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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
(ruang istirahat di kantor. Meja dan kursi beberapa. Ada sebuah kotak berukuran kulkas oleh dinding. Hampir kosong baki cookie adalah di atas meja. Jill duduk di meja, membaca)Nathan: (Nathan memasuki, mendesak) Hei, Apakah masih ada cookie?Jill: Pergi untuk itu.Nathan: (Perampasan semua cookie) Apakah kita memiliki apa pun tersisa?Jill: Ada beberapa apel di lemari es.Nathan: Itu baik. Hmm, keju apapun kubus kiri?Jill: saya tidak melihat apapun. Saya juga belum melihat Delaney sepanjang hari.Nathan: Ya! Mungkin dia sakitJill: Dia lebih baik mati. Proyek kami yang hampir jatuh tempo, dan kami belum selesai belum.Nathan: (mengangkat) memberinya panggilan!Jill: (jill mengeluarkan telepon dan berbicara untuk dirinya sendiri sambil menunggu telepon untuk menghubungkan) Hei, Delaney. Memang Jill aku jist bertanya-tanya karena Anda tampaknya berpikir aku harus melakukan pekerjaan kedua kami bagaimana perasaan Anda jika saya mendapat gaji kedua kami? Yang tampaknya tidak.(Telepon mulai untuk ring di dalam kotak. Jill berhenti berbicara untuk dirinya sendiri. Kotak mulai bergerak di sekitar. Ketika telepon berdering berhenti, kotak berhenti bergerak.)(jill perlahan-lahan berjalan di atas kotak. Dia mengangkat sudut. Jill crouches di dalam)Delaney: AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!! (berteriak dan menarik kotak kembali)Jill: Delaney?Delaney: (di dalam kotak) shhhhhshhhhhhh!Jill: Apa yang Anda lakukan sana?Delaney: cukup, cukup! Anda tidak pernah melihat saya!Jill: tetapi saya perlu untuk berbicara dengan Anda. Tenggat waktu kamiDelaney:: Silahkan jill tidak sekarang! Tidak hari ini!Jill: Mendengarkan apa yang Anda lakukan? Anda hanya bisa pergi dari kotak itu konyol?Delaney: (melalui air mata) saya tidak bisa keluar...Jill: okey, jika Anda terjebak, saya akan menelepon petugas kebersihan.Delaney: Tidak, aku tidak stuck.but jika saya keluar, aku akan kehilangan pekerjaan saya. Ada lebih PHK karena bulan ini. Aku mendengar ibu Ford berbicara tentang "daftar" kemarin dengan PM kami dan Dia menyebut nama saya. Jika ia menemukan saya, saya mendapatkan slip merah muda untuk yakin.Jill: Jadi, kau bersembunyi?Delaney: Ya...Jill: Anda tahu jika Anda tidak ingin dilihat, mengapa tidak Anda hanya panggilan dalam sakit?Delaney: maksudmu berbohong? Wow, Jill. Saya kira Anda dan saya pendekatan masalah sedikit berbedaJill: saya kira kita lakukan. Berapa lama Anda akan terus ini?Delaney: Yah, aku punya blackberry dan saya punya vitamin saya air. Dan aku mengambil beberapa cebes keju dari lemari es sebelumnya-Jill; (Menuduh) oh Anda mengambil semua batu keju?Delaney: Hei, aku punya kebutuhan Oke? Aku akan melalui masa-masa sulit!Jill: Oke terlihat. Ada harus menjadi solusi yang lebih baik. Kami punya hanya untuk berpikir di luar kotak. Mengapa tidak kita... (Tiba-tiba berhenti berbicara karena ibu Ford memasuki dengan clipboard di tangan)Mrs Ford: Halo JillJill: Ford Moring Mrs(Delaney terengah-engah dan kotak bergerak. Jill berpura-pura terkesiap dan mantap dirinya terhadap kotak, memberikan lagi shake)Mrs ford: Apakah Anda benar?Jill: yup, aku baik-baik, Wah hanya ya aku baik-baik (tersenyum)(mrs ford examines the cookie tray)Mrs ford : wouldn’t you know it? Those annoying jackals already ate the entire chocolate chips. Do you know what I think about some of these people, Jill? We should get raisesMrs ford : ha ha ha! No. they should be laid off!(the box begins to inch back towards the wall)Mrs ford : if you saw who took these cookies, tell me who the person is, Jill!Jill : Yes sir, um, I mean Mam!Mrs ford : is the that the box for the new fridge?Jill : what? Oh this box? I didn’t even notice it here.Mrs ford : who would have left in the middle of the room like this? Push it back to the wall, will you?Jill : okay(the box moves quickly to the wall, jill hurriedly follows it, pretending to push it. Then she stands beside the box)Jill : Done!Mrs ford : I’ll call the janitor to throw it awayJill : oh no need. They already knowMrs ford : why haven’t they taken it away yet?It’s an eyesoreJill : they’re waiting for a charity group to come to pick it upMrs ford : what charityJill : boxes for loveMrs ford : boxes for love??(delaney’s cell phone rings)Delaney : no, no no, oh God, oh no!(Jill pulls out her own phone and pushes the buttons as the ring goes on and on, pretending to feel shocked because of the unwanted ringtone)Jill : no oh no. I could have swom I changed my ring tone! This one brings back bad childhood memories.(the ring then stops. Jill raises her phone to her ear as if answering a call)Jill : (on the phone) Hello? Yes. Sure, just come on up when you’re ready (She hangs up the phone)Jill : That was for boxes for love. They’re here for the box. So they can love it.Mrs ford : did you organize, this charity, Jill?Jill : yeah I made it up(Mrs Ford smiles. She holds up her clipboard and begins writing something)Jill : what’s on that clipboard Mrs.Ford?Mrs Ford : Oh. I’ve got a little list.(Delaney pulls her hand out under the box and grabs Jill’s ankle)Jill : Ughhhhhh! (She is shocked and kicks the box. The hand moves back)(Mrs Ford looks at Jill suspiciously)Jill : Ehmmm, I mean I just love lists. What kind of list is it?Mrs ford : you’re full of questions today Jill. I think I’ve never seen you show interest in anything important before.Jill : Well people change mam..Mrs Ford :you know what, I was going to have you laid off but now I see you change and if your initiative about these boxes for love really works, we might have a new partnership on our hands from that charity so congratulations Jill,you just made my nice list. And so is sweet Delaney. What an incredible worker she is. I tell you, Jill nobody on this list is more special than her.Jill : Absolutely.(Mrs Ford starts to leave when Nathan enters. He is chewing)Nathan : Hey Jill, were there anymore chocolate chips?(He sees mrs ford. She gives him an icy stare)Nathan : Oh! Good moring mrs Ford(mrs Ford clicks her pen open. She begins crossing something off, then she leaves. Feeling guilty, Nathan follows Mrs Ford)
Nathan : Mrs Ford? Mrs Ford?
(Jill watches them go. Delaney pulls her hand out and grabs Jills ankle)
Delaney : is she gone?
Jill : yes, she’s gone
Delaney : (feel excited) Oh my God…Oh my God.. I can’t believe it! The whole time! I was on the nice list! I didn’t have to hide in this box at all! Jill, I’m so excited!
Jill : will you come out of there.
Delaney : (gets out from the box, stand up and scratches) Phew! Thank you so much Jill! Did you hear that, she’s not going to have me laid off and it’s not just me but also you!! This is exciting!
(she goes for a hug but Jill refuses her)
Jill : yeah, I heard that! Now, stop playing around! We have a lot of work to do and remember, tomorrow will be deadline!
Delaney : Oh God!! Itotally forget about it! (thinks) hmmm… Jill?
Jill : yes, what now??
Delaney : (begs) can you now pretend that you don’t see me so that I can hide in that box again while you’re doing our work???
Jill : NO WAY!!!(Screams)
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