Others with that problem and some other problems are attempting to re- terjemahan - Others with that problem and some other problems are attempting to re- Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Others with that problem and some o

Others with that problem and some other problems are attempting to re-install the game only to find out they're re-installing right back into the same problem.

The upside is that sometimes a re-install works. The downside is that it doesn't work first time, every time.

Also note that disabling the anti-virus auto / resident scanner isn't always a simple idea as well. Some scanenrs will be disabled in 2-3 clicks. Others need to be disabled in Task Manager too.

Disable the virus auto scanner while installing. Once the install is done, add the exception / exclusion to the auto scanner list and enable the auto scanner again.

The other part is on Win 7 32 and 64 bit systems. You have to set the icon properties for the launcher. On 32bit, turn on the Compatibility Mode and set it to Win XP SP3. Click Apply.... click Ok.

On 64 bit, do the same AND turn on the Run As Administrator check box found below the compatability mode.

From there, if the problems are still showing up, find someone that has a working copy of Ran GS installed. Make sure they've been playing recently. Copy their INSTALL.... NOT their installER (the RanGSOnline Folder and its contents). Use a USB drive. Make sure they're NOT playing when you copy their install of Ran GS.

When you get back to your PC / laptop, of course, scan the USB drive. Delete the folder that you installed to ONLY.
DON'T run any un-install programs for Ran GS.
Then just copy / paste the RanGSOnline folder from the USB drive in place on your hard drive.

That should give you a working copy that's already updated/patched unless something else is blocking you.

Let us know if this works for you.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Others with that problem and some other problems are attempting to re-install the game only to find out they're re-installing right back into the same problem. The upside is that sometimes a re-install works. The downside is that it doesn't work first time, every time. Also note that disabling the anti-virus auto / resident scanner isn't always a simple idea as well. Some scanenrs will be disabled in 2-3 clicks. Others need to be disabled in Task Manager too. Disable the virus auto scanner while installing. Once the install is done, add the exception / exclusion to the auto scanner list and enable the auto scanner again. The other part is on Win 7 32 and 64 bit systems. You have to set the icon properties for the launcher. On 32bit, turn on the Compatibility Mode and set it to Win XP SP3. Click Apply.... click Ok. On 64 bit, do the same AND turn on the Run As Administrator check box found below the compatability mode. From there, if the problems are still showing up, find someone that has a working copy of Ran GS installed. Make sure they've been playing recently. Copy their INSTALL.... NOT their installER (the RanGSOnline Folder and its contents). Use a USB drive. Make sure they're NOT playing when you copy their install of Ran GS. When you get back to your PC / laptop, of course, scan the USB drive. Delete the folder that you installed to ONLY. DON'T run any un-install programs for Ran GS. Then just copy / paste the RanGSOnline folder from the USB drive in place on your hard drive. That should give you a working copy that's already updated/patched unless something else is blocking you. Let us know if this works for you.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Lainnya dengan masalah dan beberapa masalah lain yang mencoba menginstal ulang permainan hanya untuk mengetahui mereka menginstal ulang kembali ke dalam masalah yang sama. Keuntungannya adalah bahwa kadang-kadang re-install karya. The downside adalah bahwa hal itu tidak bekerja pertama kalinya, setiap waktu. Juga mencatat bahwa menonaktifkan anti-virus auto / penduduk scanner tidak selalu ide yang sederhana juga. Beberapa scanenrs akan dinonaktifkan dalam 2-3 klik. Lainnya harus dinonaktifkan dalam Task Manager juga. Nonaktifkan virus auto scanner ketika menginstal. Setelah menginstal dilakukan, tambahkan pengecualian / exclusion ke auto daftar scanner dan mengaktifkan pemindai otomatis lagi. Bagian lain adalah di Win 7 32 dan 64 bit sistem. Anda harus mengatur properti ikon untuk peluncur. Pada 32bit, mengaktifkan Mode Kompatibilitas dan set ke Win XP SP3. Klik Apply .... klik Ok. Pada 64 bit, melakukan hal yang sama dan mengaktifkan kotak centang Administrator Run As ditemukan di bawah modus kompatibilitas. Dari sana, jika masalah masih muncul, menemukan seseorang yang memiliki copy pekerjaan dari Ran GS diinstal. Pastikan mereka sudah bermain-baru ini. Salin mereka INSTALL .... TIDAK installer mereka (RanGSOnline Folder dan isinya). Gunakan USB drive. Pastikan mereka tidak bermain ketika Anda menyalin mereka menginstal GS Ran. Ketika Anda kembali ke PC / laptop, tentu saja, memindai drive USB. Hapus folder yang Anda instal ke HANYA. JANGAN menjalankan un-install program untuk GS Ran. Kemudian copy / paste folder RanGSOnline dari drive USB di tempat pada hard drive Anda. Itu akan memberi Anda copy pekerjaan yang sudah diperbarui / ditambal kecuali sesuatu yang lain yang menghalangi Anda. Marilah kita tahu apakah ini bekerja untuk Anda.

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