localbuilder (Stranger)06-24-04 21:15No 515178    Meth recrystaliz terjemahan -     localbuilder (Stranger)06-24-04 21:15No 515178    Meth recrystaliz Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

    localbuilder (Stranger)06-24-04

   localbuilder (Stranger)
06-24-04 21:15
No 515178
    Meth recrystalized ?    

Swim is useing denatured alc. and acetone to recrystalize his some what smelly rocks he picked up.  Was wondering if he started with a small batch and slowly added more dilute meth to the cold mother liquor and already formed crystals.  Would the dilute meth being added help make the crystals even bigger? 
(Of Counsel)
06-24-04 21:57
No 515181
    Go back, Jack, Do it again    

The best way to make bigger crystals is to dissolve the ones you have again in fresh alcohol and grow them again, very slowly, letting the temperature of the alcohol solution fall slowly.

Adding more meth dissolved in alcohol -- partiuclarly if its dilute will more likely dissolve the crystals forming at the time rather than make the crystals you have larger. If you add more saturated meth/alcohol solution to the mix? I can't answer that question. If you let the resultant mix sit undisturbed and allow it to cool slowly, you will get crystal formation, but as to whether it will make larger ones or just additional ones, I cannot answer from experience.

I do know from experience that if you want larger crystals, clean the crystals made in an intital crystallization and then go back, Jack, and do it again. The second time around usually produces much nicer and larger crystals. Let it solution cool slowly and leave it undisturbed for lnger times to obtain larger crystals.
mostly harmless 
06-24-04 23:25
No 515196

How slow is slow? and if more alc. is added, in time will the meth find its home or will it continue to stay in the solution?  Thanks for the advice 
06-25-04 00:15
No 515211
    slow is usually very slow    

slowness is not a trait likely to bee on the tip of a meth-seeking-bee's mind.

yet, time after time, it does seem to bee a friend toward the successful dream.
try soaking pills in olive oil for 20 years. 
(Hive Addict)
06-25-04 03:39
No 515251
    cure 'in like wine    

I do know from experience that if you want larger crystals, clean the crystals made in an intital crystallization and then go back, Jack, and do it again. The second time around usually produces much nicer and larger crystals

geez i have read some where i think it was worlok that the crystal meth is like wine, they cure with age (sp?) and ofcause the slower the bigger the shard like lava from a volcano..

and the bigger the meth molecule the stronger the meth, hence bigger the crystal? how can an already formed quantity of a meth crystal get bigger by recrystalising it gain?

and how can it become  bigger? hence stronger?

say you have a 1grm crystal of meth, and recystalise it again, how can you get more meth, hence a bigger crystal?

btw and do you use the same mother liquid when recystalising twice?

(Hive Addict)
06-25-04 04:06
No 515255
    The amount of meth wouldn't increase..    

I think it is more like having 10 .10g crystals and redissolving them in order to get 2 .5g crystals so the amount of meth wouldn't increase but it may decrease slightly.

Also, the size of the crystal doesnt reflect the strength of the meth.  Meth is meth.
It wasn't Me! 
(Hive Bee)
06-25-04 04:17
No 515256
    i remember reading somewhere about forming...    

i remember reading somewhere about forming crystals that when the crystals are being formed it will only stop forming that crystal when there are impurities.
So if you recrystalize once and end up with 10 rocks, the oustide of them would  be the  most impure bit, but when you recrystalize again some more impurities are removed and thus lets 5 big rocks form instead of 10. So if you keep recrystalizing them you should end up with one big crystal. I think thats how it works. 
(Hive Addict)
06-25-04 04:31
No 515260
    Seed Crystals    

Anybee have the discipline to always keep a few honkin big seed crytals around to inspire bigger crystal growth in your theoretical recrystallizations?
He was just another tree in the forest whom nobody heard on his final fall 
(Hive Addict)
06-25-04 04:37
No 515262

so you get less meth in the crystals the second time but they are bigger shard in size

wat da fawk
(Hive Bee)
06-25-04 15:52
No 515344

so you get less meth in the crystals the second time but they are bigger shard in size

Yep! It's like a biscuit broken in two might weigh 30gms. If you break it into eight pieces then it still weighs the same, it's still 30gms of biscuit that you're working with. I have never yielded enough product to recrystalise, but I imagine you would actually lose total weight as the crystals got bigger/more pure. This would be assuming that some of that weight of the original product is impurities, and that these impurities are being left out of the crystals in the crystalisation process.

(The Archetypical "Good Guy")
06-25-04 16:11
No 515347
    Dual Grade Recrystallization
(Rated as: good read)    

Please keep in mind that recrystallizing will remove alot of the impurities. But in the process of doing so, some product is inevitably lost. And generally speaking; the purer you want your product to be, the more product will be lost. This is because of the simple fact that a carefull recrystallization implies that the molecules are kept from crystallizing quickly. Thus alot of product is retained in the mother liquor once the crystallization is complete. Because of this many chemist (myself including), choose to make a "dual grade crystallization".

As this thread is about meth - i'll use that as an example. When recrystallizing an unspecified amount of meth, boiling IPA is added to the soon-to-be-recrystallized-meth, while stirring and heating, untill everything is dissolved. This is cooled really really slowly. Usually the beaker is left in the 90°C oil bath, such that it cool with this as a "jacket". Once roomtemperature, it's placed in the refridgiator, submerged in some water which has room temperature. This will make the temperature gradient lower - thus causing slower crystallization. After a few hours when everything has reached the refridgiator temperature, the beaker is placed in the freezer (dont use a water mantle here - it will freeze). After sitting there undisturbed for about a day or so, the stunning crystals are filtered. These are the "grade A" crystals, ready to use (assuming the initial product was pure enough of course)!

The mother liquors are topped off with 4X volume acetone and put in the freezer. The grainy precipitate, is filtered ans saved in the "grade B" bottle. When its time for a new crystallization the old "grade B" batches are simply thrown in with it. The process is repeated ad infinitum (or untill you are no longer sane ). This way you'll get all "grade A" meth in the end , while recycling the semi-perfect meth.

Happy weekend and crystallization!

Nuke the whales! 
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
  localbuilder (asing)06-24-04 21:15No 515178 Meth recrystalized? Berenang menggunakan didenaturasi alc. dan aseton untuk recrystalize nya beberapa batu apa bau ia memungut. Bertanya-tanya jika ia mulai dengan batch kecil dan perlahan-lahan ditambahkan shabu-shabu yang lebih encer ke larutan induk dingin dan sudah terbentuk kristal. Akan menjadi encer shabu ditambahkan membantu membuat kristal-kristal yang lebih besar?     geezmeister(Dari Counsel)06-24-04 21:57No 515181 Kembali, Jack, melakukannya lagi Cara terbaik untuk membuat kristal-kristal yang lebih besar adalah untuk melarutkan yang Anda memiliki lagi dalam alkohol segar dan tumbuh mereka lagi, sangat lambat, membiarkan suhu dari solusi alkohol jatuh perlahan-lahan.Menambahkan lebih banyak shabu-shabu dilarutkan dalam alkohol--partiuclarly jika yang encer akan lebih cenderung larut membentuk saat kristal daripada membuat kristal Anda memiliki lebih besar. Jika Anda menambahkan lebih jenuh shabu alkohol solusi untuk campuran? Aku tidak bisa menjawab pertanyaan itu. Jika Anda membiarkan resultant campuran duduk terganggu dan biarkan hingga dingin perlahan-lahan, Anda akan mendapatkan kristal, tapi sebagai Apakah itu akan membuat lebih besar atau hanya tambahan saja, saya tidak bisa menjawab dari pengalaman. Saya tahu dari pengalaman bahwa jika Anda ingin kristal yang lebih besar, Bersihkan kristal dibuat di kristalisasi intital dan kemudian kembali, Jack, dan melakukannya lagi. Kedua kalinya sekitar biasanya menghasilkan kristal jauh lebih bagus dan lebih besar. Biarkan solusi dingin perlahan-lahan dan meninggalkannya terganggu lnger kali untuk mendapatkan kristal yang lebih besar. kebanyakan tidak berbahaya     localbuilder(Asing)06-24-04 23:25No 515196 Waktu Bagaimana memperlambat lambat? dan jika ditambahkan alc. lain, dalam waktu akan shabu menemukan rumah atau akan itu terus ditulis oleh pelanggan kami setelah masa inap mereka di solusi? Terima kasih untuk saran     CharlieBigpotato(kambing)06-25-04 00:15No 515211 lambat biasanya sangat lambat kelambatan adalah tidak mungkin untuk lebah di ujung shabu-mencari-lebah pikiran sifat.Namun, setelah waktu, tampaknya lebah teman menuju sukses mimpi. mencoba merendam pil dalam minyak zaitun selama 20 tahun.     jemma_jamerson(Sarang pecandu)06-25-04 03:39No 515251 obat ' di suka anggur Saya tahu dari pengalaman bahwa jika Anda ingin kristal yang lebih besar, Bersihkan kristal dibuat di kristalisasi intital dan kemudian kembali, Jack, dan melakukannya lagi. Kedua kalinya sekitar biasanya menghasilkan kristal jauh lebih bagus dan lebih besarYa ampun saya telah membaca beberapa tempat yang saya pikir itu adalah worlok yang shabu kristal seperti anggur, mereka menyembuhkan dengan usia (sp?) dan ofcause lambat semakin besar pecahan seperti lava dari gunung berapi.dan semakin besar shabu molekul semakin kuat shabu-shabu, maka lebih besar kristal? Bagaimana bisa suatu kuantitas sudah terbentuk kristal meth mendapatkan lebih besar oleh recrystalising keuntungan?dan bagaimana hal itu dapat menjadi lebih besar? oleh karena itu lebih kuat? Katakanlah Anda memiliki sebuah 1grm kristal meth, dan recystalise itu lagi, bagaimana Anda bisa mendapatkan lebih banyak shabu-shabu, maka sebuah kristal yang lebih besar?BTW dan lakukan Anda menggunakan ibu yang sama ketika cair recystalising dua kali? TAKUT GIGI SAYAepistemologicidehttp://www.holology.comhttp://www.counterorder.com     SHORTY(Sarang pecandu)06-25-04 04:06No 515255 Jumlah shabu tidak akan meningkat. Saya pikir itu lebih seperti memiliki 10 .10g kristal dan redissolving mereka untuk mendapatkan 2 .5g kristal sehingga jumlah shabu tidak meningkat tetapi itu dapat menurun sedikit.Juga, ukuran kristal tidak mencerminkan kekuatan shabu-shabu. Shabu-shabu adalah shabu-shabu. Itu bukan saya!     12cheman12(Sarang lebah)06-25-04 04:17No 515256 Aku ingat pernah membaca di suatu tempat tentang pembentukan... Aku ingat pernah membaca di suatu tempat tentang pembentukan kristal bahwa ketika kristal yang terbentuk itu hanya akan berhenti pembentukan kristal bahwa ketika ada kotoran.Jadi jika Anda recrystalize sekali dan berakhir dengan 10 batu, oustide mereka akan sedikit paling murni, tetapi ketika Anda recrystalize lagi beberapa kotoran lain akan dihapus dan dengan demikian memungkinkan 5 membentuk batu-batu besar bukan 10. Jadi jika Anda menyimpan recrystalizing mereka Anda harus berakhir dengan satu kristal besar. Saya pikir itu adalah cara kerjanya.     ChemoSabe(Sarang pecandu)06-25-04 04:31No 515260 Benih kristal Anybee memiliki disiplin untuk selalu menjaga honkin beberapa besar benih crytals sekitar untuk menginspirasi pertumbuhan kristal besar di recrystallizations teoritis Anda?Ia adalah hanya salah satu pohon di hutan yang tak mendengar pada kejatuhannya akhir     jemma_jamerson(Sarang pecandu)06-25-04 04:37No 515262 Shorty Jadi Anda mendapatkan kurang shabu kristal kedua kalinya tetapi mereka pecahan yang lebih besar dalam ukuranWat da fawk TAKUT GIGI SAYAepistemologicidehttp://www.holology.comhttp://www.counterorder.com     kris_1108(Sarang lebah)06-25-04 15:52No 515344 Yap Jadi Anda mendapatkan kurang shabu kristal kedua kalinya tetapi mereka pecahan yang lebih besar dalam ukuranYa! Hal ini seperti biskuit hancur dalam dua mungkin timbang 30gms. Jika Anda melanggar potongan ke delapan kemudian masih beratnya sama, itu masih 30gms biskuit yang Anda bekerja dengan. Saya tidak pernah telah menghasilkan cukup produk untuk recrystalise, tapi aku membayangkan Anda akan benar-benar kehilangan berat total seperti kristal mendapat lebih besar/lebih murni. Ini akan mengasumsikan bahwa beberapa yang berat produk asli adalah kotoran, dan bahwa ketidakmurnian ini yang tersisa dari kristal dalam proses kristalisasi.     Bandil(Archetypical "Orang baik")06-25-04 16:11No 515347 Dual Grade rekristalisasi(Dinilai sebagai: membaca baik) Harap diingat bahwa rekristalisasi akan menghapus banyak kotoran. Tapi dalam proses melakukan hal ini, beberapa produk pasti hilang. Dan secara umum; murni Anda menginginkan produk Anda untuk menjadi, produk lain akan hilang. Hal ini karena kenyataan sederhana bahwa hati-hati rekristalisasi menyiratkan bahwa molekul disimpan dari mengkristal cepat. Dengan demikian banyak produk masih dipertahankan dalam larutan induk setelah kristalisasi selesai. Karena ini banyak apotek (diriku termasuk), memilih untuk membuat "dual grade kristalisasi". As this thread is about meth - i'll use that as an example. When recrystallizing an unspecified amount of meth, boiling IPA is added to the soon-to-be-recrystallized-meth, while stirring and heating, untill everything is dissolved. This is cooled really really slowly. Usually the beaker is left in the 90°C oil bath, such that it cool with this as a "jacket". Once roomtemperature, it's placed in the refridgiator, submerged in some water which has room temperature. This will make the temperature gradient lower - thus causing slower crystallization. After a few hours when everything has reached the refridgiator temperature, the beaker is placed in the freezer (dont use a water mantle here - it will freeze). After sitting there undisturbed for about a day or so, the stunning crystals are filtered. These are the "grade A" crystals, ready to use (assuming the initial product was pure enough of course)! The mother liquors are topped off with 4X volume acetone and put in the freezer. The grainy precipitate, is filtered ans saved in the "grade B" bottle. When its time for a new crystallization the old "grade B" batches are simply thrown in with it. The process is repeated ad infinitum (or untill you are no longer sane ). This way you'll get all "grade A" meth in the end , while recycling the semi-perfect meth.Happy weekend and crystallization!RegardsBandil Nuke the whales!  
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