They followed the long and narrow path through the deep forest before  terjemahan - They followed the long and narrow path through the deep forest before  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

They followed the long and narrow p

They followed the long and narrow path through the deep forest before the trees opened up to a different scene.

This was a long stretch of unbroken mountains blanketed with tall trees. Tens of thousands of Dao of Dragon Realm auras surged and formed a massive, frightening array.

A majestic aura emanated from them.

It was like a powerful tidal wave had crashed down on their heads, as though it could devour anything at anytime.

Even if a Martial Ancestor Realm expert would be killed the instant they entered such a frightening array.

The representatives of the Lingyun Sect dumbfoundedly stared upon this scene — especially Ling Kong. Just what was going on? Why were there so many Dao of Dragon Realm experts in the Divine Feathers Sect?

For a small sect like the Lingyun Sect, they’d be lucky to have ten or twenty Dao of Dragon Realm experts. For something the size of the Divine Feathers Sect, one could expect a few hundred. But right now, the Divine Feathers Sect actually had tens of thousands of them!

Between the auras of the Dao of Dragon Realm experts were the auras of thirteen Martial Ancestor Realm experts.

In the past, the Divine Feathers Sect only had five Martial Ancestor Realm experts. So why were there suddenly eight more?

Before visiting the Divine Feathers Sect, Ling Kong had made his own estimates on the Divine Feathers Sect’s strength. He’d guessed that one of the sect’s critical experts had passed away, and that was why they’d closed their gates. He’d mistakenly believed that the Divine Feathers Sect was growing weaker. It wasn’t until now that he realised that the Divine Feathers Sect was not weakening, but actually strengthening — and that they’d already grown several folds stronger than they’d been before.

The shock he felt was indescribable.

Not until this moment, did Ling Kong understand that Nie Li hadn’t been joking when he said he wanted to start a war with the Demon God’s Sect!

The current Divine Feathers Sect really did have the strength to start a war with the Demon God’s Sect!

Nie Li couldn’t help smiling when he sensed those powerful auras. At first, they only had five Martial Ancestor Realm experts in the Divine Feathers Sect. But thanks to his sacred medicines, many of their pinnacle Dao of Dragon Realm experts had stepped into the Martial Ancestor Realm.

As time passed, more and more Dao of Dragon Realm experts would step into the Martial Ancestor Realm. Eventually, the Divine Feathers Sect would definitely rise to entirely new heights.

The stronger the Divine Feathers Sect became, the closer Nie Li would be to his goal of unifying the entire Draconic Ruins Realm.

That was the only way Nie Li would qualify to confront the Sage Emperor.

Outside of the Divine Feathers Sect, Nie Li had also received news from the other sects; Ziyun, Ning’er, Du Ze, and the rest had began enhancing their influence over their respective sects.

Step by step, Nie Li was slowly becoming the most powerful person in the entire Draconic Ruins Realm.

Nie Li looked at Ling Kong and smiled. “Young Sect Master Ling, I heard that you have feelings for Yuyin. As the Sect Master of Divine Feathers Sect, of course I don’t want to break up a couple. Why don’t I call Yuyin and you can ask for her opinion?”

Ling Kong suddenly felt very awkward. He’d arrived here intending to force a marriage; but now that he’d seen the strength of the Divine Feathers Sect, he suddenly felt that his Lingyun Sect wasn’t even worth a footnote.

And now, would he still dare to bring up the matter? That’s why he felt awkward by Nie Li’s offer. He could hear the small whispers between Lu Piao, Gu Bei and the rest.

Lu Piao said faintly, “Gu Bei, I heard that Long Yuyin has already announced that if the Sect Master doesn’t marry her, then she’d stay single for the rest of her life.”

Gu Bei nodded. “The pride of the Sect Master is a thin road to walk. That’s why he’s still undecided about it.”

Lu Piao faintly said again, “This kid really wants to die. He actually dares to challenge our Sect Master for a woman.”

Ling Kong’s heart trembled as he turned around and saw Nie Li looking at him with a smile that wasn’t quite a smile. Suddenly, the weight on his heart lifted. Regardless of what he chose to do, this subject was a sore spot. It was his fault for suddenly mentioning a marriage, and with Long Yuyin, no less. From Lu Piao and Gu Bei’s whispers, he concluded that Long Yuyin likely already belonged to Nie Li.

Ling Kong felt his scalp tingle.

If this had been the old Divine Feathers Sect, then he wouldn’t have been so afraid. But now, the times have changed and so has the Divine Feathers Sect. Furthermore, Nie Li looked like the type of person who hid knives underneath that smiling face.

Even though Nie Li was acting like he was indifferent, in truth, he might already be enraged.

The moment Divine Feathers Sect ordered this many experts to move, the entire Lingyun Sect would be reduced to ashes.

The current Divine Fe
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Mereka mengikuti panjang dan sempit jalan melintasi hutan mendalam sebelum pohon-pohon yang membuka ke pemandangan yang berbeda.Ini adalah hamparan panjang terputus gunung yang diselimuti dengan pohon-pohon tinggi. Puluhan ribu Dao Dragon Realm Aura melonjak dan membentuk array yang besar dan menakutkan.Aura megah yang terpancar dari mereka.Rasanya seperti gelombang pasang yang kuat telah jatuh ke bawah pada kepala mereka, seolah-olah itu bisa menelan apa pun Kapan saja.Bahkan jika seorang ahli bela diri leluhur dunia akan dibunuh saat mereka memasuki seperti yang menakutkan array.Wakil-wakil dari mazhab Lingyun dumbfoundedly menatap pada adegan ini — terutama Ling Kong. Hanya apa yang terjadi? Mengapa ada begitu banyak Dao Dragon Realm pakar dalam mazhab bulu ilahi?Untuk sebuah sekte yang kecil seperti mazhab Lingyun, mereka akan beruntung memiliki sepuluh atau dua puluh Dao Dragon Realm ahli. Untuk sesuatu ukuran mazhab bulu ilahi, satu dapat mengharapkan beberapa ratus. Tapi sekarang, mazhab bulu ilahi benar-benar memiliki puluhan ribu dari mereka!Antara Aura Dao Dragon Realm ahli yang Aura tiga belas ahli bela diri leluhur alam.Di masa lalu, mazhab bulu ilahi hanya punya lima ahli bela diri leluhur alam. Jadi mengapa Apakah ada tiba-tiba delapan?Before visiting the Divine Feathers Sect, Ling Kong had made his own estimates on the Divine Feathers Sect’s strength. He’d guessed that one of the sect’s critical experts had passed away, and that was why they’d closed their gates. He’d mistakenly believed that the Divine Feathers Sect was growing weaker. It wasn’t until now that he realised that the Divine Feathers Sect was not weakening, but actually strengthening — and that they’d already grown several folds stronger than they’d been before.The shock he felt was indescribable.Not until this moment, did Ling Kong understand that Nie Li hadn’t been joking when he said he wanted to start a war with the Demon God’s Sect!The current Divine Feathers Sect really did have the strength to start a war with the Demon God’s Sect!Nie Li couldn’t help smiling when he sensed those powerful auras. At first, they only had five Martial Ancestor Realm experts in the Divine Feathers Sect. But thanks to his sacred medicines, many of their pinnacle Dao of Dragon Realm experts had stepped into the Martial Ancestor Realm.As time passed, more and more Dao of Dragon Realm experts would step into the Martial Ancestor Realm. Eventually, the Divine Feathers Sect would definitely rise to entirely new heights.The stronger the Divine Feathers Sect became, the closer Nie Li would be to his goal of unifying the entire Draconic Ruins Realm.That was the only way Nie Li would qualify to confront the Sage Emperor.Outside of the Divine Feathers Sect, Nie Li had also received news from the other sects; Ziyun, Ning’er, Du Ze, and the rest had began enhancing their influence over their respective sects.Step by step, Nie Li was slowly becoming the most powerful person in the entire Draconic Ruins Realm.Nie Li looked at Ling Kong and smiled. “Young Sect Master Ling, I heard that you have feelings for Yuyin. As the Sect Master of Divine Feathers Sect, of course I don’t want to break up a couple. Why don’t I call Yuyin and you can ask for her opinion?”Ling Kong suddenly felt very awkward. He’d arrived here intending to force a marriage; but now that he’d seen the strength of the Divine Feathers Sect, he suddenly felt that his Lingyun Sect wasn’t even worth a footnote.And now, would he still dare to bring up the matter? That’s why he felt awkward by Nie Li’s offer. He could hear the small whispers between Lu Piao, Gu Bei and the rest.Lu Piao said faintly, “Gu Bei, I heard that Long Yuyin has already announced that if the Sect Master doesn’t marry her, then she’d stay single for the rest of her life.”Gu Bei nodded. “The pride of the Sect Master is a thin road to walk. That’s why he’s still undecided about it.”Lu Piao faintly said again, “This kid really wants to die. He actually dares to challenge our Sect Master for a woman.”Ling Kong’s heart trembled as he turned around and saw Nie Li looking at him with a smile that wasn’t quite a smile. Suddenly, the weight on his heart lifted. Regardless of what he chose to do, this subject was a sore spot. It was his fault for suddenly mentioning a marriage, and with Long Yuyin, no less. From Lu Piao and Gu Bei’s whispers, he concluded that Long Yuyin likely already belonged to Nie Li.Ling Kong felt his scalp tingle.If this had been the old Divine Feathers Sect, then he wouldn’t have been so afraid. But now, the times have changed and so has the Divine Feathers Sect. Furthermore, Nie Li looked like the type of person who hid knives underneath that smiling face.Even though Nie Li was acting like he was indifferent, in truth, he might already be enraged.The moment Divine Feathers Sect ordered this many experts to move, the entire Lingyun Sect would be reduced to ashes.The current Divine Fe
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Mereka mengikuti jalan panjang dan sempit melalui hutan mendalam sebelum pohon dibuka untuk adegan yang berbeda.

Ini adalah bentangan panjang pegunungan tak terputus diselimuti dengan pohon-pohon tinggi. Puluhan ribu Dao Dragon aura Realm melonjak dan membentuk besar, array yang menakutkan.

Sebuah aura megah terpancar dari mereka.

Itu seperti sebuah gelombang pasang yang kuat telah jatuh di atas kepala mereka, seolah-olah itu bisa melahap apa saja kapan saja.

Bahkan jika seorang ahli Realm Martial Leluhur akan dibunuh instan mereka memasuki sebuah array menakutkan.

Para wakil dari Lingyun Sekte dumbfoundedly menatap pada adegan ini - terutama Ling Kong. Hanya apa yang sedang terjadi? Mengapa ada begitu banyak Dao Dragon ahli Realm di Feathers Ilahi Sekte?

Untuk sebuah sekte kecil seperti Lingyun Sekte, mereka akan beruntung untuk memiliki sepuluh atau dua puluh Dao Dragon ahli Realm. Untuk sesuatu ukuran Feathers Ilahi Sekte, satu bisa berharap beberapa ratus. Tapi sekarang, para Feathers Ilahi Sekte benar-benar memiliki puluhan ribu dari mereka!

Antara aura dari Dao Dragon ahli Realm adalah aura dari tiga belas ahli Realm Martial Leluhur.

Di masa lalu, para Feathers Ilahi Sekte hanya memiliki lima ahli Realm Martial Leluhur. Jadi mengapa ada tiba-tiba delapan lagi?

Sebelum mengunjungi Feathers Ilahi Sekte, Ling Kong telah membuat perkiraan sendiri pada kekuatan Feathers Ilahi Sekte ini. Ia menduga bahwa salah satu ahli kritis sekte telah meninggal, dan itu sebabnya mereka akan menutup gerbang mereka. Ia keliru percaya bahwa Feathers Ilahi Sekte semakin lemah. Tidak sampai sekarang dia menyadari bahwa Feathers Ilahi Sekte tidak melemah, tapi benar-benar memperkuat - dan bahwa mereka sudah tumbuh beberapa lipatan lebih kuat dari mereka telah sebelum.

Shock ia merasa tak terlukiskan.

Tidak sampai saat ini, tidak Ling Kong memahami bahwa Nie Li belum bercanda ketika ia mengatakan ia ingin memulai perang dengan Sekte Demon Allah!

The Feathers Ilahi saat Sekte benar-benar memiliki kekuatan untuk memulai perang dengan Sekte Demon Allah!

Nie Li tak bisa menahan senyum ketika ia merasakan mereka aura kuat. Pada awalnya, mereka hanya memiliki lima ahli Realm Martial Leluhur di Feathers Ilahi Sect. Namun berkat obat-Nya yang kudus, banyak dari Dao puncak mereka ahli Realm Naga telah melangkah ke Realm Martial Leluhur.

Seperti waktu berlalu, semakin banyak Dao Dragon ahli Realm akan melangkah ke Realm Martial Leluhur. Akhirnya, Feathers Ilahi Sekte pasti akan naik ke ketinggian yang sama sekali baru.

Semakin kuat Feathers Ilahi Sekte menjadi, semakin dekat Nie Li akan tujuannya mempersatukan seluruh Reruntuhan Draconic Realm.

Itulah satu-satunya cara Nie Li akan memenuhi syarat untuk menghadapi Sage Kaisar.

Luar Feathers Ilahi Sekte, Nie Li juga menerima kabar dari sekte lain; Ziyun, Ning'er, Du Ze, dan sisanya telah mulai meningkatkan pengaruh mereka atas sekte masing-masing.

Langkah demi langkah, Nie Li perlahan menjadi orang paling kuat di seluruh Reruntuhan Draconic Realm.

Nie Li menatap Ling Kong dan tersenyum. "Young Sekte Guru Ling, aku mendengar bahwa Anda memiliki perasaan untuk Yuyin. Sebagai Master Sekte Feathers Ilahi Sekte, tentu saja aku tidak ingin putus pasangan.

Mengapa saya tidak menelepon Yuyin dan Anda dapat meminta pendapatnya? " Ling Kong tiba-tiba merasa sangat canggung. Ia tiba di sini berniat untuk memaksa pernikahan; tapi sekarang bahwa dia melihat kekuatan Feathers Ilahi Sekte, ia tiba-tiba merasa bahwa itu Lingyun Sekte bahkan tidak layak catatan kaki.

Dan sekarang, apakah ia masih berani memunculkan masalah ini? Itu sebabnya ia merasa canggung dengan tawaran Nie Li. Dia bisa mendengar bisikan kecil antara Lu Piao, Gu Bei dan sisanya.

Lu Piao lirih, "Gu Bei, saya mendengar bahwa panjang Yuyin telah mengumumkan bahwa jika Sekte Guru tidak menikahinya, maka ia akan tinggal tunggal untuk sisa hidupnya."

Gu Bei mengangguk. "Kebanggaan Sekte Guru adalah jalan tipis untuk berjalan.

Itu sebabnya dia masih ragu-ragu tentang itu. " Lu Piao samar-samar berkata lagi," Anak ini benar-benar ingin mati. Dia benar-benar berani untuk menantang kami Sekte Guru bagi seorang wanita. "

Hati Ling Kong gemetar saat ia berbalik dan melihat Nie Li menatapnya dengan senyum yang tidak cukup tersenyum. Tiba-tiba, berat di hatinya terangkat. Terlepas dari apa yang ia memilih untuk melakukan, hal ini adalah tempat yang sakit. Itu salahnya untuk tiba-tiba menyebutkan pernikahan, dan dengan panjang Yuyin, tidak kurang. Dari Lu Piao dan berbisik Gu Bei, ia menyimpulkan bahwa panjang Yuyin mungkin sudah milik Nie Li.

Ling Kong merasa tergelitik kulit kepalanya.

Jika ini telah lama Feathers Ilahi Sect, maka dia tidak akan pernah begitu takut. Tapi sekarang, waktu telah berubah dan sehingga memiliki Ilahi Feathers Sect. Selanjutnya, Nie Li tampak seperti tipe orang yang menyembunyikan pisau di bawah wajah tersenyum.

Meskipun Nie Li bertindak seperti dia tidak peduli, sebenarnya, dia mungkin sudah marah.

Saat Feathers Ilahi Sekte memerintahkan banyak ahli ini untuk bergerak, seluruh Lingyun Sekte akan menjadi abu.

Arus Ilahi Fe
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