I shook my head. “I’m trying to be nice. You could, too.”“Nice?” He la terjemahan - I shook my head. “I’m trying to be nice. You could, too.”“Nice?” He la Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I shook my head. “I’m trying to be

I shook my head. “I’m trying to be nice. You could, too.”
“Nice?” He laughed to himself. “I don’t want your nice.”
I clenched my teeth. What the hell was his problem?
Grabbing the bottle of peroxide I’d dropped on the floor, I unscrewed the cap and poured a short stream onto the gash on his stomach.
He hissed and grabbed some gauze, covering the wound. “What the hell?”
“Oops,” I chirped, and screwed the cap back on.
I dumped the bottle on the cot, kicked his feet apart, and knelt between his legs. And I watched him watch me as I placed my hands on his thighs and slowly lowered my head to his wound. Peeling his hand away, I blew a cool, light breath over his bubbling cuts, soothing the sting I’d created.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw his body jerk and then go completely still as if he weren’t even breathing. I puckered my lips and blew soft breath after soft breath across his narrow abdomen, moving my head side to side along the short range of shallow cuts.
A hint of his scented body wash wafted around me, along with the rain and sweat, and I closed my eyes, losing myself to the fuzz in my brain.
“K.C.,” he breathed out, and I looked up to see his head drop back as he closed his eyes. His chest rose and fell hard, and I couldn’t look away. His torso went on for miles, and his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down.
He loved this, and for fuck’s sake, I was half tempted to kiss him better.
Leaning back on my heels, I looked up at him, my lips twitching with a smile. “You like my nice,” I said, teasing.
I smirked and stood up on my knees, grabbing the saline solution and gauze as he brought his head back up to watch me.
“So, how did this happen?” I asked, holding the gauze on his skin, under the cuts, to catch the saline.
His abs flexed, probably from the cold fluid, since saline didn’t sting, as I poured it over the cuts, cleaning them.
He sucked in air through his teeth. “Some of the science kids have greenhouses on the roof,” he grunted, and I almost laughed out loud. “Masters asked me to go up and make sure the roofs were closed, but I slipped coming back down the stairs. Scraped myself on some bolts.”
I used the rest of the gauze to wipe up the solution, and then ripped open a package with a wet wipe and made sure the blood was cleared up.
“You should be using gloves,” he pointed out. “You know? Blood and all.”
“I thought any girl was safe with you,” I shot back, tearing open bandages. “Isn’t that what you told me?”
Jax was silent for a minute, narrowing his eyes further and watching me as I placed three rectangular bandages on his stomach.
“I said any girlfriend of mine,” he finally clarified. “But you shouldn’t be so careless. Use gloves next time.”
I ignored him, feeling weird on the occasions he acted like this. Jax had a habit of scolding me, sometimes acting as though he was protecting me, and then following it all up with being an asshole. I finally figured out condescension was his way of gaining superiority. Making others feel stupid.
I sat back, looking him in the eye and changing the subject. “Is anything else hurt?”
He hesitated only a moment. And then folded his arm back, lifting his right elbow to reveal the scratches I’d noticed earlier.
Repeating the same procedure, I stood up and leaned over him, catching the saline wash as it cascaded over his wound and into the gauze.
He hissed, and I blinked.
“Blow on it,” he ordered.
“It doesn’t sting,” I scoffed, knowing damn well that saline didn’t hurt.
“K.C., Jesus,” he barked, wincing.
I rolled my eyes but gave in. Holding the underside of his arm—his hard triceps—I leaned down and released a slow, cool breeze over the scratches. Jax’s scent wafted over me again, and I desperately wanted to close my mouth so I could breathe him in through my nose.
But I didn’t. I could tell his eyes were on me.
“Why are you watching me?” I asked, wiping up the rest of the solution and blood.
I didn’t look at him, but I heard him swallow.
“This is just the first time you’ve ever made me feel good, is all,” he replied in probably the most candid way I’d ever heard him speak.
I pinched my eyebrows together.
The first time I’d ever made him feel good. I didn’t know what to say to that. Hell, I had nothing to say to that.
Keeping quiet, I finished applying his bandages as fast as I could and didn’t meet his eyes again. He’d tried to be nice to me in high school. He’d tried to be a friend. Maybe friends with benefits but still a friend. Now here I was, forcing my attention on him, and he probably had no patience for me anymore.
“Can I ask you a question?” I ventured.
“That night you drove Liam home …” I swallowed, smoothing my fingers over the bandage I’d fixed to his arm. “You said you had tattoos. Too many.” I repeated his words, my eyes fixated on his forearm. “What did you mean?” I pressed, because clearly Jax didn’t sport any tattoos. His statement hadn’t made any sense.
Even though I hadn’t looked at him, I noticed his head turn away as he inhaled a slow, deep breath. Kind of as though he was getting ready to dive deep underwater and knew he wouldn’t be up for air for a while.
“Sorry,” I said quietly, straightening up and crumpling the bandage wrappers in my fist. “I just … I don’t know …” I trailed off. “I just want to understand.”
I finally met his eyes, and he studied me silently. I didn’t know if he was trying to figure out what to tell me or if he wanted to tell me anything at all. Funny thing was, I’d thought about what Jax said that night a lot over the years, and while I was curious, it wasn’t until I’d overheard his conversation with Jared today that I knew it had something to do with his childhood.
And I realized that I didn’t know Jaxon Trent at all.
He rubbed his forearm and narrowed his eyes briefly before relaxing. “If you could get a tattoo, what would it be?”
I blinked, shocked by his question. “Um.” I laughed softly, thinking. “I thought about a set of angel wings, I guess. With one of the wings broken,” I admitted.
“It has something to do with your past?”
I nodded. “Yes.”
“And it’s something you want to remember?” he pressed.
“That’s why I don’t have any tattoos,” he concluded. “People get tattoos for all kinds of reasons, but they’re always badges of what has made them who they are. I don’t care to remember what and who made me this way. The people that gave me life. The people that brought me up …” He shook his head, defiant. “The places I’ve seen or anything I’ve done. It’s all in my head, anyway. I don’t want it on my body, too. I don’t care about anything that much.”
His sneer wasn’t for me, but I knew I’d hit a sensitive area. And I kind of understood where he was coming from. The scars were on the inside—still doing their damage—and he didn’t want reminders when he looked in the mirror.
Our friends had been lucky. Tate’s mother—although deceased—had loved her. Her dad? Always there for her. Hell, even Jared’s mom had turned out pretty awesome. And Shane’s parents were overbearing, but they were compassionate.
And I finally saw what connected Jaxon Trent and me. How very different our lives would’ve been without our neglectful parents. Or with different parents.
“No mothers, no fathers,” I whispered to myself.
I blinked, shaking my head. “Nothing.”
I barely noticed it, but when my lungs started to burn, I realized I wasn’t breathing.
I took a deep breath and picked up the supplies, standing up. “Your brother is important to you, right?” I asked. “Jared, Madoc, Tate … Maybe someday you’ll see how lucky you really are or find something or someone you do care enough about.”
Maybe me, too, I thought as I walked to the cabinets, putting the materials away.
Nice and tidy, the way I had found them.
Light flashed through the room, and moments later I heard the thunder roll outside.
Shit. I still hadn’t called Shane.
I heard the cot creak behind me and knew Jax had stood up. “It’s raining,” he said. “I’ll give you a ride home. Come on.”
I turned to find him standing in the doorway, filling up the frame and slipping his gray T-shirt over his head, a tear and bloodstains visible on the material.
Jesus. I damn near gulped at the way his ab muscles flexed and the V underneath disappeared into his shorts. The shirt draped loosely over his stomach, but the dips and curves of his biceps took up every spare bit of space in his short sleeves. Tall, with just the right amount of muscle, he was perfect. And I’d bet every woman thought the same damn thing when she looked at him.
I turned back to the cabinets, trying to slow my breathing and not think of Jax and me alone in a car.
“I’ll give you a ride home.” I shook my head. Yeah, hell to the no.
“That’s okay,” I mumbled with my back to him. “I’ll call Shane.”
“If you even think of putting your cousin on the road in this weather,” he threatened in a smooth, deep voice, “I may have to see what I can do to get you on your knees again today.”
My face fell, and my tongue went dry. Little shit.
“Don’t piss me off, K.C. I’ll be in front of the building in five minutes.”
And then he was gone.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Saya menganggukkan kepala. "Saya mencoba untuk bersikap baik. Anda bisa, juga.""Nice?" Dia tertawa pada dirinya sendiri. "Saya tidak ingin Anda bagus."Aku mengepalkan gigi. Apa sih adalah masalah-nya?Meraih sebotol peroksida saya turun di lantai, aku membuka tutup bagian topi dan menuangkan aliran singkat ke luka di perutnya.Dia mendesis dan meraih beberapa kain kasa, menutupi luka. "Apa sih?""UPS," saya berkicau, dan mengacaukan topi kembali.Aku membuang botol pada cot, menendang kakinya terpisah, dan berlutut di antara kakinya. Dan aku melihat dia menonton saya ketika saya meletakkan tangan di pahanya dan perlahan-lahan diturunkan kepalaku luka nya. Mengupas tangannya pergi, aku meniup keren, cahaya napas atas luka nya menggelegak, menenangkan sengatan aku telah menciptakan.Dari sudut mata saya, saya melihat nya brengsek tubuh dan kemudian pergi benar-benar masih seolah-olah ia bahkan tidak bernapas. Saya berkerut bibirku dan meniup lembut napas setelah lembut napas di perutnya sempit, saya kepala ke sisi sepanjang kisaran singkat dangkal pemotongan bergerak.Tanda-tanda nya mencuci tubuh wangi melayang di sekitar saya, bersama dengan hujan dan keringat, dan aku memejamkan mata, kehilangan diriku fuzz di otak saya."K.C.," ia menarik napas, dan aku mendongak untuk melihat drop kepala kembali ketika ia menutup matanya. Dadanya naik dan turun keras, dan aku tidak bisa melihat jauh. Tubuh Nya pergi untuk mil, dan apel Adam nya bob naik dan turun.Dia mencintai, dan untuk bercinta 's sake, aku setengah tergoda untuk menciumnya lebih baik.Bersandar kembali pada kakiku, aku memandang ke arahnya, bibir saya bergerak-gerak dengan senyum. "Kau suka saya bagus," kataku, menggoda.Aku smirked dan berdiri pada lutut saya, meraih larutan garam dan kasa ketika ia membawa kepala kembali untuk menonton saya."Jadi, bagaimana ini terjadi?" Saya bertanya, memegang kasa pada kulit, di bawah luka, untuk menangkap saline.Nya abs yang tertekuk, mungkin dari cairan dingin, karena saline tidak menyengat, ketika aku menuangkannya atas luka, membersihkan mereka.Dia menyebalkan di udara melalui gigi. "Beberapa anak ilmu memiliki rumah kaca di atap," ia menggerutu, dan hampir tertawa terbahak-bahak. "Master meminta saya untuk pergi dan memastikan atap ditutup, tetapi aku menyelinap kembali menuruni tangga. Tergores diri pada baut beberapa."Aduh.Saya menggunakan sisa kasa untuk menyeka solusi, dan kemudian merobek sebuah paket dengan penghapusan basah dan memastikan darah adalah dibersihkan."Anda harus menggunakan sarung tangan," ia menunjuk keluar. "Kau tahu? Darah dan semua."Saya pikir setiap gadis yang aman dengan Anda," Aku menembak kembali, merobek terbuka perban. "Bukankah itu apa yang Anda mengatakan kepada saya?"JAX adalah diam sebentar, penyempitan matanya lebih lanjut dan menonton saya sebagai saya ditempatkan tiga persegi panjang perban di perutnya."Saya mengatakan ada pacar saya," dia akhirnya menjelaskan. "Tetapi Anda tidak boleh begitu ceroboh. Menggunakan sarung tangan waktu berikutnya."Aku mengabaikan dia, merasa aneh pada kesempatan dia bertindak seperti ini. JAX memiliki kebiasaan cacian saya, kadang-kadang bertindak seolah-olah ia melindungi saya dan kemudian mengikuti semua menjadi bajingan. Akhirnya aku menemukan merendahkan adalah cara untuk memperoleh keunggulan. Membuat orang lain merasa bodoh.Aku duduk kembali, melihat dia di mata dan mengubah topik pembicaraan. "Adalah hal lain sakit?"Dia ragu-ragu hanya sebentar. Dan kemudian dilipat tangannya kembali, mengangkat nya siku untuk mengungkapkan goresan yang aku melihat sebelumnya.Mengulangi prosedur yang sama, aku berdiri dan membungkuk ke dia, penangkapan cuci asin seperti mengalir melalui luka nya dan ke dalam kain kasa.Dia mendesis, dan aku berkedip."Pukulan di atasnya," ia memerintahkan."Itu tidak menyengat," Aku mendengus, mengetahui betul saline itu tidak menyakiti."K.C., Yesus," dia menyalak, mengernyit.Aku memutar bola mataku tetapi menyerah. Memegang bawah lengan-nya trisep keras — saya bersandar ke bawah dan merilis lambat, sejuk angin over goresan. JAX's aroma melayang di atas saya lagi, dan aku sangat ingin untuk menutup mulut saya sehingga saya bisa menghirup dia melalui hidung.Tapi aku tidak. Aku tahu matanya pada saya."Mengapa Anda menonton saya?" Saya bertanya, mengelap seluruh solusi dan darah.Saya tidak melihatnya, tapi aku mendengar dia menelan."Ini adalah pertama kali Anda pernah membuat saya merasa baik, semua," Dia menjawab dengan cara yang mungkin paling terang aku belum pernah mendengar dia berbicara.I pinched my eyebrows together.The first time I’d ever made him feel good. I didn’t know what to say to that. Hell, I had nothing to say to that.Keeping quiet, I finished applying his bandages as fast as I could and didn’t meet his eyes again. He’d tried to be nice to me in high school. He’d tried to be a friend. Maybe friends with benefits but still a friend. Now here I was, forcing my attention on him, and he probably had no patience for me anymore.“Can I ask you a question?” I ventured.“What?”“That night you drove Liam home …” I swallowed, smoothing my fingers over the bandage I’d fixed to his arm. “You said you had tattoos. Too many.” I repeated his words, my eyes fixated on his forearm. “What did you mean?” I pressed, because clearly Jax didn’t sport any tattoos. His statement hadn’t made any sense.Even though I hadn’t looked at him, I noticed his head turn away as he inhaled a slow, deep breath. Kind of as though he was getting ready to dive deep underwater and knew he wouldn’t be up for air for a while.“Sorry,” I said quietly, straightening up and crumpling the bandage wrappers in my fist. “I just … I don’t know …” I trailed off. “I just want to understand.”I finally met his eyes, and he studied me silently. I didn’t know if he was trying to figure out what to tell me or if he wanted to tell me anything at all. Funny thing was, I’d thought about what Jax said that night a lot over the years, and while I was curious, it wasn’t until I’d overheard his conversation with Jared today that I knew it had something to do with his childhood.And I realized that I didn’t know Jaxon Trent at all.He rubbed his forearm and narrowed his eyes briefly before relaxing. “If you could get a tattoo, what would it be?”I blinked, shocked by his question. “Um.” I laughed softly, thinking. “I thought about a set of angel wings, I guess. With one of the wings broken,” I admitted.“It has something to do with your past?”I nodded. “Yes.”“And it’s something you want to remember?” he pressed.“Yes.”“That’s why I don’t have any tattoos,” he concluded. “People get tattoos for all kinds of reasons, but they’re always badges of what has made them who they are. I don’t care to remember what and who made me this way. The people that gave me life. The people that brought me up …” He shook his head, defiant. “The places I’ve seen or anything I’ve done. It’s all in my head, anyway. I don’t want it on my body, too. I don’t care about anything that much.”His sneer wasn’t for me, but I knew I’d hit a sensitive area. And I kind of understood where he was coming from. The scars were on the inside—still doing their damage—and he didn’t want reminders when he looked in the mirror.Our friends had been lucky. Tate’s mother—although deceased—had loved her. Her dad? Always there for her. Hell, even Jared’s mom had turned out pretty awesome. And Shane’s parents were overbearing, but they were compassionate.
And I finally saw what connected Jaxon Trent and me. How very different our lives would’ve been without our neglectful parents. Or with different parents.
“No mothers, no fathers,” I whispered to myself.
I blinked, shaking my head. “Nothing.”
I barely noticed it, but when my lungs started to burn, I realized I wasn’t breathing.
I took a deep breath and picked up the supplies, standing up. “Your brother is important to you, right?” I asked. “Jared, Madoc, Tate … Maybe someday you’ll see how lucky you really are or find something or someone you do care enough about.”
Maybe me, too, I thought as I walked to the cabinets, putting the materials away.
Nice and tidy, the way I had found them.
Light flashed through the room, and moments later I heard the thunder roll outside.
Shit. I still hadn’t called Shane.
I heard the cot creak behind me and knew Jax had stood up. “It’s raining,” he said. “I’ll give you a ride home. Come on.”
I turned to find him standing in the doorway, filling up the frame and slipping his gray T-shirt over his head, a tear and bloodstains visible on the material.
Jesus. I damn near gulped at the way his ab muscles flexed and the V underneath disappeared into his shorts. The shirt draped loosely over his stomach, but the dips and curves of his biceps took up every spare bit of space in his short sleeves. Tall, with just the right amount of muscle, he was perfect. And I’d bet every woman thought the same damn thing when she looked at him.
I turned back to the cabinets, trying to slow my breathing and not think of Jax and me alone in a car.
“I’ll give you a ride home.” I shook my head. Yeah, hell to the no.
“That’s okay,” I mumbled with my back to him. “I’ll call Shane.”
“If you even think of putting your cousin on the road in this weather,” he threatened in a smooth, deep voice, “I may have to see what I can do to get you on your knees again today.”
My face fell, and my tongue went dry. Little shit.
“Don’t piss me off, K.C. I’ll be in front of the building in five minutes.”
And then he was gone.
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