„But, how to di­vide into two dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory? Stand­poi terjemahan - „But, how to di­vide into two dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory? Stand­poi Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„But, how to di­vide into two dif­f

„But, how to di­vide into two dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory? Stand­point where?” Frost raised the ques­tion.
I hold am wear­ing sit down in the one side warm chair, takes one bowl of warm thin rice gruel to feed her lit­tle eat­ing up from the aide hand, the soul that wears just has been re­leased, but the stature also grad­u­ally trans­forms to the liv­ing from the dead, al­though was con­tain­ing ex­tremely tyran­ni­cal death strength as be­fore, but at least is a live per­son, the live per­son needs to eat food, even if were the pow­er­house of Frost such Lord level also needs to sup­ple­ment the nu­tri­ent.
„Do you still re­mem­ber Tu Long Fort?” I asked.
Frost in con­ster­na­tion, said with a smile: „Nat­u­rally re­mem­bers, but Tu Long Fort changed into the ji pow­der under dark blue bil­lows that large-scale at­tack, should es­tab­lish very much dif­fi­cultly again?”
I show a faint smile: „Ac­tu­ally is not dif­fi­cult, looked that we do want to do, the day plume em­pire is hav­ing ju­ris­dic­tion over all na­tional ter­ri­tory of seven big king­doms now, means that all re­sources in our hands, the col­lec­tion mas­sive peo­ple hus­bands, re­con­struct Tu Long Fort, even can also as­sem­ble the army to de­fend im­pe­r­ial, could not spend many Cooldown.”
Wears in con­ster­na­tion: „Ram­ble, you were said that can con­tend with the north­ern dif­fer­ent demon army using the army strength of em­pire for me?”
I deeply in­spire: „So long as you can meet as an equal with Qin Ge, Sif, we sac­ri­ficed are also are again worth many, I re­signed from held the po­si­tion of spear greatly, but or­ders not to issue of­fi­cially, there­fore the light­ning at­tacks while this rare op­por­tu­nity im­me­di­ately, oth­er­wise some­what was pos­si­bly late.”
Say­ing, I look to nearby Tan­tai feather, said: „The Tan­tai feather obeys or­ders!”
The Tan­tai feather holds the fist in the other hand hur­riedly: „Please greatly hold the spear to order!”
„Around Tian Ling Em­pire also how many armies?”
„Ex­cept de­fend­ing the im­pe­r­ial city must be­side army, prob­a­bly also has the 40 W per­son to dis­patch, if the Sir wants to col­lect the peo­ple hus­band, can col­lect over 1 mil­lion peo­ple in three days ap­prox­i­mately.”
„Good, that gave you to man­age, im­me­di­ately as­sem­bles the army to cross cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den, pitched camp in Tu Long Fort, be­fore this slaugh­ter Long Fort has not es­tab­lished com­pletely, do not with­draw troops, as­sem­bled as far as pos­si­ble many peo­ple hus­bands again, per­formed the Tian Ling Em­pire biggest re­sources, must be newly-built to be­long to our forts in the for­mer site in short­est Cooldown in­trin­sic Tu Long Fort.”
Nearby, Frost said with a smile slightly: „Does not need too to be wor­ried that cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den near 40 W mil­i­tary strength, I will also dis­patch half, mak­ing child Queen Shu and Aodiliya lead Tu Long Fort to as­sist to­gether.”
„Um, that it would be the best.”
Wore and has eaten a thin rice gruel, said with a smile: „Thanks every­body!”
Health of soon, wear­ing re­stored sim­i­larly, the Tan­tai feather brought a cream-col­ored mag­nif­i­cent and ex­pen­sive long gown to put on for her, the em­pire princesses who also let this ex­pe­ri­ence life and death had princess's sev­eral points of bear­ing, when I and Frost ac­com­pa­nied to wear moved to­ward the main hall from the ice­house, one group of body­guards in abun­dance kneel down: „Wears your high­ness!”
Above both sides the main hall, one group of of­fi­cial mil­i­tary com­man­ders es­tab­lish sep­a­rately, I put out a hand a fig­ure of throne, said: „Shal­low for­est is not at tem­porar­ily, wears you are here high­est au­thor­ity owner, goes.”
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„But, how to di­vide into two dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory? Stand­point where?” Frost raised the ques­tion.I hold am wear­ing sit down in the one side warm chair, takes one bowl of warm thin rice gruel to feed her lit­tle eat­ing up from the aide hand, the soul that wears just has been re­leased, but the stature also grad­u­ally trans­forms to the liv­ing from the dead, al­though was con­tain­ing ex­tremely tyran­ni­cal death strength as be­fore, but at least is a live per­son, the live per­son needs to eat food, even if were the pow­er­house of Frost such Lord level also needs to sup­ple­ment the nu­tri­ent.„Do you still re­mem­ber Tu Long Fort?” I asked.Frost in con­ster­na­tion, said with a smile: „Nat­u­rally re­mem­bers, but Tu Long Fort changed into the ji pow­der under dark blue bil­lows that large-scale at­tack, should es­tab­lish very much dif­fi­cultly again?”I show a faint smile: „Ac­tu­ally is not dif­fi­cult, looked that we do want to do, the day plume em­pire is hav­ing ju­ris­dic­tion over all na­tional ter­ri­tory of seven big king­doms now, means that all re­sources in our hands, the col­lec­tion mas­sive peo­ple hus­bands, re­con­struct Tu Long Fort, even can also as­sem­ble the army to de­fend im­pe­r­ial, could not spend many Cooldown.”Wears in con­ster­na­tion: „Ram­ble, you were said that can con­tend with the north­ern dif­fer­ent demon army using the army strength of em­pire for me?”„Um.”I deeply in­spire: „So long as you can meet as an equal with Qin Ge, Sif, we sac­ri­ficed are also are again worth many, I re­signed from held the po­si­tion of spear greatly, but or­ders not to issue of­fi­cially, there­fore the light­ning at­tacks while this rare op­por­tu­nity im­me­di­ately, oth­er­wise some­what was pos­si­bly late.”Say­ing, I look to nearby Tan­tai feather, said: „The Tan­tai feather obeys or­ders!”The Tan­tai feather holds the fist in the other hand hur­riedly: „Please greatly hold the spear to order!”„Around Tian Ling Em­pire also how many armies?”„Ex­cept de­fend­ing the im­pe­r­ial city must be­side army, prob­a­bly also has the 40 W per­son to dis­patch, if the Sir wants to col­lect the peo­ple hus­band, can col­lect over 1 mil­lion peo­ple in three days ap­prox­i­mately.”„Good, that gave you to man­age, im­me­di­ately as­sem­bles the army to cross cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den, pitched camp in Tu Long Fort, be­fore this slaugh­ter Long Fort has not es­tab­lished com­pletely, do not with­draw troops, as­sem­bled as far as pos­si­ble many peo­ple hus­bands again, per­formed the Tian Ling Em­pire biggest re­sources, must be newly-built to be­long to our forts in the for­mer site in short­est Cooldown in­trin­sic Tu Long Fort.”„Yes!”Nearby, Frost said with a smile slightly: „Does not need too to be wor­ried that cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den near 40 W mil­i­tary strength, I will also dis­patch half, mak­ing child Queen Shu and Aodiliya lead Tu Long Fort to as­sist to­gether.”
„Um, that it would be the best.”
Wore and has eaten a thin rice gruel, said with a smile: „Thanks every­body!”
Health of soon, wear­ing re­stored sim­i­larly, the Tan­tai feather brought a cream-col­ored mag­nif­i­cent and ex­pen­sive long gown to put on for her, the em­pire princesses who also let this ex­pe­ri­ence life and death had princess's sev­eral points of bear­ing, when I and Frost ac­com­pa­nied to wear moved to­ward the main hall from the ice­house, one group of body­guards in abun­dance kneel down: „Wears your high­ness!”
Above both sides the main hall, one group of of­fi­cial mil­i­tary com­man­ders es­tab­lish sep­a­rately, I put out a hand a fig­ure of throne, said: „Shal­low for­est is not at tem­porar­ily, wears you are here high­est au­thor­ity owner, goes.”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Tapi, bagaimana membagi menjadi dua wilayah setan yang berbeda? Sudut pandang mana? "Frost mengangkat pertanyaan.
Aku terus saya memakai duduk di kursi hangat satu sisi, mengambil satu mangkuk hangat bubur beras tipis untuk memberi makan makan kecilnya naik dari sisi ajudan, jiwa yang memakai hanya telah dirilis, tapi perawakannya juga secara bertahap mengubah ke hidup dari yang mati, meskipun itu mengandung kekuatan kematian sangat tirani seperti sebelumnya, tapi setidaknya adalah orang hidup, orang hidup perlu makan makanan, bahkan jika itu pembangkit tenaga listrik dari Frost tingkat Tuhan seperti juga . perlu untuk melengkapi nutrisi
. "? Apakah Anda masih ingat Tu Long Fort" aku bertanya
Frost dalam ketakutan, berkata sambil tersenyum: "Tentu ingat, tapi Tu Long Fort diubah menjadi bubuk ji bawah ombak biru tua yang serangan besar-besaran , harus membangun sangat banyak difficultly lagi? "
aku menunjukkan senyum tipis:" Sebenarnya tidak sulit, tampak bahwa kita ingin lakukan, kekaisaran hari membanggakan adalah memiliki yurisdiksi atas semua wilayah nasional dari tujuh kerajaan besar sekarang, berarti bahwa semua sumber daya . di tangan kita, koleksi besar orang suami, merekonstruksi Tu Long Fort, bahkan juga dapat merakit tentara untuk mempertahankan kekaisaran, tidak bisa menghabiskan banyak Cooldown "
Wears dalam ketakutan:" mengoceh, kau mengatakan bahwa dapat bersaing dengan iblis yang berbeda utara tentara menggunakan kekuatan tentara kerajaan untuk saya "?
" Um. "
saya sangat menginspirasi:" Jadi selama Anda dapat memenuhi sebagai sama dengan Qin Ge, Sif, kami dikorbankan juga yang lagi layak banyak, saya mengundurkan diri dari memegang posisi . tombak sangat, tapi perintah untuk tidak mengeluarkan secara resmi, oleh karena serangan petir saat kesempatan langka ini segera, jika tidak agak itu mungkin terlambat "
mengatakan, saya melihat ke bulu Tantai dekatnya, mengatakan:" The Tantai bulu mematuhi perintah "
The Tantai bulu memegang tangan di sisi lain buru-buru: "Silahkan sangat memegang tombak untuk memesan"
? "Sekitar Tian Ling Empire juga berapa banyak tentara"
"Kecuali membela kota kekaisaran harus samping tentara, mungkin juga memiliki 40 W orang untuk mengirimkan, jika Sir ingin mengumpulkan suami orang, bisa mengumpulkan lebih dari 1 juta orang dalam tiga hari sekitar. "
" Baik, yang memberi Anda untuk mengelola, segera merakit tentara untuk menyeberang dingin lahan tidur Dragon den, mendirikan kemah di Tu Long Fort, sebelum disembelih ini Long Fort belum didirikan sepenuhnya, tidak menarik pasukan, dirakit sejauh mungkin banyak orang suami lagi, melakukan Tian Ling Empire sumber terbesar, harus baru dibangun milik benteng kami di situs bekas di Cooldown terpendek . intrinsik Tu Long Fort "
" Ya! "
Terdekat, kata Frost dengan senyum yang sedikit:" tidak perlu terlalu khawatir bahwa den tanah yang tidak digarap dingin Dragon dekat 40 kekuatan militer W, saya juga akan mengirimkan setengah, membuat anak Queen Shu dan . Aodiliya memimpin Tu Long Fort untuk membantu bersama-sama "
". Um, bahwa itu akan menjadi yang terbaik "
mengenakan dan telah makan bubur nasi tipis, berkata sambil tersenyum:"! Terima kasih semua orang "
Kesehatan segera, mengenakan dipulihkan sama, yang Tantai bulu membawa megah dan mahal gaun panjang berwarna krem untuk mengenakan untuknya, putri kerajaan yang juga membiarkan hidup pengalaman ini dan kematian memiliki beberapa poin putri bantalan, ketika saya dan Frost disertai dengan memakai bergerak menuju aula utama dari simpangan es yang , satu kelompok pengawal dalam kelimpahan berlutut: "! Wears Mulia"
di atas kedua sisi ruang utama, satu kelompok komandan militer resmi menetapkan secara terpisah, aku mengulurkan tangan sosok tahta, mengatakan: "hutan dangkal tidak di sementara, memakai Anda di sini tertinggi pemilik otoritas, pergi. "
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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