for us to enter the world of another person, even though this person’s terjemahan - for us to enter the world of another person, even though this person’s Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

for us to enter the world of anothe

for us to enter the world of another person, even though this person’s circumstances
may be different from our own. As group leaders, if we remain open
to our own emotions, allow ourselves to be touched by the emotions of others,
and are willing to reexperience certain diffi cult events, we will increase our
capacity to be psychologically present for others.
In the training workshops that my colleagues and I conduct, the participants
typically lead groups and then receive feedback from the members and from
us. Many of our students and trainees express feelings of inadequacy as group
leaders and a sense of frustration and hopelessness. They many times see little
change occurring in the members of their groups, and they perceive that their
clients are resistant and don’t like coming to groups. In many instances the
problems besetting these students can be traced back to the fact that the conditions
of active listening, empathy, and positive regard are in some measure
lacking in their groups. Here is a list of specifi c problems that work against
group progress:
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
bagi kita untuk memasuki dunia orang lain, meskipun orang ini keadaanmungkin berbeda dari kita sendiri. Sebagai pemimpin kelompok, jika kita tetap terbukaemosi kita sendiri, membiarkan diri kita untuk disentuh oleh emosi orang lain,dan bersedia untuk reexperience sulit kultus peristiwa-peristiwa tertentu, kami akan meningkatkan kamikapasitas untuk psikologis hadir untuk orang lain.HAMBATAN UNTUK TERAPI YANG EFEKTIFWorkshop pelatihan yang rekan-rekan saya dan saya melakukan, para pesertabiasanya memimpin kelompok dan kemudian menerima umpan balik dari para anggota dan dariSSH Banyak pelajar dan pemagang kami mengungkapkan perasaan ketidakcukupan sebagai kelompokpemimpin dan rasa frustrasi dan putus asa. Mereka banyak kali melihat sedikitperubahan terjadi di anggota kelompok mereka, dan mereka menganggap bahwa merekaklien tahan dan tidak suka datang ke grup. Dalam banyak kasusmasalah-masalah yang menimpa para siswa ini dapat ditelusuri kembali ke kenyataan bahwa kondisiaktif mendengarkan, empati, dan hal positif adalah dalam beberapa ukurankurang dalam kelompok mereka. Berikut adalah daftar masalah c olah yang bekerja melawankemajuan grup:
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
for us to enter the world of another person, even though this person’s circumstances
may be different from our own. As group leaders, if we remain open
to our own emotions, allow ourselves to be touched by the emotions of others,
and are willing to reexperience certain diffi cult events, we will increase our
capacity to be psychologically present for others.
In the training workshops that my colleagues and I conduct, the participants
typically lead groups and then receive feedback from the members and from
us. Many of our students and trainees express feelings of inadequacy as group
leaders and a sense of frustration and hopelessness. They many times see little
change occurring in the members of their groups, and they perceive that their
clients are resistant and don’t like coming to groups. In many instances the
problems besetting these students can be traced back to the fact that the conditions
of active listening, empathy, and positive regard are in some measure
lacking in their groups. Here is a list of specifi c problems that work against
group progress:
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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