At noon, ac­com­pa­nied Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng moon­rise to eat the terjemahan - At noon, ac­com­pa­nied Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng moon­rise to eat the Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

At noon, ac­com­pa­nied Lin Wan Er

At noon, ac­com­pa­nied Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng moon­rise to eat the hot pot, then in the af­ter­noon came back, un­ex­pect­edly in the dis­cov­ery hall had the bag­gage, orig­i­nally was Tang Qi also came back, this goods were very ac­tu­ally pos­i­tive, sec­ond day of the lunar New Year came.
In the af­ter­noon , to con­tinue to get on­line!
Ap­pears in Shuai Zhangnei of palace guard, the front of this tent is the armed forces, the armed forces' cav­alry camp and in­fantry bat­tal­ion com­prised, Zuo Jun is Long Xing the demon flame camp, the right armed forces are Xia Ye the star blun­der­buss camp, al­to­gether the 5 W army guards here, the grace­ful ac­count is sit­u­ated in the core, is quiet and beau­ti­ful, this is the tent that Han Yuan­wei I pre­pares, it seems like he also thought that I am one like the se­cluded per­son.
Went out of the tent, a guard of­fi­cer walks to go for­ward, says with a smile: „Com­mands the Sir to awake?”
The player wind­ing, NPC thinks that we fell asleep.
I nod: „Um.”
The guard of­fi­cer cor­ners of the mouth raise, say with a smile: „Com­mands, com­mand­ing of other em­pire reg­i­ment mostly has to wait on the con­cu­bine to live in Shuai Zhangli is lonely to­gether by the so­lu­tion, lit­tle a per­son, many sev­eral peo­ple, as far as I know, Shuai Zhangli under Theodore main hall has 7 to wait on the con­cu­bine, in the tents of two your high­ness also 4 peo­ple, even if bans in the mar­quis Luo child's tent also 1 fa­vorite im­pe­r­ial con­cu­bine, why Shuai Zhang of Sir air-to-air doesn't have?”
I smile bit­terly, wants me to do in Rome as Rome does? Per­son but who I have the girl­friend, if Lin Wan Er knows that I raise to wait on the con­cu­bine in Shuai Zhangli, does not bite to death me to be strange . More­over, even if I must bring MM to enter Shuai Zhang, that also cer­tainly is brings Lin Wan Er to come, there­fore shakes the head says with a smile: „Chief aide-de-camp, the mat­ter that does not need to wait on con­cu­bine was ex­hausted, I have brought the girl­friend, you do not need to in­quire about.”
The guard of­fi­cer stares, ob­vi­ously does not un­der­stand that the girl­friend is any thing, ac­tu­ally also nods say­ing: „Com­pli­ant!”
I al­ready sum­moned fly­ing sickle ar­mored war horse, stands up from fail­ure to start to di­rectly soar the school ground di­rec­tion, only lis­tens to an in­ter­mit­tent drill slo­gan to shoot up to the sky, the bar­bar­ian sol­dier in blade shield camp is train­ing the tac­tic that the de­fense, ad­vances on, but the dis­tant place is the dense and nu­mer­ous cav­alry sol­diers in the tour eques­trian skill, in the tar­get range is one piece „” sound.
The South Ko­rean deep pool is rais­ing a han­dle sword, stands in the crowd of bar­bar­ian blade shield, a blade cut down the ef­fort and angle that a shield strikes just right, he is demon­strat­ing by one­self, al­though this fel­low is Yorozuo is long, but does not have the rack but ac­tu­ally, be­comes in­te­grated with one group of sol­diers, more­over Han Yuan strength is day by day strong, un­clearly be­came the first mas­ter of palace guard, nat­u­rally, my this com­mands to be an ex­cep­tion, after all I am not NPC, more­over Han Yuan does not dare to fight me.
„Gen­eral came!”
The South Ko­rean deep pool puts down the sword, men­tioned long-bar­relled gun to stand up from fail­ure to start to come, to say with a smile: „Gen­eral!”
I nod: „What has to progress?”
„Scout­ing that sends ex­ited quite a while, tem­porar­ily did not have the news.”
Sev­eral min­utes, one row of cav­alry sol­diers dash to come, to raise dust, one of them goes for­ward say­ing: „Com­manded, gen­eral, Wu Shenhe the east bank we had gone on pa­trol com­pletely, had not dis­cov­ered that any sus­pi­cious dock and har­bor, the only har­bor was burnt down to aban­don six months ago by dragon Long Jun, the sub­or­di­nate be­lieves that dragon Long Jun's foothold cer­tainly in West ba
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
At noon, ac­com­pa­nied Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng moon­rise to eat the hot pot, then in the af­ter­noon came back, un­ex­pect­edly in the dis­cov­ery hall had the bag­gage, orig­i­nally was Tang Qi also came back, this goods were very ac­tu­ally pos­i­tive, sec­ond day of the lunar New Year came.In the af­ter­noon , to con­tinue to get on­line!„Brushes!”Ap­pears in Shuai Zhangnei of palace guard, the front of this tent is the armed forces, the armed forces' cav­alry camp and in­fantry bat­tal­ion com­prised, Zuo Jun is Long Xing the demon flame camp, the right armed forces are Xia Ye the star blun­der­buss camp, al­to­gether the 5 W army guards here, the grace­ful ac­count is sit­u­ated in the core, is quiet and beau­ti­ful, this is the tent that Han Yuan­wei I pre­pares, it seems like he also thought that I am one like the se­cluded per­son.Went out of the tent, a guard of­fi­cer walks to go for­ward, says with a smile: „Com­mands the Sir to awake?”The player wind­ing, NPC thinks that we fell asleep.I nod: „Um.”The guard of­fi­cer cor­ners of the mouth raise, say with a smile: „Com­mands, com­mand­ing of other em­pire reg­i­ment mostly has to wait on the con­cu­bine to live in Shuai Zhangli is lonely to­gether by the so­lu­tion, lit­tle a per­son, many sev­eral peo­ple, as far as I know, Shuai Zhangli under Theodore main hall has 7 to wait on the con­cu­bine, in the tents of two your high­ness also 4 peo­ple, even if bans in the mar­quis Luo child's tent also 1 fa­vorite im­pe­r­ial con­cu­bine, why Shuai Zhang of Sir air-to-air doesn't have?”I smile bit­terly, wants me to do in Rome as Rome does? Per­son but who I have the girl­friend, if Lin Wan Er knows that I raise to wait on the con­cu­bine in Shuai Zhangli, does not bite to death me to be strange . More­over, even if I must bring MM to enter Shuai Zhang, that also cer­tainly is brings Lin Wan Er to come, there­fore shakes the head says with a smile: „Chief aide-de-camp, the mat­ter that does not need to wait on con­cu­bine was ex­hausted, I have brought the girl­friend, you do not need to in­quire about.”The guard of­fi­cer stares, ob­vi­ously does not un­der­stand that the girl­friend is any thing, ac­tu­ally also nods say­ing: „Com­pli­ant!”I al­ready sum­moned fly­ing sickle ar­mored war horse, stands up from fail­ure to start to di­rectly soar the school ground di­rec­tion, only lis­tens to an in­ter­mit­tent drill slo­gan to shoot up to the sky, the bar­bar­ian sol­dier in blade shield camp is train­ing the tac­tic that the de­fense, ad­vances on, but the dis­tant place is the dense and nu­mer­ous cav­alry sol­diers in the tour eques­trian skill, in the tar­get range is one piece „” sound.The South Ko­rean deep pool is rais­ing a han­dle sword, stands in the crowd of bar­bar­ian blade shield, a blade cut down the ef­fort and angle that a shield strikes just right, he is demon­strat­ing by one­self, al­though this fel­low is Yorozuo is long, but does not have the rack but ac­tu­ally, be­comes in­te­grated with one group of sol­diers, more­over Han Yuan strength is day by day strong, un­clearly be­came the first mas­ter of palace guard, nat­u­rally, my this com­mands to be an ex­cep­tion, after all I am not NPC, more­over Han Yuan does not dare to fight me.
„Gen­eral came!”
The South Ko­rean deep pool puts down the sword, men­tioned long-bar­relled gun to stand up from fail­ure to start to come, to say with a smile: „Gen­eral!”
I nod: „What has to progress?”
„Scout­ing that sends ex­ited quite a while, tem­porar­ily did not have the news.”
Sev­eral min­utes, one row of cav­alry sol­diers dash to come, to raise dust, one of them goes for­ward say­ing: „Com­manded, gen­eral, Wu Shenhe the east bank we had gone on pa­trol com­pletely, had not dis­cov­ered that any sus­pi­cious dock and har­bor, the only har­bor was burnt down to aban­don six months ago by dragon Long Jun, the sub­or­di­nate be­lieves that dragon Long Jun's foothold cer­tainly in West ba
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Pada tengah hari, disertai Lin Wan Er dan Dong Cheng imigran untuk makan hot pot, kemudian di sore hari kembali, tiba-tiba di aula penemuan memiliki bagasi, awalnya adalah Tang Qi juga kembali, barang ini sangat benar-benar positif, hari kedua Tahun Baru Imlek datang.
pada sore hari, untuk terus mendapatkan online!
muncul di Shuai Zhangnei penjaga istana, bagian depan tenda ini adalah angkatan bersenjata, angkatan bersenjata 'kavaleri camp dan batalyon infanteri terdiri, Zuo Juni adalah panjang Xing kamp api setan, angkatan bersenjata yang tepat adalah Xia Ye kamp blunderbuss bintang, sama sekali 5 W penjaga militer di sini, akun anggun terletak di inti, tenang dan indah, ini adalah tenda yang Han Yuanwei aku mempersiapkan, sepertinya dia juga berpikir bahwa saya salah satu seperti orang terpencil.
pergi keluar dari tenda, petugas penjaga berjalan untuk maju, sambil tersenyum: "? perintah Sir terjaga"
pemain berliku, NPC berpikir bahwa kita jatuh tertidur.
saya mengangguk: ". Um"
sudut petugas penjaga dari kenaikan mulut, mengatakan dengan tersenyum: "Perintah, komandan resimen kerajaan lainnya sebagian besar harus menunggu di selir untuk tinggal di Shuai Zhangli yang kesepian bersama-sama dengan solusi, sedikit orang, banyak beberapa orang, sejauh yang saya tahu, Shuai Zhangli bawah ruang utama Theodore memiliki 7 untuk menunggu selir, di tenda-tenda dari dua Mulia juga 4 orang, bahkan jika larangan di marquis tenda Luo anak juga 1 favorit selir kekaisaran, mengapa Shuai Zhang dari Sir udara-ke-udara tidak memiliki? "
aku tersenyum pahit, ingin aku lakukan di Roma sebagai Roma tidak? Orang tapi yang aku punya pacar, jika Lin Wan Er tahu bahwa saya mengangkat menunggu di selir di Shuai Zhangli, tidak menggigit sampai mati saya untuk menjadi aneh. Selain itu, bahkan jika saya harus membawa MM untuk masuk Shuai Zhang, yang juga pasti membawa Lin Wan Er datang, oleh karena itu menggelengkan kepala mengatakan sambil tersenyum: "Kepala pembantu-de-camp, hal itu tidak perlu menunggu selir itu kelelahan, saya telah membawa pacar, Anda tidak perlu menanyakan tentang ".
The tatapan petugas penjaga, jelas tidak mengerti bahwa pacar adalah hal apapun, sebenarnya juga mengangguk mengatakan:"! Compliant "
saya sudah dipanggil terbang sabit lapis baja perang kuda, berdiri dari kegagalan untuk mulai langsung melambung ke arah halaman sekolah, hanya mendengarkan slogan bor intermiten untuk menembak ke langit, prajurit barbar di kamp blade perisai melatih taktik yang pertahanan, uang muka, tapi tempat yang jauh adalah tentara kavaleri padat dan banyak dalam keterampilan berkuda tur, di kisaran target adalah salah satu bagian "" suara.
kolam renang dalam Korea Selatan adalah menaikkan pedang pegangan, berdiri di kerumunan perisai pisau barbar, dipotong pisau bawah upaya dan sudut yang perisai pemogokan tepat, ia menunjukkan oleh diri sendiri, meskipun orang ini adalah Yorozuo panjang, tetapi tidak memiliki rak tetapi sebenarnya, menjadi terintegrasi dengan satu kelompok tentara, apalagi Han Yuan kekuatan adalah hari hari yang kuat, tidak jelas menjadi master pertama pengawal istana, secara alami, saya ini perintah untuk menjadi pengecualian, setelah semua saya tidak NPC, apalagi Han Yuan tidak berani melawan saya.
"General datang!"
Korea Selatan dalam kolam puts bawah pedang, disebutkan laras panjang gun berdiri dari kegagalan untuk mulai datang, mengatakan dengan senyum: "! General"
saya mengangguk: "? Apa yang harus maju"
"Scouting yang mengirimkan keluar cukup lama, sementara melakukan . tidak memiliki berita "
"! Um "
Beberapa menit, satu baris tentara kavaleri lari untuk datang, untuk meningkatkan debu, salah satu dari mereka maju berjalan mengatakan:" diperintahkan, umum, Wu Shenhe bank timur kita sudah berpatroli benar, tidak menemukan bahwa setiap dermaga yang mencurigakan dan pelabuhan, satu-satunya pelabuhan dibakar untuk meninggalkan enam bulan yang lalu oleh naga panjang Juni, bawahan percaya bahwa naga panjang Jun pijakan pasti di ba Barat
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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