The links between globalisation and inequality In recent years, resear terjemahan - The links between globalisation and inequality In recent years, resear Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The links between globalisation and

The links between globalis
ation and inequality
In recent years, research on the link between
globalisation and world inequality has
been intense. Economic growth has often
been given priority as an anti-poverty
measure, while the negative links between gr
owth and inequality have been largely
ignored by policy makers. Cornia and Cour
t (2001), in a policy brief covering the
second wave of globalisation, high
light five main issues. First, inequality has risen since
the early-mid 1980s. Second, the traditional co
mmon factors causing inequality, such as
land concentration, urban bias and inequal
ity in education, are not responsible for
worsening the situation. Third, the persistence of inequality at high levels makes
poverty reduction difficult. Four
th, a high level of inequality
can depress the rate of
growth and have undesirable political and so
cial impacts (see also
Birdsall, 2000). Fifth,
developments in Canada and Taiwan show th
at low inequality can be maintained at a
fast growth rate.
The non-traditional new causes of inequality
are identified as li
beral economic policy
regimes and the way in which economic refo
rm policies have been carried out. Land
reform, expanding education and active regi
onal policy are recommended as measures
to reduce inequality. The new developmen
t approach called the ‘Post-Washington
Consensus’ (Stiglitz, 1998) includes measures
to offset the impacts of new technologies
and trade, macroeconomic stability, careful
financial liberaliz
ation and regulation,
equitable labour market policies, and i
nnovative tax and transfer policies.
In their studies of the link between globali
sation and inequality, Lindert and Williamson
(2001) and O’Rourke (2001) stat
e that increased world inequa
lity has been driven by
between-country rather than w
ithin-country inequality. It fo
llows that globalisation will
have very different implications for within
-country inequality. The direction of impact
on within-country inequality depends on the part
icipating country’s policy to exploit it.
The source of within-country inequality
could be poor government and non-democracy
in lagging countries
, not globalisation.
Lindert and Williamson
(2001) classified the
influence of globalisation on in
equality in five conclusions
. First, the widening income
gaps between countries that integrated in
to the world economy have probably been
reduced. Second, within labour-abundant co
untries, emigration and opening up to
international trade before 1914 lowered
inequality. Third, wi
thin labour-scarce
countries, immigration and opening up to intern
ational trade raised inequality. Fourth,
accounting for all internationa
l and intra-nationa
l effects, more globalisation has
reduced inequality. Fifth, inequality is
lower under integrati
on of countries and
economies than under segmentation.
Talbot (2002), in view of the unequal excha
nge in the world system, argues that a new
international inequality exists that ha
s been superimposed on the old form of
international inequality, which explains increas
ing global inequality. Ta
lbot refers to the
case of coffee production and trans-national co
rporations’ control over the capital. Bata
and Bergesen (2002) summarize that the increa
sing international ine
quality was one of
the most important consequences of the nine
teenth century globalisation. They further
state that research
into the cause of increasing ine
qualities is important; understanding
how the world-system works and the conseque
nces of globalisation in the twentieth
century is necessary
in order to change it. Babone
s (2002) find increasing between-
nation inequality since mid twentieth centu
ry. Beer and Boswell (2002) link increased
within-nation inequality to greater depe
ndency on foreign investment. Ciccantell and
Bunker (2002) argue for reorganization of
the world-system in support of Japanese
developments such as organization and tec
hnological innovations in
the steel industry.
Bornschier (2002) noted stab
le inequality until 1972, but
increasing both
within- and
between-nation inequality until
the end of the century. Berg
esen and Bata (2002) find
that within- and between-nat
ion inequality change toge
ther over time among core
countries, but they are unrelated
among non-core countries.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The links between globalisation and inequality In recent years, research on the link between globalisation and world inequality has been intense. Economic growth has often been given priority as an anti-poverty measure, while the negative links between growth and inequality have been largely ignored by policy makers. Cornia and Court (2001), in a policy brief covering the second wave of globalisation, highlight five main issues. First, inequality has risen since the early-mid 1980s. Second, the traditional common factors causing inequality, such as land concentration, urban bias and inequality in education, are not responsible for worsening the situation. Third, the persistence of inequality at high levels makes poverty reduction difficult. Fourth, a high level of inequality can depress the rate of growth and have undesirable political and social impacts (see also Birdsall, 2000). Fifth, 3developments in Canada and Taiwan show that low inequality can be maintained at a fast growth rate. The non-traditional new causes of inequality are identified as liberal economic policy regimes and the way in which economic reform policies have been carried out. Land reform, expanding education and active regional policy are recommended as measures to reduce inequality. The new development approach called the ‘Post-Washington Consensus’ (Stiglitz, 1998) includes measures to offset the impacts of new technologies and trade, macroeconomic stability, careful financial liberalization and regulation, equitable labour market policies, and innovative tax and transfer policies. In their studies of the link between globalisation and inequality, Lindert and Williamson (2001) and O’Rourke (2001) state that increased world inequality has been driven by between-country rather than within-country inequality. It follows that globalisation will have very different implications for within-country inequality. The direction of impact on within-country inequality depends on the participating country’s policy to exploit it. The source of within-country inequality could be poor government and non-democracy in lagging countries, not globalisation.2 Lindert and Williamson (2001) classified the influence of globalisation on inequality in five conclusions. First, the widening income gaps between countries that integrated into the world economy have probably been reduced. Second, within labour-abundant countries, emigration and opening up to international trade before 1914 lowered inequality. Third, within labour-scarce countries, immigration and opening up to international trade raised inequality. Fourth, accounting for all international and intra-national effects, more globalisation has reduced inequality. Fifth, inequality is lower under integration of countries and economies than under segmentation. Talbot (2002), in view of the unequal exchange in the world system, argues that a new international inequality exists that has been superimposed on the old form of international inequality, which explains increasing global inequality. Talbot refers to the case of coffee production and trans-national corporations’ control over the capital. Bata and Bergesen (2002) summarize that the increasing international inequality was one of the most important consequences of the nineteenth century globalisation. They further state that research into the cause of increasing inequalities is important; understanding how the world-system works and the consequences of globalisation in the twentieth century is necessary in order to change it. Babones (2002) find increasing between-nation inequality since mid twentieth century. Beer and Boswell (2002) link increased within-nation inequality to greater dependency on foreign investment. Ciccantell and Bunker (2002) argue for reorganization of the world-system in support of Japanese developments such as organization and technological innovations in the steel industry. Bornschier (2002) noted stable inequality until 1972, but increasing both within- and between-nation inequality until the end of the century. Bergesen and Bata (2002) find that within- and between-nation inequality change together over time among core countries, but they are unrelated among non-core countries.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Hubungan antara globalis
asi dan ketidaksetaraan
Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, penelitian tentang hubungan antara
globalisasi dan ketimpangan dunia telah
intens. Pertumbuhan ekonomi sering
diberi prioritas sebagai anti-kemiskinan
ukuran, sedangkan link negatif antara gr
owth dan ketidaksetaraan sebagian besar telah
diabaikan oleh para pembuat kebijakan. Cornia dan Cour
t (2001), secara singkat kebijakan yang mencakup
gelombang kedua globalisasi, tinggi
ringan lima isu utama. Pertama, ketimpangan telah meningkat sejak
awal-pertengahan 1980-an. Kedua, co tradisional
faktor MMON menyebabkan ketimpangan, seperti
konsentrasi lahan, bias urban dan inequal
ity dalam pendidikan, tidak bertanggung jawab atas
memburuknya situasi. Ketiga, kegigihan ketidaksetaraan pada tingkat tinggi membuat
pengurangan kemiskinan sulit. Empat
th, tingkat tinggi ketidaksetaraan
dapat menekan laju
pertumbuhan dan memiliki politik dan tidak diinginkan
dampak resmi (lihat juga
Birdsall, 2000). Kelima,
perkembangan di Kanada dan Taiwan menunjukkan th
di ketimpangan rendah dapat dipertahankan pada
tingkat pertumbuhan yang cepat.
Penyebab baru non-tradisional ketidaksetaraan
diidentifikasi sebagai li
Beral kebijakan ekonomi
rezim dan cara di mana refo ekonomi
kebijakan rm telah dilakukan di luar. Tanah
reformasi, memperluas pendidikan dan Regi aktif
kebijakan onal direkomendasikan sebagai langkah
untuk mengurangi ketimpangan. The Developmen baru
pendekatan t disebut 'Post-Washington
Consensus' (Stiglitz, 1998) meliputi langkah-langkah
untuk mengimbangi dampak dari teknologi baru
dan perdagangan, stabilitas makroekonomi, hati
keuangan liberaliz
asi dan regulasi,
kebijakan pasar tenaga kerja yang adil, dan saya
nnovative pajak dan kebijakan transfer.
dalam studi mereka dari hubungan antara globali
sation dan ketidaksetaraan, Lindert dan Williamson
(2001) dan O'Rourke (2001) stat di
e bahwa peningkatan dunia inequa
lity telah didorong oleh
antara-negara daripada w
ithin-negara ketidaksetaraan. Ini fo
llows globalisasi yang akan
memiliki implikasi yang sangat berbeda untuk dalam
ketidaksetaraan -Negara. Arah dampak
pada jarak-negara ketimpangan tergantung pada bagian
kebijakan icipating negara untuk mengeksploitasi itu.
Sumber dalam-negara ketidaksetaraan
bisa menjadi miskin pemerintah dan non-demokrasi
di negara-negara tertinggal
, tidak globalisasi.
Lindert dan Williamson
(2001) diklasifikasikan yang
pengaruh globalisasi di dalam
kesetaraan dalam lima kesimpulan
. Pertama, pendapatan pelebaran
kesenjangan antara negara-negara yang terintegrasi dalam
ekonomi dunia mungkin telah
berkurang. Kedua, dalam kerja-berlimpah co
untries, emigrasi dan membuka diri terhadap
perdagangan internasional sebelum tahun 1914 menurunkan
ketimpangan. Ketiga, wi
tipis tenaga kerja langka
negara, imigrasi dan membuka untuk magang
perdagangan ational mengangkat ketidakadilan. Keempat,
akuntansi untuk semua internationa
l dan intra-nationa
efek l, lebih globalisasi telah
mengurangi ketidaksetaraan. Kelima, ketidaksetaraan adalah
lebih rendah di bawah Integrati
pada negara dan
ekonomi daripada di bawah segmentasi.
Talbot (2002), dalam pandangan excha tidak sama
nge dalam sistem dunia, berpendapat bahwa baru
ketidaksetaraan internasional ada yang ha
s telah ditumpangkan pada bentuk lama
ketidaksetaraan internasional, yang menjelaskan semakin meningkat
ing ketidaksetaraan global. Ta
lbot mengacu pada
kasus produksi kopi dan co trans-nasional
kontrol rporations 'atas modal. Bata
dan Bergesen (2002) meringkas bahwa increa yang
bernyanyi ine internasional
kualitas adalah salah satu
konsekuensi paling penting dari sembilan
abad globalisasi teenth. Mereka lebih lanjut
menyatakan bahwa penelitian
mengenai penyebab meningkatnya ine
kualitas penting; memahami
cara kerja sistem dunia dan conseque
nces globalisasi dalam kedua puluh
abad ini diperlukan
dalam rangka untuk mengubahnya. Babone
s (2002) menemukan peningkatan antara-
bangsa ketimpangan sejak pertengahan centu kedua puluh
ry. Bir dan Boswell (2002) Link meningkat
dalam-bangsa ketidaksetaraan ke depe lebih besar
ndency pada investasi asing. Ciccantell dan
Bunker (2002) berpendapat untuk reorganisasi
sistem dunia untuk mendukung Jepang
perkembangan seperti organisasi dan tec
inovasi hnological di
industri baja.
Bornschier (2002) mencatat menusuk
le ketimpangan sampai 1972, tetapi
meningkatkan baik
within- dan
antara- bangsa ketimpangan sampai
akhir abad ini. Berg
esen dan Bata (2002) menemukan
within- itu dan antara-nat
ion ketidaksetaraan perubahan toge
ther dari waktu ke waktu di antara inti
negara, tetapi mereka tidak berhubungan
antara negara-negara non-inti.
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