„Has not thought that short four years, Brother Xiao Yan was also the  terjemahan - „Has not thought that short four years, Brother Xiao Yan was also the  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„Has not thought that short four ye

„Has not thought that short four years, Brother Xiao Yan was also the Dou Huang step to leave, re­ally made Xun'Er ac­ci­den­tal”
„Flame Al­liance but ac­tu­ally is re­ally a good name, has not thought that Brother Xiao Yan can dis­place Misty Cloud Sect.”
When the Ling Ying words fin­ished grad­u­ally, on Xun'Er that fine cheeks, re­veals wipes the sim­ple and el­e­gant smile, the jade refers to the lyue open­ing fore­head the black hair be­fore of falling gen­tly, the in­dif­fer­ently tun­nel: „Has not thought that Soul Palace still began, that Ven­er­a­ble Yao Chen also had human re­la­tions with my fam­ily in the past, per­haps he should also know my sta­tus, does not know whether has not told Brother Xiao Yan.”
„Should not, he also this clear, mak­ing Xiao Yan young mas­ter too early know that your sta­tus, is not good to him.” Ling Ying hes­i­tates to say.
„Old Ling, sends for search­ing for Soul Palace as far as pos­si­ble is, it seems like in the past Uncle Xiao's mat­ter, is the hands and feet that they move.” Xun'Er is ex­ces­sive, sound slightly chilly tun­nel.
Hear­ing this, Ling Ying has hes­i­tated slightly, said that „ good, this mat­ter I will carry on se­cret, as far as pos­si­ble search, but that Soul Palace is also strange, ex­cept for a small num­ber of peo­ple knows that the head­quar­ters are, in our clan, is the un­usual per­son knows, even if we and they also every large or small fought were in­nu­mer­able.
Xun'Er slightly nod, the eye­lid hangs, in that limpid eye pupil passed over gen­tly and swiftly sud­denly wipes chill, in the heart the slowly tun­nel, „Soul Palace, al­though knows that you want to ob­tain Xiao Fam­ily that An­cient Em­peror Tuo She king ex­tremely, may do not make him dam­age surely, oth­er­wise in any event, I will also let your pay­out the price that is hard to with­stand!”
The words ar­rive fi­nally, Xun'Er eye pupil rushes the Golden flame sud­denly, but emerges along with the flame, the giant rock of its side, in the strange fluc­tu­a­tion, is qui­etly im­me­di­ately to­gether changes into a ni­hility!
Sees the Golden flame that in the Xun'Er eye emerges, in the Ling Ying heart is also one cold, by her fa­mil­iar with for­mer, nat­u­rally knows, when is in the heart re­ally pan- killing in­tent or the anger, that deeply hides in that thing of its soul deep place, just now will break the body!
Ling Ying has not thought ac­tu­ally that 34 years have not met, Xun'Er not only has not had the slight fuzzi­ness to Xiao Yan, but, that emo­tion, in pass­ing of time, is pro­founder and mel­low.
„Oh, per­haps that Ju­nior, do not know one have moist­ened the big good for­tune, can make the young lady so worry about in the per­son of heart, if passed on, per­haps your Flame Al­liance Jia Ma Em­pire, in one day, is being shortly the de­struc­tion, there­fore, for the young lady, prac­tices dili­gently, pre­sent you, al­though to Dou Huang, has been pos­si­ble ac­tu­ally still also in­suf­fi­cient” in heart a deep sigh, se­cret pas­sage of Ling Ying in heart.
„Was right” has re­sem­bled sud­denly has re­mem­bered any­thing, the Ling Ying com­plex­ion slightly changed, the sun­light was star­ing at Xun'Er, road cau­tiously, „as far as I know, be­cause the young lady has not met that from the Xiao Fam­ily belt ‚key’ the rea­son, in this clan un­der­went sev­eral dis­putes, fi­nally was de­cides to send for rush­ing to Jia Ma Em­pire, from the Xiao Fam­ily hand, searched for that ‚key’.”
The Ling Ying voice just fell, a ter­ri­fy­ing im­pos­ing man­ner, sud­denly from front vi­o­lently surge out, but its per­sonal ap­pear­ance was also shaken the hur­ried back­lash, gained ground, a face can­not help but panic-stricken.
Xun'Er at this mo­ment, the sole take­offs three feet, the com­plex­ion ice is cold, the ra­di­ant Golden flame, just likes the liq­uid in its whole body cir­cu­la­tion, but in flow­ing of that Golden flame, the sur­round­ing rock, un­ex­pect­edly strangely grad­u­all
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„Has not thought that short four years, Brother Xiao Yan was also the Dou Huang step to leave, re­ally made Xun'Er ac­ci­den­tal”„Flame Al­liance but ac­tu­ally is re­ally a good name, has not thought that Brother Xiao Yan can dis­place Misty Cloud Sect.”When the Ling Ying words fin­ished grad­u­ally, on Xun'Er that fine cheeks, re­veals wipes the sim­ple and el­e­gant smile, the jade refers to the lyue open­ing fore­head the black hair be­fore of falling gen­tly, the in­dif­fer­ently tun­nel: „Has not thought that Soul Palace still began, that Ven­er­a­ble Yao Chen also had human re­la­tions with my fam­ily in the past, per­haps he should also know my sta­tus, does not know whether has not told Brother Xiao Yan.”„Should not, he also this clear, mak­ing Xiao Yan young mas­ter too early know that your sta­tus, is not good to him.” Ling Ying hes­i­tates to say.„Old Ling, sends for search­ing for Soul Palace as far as pos­si­ble is, it seems like in the past Uncle Xiao's mat­ter, is the hands and feet that they move.” Xun'Er is ex­ces­sive, sound slightly chilly tun­nel.Hear­ing this, Ling Ying has hes­i­tated slightly, said that „ good, this mat­ter I will carry on se­cret, as far as pos­si­ble search, but that Soul Palace is also strange, ex­cept for a small num­ber of peo­ple knows that the head­quar­ters are, in our clan, is the un­usual per­son knows, even if we and they also every large or small fought were in­nu­mer­able.Xun'Er slightly nod, the eye­lid hangs, in that limpid eye pupil passed over gen­tly and swiftly sud­denly wipes chill, in the heart the slowly tun­nel, „Soul Palace, al­though knows that you want to ob­tain Xiao Fam­ily that An­cient Em­peror Tuo She king ex­tremely, may do not make him dam­age surely, oth­er­wise in any event, I will also let your pay­out the price that is hard to with­stand!”The words ar­rive fi­nally, Xun'Er eye pupil rushes the Golden flame sud­denly, but emerges along with the flame, the giant rock of its side, in the strange fluc­tu­a­tion, is qui­etly im­me­di­ately to­gether changes into a ni­hility!Sees the Golden flame that in the Xun'Er eye emerges, in the Ling Ying heart is also one cold, by her fa­mil­iar with for­mer, nat­u­rally knows, when is in the heart re­ally pan- killing in­tent or the anger, that deeply hides in that thing of its soul deep place, just now will break the body!Ling Ying has not thought ac­tu­ally that 34 years have not met, Xun'Er not only has not had the slight fuzzi­ness to Xiao Yan, but, that emo­tion, in pass­ing of time, is pro­founder and mel­low.„Oh, per­haps that Ju­nior, do not know one have moist­ened the big good for­tune, can make the young lady so worry about in the per­son of heart, if passed on, per­haps your Flame Al­liance Jia Ma Em­pire, in one day, is being shortly the de­struc­tion, there­fore, for the young lady, prac­tices dili­gently, pre­sent you, al­though to Dou Huang, has been pos­si­ble ac­tu­ally still also in­suf­fi­cient” in heart a deep sigh, se­cret pas­sage of Ling Ying in heart.„Was right” has re­sem­bled sud­denly has re­mem­bered any­thing, the Ling Ying com­plex­ion slightly changed, the sun­light was star­ing at Xun'Er, road cau­tiously, „as far as I know, be­cause the young lady has not met that from the Xiao Fam­ily belt ‚key’ the rea­son, in this clan un­der­went sev­eral dis­putes, fi­nally was de­cides to send for rush­ing to Jia Ma Em­pire, from the Xiao Fam­ily hand, searched for that ‚key’.”„Bang!”The Ling Ying voice just fell, a ter­ri­fy­ing im­pos­ing man­ner, sud­denly from front vi­o­lently surge out, but its per­sonal ap­pear­ance was also shaken the hur­ried back­lash, gained ground, a face can­not help but panic-stricken.Xun'Er at this mo­ment, the sole take­offs three feet, the com­plex­ion ice is cold, the ra­di­ant Golden flame, just likes the liq­uid in its whole body cir­cu­la­tion, but in flow­ing of that Golden flame, the sur­round­ing rock, un­ex­pect­edly strangely grad­u­all
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Belum berpikir bahwa singkat empat tahun, Bruder Xiao Yan juga langkah Dou Huang meninggalkan, benar-benar membuat Xun'Er disengaja"
"Api Alliance tetapi sebenarnya benar-benar nama baik, tidak berpikir bahwa Brother Xiao Yan dapat menggantikan Misty Cloud . sekte "
Ketika kata-kata Ling Ying selesai secara bertahap, pada Xun'Er bahwa pipi halus, mengungkapkan tisu senyum sederhana dan elegan, giok mengacu pada dahi pembukaan lyue rambut hitam sebelum jatuh lembut, yang acuh tak acuh terowongan:" Apakah tidak berpikir bahwa Jiwa Palace masih mulai, yang Mulia Yao Chen juga memiliki hubungan manusia dengan keluarga saya di masa lalu, mungkin dia juga harus tahu status saya, tidak tahu apakah belum diberitahu Bruder Xiao Yan. "
" seharusnya tidak, ia juga ini jelas , membuat Xiao Yan tuan muda terlalu dini bahwa status Anda, tidak baik baginya. "Ling Ying ragu-ragu untuk mengatakan.
" Old Ling, mengirimkan untuk mencari jiwa Palace sejauh mungkin adalah, tampaknya seperti di masa lalu Paman Xiao materi, adalah tangan dan kaki mereka bergerak. "Xun'Er berlebihan, terdengar terowongan sedikit dingin.
Mendengar ini, Ling Ying telah ragu-ragu sedikit, mengatakan bahwa" yang baik, hal ini saya akan melanjutkan rahasia, sejauh penelusuran mungkin , tapi itu Jiwa Palace juga aneh, kecuali untuk sejumlah kecil orang tahu bahwa markas, dalam klan kami, adalah orang biasa yang tahu, bahkan jika kita dan mereka juga setiap besar atau kecil berjuang yang tak terhitung banyaknya.
Xun'Er sedikit mengangguk, hang kelopak mata, bahwa murid mata jernih melewati lembut dan cepat tiba-tiba tisu dingin, di dalam hati perlahan terowongan, "Soul Palace, meskipun tahu bahwa Anda ingin mendapatkan Xiao Keluarga yang Kuno Kaisar Tuo Dia raja sangat, dapat melakukan tidak membuatnya merusak pasti, jika dalam setiap peristiwa, saya juga akan membiarkan pembayaran Anda harga yang sulit untuk menahan! "
kata-kata tiba akhirnya, Xun'Er mata murid bergegas Golden api tiba-tiba, tetapi muncul bersama dengan api, yang batu raksasa dari sisinya, di fluktuasi aneh, diam-diam segera bersama-sama berubah menjadi nihility sebuah!
melihat api Emas yang di mata Xun'Er muncul, di jantung Ling Ying juga merupakan salah satu dingin, oleh dia akrab dengan mantan, secara alami tahu, ketika berada di jantung benar-benar pan niat membunuh atau kemarahan, yang sangat menyembunyikan dalam hal jiwa tempat yang mendalam, sekarang akan mematahkan tubuh!
Ling Ying belum berpikir sebenarnya yang 34 tahun tidak bertemu, Xun ' Er tidak hanya belum memiliki ketidakjelasan sedikit untuk Xiao Yan, tapi, emosi, dalam berjalannya waktu, adalah profounder dan mellow.
"Oh, mungkin itu Junior, tidak tahu salah satu telah dibasahi nasib baik besar, bisa membuat awet muda wanita begitu khawatir tentang dalam pribadi jantung, jika diteruskan, mungkin Anda api Alliance Jia Ma Empire, dalam satu hari, sedang lama kehancuran, karena itu, untuk wanita muda, praktek rajin, hadir Anda, meskipun untuk Dou Huang, telah dimungkinkan sebenarnya masih juga tidak cukup "dalam hati napas dalam-dalam, jalan rahasia dari Ling Ying dalam hati.
" Apakah benar "telah menyerupai apa tiba-tiba telah mengingat, corak Ling Ying sedikit berubah, sinar matahari menatap Xun'Er, jalan hati-hati, "sejauh yang saya tahu, karena wanita muda belum bertemu bahwa dari sabuk Xiao Keluarga, kunci 'alasannya, dalam klan ini menjalani beberapa perselisihan, akhirnya itu memutuskan untuk mengirim untuk bergegas ke Jia Ma Empire, dari Xiao tangan keluarga, mencari untuk itu, kunci '. "
" Bang! "
suara Ling Ying hanya jatuh, dengan cara mengesankan menakutkan, tiba-tiba dari depan keras gelombang keluar, tapi penampilan pribadi yang juga mengguncang bergegas backlash, tanah naik, wajah tidak bisa tidak panik.
Xun'Er saat ini, satu-satunya lepas landas tiga kaki, es kulit dingin, Golden api bercahaya, hanya suka cairan dalam sirkulasi seluruh tubuh, tetapi dalam mengalir itu Emas api, yang batuan sekitarnya, graduall tiba-tiba aneh
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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