A SERIES of contracts have been awarded covering the deepwater Jangkri terjemahan - A SERIES of contracts have been awarded covering the deepwater Jangkri Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

A SERIES of contracts have been awa

A SERIES of contracts have been awarded covering the deepwater Jangkrik Complex development in the Muara Bakau production sharing contract, located in the Makassar Straits off East Kalimantan.

Operated by Eni and located about 70 kilometres from Balikpapan, the Jangkrik complex is Indonesia’s first deepwater development, situated in water depths of between 200 and 430 metres.

A consortium between Hyundai Heavy Industries Ltd, Saipem, Tripatra Engineers & Constructors and Chiyoda secured the engineering, procurement, commissioning and installation (EPCI) contract for a new built barge Floating Production Unit (FPU) for the Jangkrik Complex Project development.

The scope of work includes engineering, procurement and fabrication of the FPU and the installation of a mooring system as well as hook-up, commissioning and assistance to the start-up, Saipem said.

The Jangkrik FPU project, a spread-moored unit with a treating capacity of 450 million cubic feet of gas per day plus condensates, will be carried out from the Saipem Execution Centre in Jakarta.

The topsides fabrication activities will be carried out in Saipem’s Karimun Island Yard, also located in Indonesia, while the hull will be fabricated in HHI’s offshore yard in Ulsan in South Korea.

The FPU will be delivered at site ready for surf hook-up in 34 months, Saipem said.

Saipem said it was adding US$540 million to its books with the project, combined with a new order from Aker solutions for the fabrication of subsea structures, including suction anchors, for the Moho project offshore the Congo.

FMC Technologies also secured a new contract for Jangkrik, supplying subsea systems, including subsea trees, manifolds, jumpers and connection systems, umbilicals, tooling and associated topside and subsea controls systems to the project.

“The order has an estimated value of US$720 million in revenue if the full scope of the award is called off,” FMC said in an announcement.

At the same time, Technip was awarded contract worth between €500 million to €1 billion the EPCI of flexible risers, flowlines and pipelines.

The contract will cover 36 kilometres of flexible risers and flowlines with diameters ranging from 4 inches to 14 inches, as well as 195 kilometres of pipeline with diameters ranging from 4 inches to 24 inches, and subsea equipment which includes mid-water arch and flowline end termination.

Technip will also carry out the installation of 51 kilometres of umbilicals, five manifolds and seven subsea isolation valve structures and associated flying leads.

The project also includes the engineering, procurement and construction of an onshore receiving facility including pig traps, metering systems and utilities.

Technip said its work on the project was scheduled to be completed in the first quarter of 2017.

The flexible pipes will be manufactured at Technip’s Asiaflex Products plant in Tanjung Langsat, Johor, Malaysia.
Technip’s S-Lay and heavy-lift vessel, G1201 and its multipurpose installation and construction vessel, the Deep Orient, will be used for the installation.

Indonesia’s special task force for upstream oil and gas business activities SKK Migas acting chairman J. Widjonarko said he expected the drilling of 11 development wells would be conducted at the Jangkrik and Jangkrik North East fields in a parallel manner.

“Both of those fields are expected to start producing in early 2017 with peak condition of 450 million cubic feet of gas per day for six years,” he said, with the wells expected to produce for about 14 years.

Both of these fields are expected to fulfil gas demand for electricity and industry in East Kalimantan, Java, South Sumatera, Central Sumatera, North Sumatera, and Aceh in the form of liquid natural gas (LNG) and gas pipelines, SKK Migas said.

To do this, Eni and SKK Migas would work hard to reserve 47 per cent of the gas allocated for domestic use, rather than the 30 per cent reserved in the initial plan of development for the blocks.

“It will work as long as the economic is possible, and the domestic gas infrastructure supports it,” Mr Widjonarko said.

The contract awards came after Eni subsidiary Eni Muara Bakau started a 3D seismic survey in the Makassar Straits, SKK Migas said, at depths rainging from 90 to 1,400 metres.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
SERANGKAIAN kontrak telah diberikan meliputi pembangunan kompleks Jangkrik deepwater produksi Muara Bakau berbagi kontrak, terletak di Selat Makassar off East Kalimantan.

dioperasikan oleh Eni dan terletak sekitar 70 kilometer dari Balikpapan, kompleks Jangkrik pengembangan deepwater pertama di Indonesia, terletak di kedalaman air antara 200 dan 430 meter.

Sebuah konsorsium antara Hyundai Heavy Industries Ltd, Saipem, Tripatra Engineers & konstruktor dan Chiyoda dijamin rekayasa, pengadaan, komisioning dan instalasi (EPCI) kontrak untuk sebuah kapal tongkang dibangun baru Unit produksi Floating (FPU) untuk pengembangan proyek kompleks Jangkrik.

lingkup kerja mencakup teknik, Pengadaan dan fabrikasi FPU dan instalasi sistem tambat serta hook-up, komisioning dan bantuan untuk start-up, kata Saipem.

The Jangkrik FPU proyek, sebuah unit tertambat menyebar dengan kapasitas merawat 450 juta kaki kubik gas per hari ditambah condensates, akan dilakukan dari pusat eksekusi Saipem Jakarta.

Kegiatan fabrikasi topside akan dilakukan di halaman pulau Karimun Saipem's, juga terletak di Indonesia, sementara lambung akan mengarang dalam HHI di lepas pantai halaman di Ulsan di selatan Korea.

The FPU akan disampaikan di situs siap untuk surfing hook-up di 34 bulan, Saipem berkata.

Saipem mengatakan itu adalah menambah US$ 540 juta buku dengan proyek, dikombinasikan dengan sebuah tatanan baru dari Aker solusi untuk fabrikasi struktur bawah laut, termasuk jangkar hisap, Mold proyek lepas pantai Kongo.

FMC Technologies juga berhasil mendapatkan kontrak baru untuk Jangkrik, menyediakan sistem bawah laut, termasuk pohon-pohon subsea, manifold, jumper dan sistem sambungan, umbilicals, perkakas dan terkait topside dan subsea kontrol sistem untuk proyek.

"Urutan memiliki perkiraan nilai AS$ 720 juta dalam pendapatan jika cakupan penuh penghargaan yang disebut," FMC mengatakan dalam pengumuman.

pada saat yang sama, Technip dianugerahi kontrak senilai antara €500 juta menjadi €1 miliar EPCI fleksibel bangun, flowlines dan jaringan pipa.

Kontrak akan menutupi 36 kilometer fleksibel bangun dan flowlines dengan diameter berkisar 4 inci ke 14 inci, serta 195 kilometer pipa dengan diameter berkisar 4 inci sampai 24 inci, dan peralatan bawah laut yang meliputi air pertengahan arch dan pipa alir akhir penghentian.

Technip juga akan melaksanakan instalasi 51 kilometer dari umbilicals, manifold lima dan tujuh subsea isolasi valve struktur dan terkait terbang Lead.

proyek ini juga mencakup teknik, pengadaan dan konstruksi fasilitas menerima darat termasuk perangkap babi, metering sistem dan utilitas

Technip kata yang bekerja pada proyek ini dijadwalkan selesai pada kuartal pertama tahun 2017.

Pipa flexible akan diproduksi di pabrik produk Asiaflex di Technip di Tanjung Langsat, Johor, Malaysia.
Technip's S-Lay dan berat-angkat kapal, G1201 dan instalasi serbaguna dan konstruksi kapal, Timur jauh, akan digunakan untuk instalasi.

Indonesia satuan tugas khusus untuk hulu migas bisnis kegiatan SKK Migas pejabat Ketua J. Widjonarko mengatakan ia memperkirakan pengeboran sumur pengembangan 11 akan dilakukan di bidang Jangkrik dan Jangkrik Utara Timur secara paralel.

"kedua bidang tersebut diharapkan mulai memproduksi pada awal 2017 dengan kondisi puncak 450 juta kaki kubik gas per hari selama enam tahun," katanya, sumur yang diharapkan akan menghasilkan selama sekitar 14 tahun.

Kedua bidang ini diharapkan dapat memenuhi permintaan gas industri di Kalimantan Timur, Jawa, Sumatera Selatan, Sumatera tengah, Sumatera Utara, dan Aceh dalam bentuk gas alam cair (LNG) dan jaringan pipa gas dan listrik, mengatakan SKK Migas.

untuk melakukan ini, Eni dan SKK Migas akan bekerja keras untuk memesan 47 persen gas yang dialokasikan untuk penggunaan domestik, daripada 30 persen dalam rencana awal pengembangan untuk blok.

"akan bekerja selama ekonomi mungkin, dan infrastruktur gas domestik mendukungnya," kata Mr Widjonarko.

penghargaan kontrak datang setelah Eni subsidiari Eni Muara Bakau mulai survei seismic 3D di Selat Makassar, SKK Migas berkata, di kedalaman rainging dari 90 1.400 meter.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
A SERIES of contracts have been awarded covering the deepwater Jangkrik Complex development in the Muara Bakau production sharing contract, located in the Makassar Straits off East Kalimantan.

Operated by Eni and located about 70 kilometres from Balikpapan, the Jangkrik complex is Indonesia’s first deepwater development, situated in water depths of between 200 and 430 metres.

A consortium between Hyundai Heavy Industries Ltd, Saipem, Tripatra Engineers & Constructors and Chiyoda secured the engineering, procurement, commissioning and installation (EPCI) contract for a new built barge Floating Production Unit (FPU) for the Jangkrik Complex Project development.

The scope of work includes engineering, procurement and fabrication of the FPU and the installation of a mooring system as well as hook-up, commissioning and assistance to the start-up, Saipem said.

The Jangkrik FPU project, a spread-moored unit with a treating capacity of 450 million cubic feet of gas per day plus condensates, will be carried out from the Saipem Execution Centre in Jakarta.

The topsides fabrication activities will be carried out in Saipem’s Karimun Island Yard, also located in Indonesia, while the hull will be fabricated in HHI’s offshore yard in Ulsan in South Korea.

The FPU will be delivered at site ready for surf hook-up in 34 months, Saipem said.

Saipem said it was adding US$540 million to its books with the project, combined with a new order from Aker solutions for the fabrication of subsea structures, including suction anchors, for the Moho project offshore the Congo.

FMC Technologies also secured a new contract for Jangkrik, supplying subsea systems, including subsea trees, manifolds, jumpers and connection systems, umbilicals, tooling and associated topside and subsea controls systems to the project.

“The order has an estimated value of US$720 million in revenue if the full scope of the award is called off,” FMC said in an announcement.

At the same time, Technip was awarded contract worth between €500 million to €1 billion the EPCI of flexible risers, flowlines and pipelines.

The contract will cover 36 kilometres of flexible risers and flowlines with diameters ranging from 4 inches to 14 inches, as well as 195 kilometres of pipeline with diameters ranging from 4 inches to 24 inches, and subsea equipment which includes mid-water arch and flowline end termination.

Technip will also carry out the installation of 51 kilometres of umbilicals, five manifolds and seven subsea isolation valve structures and associated flying leads.

The project also includes the engineering, procurement and construction of an onshore receiving facility including pig traps, metering systems and utilities.

Technip said its work on the project was scheduled to be completed in the first quarter of 2017.

The flexible pipes will be manufactured at Technip’s Asiaflex Products plant in Tanjung Langsat, Johor, Malaysia.
Technip’s S-Lay and heavy-lift vessel, G1201 and its multipurpose installation and construction vessel, the Deep Orient, will be used for the installation.

Indonesia’s special task force for upstream oil and gas business activities SKK Migas acting chairman J. Widjonarko said he expected the drilling of 11 development wells would be conducted at the Jangkrik and Jangkrik North East fields in a parallel manner.

“Both of those fields are expected to start producing in early 2017 with peak condition of 450 million cubic feet of gas per day for six years,” he said, with the wells expected to produce for about 14 years.

Both of these fields are expected to fulfil gas demand for electricity and industry in East Kalimantan, Java, South Sumatera, Central Sumatera, North Sumatera, and Aceh in the form of liquid natural gas (LNG) and gas pipelines, SKK Migas said.

To do this, Eni and SKK Migas would work hard to reserve 47 per cent of the gas allocated for domestic use, rather than the 30 per cent reserved in the initial plan of development for the blocks.

“It will work as long as the economic is possible, and the domestic gas infrastructure supports it,” Mr Widjonarko said.

The contract awards came after Eni subsidiary Eni Muara Bakau started a 3D seismic survey in the Makassar Straits, SKK Migas said, at depths rainging from 90 to 1,400 metres.
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