Ben and I parted with the crowd so Jared could pull his car out. K.C.  terjemahan - Ben and I parted with the crowd so Jared could pull his car out. K.C.  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Ben and I parted with the crowd so

Ben and I parted with the crowd so Jared could pull his car out. K.C. came up to stand beside us, but for some reason, I couldn’t look at her.

As Jared climbed in and started his engine, the girls around us started jumping and squealing. Papa Roach blared at a deafening level from his speakers. He revved the engine a few times to get the crowd going, a playful grin on his lips.

The Boss 302 pulled up onto the track, and I realized I almost felt like leaving. Jared and I had dreamed about being here together to race, and now I was on the outside looking in. He was living this without me, and I hated that I was being left out.

Roman had just pulled up in his Pontiac Trans Am. Even though his 2002 car was considered ancient compared to Jared’s, it stood an outstanding chance of winning. The amount of work and options Roman had added to his vehicle made it a formidable machine. Unfortunately, Derek Roman didn’t rely simply on his skills as a mechanic to win. There had been many injuries out here when he’d raced in high school.

“All right!” the Race Master announced. “Clear the track for the main event of the evening.”

According to K.C., the Loop only has a few races per week during the school year as the college kids had gone back to school, so this was a light night with only two races.

Jared’s music filled the air, and I saw him take something from his hand to hang it on the rearview mirror. I couldn’t make out what it was, only that it was bulky and looked like a necklace.

The same girl who set off Madoc and Liam came to stand in front of the cars, shaking her ass as she walked in front of their headlights.

The smell of fuel and tires permeated the air, while the engines’ rumble coursed through my legs. Jared stared ahead, wearing a stone face, waiting for the call.

“Ready?” Little Miss Look-At-Me called.

“Set?” The engines roared.

“Go!” Her arms fell hard to her sides, and the cars zoomed past her, kicking up dust and rocks in their wake. I darted onto the track with the flood of people to watch from behind, more afraid than excited this time.

As much as I hated to admit it, I was worried. Roman would do something shady and hurt Jared. Even after everything, I didn’t want to see him hurt.

The cars’ taillights got smaller the closer they reached the first turn. It was four lefts, and the race would be over. The turns were sharp, and this is where a drift racer might be better for the Loop. The track was small, these cars were big, and the turns were hell. For this reason, no cars were allowed to park on the perimeter of the turns.

Jared took the gentleman’s route by slowing down to make the turn after Roman, while the latter plowed ahead. Roman would either win or kill them both. Both cars skidded around the turn, sending a cloud of dust into the air, much to the delight of the onlookers who screamed relentlessly. Forging ahead, Jared caught up to Roman and they proceeded head to head.

Come on, come on. I clasped my palms together to my chest, fingers entwined so tight that my skin felt stretched. I rotated my body to follow their progress, seeing Jared pull back patiently each time to let Roman take the turns first.

My heart pounded, and my stomach was felt tight from the nervousness.

Coming up on the last turn, Jared pulled back behind Roman, but he wasn’t slowing down. As Roman rounded the last corner, he skidded further to the edge while Jared took the inside. Both cars recovered and were neck to neck as they neared the finish line.

The crowd cleared the track in a mad rush, and watched as both engines thundered past. The cars were so close that I couldn’t figure out who’d won.

As both cars slowed to a stop, everyone rushed them in a clustered mess of pushing and yelling. No one seemed to know who’d won.

I twisted my neck around, searching for the Race Master guy. He appeared to be deliberating with a couple of other people, probably trying to come to a decision.

“So did you see who won?” K.C. asked, looking confused as we walked up to the cars.

“No. You?”

She shook her head.

“There you are!” Ben sidled up next to me and grabbed my hand. “I guess they’re not sure who won. Awesome race, huh?”

I let out a laugh. “My nails have been chewed into oblivion.”

“Come on. Let’s go see Jared.” K.C. grabbed my wrist, and the three of us trekked up the track.

Approaching the cars, I noticed that the drivers were nose to nose between the vehicles. Their mouths were tight, and they were too close. They looked like they were about to turn the event into a fight.

As we pushed closer, I heard what they were saying.

“You were pushing into my lane!” Roman gritted through his teeth. “Or maybe you just don’t know how to handle your car.” His black hair was slicked back, and his jeans and white t-shirt made him look like a 1950’s reject.

“There are no lanes on the track,” Jared snickered. “And let’s not talk about who can’t handle their muscle.”

Roman pointed his finger near Jared’s face as he spoke. “I’ll tell you what, Princess. Come back after you’ve grown some balls and taken off your training wheels. Then you’ll be man enough to race me.”

“Man enough?” Jared pinched his eyebrows together like that was the most ridiculous thing he’d ever heard. Turning to the crowd, Jared held his hands out to his sides, palms up. “Man enough?” he asked sarcastically.

The trampy brunette from Jared’s party, Piper, walked up and plastered herself to him like a snake. She cupped his cheek with one hand and grabbed his ass with the other. Plunging her tongue into his mouth, she kissed him slow and deep, putting her entire body into it.

The fucking crowd couldn’t scream any louder.

Heat shot out of my nose, ears, and eyes before I looked away.

He’d kissed me like that only two days ago.

Fuck him.

I peered over at K.C., whose eyebrows were raised in surprise.

“Are you okay?” I asked. Did I really care? Probably not, but at least it took my mind off the ache in my chest.

“Fan-fucking-tastic,” she snarled. “Liam just saw that. Awesome.”

I almost laughed, realizing that the only thing she was pissed about was Liam’s reaction. If Liam didn’t think that Jared was serious about K.C., then he wouldn’t feel threatened.

She didn’t give a damn about Jared. That was for sure. And that made me feel a little better about kissing him behind her back.

“Okay!” The Race Master cut through the crowd. “Out of the way, out of the way.”

His eyes swept the crowd, waiting for them to quiet down. Piper peeled herself off Jared and retreated back to her friends, wiping him off her lips as she stumbled.

“Listen up. We have some good news and bad news. The bad news is that we’re calling a tie.” Moans and expletives sounded around the crowd. Bets had been placed, and people were upset. “But, the good news is,” he continued, “we have a way to solve the stalemate.”

His smirk scared me. I let go of Ben’s hand to inch closer, now standing at the inside of the crowd. Jared and Roman were both frowning.

“A rematch?” Jared asked.

“Kind of.” The Race Master looked a little too amused. “If you boys want to settle this, then your cars will race again, but…you won’t be the drivers.”

Murmurs could be heard around the crowd, and my eyes darted to Jared to see his stunned expression.

“Excuse me?” Roman inched closer and questioned.

“We know you’re exceptional drivers. The race was close enough to prove that. Let’s see who has the better machine.”

“So who’s going to drive the cars?” Jared all but shouted, his face gone pale.

The Race Master’s face puffed out as he grinned. “Your girlfriends.”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Ben dan saya berpisah dengan kerumunan sehingga Jared dapat mengeluarkan mobilnya. K.C. datang untuk berdiri di samping kami, tapi untuk beberapa alasan, aku tidak bisa melihat padanya.Seperti Jared naik dalam dan mulai mesin nya, gadis-gadis di sekitar kita mulai melompat dan memekik. Papa Roach meraung pada tingkat yang memekakkan telinga dari speaker nya. Ia revved mesin beberapa kali untuk mendapatkan orang-orang yang akan, menyenangkan senyum di bibirnya.302 bos ditarik ke trek, dan aku menyadari bahwa aku hampir merasa seperti meninggalkan. Jared dan aku telah bermimpi tentang berada di sini bersama-sama untuk ras, dan sekarang aku berada di luar memandang ke dalam. Dia hidup ini tanpa aku, dan aku benci bahwa aku sedang pergi keluar.Roman telah hanya berhenti di nya Pontiac Trans Am. Meskipun mobilnya 2002 dianggap kuno dibandingkan Jared's, ia berdiri kesempatan luar biasa untuk menang. Jumlah pekerjaan dan pilihan Romawi telah ditambahkan ke kendaraan membuat mesin yang tangguh. Sayangnya, Derek Roman tidak mengandalkan hanya pada keterampilan sebagai mekanik untuk menang. Telah banyak cedera di sini ketika dia telah berlari di SMA."Baiklah!" Master ras mengumumkan. "Hapus trek untuk acara utama malam."K.C., Loop hanya memiliki beberapa ras per minggu selama tahun sekolah sebagai anak-anak perguruan tinggi sudah kembali ke sekolah, jadi ini cahaya malam dengan hanya dua balapan.Jared's musik memenuhi udara, dan aku melihatnya mengambil sesuatu dari tangannya untuk menggantungnya di spion. Aku tidak bisa tahu apa itu, hanya bahwa itu besar dan tampak seperti sebuah kalung.Gadis yang sama yang berangkat Utica dan Liam datang untuk berdiri di depan mobil, gemetar bokongnya saat dia berjalan di depan lampu mereka.Bau bahan bakar dan ban meresap udara, sementara mesin pencari rumble coursed melalui kaki saya. Jared menatap ke depan, mengenakan wajah batu, menunggu panggilan."Siap?" Sedikit melihat Miss-di-saya disebut."Set?" Mesin raung."Pergi!" Lengannya jatuh keras ke kedua, dan diperbesar mobil melewati dia, menendang debu dan batu-batu di belakang mereka. Saya kecilpun ke trek dengan banjir orang untuk menonton dari belakang, lebih takut daripada bersemangat saat ini.Sama seperti aku benci mengakuinya, aku khawatir. Roman akan melakukan sesuatu yang teduh dan terluka Jared. Bahkan setelah semuanya, saya tidak ingin melihat dia terluka.Lampu belakang mobil mengecil semakin dekat mereka mencapai pertama. Itu empat lefts, dan ras akan lebih. Berubah yang tajam, dan ini adalah di mana seorang pembalap drift mungkin lebih baik untuk Loop. Jalur kecil, mobil-mobil ini adalah besar, dan ternyata itu neraka. Untuk alasan ini, ada mobil yang diizinkan untuk parkir di perimeter berubah.Jared mengambil rute pria dengan memperlambat untuk membuat giliran setelah Romawi, sedangkan yang kedua maju. Roman akan baik menang atau membunuh mereka berdua. Kedua mobil tergelincir di sekitar pergantian, mengirim awan debu ke udara, banyak untuk menyenangkan para penonton yang berteriak terus-menerus. Terus maju, Jared terjebak kepada Romawi dan mereka melanjutkan kepala ke kepala.Ayo, Ayo. Saya menggenggam palms saya bersama untuk dadaku, jari-jari yang terjalin begitu erat sehingga kulit saya merasa membentang. Saya diputar tubuh saya untuk mengikuti kemajuan mereka, melihat Jared tarik kembali setiap kali dengan sabar untuk membiarkan Roman bergiliran pertama.Hatiku berdebar, dan perut saya terasa ketat dari kegugupan.Datang pada gilirannya terakhir, Jared ditarik kembali di belakang Romawi, tetapi ia tidak melambat. Sebagai Roman bulat sudut, dia tergelincir ke tepi sementara Jared mengambil bagian dalam. Kedua mobil pulih dan adalah leher ke leher ketika mereka mendekati garis finish.Kerumunan dibersihkan trek dalam terburu-buru gila, dan menyaksikan kedua mesin yang bergemuruh melewati. Mobil itu begitu dekat bahwa saya tidak tahu siapa yang telah menang.Karena kedua mobil melambat berhenti, semua orang bergegas mereka berkerumun berantakan mendorong dan berteriak. Tak seorang pun tampaknya tahu siapa yang telah menang.Aku memutar leher saya sekitar, mencari pria Race Master. Ia muncul untuk berunding dengan beberapa orang lain, mungkin mencoba untuk mengambil keputusan."Jadi Apakah Anda melihat siapa yang menang?" K.C. bertanya, mencari bingung saat kami berjalan ke mobil."No. Anda?"Ia menggelengkan kepalanya."Anda ada!" Ben sidled up sampingku dan meraih tanganku. "Kurasa mereka tidak yakin siapa yang menang. Awesome ras, ya?"Aku membiarkan keluar tertawa. "Kuku saya telah dikunyah ke terlupakan.""Ayo. Mari kita pergi melihat Jared." K.C. meraih pergelangan tangan saya, dan kami bertiga berjalan kaki ke trek.Mendekati Mobil, saya melihat bahwa driver itu hidung ke hidung antara kendaraan. Mulutnya ketat, dan mereka terlalu dekat. Mereka tampak seperti mereka akan berbalik acara bertengkar.Seperti yang kita mendorong lebih dekat, aku mendengar apa yang mereka katakan."Anda mendorong ke jalur saya!" Roman mengertakkan melalui gigi. "Atau mungkin Anda hanya tidak tahu bagaimana menangani mobil Anda." Rambut hitam adalah dipercantik kembali, dan nya jeans dan t-shirt putih membuatnya terlihat seperti menolak tahun 1950-an."Ada tidak ada jalur di trek," mencibir Jared. "Dan mari kita tidak berbicara tentang yang tidak bisa menangani otot mereka."Roman menunjuk jarinya dekat Jared's wajah ketika ia berbicara. "Aku akan memberitahu Anda apa, putri. Kembali setelah tumbuh beberapa bola dan diambil dari roda pelatihan Anda. Kemudian Anda akan menjadi manusia cukup untuk ras saya.""Orang cukup?" Jared mencubit alis nya bersama-sama seperti itu adalah hal yang paling konyol yang pernah ia dengar. Beralih ke kerumunan, Jared mengulurkan tangannya ke sisi tubuhnya, palms up. "Man cukup?" Dia bertanya sinis.Brunette trampy dari Partai Jared's, Piper, berjalan dan ditempeli dirinya kepadanya seperti ular. Dia menangkupkan pipinya dengan satu tangan dan meraih pantatnya dengan yang lain. Terjun lidahnya ke dalam mulutnya, dia menciumnya lambat dan mendalam, memasukkan seluruh tubuhnya ke dalamnya.Kerumunan sialan tidak berteriak lebih keras.Panas ditembak dari hidung, telinga, dan mata saya sebelum saya memalingkan.He’d kissed me like that only two days ago.Fuck him.I peered over at K.C., whose eyebrows were raised in surprise.“Are you okay?” I asked. Did I really care? Probably not, but at least it took my mind off the ache in my chest.“Fan-fucking-tastic,” she snarled. “Liam just saw that. Awesome.”I almost laughed, realizing that the only thing she was pissed about was Liam’s reaction. If Liam didn’t think that Jared was serious about K.C., then he wouldn’t feel threatened.She didn’t give a damn about Jared. That was for sure. And that made me feel a little better about kissing him behind her back.“Okay!” The Race Master cut through the crowd. “Out of the way, out of the way.”His eyes swept the crowd, waiting for them to quiet down. Piper peeled herself off Jared and retreated back to her friends, wiping him off her lips as she stumbled.“Listen up. We have some good news and bad news. The bad news is that we’re calling a tie.” Moans and expletives sounded around the crowd. Bets had been placed, and people were upset. “But, the good news is,” he continued, “we have a way to solve the stalemate.”His smirk scared me. I let go of Ben’s hand to inch closer, now standing at the inside of the crowd. Jared and Roman were both frowning.“A rematch?” Jared asked.“Kind of.” The Race Master looked a little too amused. “If you boys want to settle this, then your cars will race again, but…you won’t be the drivers.”Murmurs could be heard around the crowd, and my eyes darted to Jared to see his stunned expression.“Excuse me?” Roman inched closer and questioned.“We know you’re exceptional drivers. The race was close enough to prove that. Let’s see who has the better machine.”“So who’s going to drive the cars?” Jared all but shouted, his face gone pale.The Race Master’s face puffed out as he grinned. “Your girlfriends.”
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