Im­me­di­ately, put on the flame color to fight the armor, to wear the terjemahan - Im­me­di­ately, put on the flame color to fight the armor, to wear the Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Im­me­di­ately, put on the flame co

Im­me­di­ately, put on the flame color to fight the armor, to wear the per­son of town coun­try gen­eral token to walk, held the fist in the other hand say­ing: „End, does not know that south the town Your High­ness Wang does have what grant­ing in­struc­tion?”
I knew this per­son Sheng Lin, after dies, the sta­tus of his with town coun­try gen­eral has held the post of leg­endary Em­peror Yu armed forces the duty of com­mand­ing, was em­pire grasps a se­nior gen­eral with large army.
Truly said: „After the leg­endary Em­peror Yu reg­i­ment re­con­structs, has the 4 W cav­alry sol­dier and 4 W in­fantry, it may be said that is the well-trained and equipped army, after when train­ing are many, uses the leg­endary Em­peror Yu armed forces, was in­fe­rior that the wave of at­tack of fol­low­ing dif­fer­ent demon army is re­sisted by the leg­endary Em­peror Yu armed forces, does not know whether Gen­eral Sheng Lin does have the con­fi­dence to repel the ad­vance khaki cloth?”
Is abun­dantly in­stan­ta­neous near the com­plex­ion, body also slightly shiv­ered, ac­tu­ally as be­fore holds the fist in the other hand say­ing: „Eats the wealth of Monarch, to take on the sor­row of Monarch, the leg­endary Em­peror Yu armed forces is will­ing dead then one­self for the em­pire!”
My knit­ting the brows head , the leg­endary Em­peror Yu armed forces' vet­eran after the mul­ti­ple war tribu­la­tion died al­most, after form­ing newly, does not have many bat­tle ef­fi­cien­cies, the train­ing not to com­pare the palace guard like this ex­cel­lent, now makes them re­sist com­pared with a tri­an­gle beast stronger army, that de­liv­ers them to bring death sim­ply.
Near such a say­ing, im­me­di­ately stood in his be­hind player Yorozuo long Ye to come abun­dantly some­what has not been feel­ing well, Ye to come al­ready had trial one crowd of main player ex­ten­sions to in­vest the leg­endary Em­peror Yu reg­i­ment gen­eral's sub­or­di­nates, at this time also mixed Yorozuo to be long, he raised the tom­a­hawk to walk, raised the eye­brow to say with a smile: „South town doesn't the king, you think ex­ces­sively? Your hand grasps 200,000 Rong Di Jun, in ad­di­tion the timid war, in­sti­ga­tion lets only then the leg­endary Em­peror Yu armed forces of 80,000 re­cruits meet head-on the enemy main force, is this wants to make our leg­endary Em­peror Yu armed forces fall into the be­yond re­demp­tion re­gion in­ten­tion­ally?”
Truly vi­sion one cold, said: „Gen­eral Ye this word is bad, when was ob­so­lete said that can frame the leg­endary Em­peror Yu armed forces?”
Near has scolded abun­dantly one: „Ye to come, can not be dis­solute, is this your this south the town Your High­ness Wang to the words that spoke?”
Ye to come is a crabby, points at Sheng Lin the nose to scold: „Do you make the skele­ton of 8 W sol­dier spread one to take on the path of gen­eral for you first? Has a dream, the fa­ther will not go all out for your this per­son!”
Sheng Linnu: „Comes the human, pulls out to me Ye to come, re­lieves him in the com­plete mil­i­tary ap­point­ment of leg­endary Em­peror Yu armed forces!”
Out­side sev­eral war­riors flushed, must turn Ye to come, but Ye to come was not the af­fa­ble host, the tom­a­hawk has raised, above pan- the fear­ful roar­ing flame, trial trade union the ex­ceed­ingly high bud­dhist monk and other mul­ti­tude of peo­ple long post of the player in abun­dance sword edges were also com­ing out of the sheath, must re­volt shortly.
I raise the arm hur­riedly, shouted to clear the way lowly: „Stop, the Jin­jia war­riors draw back, who makes you come in!”
One crowd of Jin­jia guard the im­pe­r­ial palace visit me, has a look at Sheng Lin, fi­nally holds the fist in the other hand say­ing: „On the gen­eral, has any mat­ter to sum­mon me again and oth­ers”
Sheng Lin the honor some­what could not hang, said: „Bro­ken caul­dron male, what do you mean, I teach my sub­or­di­nate, does this have your what mat­ter?”
I show a faint smile
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Im­me­di­ately, put on the flame color to fight the armor, to wear the per­son of town coun­try gen­eral token to walk, held the fist in the other hand say­ing: „End, does not know that south the town Your High­ness Wang does have what grant­ing in­struc­tion?”I knew this per­son Sheng Lin, after dies, the sta­tus of his with town coun­try gen­eral has held the post of leg­endary Em­peror Yu armed forces the duty of com­mand­ing, was em­pire grasps a se­nior gen­eral with large army.Truly said: „After the leg­endary Em­peror Yu reg­i­ment re­con­structs, has the 4 W cav­alry sol­dier and 4 W in­fantry, it may be said that is the well-trained and equipped army, after when train­ing are many, uses the leg­endary Em­peror Yu armed forces, was in­fe­rior that the wave of at­tack of fol­low­ing dif­fer­ent demon army is re­sisted by the leg­endary Em­peror Yu armed forces, does not know whether Gen­eral Sheng Lin does have the con­fi­dence to repel the ad­vance khaki cloth?”Is abun­dantly in­stan­ta­neous near the com­plex­ion, body also slightly shiv­ered, ac­tu­ally as be­fore holds the fist in the other hand say­ing: „Eats the wealth of Monarch, to take on the sor­row of Monarch, the leg­endary Em­peror Yu armed forces is will­ing dead then one­self for the em­pire!”My knit­ting the brows head , the leg­endary Em­peror Yu armed forces' vet­eran after the mul­ti­ple war tribu­la­tion died al­most, after form­ing newly, does not have many bat­tle ef­fi­cien­cies, the train­ing not to com­pare the palace guard like this ex­cel­lent, now makes them re­sist com­pared with a tri­an­gle beast stronger army, that de­liv­ers them to bring death sim­ply.Near such a say­ing, im­me­di­ately stood in his be­hind player Yorozuo long Ye to come abun­dantly some­what has not been feel­ing well, Ye to come al­ready had trial one crowd of main player ex­ten­sions to in­vest the leg­endary Em­peror Yu reg­i­ment gen­eral's sub­or­di­nates, at this time also mixed Yorozuo to be long, he raised the tom­a­hawk to walk, raised the eye­brow to say with a smile: „South town doesn't the king, you think ex­ces­sively? Your hand grasps 200,000 Rong Di Jun, in ad­di­tion the timid war, in­sti­ga­tion lets only then the leg­endary Em­peror Yu armed forces of 80,000 re­cruits meet head-on the enemy main force, is this wants to make our leg­endary Em­peror Yu armed forces fall into the be­yond re­demp­tion re­gion in­ten­tion­ally?”Truly vi­sion one cold, said: „Gen­eral Ye this word is bad, when was ob­so­lete said that can frame the leg­endary Em­peror Yu armed forces?”Near has scolded abun­dantly one: „Ye to come, can not be dis­solute, is this your this south the town Your High­ness Wang to the words that spoke?”Ye to come is a crabby, points at Sheng Lin the nose to scold: „Do you make the skele­ton of 8 W sol­dier spread one to take on the path of gen­eral for you first? Has a dream, the fa­ther will not go all out for your this per­son!”
Sheng Linnu: „Comes the human, pulls out to me Ye to come, re­lieves him in the com­plete mil­i­tary ap­point­ment of leg­endary Em­peror Yu armed forces!”
Out­side sev­eral war­riors flushed, must turn Ye to come, but Ye to come was not the af­fa­ble host, the tom­a­hawk has raised, above pan- the fear­ful roar­ing flame, trial trade union the ex­ceed­ingly high bud­dhist monk and other mul­ti­tude of peo­ple long post of the player in abun­dance sword edges were also com­ing out of the sheath, must re­volt shortly.
I raise the arm hur­riedly, shouted to clear the way lowly: „Stop, the Jin­jia war­riors draw back, who makes you come in!”
One crowd of Jin­jia guard the im­pe­r­ial palace visit me, has a look at Sheng Lin, fi­nally holds the fist in the other hand say­ing: „On the gen­eral, has any mat­ter to sum­mon me again and oth­ers”
Sheng Lin the honor some­what could not hang, said: „Bro­ken caul­dron male, what do you mean, I teach my sub­or­di­nate, does this have your what mat­ter?”
I show a faint smile
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Segera, mengenakan warna api untuk melawan baju besi, untuk memakai orang dari negara kota tanda umum berjalan, diadakan tinju di sisi lain mengatakan: "End, tidak tahu selatan bahwa kota Mulia Wang Anda tidak memiliki apa pemberian ? instruksi "
. saya tahu orang ini Sheng Lin, setelah meninggal, status dengan negara kota umumnya telah memegang jabatan Kaisar Yu angkatan bersenjata legendaris tugas memerintah, adalah kerajaan menangkap seorang jenderal senior tentara yang besar
benar-benar mengatakan:" setelah legendaris Kaisar Yu resimen merekonstruksi, memiliki 4 W kavaleri tentara dan 4 W infanteri, dapat dikatakan bahwa adalah tentara yang terlatih dan dilengkapi, setelah saat pelatihan banyak, menggunakan Kaisar Yu angkatan bersenjata legendaris, adalah rendah yang gelombang serangan berikut pasukan setan yang berbeda ditentang oleh Kaisar Yu angkatan bersenjata legendaris, tidak tahu apakah Umum Sheng Lin tidak memiliki kepercayaan diri untuk mengusir kain muka khaki? "
Apakah berlimpah sesaat dekat kulit, tubuh juga sedikit menggigil, benar-benar seperti sebelumnya memegang tangan dalam ungkapan sisi lain: "Santapan kekayaan Monarch, untuk mengambil kesedihan Monarch, Kaisar Yu angkatan bersenjata legendaris bersedia mati maka diri untuk kekaisaran!"
merajut saya kepala alis, yang veteran legendaris Kaisar Yu angkatan bersenjata 'setelah kesengsaraan perang beberapa meninggal hampir, setelah membentuk baru, tidak memiliki banyak efisiensi pertempuran, pelatihan untuk tidak membandingkan pengawal istana seperti ini sangat baik, sekarang membuat mereka menolak dibandingkan dengan tentara segitiga binatang kuat, yang memberikan mereka untuk membawa kematian hanya.
dekat pepatah tersebut, segera berdiri di belakang pemain Yorozuo Ye lama untuk datang berlimpah agak belum merasa baik, Ye datang sudah punya percobaan satu kerumunan ekstensi pemain utama untuk berinvestasi legendaris Kaisar Yu bawahan resimen jenderal, saat ini juga dicampur Yorozuo menjadi panjang, ia mengangkat tomahawk berjalan, mengangkat alis untuk mengatakan dengan tersenyum: "kota South tidak raja, Anda berpikir berlebihan? Tangan Anda menangkap 200.000 Rong Di Juni, selain perang pemalu, hasutan memungkinkan hanya kemudian Kaisar Yu angkatan bersenjata legendaris 80.000 direkrut memenuhi kepala-on kekuatan utama musuh, apakah ini ingin membuat legendaris Kaisar Yu angkatan bersenjata kita jatuh ke dalam ? melampaui wilayah penebusan sengaja "
benar-benar visi yang dingin, mengatakan:" General Ye kata ini adalah buruk, ketika itu usang mengatakan bahwa bisa membingkai Kaisar Yu angkatan bersenjata legendaris "?
Near telah dimarahi berlimpah satu:" Ye datang, tidak bisa ? bermoral, apakah ini Anda selatan ini kota Mulia Wang untuk kata-kata yang berbicara "
Ye datang adalah pemarah, menunjuk Sheng Lin hidung untuk memarahi:" Apakah Anda membuat kerangka dari 8 W tentara menyebar satu untuk mengambil jalan umum untuk pertama kali? Memiliki mimpi, ayah tidak akan pergi semua keluar untuk orang ini Anda "!
Sheng Linnu:" Datang manusia, menarik keluar saya Ye datang, mengurangi dia di penunjukan militer lengkap Kaisar Yu angkatan bersenjata legendaris "!
Di luar beberapa prajurit memerah, harus mengubah Ye datang, tapi Ye datang tidak host ramah, tomahawk telah dibangkitkan, di atas pan api menderu menakutkan, percobaan serikat buruh biksu Buddha yang sangat tinggi dan banyak orang lainnya pasca panjang pemain . berlimpah tepi pedang juga keluar dari sarungnya, harus memberontak tak lama
aku mengangkat lengan buru-buru, berteriak untuk membersihkan jalan rendah: "Berhenti, para prajurit Jinjia menarik kembali, yang membuat Anda datang!"
satu orang penjaga Jinjia istana kekaisaran mengunjungi saya, memiliki tampilan di Sheng Lin, akhirnya memegang kepalan tangan di sisi lain mengatakan: "pada umumnya, memiliki masalah apapun untuk memanggil saya lagi dan lain-lain"
Sheng Lin kehormatan agak tidak bisa bertahan, mengatakan: " patah kuali laki-laki, apa yang Anda maksud, saya mengajar bawahan saya, hal ini harus peduli apa Anda? "
aku menunjukkan senyum tipis
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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