“Wow,” Sally said, interrupting my thoughts as we watched TJ bringing  terjemahan - “Wow,” Sally said, interrupting my thoughts as we watched TJ bringing  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

“Wow,” Sally said, interrupting my

“Wow,” Sally said, interrupting my thoughts as we watched TJ bringing in Barbie’s suitcase. I could feel my face going red with anger and even more hate and jealousy as I watched them talking and laughing together. “Let’s go grab our room.”
“Yeah,” I said and we walked along the corridor. “I don’t know what he sees in her. She has no redeeming qualities.”
“Who is she, anyway?” Sally said. “Talk about a bimbo. I didn’t think she was his type.”
“I don’t know.” I sighed as we walked into the bedroom and I closed the door behind us and locked it. I fell down onto the bed and groaned. “Do you think I should even go ahead with my plan this weekend? It seems like it would be a waste of time. I don’t even know when I’m supposed to try and seduce him if she’s here.”
“Girl, you have to go ahead with it,” Sally said and dropped down on the bed next to me. “Do you think Cody is going to bring someone as well?”
“I don’t know.” I sighed and turned to face her. “Are we the biggest idiots in the world?”
“Maybe.” She grinned, her smile a little sad. “We’ve been crushing on these guys forever and, well, I just don’t know that either of them have even noticed us.”
“I know.” I chewed on my lower lip. “I feel like, in their eyes, we’re always going to be the immature little girls that they remember from high school.”
“Yeah,” Sally said. “But at least you have a plan. Oh yeah, I wanted to tell you what I did with Troy.”
“What do you mean what you did?”
“Well, I—”
“Girls, you in there?” TJ interrupted us as he banged on the door.
“Yes,” I said and Sally and I just lay on the bed and waited for what he was going to say next.
“I’m hoping you can tell me what room I should give Barbie.”
“Isn’t she sleeping in your room?” I said cattily.
“No,” he said simply and I sat up, my eyes bright.
“No?” I shouted back, grinning down at Sally.
“That’s what I said. Mila, can you please come and open the door?” TJ said, his voice annoyed.
“Coming.” I jumped off of the bed and ran my hands through my hair, trying to make it a little bit more presentable. I looked at Sally and grinned as I walked towards the door. “How can I help you, TJ?” I asked softly as I opened the door and looked at him with a blank expression.
“Take me to my bed,” he said softly with a small smirk on his face.
“What?” My heart started beating fast as I gazed into his devilish green eyes. Was he finally coming on to me? Without me having to wear my sexy suspender get-up? “You want me to what?” I said again, nervously licking my lips. Yes, I wasn’t in my right mind. If I were thinking straight, I wouldn’t have actually thought TJ was asking me to take him to his bed and ride him like the cowgirl I knew I could be.
“Take me,” he leaned forward and said even softer. His lips were a mere inch from mine and I could see the brown speckles in his green eyes as they danced in glee.
“Now?” I gulped.
“Yes, please,” he said and I swallowed hard. “I’m ready to go now.”
“Ready to go now?” I said and I jumped as I felt his finger on my cheek, lightly running towards my lips. Oh, my God, I swear I nearly came at his touch.
“Yes, please, Mila.” He grinned and stepped back. “I’d like to know where I’m sleeping tonight and so would Barbie.”
“Oh?” I said, feeling like a fool as I realized what he was saying. “But you know where to sleep.” And then I frowned. “And why aren’t you sharing a bed with Barbie?”
“I don’t want to be presumptuous,” he said as he stepped back, his eyes searching mine. “I’m not sure your parents would appreciate Barbie and me sharing a bed.”
“Yeah, most probably not,” I said, though I wasn’t sure they would care. It was only me they seemed to worry about being proper.
“Okay, that’s good,” he said softly, bending down to whisper into my ear, “I wouldn’t want to keep anyone up too late.”
“Huh?” I said, my face burning. “What do you mean?”
“I mean the sounds of the mattress squeaking and the screams of passion and lust.”
“I don’t need to know about what you and Barbie will be doing,” I said with a frown and moved away from him.
“Who said I was talking about Barbie?” he said quietly and I gulped as I felt his hand on my lower back. “I could be talking about any one of us, right?” he continued.
“Uh huh,” I said and walked ahead of him, swinging my hips from side to side and hoping I looked sexy. I was going to show TJ Walker that he wasn’t the only one who could be a tease. Before this weekend was done, he was going to be begging me to take him in more ways than one.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
“Wow,” Sally said, interrupting my thoughts as we watched TJ bringing in Barbie’s suitcase. I could feel my face going red with anger and even more hate and jealousy as I watched them talking and laughing together. “Let’s go grab our room.”“Yeah,” I said and we walked along the corridor. “I don’t know what he sees in her. She has no redeeming qualities.”“Who is she, anyway?” Sally said. “Talk about a bimbo. I didn’t think she was his type.”“I don’t know.” I sighed as we walked into the bedroom and I closed the door behind us and locked it. I fell down onto the bed and groaned. “Do you think I should even go ahead with my plan this weekend? It seems like it would be a waste of time. I don’t even know when I’m supposed to try and seduce him if she’s here.”“Girl, you have to go ahead with it,” Sally said and dropped down on the bed next to me. “Do you think Cody is going to bring someone as well?”“I don’t know.” I sighed and turned to face her. “Are we the biggest idiots in the world?”“Maybe.” She grinned, her smile a little sad. “We’ve been crushing on these guys forever and, well, I just don’t know that either of them have even noticed us.”“I know.” I chewed on my lower lip. “I feel like, in their eyes, we’re always going to be the immature little girls that they remember from high school.”“Yeah,” Sally said. “But at least you have a plan. Oh yeah, I wanted to tell you what I did with Troy.”“What do you mean what you did?”“Well, I—”BANG BANG.“Girls, you in there?” TJ interrupted us as he banged on the door.“Yes,” I said and Sally and I just lay on the bed and waited for what he was going to say next.“I’m hoping you can tell me what room I should give Barbie.”“Isn’t she sleeping in your room?” I said cattily.“No,” he said simply and I sat up, my eyes bright.“No?” I shouted back, grinning down at Sally.“That’s what I said. Mila, can you please come and open the door?” TJ said, his voice annoyed.“Coming.” I jumped off of the bed and ran my hands through my hair, trying to make it a little bit more presentable. I looked at Sally and grinned as I walked towards the door. “How can I help you, TJ?” I asked softly as I opened the door and looked at him with a blank expression.“Take me to my bed,” he said softly with a small smirk on his face.“What?” My heart started beating fast as I gazed into his devilish green eyes. Was he finally coming on to me? Without me having to wear my sexy suspender get-up? “You want me to what?” I said again, nervously licking my lips. Yes, I wasn’t in my right mind. If I were thinking straight, I wouldn’t have actually thought TJ was asking me to take him to his bed and ride him like the cowgirl I knew I could be.“Take me,” he leaned forward and said even softer. His lips were a mere inch from mine and I could see the brown speckles in his green eyes as they danced in glee.“Now?” I gulped.“Yes, please,” he said and I swallowed hard. “I’m ready to go now.”“Ready to go now?” I said and I jumped as I felt his finger on my cheek, lightly running towards my lips. Oh, my God, I swear I nearly came at his touch.“Yes, please, Mila.” He grinned and stepped back. “I’d like to know where I’m sleeping tonight and so would Barbie.”“Oh?” I said, feeling like a fool as I realized what he was saying. “But you know where to sleep.” And then I frowned. “And why aren’t you sharing a bed with Barbie?”“I don’t want to be presumptuous,” he said as he stepped back, his eyes searching mine. “I’m not sure your parents would appreciate Barbie and me sharing a bed.”“Yeah, most probably not,” I said, though I wasn’t sure they would care. It was only me they seemed to worry about being proper.“Okay, that’s good,” he said softly, bending down to whisper into my ear, “I wouldn’t want to keep anyone up too late.”“Huh?” I said, my face burning. “What do you mean?”“I mean the sounds of the mattress squeaking and the screams of passion and lust.”“I don’t need to know about what you and Barbie will be doing,” I said with a frown and moved away from him.“Who said I was talking about Barbie?” he said quietly and I gulped as I felt his hand on my lower back. “I could be talking about any one of us, right?” he continued.“Uh huh,” I said and walked ahead of him, swinging my hips from side to side and hoping I looked sexy. I was going to show TJ Walker that he wasn’t the only one who could be a tease. Before this weekend was done, he was going to be begging me to take him in more ways than one.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Wow," kata Sally, mengganggu pikiran saya ketika kami menyaksikan TJ membawa dalam koper Barbie. Aku bisa merasakan wajahku akan merah karena marah dan bahkan lebih benci dan cemburu ketika saya melihat mereka berbicara dan tertawa bersama-sama. "Mari kita pergi ambil kamar."
"Ya," kataku dan kami berjalan di sepanjang koridor. "Saya tidak tahu apa yang ia lihat dalam dirinya. Dia memiliki kualitas tidak ada penebusan.
"" Siapa dia, sih? "Kata Sally. "Bicara tentang murahan. Saya tidak berpikir dia tipenya.
"" Aku tidak tahu. "Aku mendesah saat kami berjalan ke kamar tidur dan aku menutup pintu di belakang kami dan menguncinya. Saya jatuh ke tempat tidur dan mengerang. "Apakah Anda pikir saya bahkan harus pergi ke depan dengan rencana saya akhir pekan ini? Sepertinya itu akan membuang-buang waktu. Saya bahkan tidak tahu kapan aku harus mencoba dan merayu dia jika dia di sini.
"" Girl, Anda harus pergi ke depan dengan itu, "kata Sally dan turun di tempat tidur di samping saya. "Apakah Anda pikir Cody akan membawa seseorang juga?"
"Aku tidak tahu." Aku mendesah dan berbalik menghadapi dia. "Apakah kita idiot terbesar di dunia?"
"Mungkin." Dia tersenyum, senyumnya sedikit sedih. "Kami sudah menghancurkan pada orang-orang selamanya dan, well, aku tidak tahu bahwa salah satu dari mereka bahkan telah memperhatikan kita."
"Aku tahu." Aku menggigit bibir bawahku. "Saya merasa seperti, di mata mereka, kita akan selalu menjadi gadis kecil yang belum matang yang mereka ingat dari sekolah tinggi."
"Ya," kata Sally. "Tapi setidaknya Anda punya rencana. Oh ya, saya ingin memberitahu Anda apa yang saya lakukan dengan Troy.
"" Apa maksudmu apa yang Anda lakukan? "" Yah, aku- "BANG BANG." Girls, Anda ada di sana? "TJ terganggu kami sebagai ia menggedor pintu. "Ya," kataku dan Sally dan saya hanya berbaring di tempat tidur dan menunggu apa yang akan dia katakan selanjutnya. "Saya berharap Anda dapat memberitahu saya apa yang harus saya berikan ruang Barbie." "Bukankah dia tidur di kamar Anda? "kataku sengaja untuk menjengkelkan orang." Tidak, "jawabnya singkat dan saya duduk, mata saya cerah." Tidak ada? "aku berteriak kembali, menyeringai turun di Sally." Itulah yang saya katakan. Mila, dapat Anda silakan datang dan membuka pintu? "Kata TJ, suaranya terganggu." Datang. "Aku melompat dari tempat tidur dan berlari tangan saya melalui rambut saya, mencoba untuk membuatnya sedikit lebih rapi. Aku menatap Sally dan menyeringai saat aku berjalan menuju pintu. "Bagaimana saya bisa membantu Anda, TJ?" Tanyaku pelan saat aku membuka pintu dan menatapnya dengan ekspresi kosong. "Bawa aku ke tempat tidur saya," katanya lembut dengan seringai kecil di wajahnya. "Apa?" hatiku mulai berdetak cepat saat aku menatap mata iblis hijau. Apakah ia akhirnya datang kepada saya? Tanpa saya harus memakai saya seksi suspender mendapatkan-up? "Kau ingin aku apa?" Kataku lagi, gugup menjilati bibir saya. Ya, saya tidak waras saya. Jika saya berpikir lurus, saya tidak akan benar-benar berpikir TJ meminta saya untuk membawanya ke tempat tidur dan naik dia seperti cowgirl aku tahu aku bisa. "Bawa aku," dia membungkuk ke depan dan berkata bahkan lebih lembut. Bibirnya inci hanya dari saya dan saya bisa melihat Speckles coklat di mata hijau saat mereka menari kegirangan. "Sekarang?" Aku menelan ludah. ​​"Ya, silakan," katanya dan aku menelan ludah. "Saya siap untuk pergi sekarang." "Siap untuk pergi sekarang?" Kataku dan aku melompat saat aku merasa jarinya di pipiku, ringan berlari ke arah bibirku. Oh, Tuhan, aku bersumpah aku hampir datang pada sentuhannya. "Ya, silakan, Mila." Dia tersenyum dan melangkah mundur. "Saya ingin tahu di mana aku tidur malam ini dan begitu juga Barbie." "Oh?" Kataku, merasa seperti orang bodoh karena saya menyadari apa yang ia katakan. "Tapi Anda tahu di mana untuk tidur." Dan kemudian saya mengerutkan kening. "Dan mengapa tidak Anda berbagi tempat tidur dengan Barbie?" "Saya tidak ingin menjadi sombong," katanya sambil melangkah mundur, matanya mencari-cari saya. "Saya tidak yakin orang tua Anda akan menghargai Barbie dan saya berbagi tempat tidur." "Ya, kemungkinan besar tidak," kataku, meskipun aku tidak yakin mereka akan peduli. Itu hanya saya mereka tampaknya khawatir tentang menjadi tepat. "Oke, itu bagus," katanya pelan, membungkuk untuk berbisik ke telinga saya, "saya tidak ingin untuk menjaga siapa pun terlambat." "Hah?" Aku kata, membakar wajahku. "Apa maksudmu?" "Maksudku suara kasur mencicit dan jeritan gairah dan nafsu." "Aku tidak perlu tahu tentang apa yang Anda dan Barbie akan lakukan," kata saya dengan marah dan pindah darinya. "Siapa bilang saya bicarakan Barbie?" katanya pelan dan aku menelan ludah saat aku merasa tangannya di punggungku lebih rendah. "Saya bisa berbicara tentang salah satu dari kami, kan?" Lanjutnya. "Oh ya," kataku dan berjalan di depannya, mengayunkan pinggul saya dari sisi ke sisi dan berharap aku melihat seksi. Saya akan menunjukkan TJ Walker bahwa ia bukan satu-satunya yang bisa menggoda. Sebelum akhir pekan ini dilakukan, ia akan memohon saya untuk membawanya di lebih dari satu cara.

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