#944: The manner of big elder Two people of vision look instant, Meng  terjemahan - #944: The manner of big elder Two people of vision look instant, Meng  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

#944: The manner of big elder Two p

#944: The manner of big elder

Two people of vision look instant, Meng Hao behind Dharma Idol appears loudly, 8000 zhang (3.33 m) greatness of **, coordinates his real Saint mortal body, making the Meng Hao imposing manner rise, is even more intrepid, on his right hand, an only bead floats, all around only flickers dimly, as if by this only bead absorption, this nearby temperature, also in an instant ices coldly.
The middle-aged man look is serious, both eyes reveal Grim, he on the photosphere in Meng Hao hand, felt a crisis unexpectedly, saw that Meng Hao walked step by step, at this moment ...
„Hao'er, comes to the main hall!” Great Elder ancient sound, around two people, suddenly maneuver.
Meng Hao is silent, both eyes slightly cannot be looked up flashed, that middle-aged man after the sound that hearing Great Elder spiritual sense has broadcast, innermost feelings relaxed.
But quick, he splits the fine glow, one wipes Killing Intent, multiplies in heart faintly, because he discovered that Meng Hao is maintaining unexpectedly still Dharma Idol to revolve, the imposing manner has not dissipated, as if must to the summon revolt of Great Elder.
This middle-aged man raises immediately the anticipation, the flashing eyes, is looking at Meng Hao.
After ten rests, the Meng Hao look is usual, behind Dharma Idol vanishes instantaneously, imposing manner also blinks dissipates, restores as usual, is only bead that in his control floats, exists as before, along with Meng Hao stand forth, this only bead flies, floats in the Meng Hao top of the head, his place visited, all around only and hot, instant by this only bead absorption.
Bones of the dead Spear, was received by Meng Hao, he looked that does not look at middle-aged man one eyes, takes a step, directly soars the home main hall to fly.
The middle-aged man innermost feelings sighed darkly were a pity, in the eye the murderous intention was reserved, follows. As for other five people. At this moment looks pale. Although does not have the sorrow of life, but by the severe wound, the short time is actually not able to convalesce, at this moment clenches teeth to stand up respectively, takes out medicinal pills to swallow, suppresses is following.
Meng Hao flies, the behind six people follow, on the way the clansmen of many families. Is planned Dao of alchemy Division watches, may see that Meng Hao flies unexpectedly to the direction of main hall, has gawked.
Especially Meng Hao behind that six people, five severe wounds, and facial color is quite ugly, these clansman innermost feelings move in abundance.
As if, constraining that storm wants, faint condenses in the family.
The sky, when does not know, no longer is sunny. Obviously is in the morning, previous quarter also blue sky ten thousand li (0.5km). Now had the dark cloud, from time to time has the thunderclap to transmit, the reacted earth, takes a broad view to look that occasionally can also see 12 silver snakes, flashes through in the cloud layer.
This, lets the Fang Clan clansman, in abundance is silent, they did not know what happened, but actually felt all around to ice cold cold meaning more and more.
The Meng Hao look is tranquil, takes a step to lead the way, lets the photosphere of top of the head, at this moment is getting bigger and bigger, had the thousand li (333m) fully, is very astonishing ...
The lawman of his behind that six family, this moment creepy feeling, innermost feelings shock, why the bystander does not know the weather so, why all around ice-cold, but they know, that is the photosphere of Meng Hao top of the head causes!
This photosphere, when Meng Hao leads the way, unceasing place is absorbing all around light and heat!
„After this is he has faced directly Yang Xing, magical powers that creates!” Middle-aged men in six people, binocular contraction, even if by his Cultivation, there are to dread the meaning.
The time is not long, when this photosphere to more than 200 zhang (3.33 m), Meng Hao arrived at outside the main hall in home, he looked in a palace, saw sat in the main hall Great Elder of first position.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
#944: The manner of big elder Two people of vision look instant, Meng Hao behind Dharma Idol appears loudly, 8000 zhang (3.33 m) greatness of **, coordinates his real Saint mortal body, making the Meng Hao imposing manner rise, is even more intrepid, on his right hand, an only bead floats, all around only flickers dimly, as if by this only bead absorption, this nearby temperature, also in an instant ices coldly.The middle-aged man look is serious, both eyes reveal Grim, he on the photosphere in Meng Hao hand, felt a crisis unexpectedly, saw that Meng Hao walked step by step, at this moment ...„Hao'er, comes to the main hall!” Great Elder ancient sound, around two people, suddenly maneuver.Meng Hao is silent, both eyes slightly cannot be looked up flashed, that middle-aged man after the sound that hearing Great Elder spiritual sense has broadcast, innermost feelings relaxed.But quick, he splits the fine glow, one wipes Killing Intent, multiplies in heart faintly, because he discovered that Meng Hao is maintaining unexpectedly still Dharma Idol to revolve, the imposing manner has not dissipated, as if must to the summon revolt of Great Elder.This middle-aged man raises immediately the anticipation, the flashing eyes, is looking at Meng Hao.Setelah sepuluh terletak, Meng Hao melihat biasa, di belakang Dharma Idol menghilang seketika, juga memaksakan cara berkedip memboroskan, mengembalikan seperti biasa, adalah hanya manik-manik yang mengendalikan nya mengapung, ada seperti sebelumnya, bersama dengan Meng Hao berdiri sebagainya, ini hanya manik lalat, mengapung di atas kepala, tempat yang dikunjungi, di sekitar hanya dan panas, instan oleh penyerapan manik-manik ini hanya Meng Hao.Tulang tombak mati, diterima oleh Meng Hao, ia tampak yang tidak tampak di mata pria paruh baya satu, mengambil langkah, langsung menjulang aula utama rumah untuk terbang.Laki-laki setengah baya perasaan terdalam mendesah muram yang sayang sekali, di mata maksud pembunuh disediakan, berikut. Seperti untuk lima orang lain. Saat ini terlihat pucat. Meskipun tidak memiliki kesedihan kehidupan, tetapi oleh luka parah, waktu singkat benar-benar tidak mampu convalesce, saat ini clenches gigi untuk berdiri masing-masing, mengambil pil obat untuk menelan, menekan mengikuti.Meng Hao lalat, di belakang yang enam orang mengikuti, di jalan sudah banyak keluarga. Direncanakan Dao Alkimia Divisi watches, mungkin melihat bahwa lalat Meng Hao tiba-tiba ke arah aula utama, telah gawked.Terutama Meng Hao di balik bahwa orang-orang enam, lima luka parah, dan warna wajah adalah cukup buruk, perasaan terdalam clansman ini bergerak dalam kelimpahan.Seolah-olah, membatasi badai itu ingin, samar mengembun dalam keluarga.Langit, ketika tidak tahu, tidak cerah. Jelas adalah di pagi hari, kuartal sebelumnya juga biru langit sepuluh ribu li (0.5 km). Sekarang memiliki awan gelap, dari waktu ke waktu telah thunderclap untuk mengirimkan, bumi bereaksi, mengambil pandangan yang luas untuk melihat bahwa kadang-kadang dapat juga melihat 12 perak ular, berkedip melalui dalam lapisan awan.Ini, memungkinkan clansman Fang klan, dalam kelimpahan diam, mereka tidak tahu apa yang terjadi, tapi benar-benar merasa di sekitar es dingin dingin berarti lebih dan lebih.Tampilan Meng Hao tenang, mengambil langkah untuk memimpin jalan, memungkinkan photosphere atas kepala, saat ini semakin besar dan besar, telah sepenuhnya li ribu (333m), sangat menakjubkan...Teman lawman nya di belakang keluarga enam moment menyeramkan perasaan, perasaan terdalam shock, mengapa pengamat tidak tahu cuaca Jadi, mengapa di sekitar dingin, tapi mereka tahu, itu adalah photosphere Meng Hao atas penyebab kepala!Photosphere ini, ketika Meng Hao memimpin jalan, tak henti-hentinya tempat menyerap seluruh cahaya dan panas!"Setelah ini ia telah menghadapi langsung Yang Xing, kekuatan magis yang menciptakan!" Laki-laki setengah baya dalam enam orang, teropong kontraksi, bahkan jika dengan budidaya nya, ada untuk takut makna.Waktunya tidak lama, saat ini photosphere ke lebih dari 200 zhang (3,33 m), Meng Hao tiba di luar ruang utama di rumah, dia tampak di Istana melihat duduk di aula utama besar penatua dari posisi pertama.
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