Looks at the at­tribute of ink­ing flame cov­er­all, in­clud­ing some­ terjemahan - Looks at the at­tribute of ink­ing flame cov­er­all, in­clud­ing some­ Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Looks at the at­tribute of ink­ing

Looks at the at­tribute of ink­ing flame cov­er­all, in­clud­ing some­what has had a parched mouth, has swal­lowed a saliva that I can­not bear, hav­ing a look at dragon hid­den Qingyan armor and god arm to seize dragon and supreme com­man­der war boots and other Di­vine Tier, some­what wants to re­place their im­pul­sions with the day plume cov­er­all, but thinks or con­sid­ers as fin­ished care­fully, on me these equip­ment are Di­vine Tier and Saint sun­light, sup­ple­ments the spe­cial ef­fect and stunt, nat­u­rally is not the black ink flame cov­er­all can place on a par, but the at­tribute of this black ink flame cov­er­all truly strong!
The Dong Cheng month blinked, asked: „Isn't cov­er­all five wraps? Why is this black ink flame cov­er­all six wraps?”
I am va­cant: „Does not know”
Two min­utes, luck very good and blew out equip­ment, this has also given us the an­swer, is a black ink flame cloak, the pure black cloak looks like the re­mark­ably pretty, above is reap­pear­ing the red de­sign, faint pan- light, con­ceiv­able, the ap­pear­ance that month spirit MM real equip­ment one set of black ink flame armor that if the month mon­ster faces and dream Yao this crowd of statures ap­prove very much, the thigh lies is very cer­tainly at­trac­tive! Thinks of here, I can­not bear the racket the fore­head, thinks any­thing, dream Yao is my younger sis­ter, the month mon­ster face is the Wan Er good friend, imag­ines Lin Wan Er to put on the ap­pear­ance of black ink flame cov­er­all to be quite good, thinks of this, im­me­di­ately turns around to have a look at Lin Wan Er, a beau­ti­ful woman young lady pair of snow greasy lon­g­leg under the moon­light pan- the charm­ing gloss, the stream­line of step ac­com­plished Daoist priest win­ter cloth is grace­ful, is wrap­ping she plen­ti­ful tall and straight twin peaks, this aes­thetic sense was a lit­tle sim­ply suf­fo­cat­ing.
„Fool you are look­ing at any­thing!” Lin Wan Er alert vis­its me.
I pick up the black ink flame cloak to throw into pack­age, laughs: „Any­thing, has not con­tin­ued to kill the blood demon, the perquisite of this mon­ster was too full”
Al­though Lin Wan Er is ex­tremely bright, but as if I de­ceive not to be dif­fi­cult
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Looks at the at­tribute of ink­ing flame cov­er­all, in­clud­ing some­what has had a parched mouth, has swal­lowed a saliva that I can­not bear, hav­ing a look at dragon hid­den Qingyan armor and god arm to seize dragon and supreme com­man­der war boots and other Di­vine Tier, some­what wants to re­place their im­pul­sions with the day plume cov­er­all, but thinks or con­sid­ers as fin­ished care­fully, on me these equip­ment are Di­vine Tier and Saint sun­light, sup­ple­ments the spe­cial ef­fect and stunt, nat­u­rally is not the black ink flame cov­er­all can place on a par, but the at­tribute of this black ink flame cov­er­all truly strong!The Dong Cheng month blinked, asked: „Isn't cov­er­all five wraps? Why is this black ink flame cov­er­all six wraps?”I am va­cant: „Does not know”Two min­utes, luck very good and blew out equip­ment, this has also given us the an­swer, is a black ink flame cloak, the pure black cloak looks like the re­mark­ably pretty, above is reap­pear­ing the red de­sign, faint pan- light, con­ceiv­able, the ap­pear­ance that month spirit MM real equip­ment one set of black ink flame armor that if the month mon­ster faces and dream Yao this crowd of statures ap­prove very much, the thigh lies is very cer­tainly at­trac­tive! Thinks of here, I can­not bear the racket the fore­head, thinks any­thing, dream Yao is my younger sis­ter, the month mon­ster face is the Wan Er good friend, imag­ines Lin Wan Er to put on the ap­pear­ance of black ink flame cov­er­all to be quite good, thinks of this, im­me­di­ately turns around to have a look at Lin Wan Er, a beau­ti­ful woman young lady pair of snow greasy lon­g­leg under the moon­light pan- the charm­ing gloss, the stream­line of step ac­com­plished Daoist priest win­ter cloth is grace­ful, is wrap­ping she plen­ti­ful tall and straight twin peaks, this aes­thetic sense was a lit­tle sim­ply suf­fo­cat­ing.„Fool you are look­ing at any­thing!” Lin Wan Er alert vis­its me.I pick up the black ink flame cloak to throw into pack­age, laughs: „Any­thing, has not con­tin­ued to kill the blood demon, the perquisite of this mon­ster was too full”„Oh.”Al­though Lin Wan Er is ex­tremely bright, but as if I de­ceive not to be dif­fi­cult
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Tampak pada atribut tinta api coverall, termasuk agak telah memiliki mulut kering, telah menelan air liur yang saya tidak tahan, memiliki melihat naga tersembunyi Qingyan armor dan lengan Tuhan untuk merebut naga dan perang panglima tertinggi sepatu dan Tier Ilahi lainnya, agak ingin mengganti impulsions mereka dengan hari coverall membanggakan, tapi berpikir atau menganggap sebagai selesai dengan hati-hati, pada saya peralatan ini Tier Ilahi dan Saint sinar matahari, suplemen efek khusus dan akrobat, tentu tidak hitam tinta api coverall dapat menempatkan pada par, namun atribut hitam tinta api coverall ini benar-benar kuat!
The Dong Cheng bulan berkedip, bertanya: "Apakah tidak coverall lima membungkus? Mengapa tinta api hitam ini coverall enam membungkus "?
Saya kosong:" Tidak tahu "
Dua menit, keberuntungan yang sangat baik dan meniup peralatan, ini juga telah memberikan kita jawabannya, adalah jubah tinta api hitam, jubah hitam murni Sepertinya sangat cantik, di atas muncul kembali desain merah, cahaya pan samar, dibayangkan, penampilan yang semangat bulan MM peralatan nyata satu set tinta hitam api armor bahwa jika rakasa wajah dan bulan bermimpi Yao kerumunan ini statures menyetujui sangat banyak, paha terletak sangat pasti menarik! Berpikir tentang di sini, saya tidak tahan raket dahi, berpikir apa-apa, mimpi Yao adalah adik saya, bulan rakasa wajah adalah teman Wan Er baik, membayangkan Lin Wan Er untuk menempatkan pada penampilan hitam tinta api coverall cukup baik, berpikir tentang ini, segera berbalik untuk melihat di Lin Wan Er, seorang wanita cantik muda sepasang wanita salju longleg berminyak di bawah sinar bulan pan gloss menarik, merampingkan langkah dicapai kain dingin imam Taois anggun, adalah . membungkus dia puncak kembar berlimpah tinggi dan lurus, rasa estetika ini adalah sedikit hanya mencekik
"! Bodoh Anda melihat sesuatu". Lin Wan Er peringatan mengunjungi saya
saya mengambil hitam jubah tinta api untuk melemparkan ke dalam paket, tertawa: " Apa pun, belum terus membunuh setan darah, yang penghasilan tambahan dari rakasa ini terlalu penuh "
" Oh. "
Meskipun Lin Wan Er sangat terang, tapi seolah-olah aku menipu tidak sulit
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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