„Yes!” That ser­vant nod should say, how­ever re­treat.
In the Gu Clan pa­tri­ar­chal clan, is hav­ing some changes qui­etly.
In the Gu Clan pa­tri­ar­chal clan, the most el­ders are neu­tral, did not ask that the hu­mans af­fair prac­tices with con­cen­tra­tion, stands Gu Heng firmly, merely only then a few peo­ple.
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Gu Bai ap­pears the ap­pear­ance that a lit­tle does not spare a glance, the cor­ners of the mouth casts aside slightly: „Is Gu Bei nephew this He Yi?” His right hand wields, sees only cloth wrap­per in­side dozens Spir­i­tual Stone essence also to have Rank 6 Ar­ti­fact vividly.Saw this, the Gu Bai eye­brow pal­pi­ta­tion jump­ing, like the elder of this rank, al­to­gether also hun­dreds of thou­sands Spir­i­tual Stone prop­er­ties. Gu Bei de­liv­ers is dozens Spir­i­tual Stone essence, is equal to sev­eral thou­sand Spir­i­tual Stone, Rank 6 Ar­ti­fact, al­ready was equal to he 50% prop­er­ties!„I heard that the Gu Heng male cousin has de­liv­ered sev­eral thou­sand Spir­i­tual Stone to eight un­cles , was too rather mean-spir­ited. So long as eight un­cles sup­port me, this mat­ter set­tles, I pre­pare cer­tainly a gen­er­ous gift!” Gu Bei smiles to say lightly that „I know eight un­cles prac­tice la­bo­ri­ously, needs the large amounts of re­sources, where nephew if from now on will have to be able to add on. Eight un­cles open the mouth freely!”„Gu Bei nephew's where words, the Gu Bei nephew's mat­ter, my this is the uncle. Nat­u­rally bounden!” The Gu Bai hearty laugh­ter said.„Good, eight un­cles' these words, the nephew felt re­lieved! The nephew must go to nine uncle there, in ad­vance said good­bye!” Gu Bei stands to say.„Good, the Gu Bei nephew walks slowly!” Gu Bai has also stood, has de­liv­ered to the en­trance Gu Bei, saw Gu Bei to go far away, turns head to look at cloth wrap­per on a table, mut­tered is say­ing. „Can­not think se­ri­ously that Gu Bei this boy has this and other breadth of spirit now un­ex­pect­edly. Gu Heng Gu Heng, is not I do not help you. What do you take with the Gu Bei strug­gle?”
Gu Teng said near the ear of Gu Bei qui­etly: „Young mas­ter, is Gu Bai that old fogy will­ing to lis­ten your?”
„Gu Bai this per­son of high in­ter­est for­gets right­eous­ness, un­de­cided, so long as gives his Xu by the high in­ter­est, does not be­lieve him not to swal­low the bait!” Gu Bei said with a smile lightly, these years in Gu Clan, his moral char­ac­ter to the Gu Clan el­ders, al­ready knew from A to Z, „Gu Heng this per­son sin­is­ter and ruth­less de­ceit­ful, there­fore the birds, sup­ported his elder are not the good thing, we dis­in­te­grated slowly!”
Their sev­eral peo­ple to­gether, went to visit an­other elder.
Gu Heng other in­sti­tute.
„Reply the young mas­ter, Gu Bei just vis­ited eight el­ders, is vis­it­ing nine el­ders!” A ser­vant runs to say hur­riedly.
Gu Heng has smiled say­ing with a smile con­temp­tu­ously: „Gu Bei thinks that he vis­its these el­ders, will these el­ders sup­port him? Thought too beau­ti­fully! These el­ders and be­tween me, are more than ten years of friend­ship, every year I will give some gifts to their your fam­ily place, Gu Bei visit, wants to make these el­ders sup­port him, that never has the pos­si­ble mat­ter!”
Gu Heng has thought that said: „You con­tinue to stare at Gu Bei!”
„Yes!” That ser­vant nod should say, how­ever re­treat.
In the Gu Clan pa­tri­ar­chal clan, is hav­ing some changes qui­etly.
In the Gu Clan pa­tri­ar­chal clan, the most el­ders are neu­tral, did not ask that the hu­mans af­fair prac­tices with con­cen­tra­tion, stands Gu Heng firmly, merely only then a few peo­ple.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Gu Bai muncul penampilan yang sedikit tidak luang sekilas, sudut-sudut mulut gips samping sedikit: "Apakah Gu Bei keponakan He Yi ini?" Tangan kanannya memegang, hanya melihat bungkus kain dalam puluhan esensi Batu Spiritual juga memiliki peringkat 6 Artifact jelas.
Melihat ini, Gu Bai alis palpitasi melompat, seperti sesepuh peringkat ini, sama sekali juga ratusan ribu sifat Batu Spiritual. Gu Bei memberikan adalah puluhan esensi Batu Spiritual, sama dengan beberapa ribu Batu Spiritual, Peringkat 6 Artifact, sudah sama dengan dia 50% properti!
"Aku mendengar bahwa Gu Heng sepupu laki-laki telah disampaikan beberapa ribu Batu Spiritual delapan paman, adalah terlalu agak kejam. Selama delapan paman mendukung saya, hal ini mengendap, saya mempersiapkan pasti hadiah yang murah hati! "Gu Bei tersenyum mengatakan ringan bahwa" saya tahu delapan paman berlatih susah payah, membutuhkan sejumlah besar sumber daya, di mana keponakan jika dari sekarang akan memiliki untuk dapat menambahkan pada. Delapan paman membuka mulut secara bebas! "
" Gu Bei keponakan mana kata-kata, hal ini Gu Bei keponakan, saya ini adalah paman. Tentu merupakan panggilan! "The Gu Bai hangat tawa kata.
" Baik, delapan paman 'kata-kata ini, keponakan merasa lega! Keponakan harus pergi ke sembilan paman di sana, di muka kata selamat tinggal! "Gu Bei berdiri untuk mengatakan.
" Baik, keponakan Gu Bei berjalan perlahan-lahan! "Gu Bai juga telah berdiri, telah disampaikan ke pintu masuk Gu Bei, melihat Gu Bei untuk pergi jauh, ternyata kepala untuk melihat bungkus kain di atas meja, bergumam mengatakan. "Tidak bisa berpikir serius bahwa Gu Bei anak ini memiliki ini dan luasnya lain dari roh sekarang tiba-tiba. Gu Heng gu Heng, tidak saya tidak membantu Anda. Apa yang Anda ambil dengan Gu Bei berjuang "?
Gu Teng mengatakan dekat telinga Gu Bei tenang:" Tuan Muda, adalah Gu Bai yang kolot bersedia mendengarkan Anda "?
" Gu Bai orang ini bunga yang tinggi melupakan kebenaran, ragu-ragu , asalkan memberikan Xu nya dengan bunga yang tinggi, tidak percaya padanya untuk tidak menelan umpan! "kata Gu Bei dengan senyum ringan, tahun ini di Gu Clan, karakter moral kepada para penatua Gu Clan, sudah tahu dari A sampai Z, "Gu Heng orang ini jahat dan kejam menipu, karena burung-burung, didukung tuanya bukan hal yang baik, kita hancur perlahan-lahan!"
mereka beberapa orang bersama-sama, pergi mengunjungi sesepuh lain.
Gu Heng lembaga lainnya.
"Balas orang tuan muda, Gu Bei hanya mengunjungi delapan tetua, mengunjungi sembilan tua-tua "seorang hamba berjalan mengatakan buru-buru.!
Gu Heng telah tersenyum mengatakan dengan senyum merendahkan:" Gu Bei berpikir bahwa ia mengunjungi orang tua ini, akan tetua ini mendukungnya? Berpikir terlalu indah! Ini orang tua dan antara saya, lebih dari sepuluh tahun persahabatan, setiap tahun saya akan memberikan beberapa hadiah ke tempat keluarga Anda mereka, Gu Bei kunjungan, ingin membuat orang tua ini mendukung dia, yang tidak pernah memiliki masalah mungkin! "
Gu Heng memiliki berpikir yang mengatakan: "! Anda terus menatap Gu Bei"
!. "Ya" itu hamba mengangguk harus mengatakan, namun mundur
. dalam Gu Clan klan patriarki, adalah memiliki beberapa perubahan diam-diam
dalam Gu Clan klan patriarkal, yang paling tua yang netral, tidak meminta bahwa praktek manusia berselingkuh dengan konsentrasi, berdiri Gu Heng tegas, hanya hanya kemudian beberapa orang.
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