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BTTH Chapter 454

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Chapter 454: White Demon Group

This empty area was covered with rocks. When the spreading forest met with this rocky region, it ceased expanding. Hence, the sunlight, that scattered down from the sky, did not encounter any obstruction as it poured over the ground. The warmth of the sunlight caused people’s body to feel a warm feeling.

Not far away from this rocky region was a mountain slope which swelled up. There were some boulders of various sizes spread across the mountain slope. At this moment, there were quite a number of people either seated or standing above or beside these mountain rocks. These people were quite young, around twenty-four to twenty-five years old. Their clothes may be different, but all of them wore a tower shaped badge on their chest. Clearly, these students were older students from the Inner Academy.

On the other side of the mountain slope, there was a platform which was built upon a huge rock. Two old men were seated on this huge rock. They were actually Elder Su and Elder Qing, whom Xiao Yan and the others had met before they entered the forest. Seated around them were a couple of middle-aged men with calm auras. Clearly, they should people in charge of various affairs within the Inner Academy.

“Hee hee, I heard that this batch of new students were extremely arrogant? They actually went and robbed the ‘Fire Energy’ from the older students instead?” A gaze from the top of the mountain slope eyed the slightly dimmed area at the edge of the forest as laughter was being transmitted among themselves.

“Yes. I found out from some of the older student groups who came out of the forest that this time around. There was a group of new students led by someone called Xiao Yan, who appears to be quite strong.”

“Chi. They are only finding excuses for their own failures. At any rate, they have at least trained in the Inner Academy for over a year. It is really unexpected that they would lose in the hands of new students. Tsk tsk…”

“Hopefully. I heard that Sha Tie of the ‘Black Demon Group’ has also brought people into the forest. I wonder if they also ran into the new students?”

“Oh? Sha Tie also entered? Then these new students can be considered to be finished. Sha Tie is a strong person who is about to enter the Dou Ling class.”

“That’s right. Their good luck can be considered to have ended here.”

As numerous private whispers were being transmitted all over the place, a few human figures in the rock piles below moved slightly. They immediately opened their eyes slowly as their indifferent gazes swept over the dark forest.

These five human figures simply sat on the messy rocks. Their breathing was long and calm. They did not move because of those private conversations that sounded beside their ears. The five of them wore white-colored clothes, much like their indifferent, ice-cold auras.

Among the five of them, the one with the strongest aura was a young man in the middle, whose complexion was a little white. At this moment, this white-complexioned young man was the only person among the five whose eyes were still shut. He was seated cross-legged on a rock, with his body appearing similar to an ice sculpture. A hint of a cold aura shrouded and actually caused some of the green grass on the rocks to be covered by white frost.

Time slowly flowed past along with the movement of the sun above their heads. Just as these students on the mountain slope thought that they had waited in vain today, there was suddenly the sounds of footsteps coming from within the dark forest. Immediately, everyone braced their spirits. Their gazes all swept toward the forest exit without making any prior agreement. The originally noisy private conversations also completely ceased.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
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BTTH Bab 454 Sebelumnya Bab Berikutnya Bab Bab 454: Putih Siluman Grup area kosong ini ditutupi dengan batu. Ketika hutan menyebar bertemu dengan daerah berbatu ini, berhenti berkembang. Oleh karena itu, sinar matahari, yang tersebar turun dari langit, tidak menemui halangan apapun karena dituangkan di atas tanah. Kehangatan sinar matahari menyebabkan tubuh orang untuk merasakan perasaan hangat. Tidak jauh dari wilayah berbatu ini adalah lereng gunung yang membengkak. Ada beberapa batu dari berbagai ukuran tersebar di lereng gunung. Pada saat ini, ada cukup banyak orang baik duduk atau berdiri di atas atau di samping batu gunung tersebut. Orang-orang ini yang cukup muda, sekitar dua puluh empat untuk dua puluh lima tahun. Pakaian mereka mungkin berbeda, tetapi mereka semua mengenakan menara berbentuk lencana di dada mereka. Jelas, siswa ini adalah siswa yang lebih tua dari Inner Academy. Di sisi lain dari lereng gunung, ada platform yang dibangun di atas sebuah batu besar. Dua orang tua duduk di atas batu besar ini. Mereka benar-benar Elder Su dan Elder Qing, yang Xiao Yan dan yang lainnya telah bertemu sebelum mereka memasuki hutan. Duduk di sekitar mereka adalah pasangan pria setengah baya dengan aura tenang. Jelas, mereka harus orang yang bertanggung jawab atas berbagai urusan dalam batin Academy. "Hee hee, saya mendengar bahwa batch siswa baru yang sangat arogan? Mereka benar-benar pergi dan merampok 'Api Energi' dari siswa yang lebih tua bukan? "A tatapan dari atas lereng gunung mengamati daerah sedikit redup di tepi hutan sebagai tawa sedang ditransmisikan antara mereka sendiri. " Ya. Saya menemukan dari beberapa kelompok mahasiswa yang lebih tua yang keluar dari hutan yang kali ini. Ada sekelompok mahasiswa baru yang dipimpin oleh seseorang yang disebut Xiao Yan, yang tampaknya cukup kuat. " " Chi. Mereka hanya mencari alasan atas kegagalan mereka sendiri. Bagaimanapun, mereka telah setidaknya dilatih di Inner Academy selama lebih dari setahun. Ini benar-benar tak terduga bahwa mereka akan kehilangan di tangan mahasiswa baru. Ck ck ... " " Mudah-mudahan. Saya mendengar bahwa Sha Tie dari 'Black Iblis Grup juga telah membawa orang-orang ke dalam hutan. Aku ingin tahu apakah mereka juga berlari ke mahasiswa baru? " " Oh? Sha Tie juga masuk? Kemudian murid-murid baru dapat dianggap selesai. Sha Tie adalah orang yang kuat yang akan memasuki kelas Dou Ling. " " Itu benar. Keberuntungan mereka dapat dianggap telah berakhir di sini. " Sebagai banyak bisikan swasta sedang dikirim seluruh tempat, sebuah sosok manusia beberapa di tumpukan batu di bawah bergerak sedikit. Mereka segera membuka mata mereka perlahan-lahan sebagai tatapan acuh tak acuh mereka menyapu hutan gelap. Kelima figur manusia hanya duduk di bebatuan berantakan. Napas mereka panjang dan tenang. Mereka tidak bergerak karena mereka percakapan pribadi yang terdengar di samping telinga mereka. Lima dari mereka mengenakan pakaian berwarna putih, seperti acuh tak acuh, aura dingin mereka. Di antara mereka berlima, satu dengan aura terkuat adalah seorang pemuda di tengah, yang kulit agak putih. Pada saat ini, anak muda kulit putih langsat ini adalah satu-satunya orang di antara lima yang matanya masih tertutup. Ia duduk bersila di atas batu, dengan tubuhnya muncul mirip dengan patung es. Sebuah petunjuk dari aura dingin diselimuti dan benar-benar menyebabkan beberapa rumput hijau di bebatuan akan ditutupi oleh es putih. Waktu perlahan mengalir melewati bersama dengan pergerakan matahari di atas kepala mereka. Sama seperti siswa ini di lereng gunung berpikir bahwa mereka telah menunggu dengan sia-sia saat ini, ada tiba-tiba suara langkah kaki dari dalam hutan yang gelap. Segera, semua orang bersiap semangat mereka. Tatapan mereka semua menyapu ke arah pintu keluar hutan tanpa membuat perjanjian terlebih dahulu apapun. Percakapan pribadi awalnya berisik juga benar-benar berhenti.

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