There are two parts to any instrument system—the sensing mechanism and terjemahan - There are two parts to any instrument system—the sensing mechanism and Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

There are two parts to any instrume

There are two parts to any instrument system—the sensing mechanism and the display mechanism. Information is relayed from the sensors to the indicators via electricity, or direct pressure sensing via pneumatic or oil-filler tubes. [1]

There are three basic kinds of instruments classified by the job they perform:

flight instruments
engine instruments
navigation instruments

There are also miscellaneous gauges and indicators that provide information that do not fall into these classifications, especially on large or complex aircraft. such as Flight control position, cabin environmental systems, electrical power, and auxiliary power units (APUs) for example, are all monitored and controlled from the cockpit. All may be regarded as position/condition instruments since they usually report the position of a certain moveable component on the aircraft, or the condition of various aircraft components or systems not included in the first three groups.
Flight Instruments
Basic 6 instruments
Basic flight instruments arranged in a T

There are six main flight instruments in an old-style analog cluster.

The most common arrangement is referred to as a T arrangement, with Airspeed, Artificial Horizon, and Altimeter across the top and heading indicator at the bottom. The other two instruments is the turn coordinator and vertical speed indicator.
Engine Instruments

The usual engine instruments are quantity, pressure, and temperature indicators. They also include measuring engine speed. The basic engine indicating instruments are Oil pressure and temperature, Cylinder Head Temperature,
Engine Instruments in ATR 72 Cockpit
engine-indicating and crew-alerting system (EICAS)

Additional instruments include engine tachometer, propeller tachometer, Manifold Absolute Pressure, Exhaust Gas Temperature, fuel and oil levels.

On the right are the old fashioned analog gauges, and the left is a modern Engine-Indicating and Crew-Alerting System (w:EICAS) found on a modern airliner or small jet, which only displays the information the pilot needs to see. This also replaces the w:Annunciator panel found on older planes, where a system failure lights up a corresponding indicator button and an indicator that said what kind of failure it was, IE. Master Warning if an amber warning went off, and Master Caution if a red critical system warning light is lit.
Navigation Instruments
Cessna 172 Instrument panel - Navigation
Cirrus Perspective Glass Panels

The navigation instruments include the basic 'wet' compass, Gyro Compass and Heading Indicator gauge, VOR w:Course Deviation Indicator(CDI) w:Radio direction finder(RDF) and w:Automatic Direction Finder (ADF) indicator combined with NAV/COM radios set to the frequencies of VOR and ADF stations.[2], w:Horizontal Situation Indicator(HSI) up to a w:Electronic Attitude Director Indicator (EADI), or w:Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS) The older navigation gauges to the right of the 'basic six' are the Dual VOR/ADF Course Deviation Indicator(CDI) (Nav1) which also serves as the w:Instrument Landing System(ILS) Localizer and Glidescope indicator, a single VOR CDI(Nav2) and an ADF Indicator. [3] with the VOR NAV1 and NAV2 radios, and ADF receiver which can be tuned to an ADF frequency or a non-directional (radio) beacon (NDB). The w:Instrument Landing System (ILS) is used to land the aircraft in poor visibility.

The same radio navigation is used in the Cirrus Perspective Glass Cockpit, but is presented in a more user-friendly manner, combined with modern GPS navigation. You can navigate a flight completely from runway to runway with GPS, but you still need to set up the NAV-COM radios for ILS landings.
Aircraft Powerplants
Reciprocating Engines

Normally Aspirated

Turbo Normalized

Ground Boosted

Turbo Supercharged

TurboProp Engines
Turbine Engines

Turbine engine sections are divided into cold section and hot section. Cold section is the fan and

Hot section is turbine.

Air sources are divided into:

Primary Air
Secondary Air

Primary air in a turbine engine is the air used directly for combustion. Secondary air, in the turbine section, is air used for cooling.

Modern jet aircraft are low-bypass or high-bypass. The newer aircraft are usually high-bypass, more of the air that enters the front of the engine is used by the fan to provide thrust, while a smaller amount is used to drive the turbine and goes out the exhaust.
Aircraft Systems

There are many systems to an aircraft

Landing Gear and struts
Hydraulic and Pneumatic
Fuel Systems
Cabin Environmental Systems
Fire Protection
Ice and Rain Protection
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
There are two parts to any instrument system—the sensing mechanism and the display mechanism. Information is relayed from the sensors to the indicators via electricity, or direct pressure sensing via pneumatic or oil-filler tubes. [1]There are three basic kinds of instruments classified by the job they perform: flight instruments engine instruments navigation instrumentsThere are also miscellaneous gauges and indicators that provide information that do not fall into these classifications, especially on large or complex aircraft. such as Flight control position, cabin environmental systems, electrical power, and auxiliary power units (APUs) for example, are all monitored and controlled from the cockpit. All may be regarded as position/condition instruments since they usually report the position of a certain moveable component on the aircraft, or the condition of various aircraft components or systems not included in the first three groups.Flight InstrumentsBasic 6 instrumentsBasic flight instruments arranged in a TThere are six main flight instruments in an old-style analog cluster.The most common arrangement is referred to as a T arrangement, with Airspeed, Artificial Horizon, and Altimeter across the top and heading indicator at the bottom. The other two instruments is the turn coordinator and vertical speed indicator.Engine InstrumentsThe usual engine instruments are quantity, pressure, and temperature indicators. They also include measuring engine speed. The basic engine indicating instruments are Oil pressure and temperature, Cylinder Head Temperature,Engine Instruments in ATR 72 Cockpitengine-indicating and crew-alerting system (EICAS)Additional instruments include engine tachometer, propeller tachometer, Manifold Absolute Pressure, Exhaust Gas Temperature, fuel and oil levels.On the right are the old fashioned analog gauges, and the left is a modern Engine-Indicating and Crew-Alerting System (w:EICAS) found on a modern airliner or small jet, which only displays the information the pilot needs to see. This also replaces the w:Annunciator panel found on older planes, where a system failure lights up a corresponding indicator button and an indicator that said what kind of failure it was, IE. Master Warning if an amber warning went off, and Master Caution if a red critical system warning light is lit.Navigation InstrumentsCessna 172 Instrument panel - NavigationCirrus Perspective Glass PanelsThe navigation instruments include the basic 'wet' compass, Gyro Compass and Heading Indicator gauge, VOR w:Course Deviation Indicator(CDI) w:Radio direction finder(RDF) and w:Automatic Direction Finder (ADF) indicator combined with NAV/COM radios set to the frequencies of VOR and ADF stations.[2], w:Horizontal Situation Indicator(HSI) up to a w:Electronic Attitude Director Indicator (EADI), or w:Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS) The older navigation gauges to the right of the 'basic six' are the Dual VOR/ADF Course Deviation Indicator(CDI) (Nav1) which also serves as the w:Instrument Landing System(ILS) Localizer and Glidescope indicator, a single VOR CDI(Nav2) and an ADF Indicator. [3] with the VOR NAV1 and NAV2 radios, and ADF receiver which can be tuned to an ADF frequency or a non-directional (radio) beacon (NDB). The w:Instrument Landing System (ILS) is used to land the aircraft in poor visibility.The same radio navigation is used in the Cirrus Perspective Glass Cockpit, but is presented in a more user-friendly manner, combined with modern GPS navigation. You can navigate a flight completely from runway to runway with GPS, but you still need to set up the NAV-COM radios for ILS landings.Aircraft PowerplantsReciprocating Engines Normally Aspirated Turbo Normalized Ground Boosted Turbo SuperchargedTurboProp EnginesPropellersTurbine EnginesTurbine engine sections are divided into cold section and hot section. Cold section is the fan andHot section is turbine.Air sources are divided into: Primary Air Secondary AirPrimary air in a turbine engine is the air used directly for combustion. Secondary air, in the turbine section, is air used for cooling.TurbojetTurbofanModern jet aircraft are low-bypass or high-bypass. The newer aircraft are usually high-bypass, more of the air that enters the front of the engine is used by the fan to provide thrust, while a smaller amount is used to drive the turbine and goes out the exhaust.Aircraft SystemsThere are many systems to an aircraft Landing Gear and struts Hydraulic and Pneumatic Controls Navigation/Communication Electrical/Lights APU Fuel Systems Cabin Environmental Systems Fire Protection Ice and Rain Protection
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]

Ada dua bagian untuk instrumen sistem mekanisme penginderaan dan mekanisme display. Informasi disampaikan dari sensor untuk indikator melalui listrik, atau penginderaan tekanan langsung melalui tabung pneumatik atau minyak-pengisi. [1] Ada tiga jenis dasar instrumen diklasifikasikan oleh pekerjaan yang mereka lakukan: instrumen penerbangan instrumen mesin instrumen navigasi Ada juga alat pengukur dan indikator yang memberikan informasi yang tidak jatuh ke dalam klasifikasi ini, terutama pada pesawat besar atau kompleks lain-lain. seperti posisi control Penerbangan, sistem lingkungan kabin, tenaga listrik, dan unit daya tambahan (APUS) misalnya, semua dimonitor dan dikendalikan dari kokpit. Semua dapat dianggap sebagai instrumen posisi / kondisi karena mereka biasanya melaporkan posisi komponen bergerak tertentu di pesawat, atau kondisi berbagai komponen pesawat atau sistem tidak termasuk dalam tiga kelompok. Penerbangan Instrumen Basic 6 instrumen instrumen penerbangan Dasar diatur di T Ada enam instrumen penerbangan utama dalam sebuah cluster analog gaya lama. Pengaturan yang paling umum disebut sebagai pengaturan T, dengan Airspeed, Artificial Horizon, dan Altimeter di bagian atas dan menuju indikator di bagian bawah. Dua instrumen lainnya adalah koordinator gilirannya dan indikator kecepatan vertikal. Instrumen Mesin Instrumen mesin yang biasa indikator kuantitas, tekanan, dan suhu. Mereka juga termasuk kecepatan mesin mengukur. Instrumen mesin menunjukkan dasar tekanan minyak dan temperatur, Cylinder Head Suhu, Instrumen Engine ATR 72 Cockpit mesin-menunjukkan dan sistem kru-peringatan (EICAS) instrumen tambahan termasuk tachometer mesin, baling-baling tachometer, Tekanan Mutlak Manifold, Exhaust Suhu Gas, bahan bakar . dan tingkat minyak Di sebelah kanan adalah alat pengukur analog kuno, dan sebelah kiri adalah modern mesin-Menunjukkan dan kru-Alerting System (w: EICAS) ditemukan di sebuah pesawat jet modern atau kecil, yang hanya menampilkan informasi kebutuhan percontohan untuk melihat. Ini juga menggantikan w: panel Annunciator ditemukan di pesawat yang lebih tua, di mana kegagalan sistem menyala tombol indikator yang sesuai dan indikator yang mengatakan apa jenis kegagalan itu, IE. Guru Peringatan jika peringatan kuning pergi, dan Master Perhatian jika lampu peringatan sistem merah kritis menyala Instrumen Navigasi Cessna 172 panel instrumen - Navigasi Cirrus Perspektif Kaca Panel Instrumen navigasi meliputi dasar 'basah' kompas, Gyro Compass dan Heading Indicator gauge, VOR w: Course Deviation Indicator (CDI) w: Radio arah finder (RDF) dan w: Automatic Direction Finder (ADF) indikator dikombinasikan dengan radio NAV / COM diatur ke frekuensi VOR dan ADF stasiun [2], w. : Situasi Horizontal Indicator (HSI) hingga aw: Sikap Elektronik Direktur Indicator (EADI), atau w: Electronic Flight Instrument Sistem (EFIS) Alat pengukur navigasi yang lebih tua di sebelah kanan 'dasar enam' adalah Deviasi Ganda VOR / ADF Course Indikator (CDI) (Nav1) yang juga berfungsi sebagai w: Instrumen Landing System (ILS) Localizer dan Glidescope indikator, VOR CDI tunggal (Nav2) dan Indikator ADF. [3] dengan VOR NAV1 dan NAV2 radio, dan penerima ADF yang dapat disetel ke frekuensi ADF atau non-directional (radio) beacon (NDB). W: Instrumen Landing System (ILS) digunakan untuk mendarat pesawat dalam visibilitas miskin. Navigasi radio yang sama digunakan dalam Cirrus Perspektif Kaca Cockpit, namun disajikan dengan cara yang lebih ramah pengguna, dikombinasikan dengan navigasi GPS modern. Anda dapat menavigasi penerbangan sepenuhnya dari landasan pacu ke landasan pacu dengan GPS, tapi Anda masih perlu mengatur radio NAV-COM untuk ILS pendaratan. Pesawat powerplants reciprocating Mesin biasanya disedot Turbo Normalized tanah Didorong Turbo Supercharged turboprop Mesin Baling-baling turbin Mesin bagian mesin turbin yang dibagi menjadi bagian dingin dan bagian panas. Bagian dingin adalah kipas angin dan bagian Hot adalah turbin. sumber Air dibagi menjadi: Primary Air Secondary Air udara Primer di mesin turbin udara digunakan langsung untuk pembakaran. Udara sekunder, di bagian turbin, udara yang digunakan untuk pendinginan. Turbojet turbofan pesawat jet modern yang rendah-memotong atau memotong tinggi. Pesawat baru biasanya tinggi bypass, lebih dari udara yang masuk bagian depan mesin yang digunakan oleh penggemar untuk memberikan dorongan, sementara jumlah yang lebih kecil digunakan untuk menggerakkan turbin dan keluar knalpot. Sistem Pesawat Ada banyak sistem untuk pesawat Landing Gear dan struts Hydraulic dan Pneumatic Kontrol Navigasi / Komunikasi Listrik / Lampu APU Sistem Bahan Bakar Cabin Sistem Lingkungan Proteksi Kebakaran Ice dan Rain Perlindungan

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