Rubs hands, my feel­ing pleased ask­ing: „Told me quickly, how can con terjemahan - Rubs hands, my feel­ing pleased ask­ing: „Told me quickly, how can con Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Rubs hands, my feel­ing pleased ask

Rubs hands, my feel­ing pleased ask­ing: „Told me quickly, how can con­tinue the re­finer to pro­mote Level the over­lord cov­er­all?”
„First should not be anx­ious.”
Frost shows a faint smile, said: „Cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den had the abil­ity the per­son who con­tin­ued to pro­mote nat­u­rally only to have the over­lord cov­er­all to build up an­tiq­uity Ran Min who the god ham­mered, but Ran Min was ec­cen­tric bi­ased, ec­cen­tric and un­rea­son­able, after I arranged out­side cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den 20 li (0.5km) de­ploy­ing troops for de­fense, I went the city un­der­ground to seek for Ran Min to dis­cuss the mat­ter of re­finer with you to­gether.”
Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng month wind­ing rested, I con­tin­ued to stay in on­line to wait for that the duty was al­ready ac­com­plished, the mem­bers who hun­dred peo­ple of rolling di­verged in abun­dance, the rare Tian Ling Em­pire major guild elite play­ers gath­ered to­gether com­pleted the task, does not know when the next such co­op­er­a­tion must wait till.
In out­side the Dragon’s den ad­min­is­tra­tion hall, does not have to be so cold, in the fire­place is burn­ing the char­coal, flip-flop makes noise, near the long shape board, se­nior gen­er­als sit well there, sev­eral Yorozuo is long, but also some are the mul­ti­tude of peo­ple are long, Long Qidui the ever green radish, pre­sent cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den has also sup­ported the sol­dier to sur­pass 5 W, it may be said that is the well-trained and equipped army, widens the sphere of in­flu­ence is also the ac­cor­dance with ex­pec­ta­tion.
Frost stands up slowly, draws out a red pen­nant to de­liver dis­tantly, the pen­nant flew due to the pro­mo­tion of her in­vis­i­ble strength, „” in­serts in the angle of topo­graphic di­a­gram gen­tly, Frost said lightly: „South­west heroic memo­r­ial park is the dif­fer­ent demon in­va­sions must by it place, here guards to north at least is sur­pass­ing the 10 W 2 lev­els of dif­fer­ent demon un­civ­i­lized na­tion­al­i­ties brave war­rior, there­fore I de­cided that de­ploys the Dragon’s den sharp army to guard, the crazy shape gen­eral, is led this 5000 peo­ple to guard by you, takes away enough com­mod­ity to cul­ti­vate for­ti­fi­ca­tion, starts to de­fend the in­va­sion of dif­fer­ent demon from there, es­tab­lishes the bea­con tower, mo­men­tar­ily echoes with Dragon’s den.”
A full beard gen­eral stands up, both hands hold the fist in the other hand say­ing: „Yes, frost Sir!”
Frost has a look at the map, said: „The de­fense of ice ridge moun­tain is also most im­por­tant, after the blood deep pool dark blue bil­lows re­gain con­scious­ness, has dis­patched to dig up a grave the clever rock climb­ing to enter Ba Huang City and Tian Ling Em­pire within the bound­aries to run amuck much, there­fore we must es­tab­lish the line of de­fense in the en­tire peak of ice ridge moun­tain, every 200 me­ters es­tab­lish a sen­try post, every 3000 me­ters build a fortress, all com­modi­ties will come from Tian Ling Em­pire and Ba Huang City pur­chase, this mat­ter gives the blue radish to man­age.”
The blue radish nods with a smile: „Yes, Sir!”
Frost looked at the map, said: „What also has to sup­ple­ment?”
And a young mil­i­tary of­fi­cer sets out say­ing: „Sir, Dragon’s den feeds the grain that the warhorse needs to ship from the east coast ships, but lake Na­ga­jima's these Guardian think the gold coin that we give can only pur­chase the grain of 10 ships, their other strong liquor, leathers, cot­ton-padded jacket prepa­ra­tion de­cided that the old route re­turned.”
Frost pats the table, on pretty face is pass­ing the look of vi­tal­ity, said: „These capri­cious mer­chants, go too far sim­ply, reach an agree­ment 100,000 gold coin 50 com­modi­ties, un­ex­pect­edly shrank 10 all of a sud­den, went too far!”
Say­ing, her del­i­cate eye­brows was rais­ing, said: „Where is sil­ver dragon knight feather even?”
The young mil­
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Menggosok tangan, perasaan saya senang bertanya: "Bercerita dengan cepat, bagaimana dapat terus dalam refiner untuk mempromosikan tingkat overlord coverall?""Pertama tidak harus cemas."Frost menunjukkan senyum yang lemah, berkata: "tanah diolah dingin naga den memiliki kemampuan orang yang terus mempromosikan secara alami hanya untuk memiliki overlord coverall untuk membangun kuno Min Ran yang dipalu dewa, tapi Ran Min eksentrik eksentrik bias, dan tidak masuk akal, setelah saya diatur di luar dingin diolah tanah naga den 20 li (0.5 km) penggelaran pasukan untuk pertahanan Aku pergi kota bawah tanah untuk mencari Ran Min untuk membahas masalah refiner dengan Anda bersama-sama. ""Baik!"Lin Wan Er dan Dong Cheng berkelok-kelok bulan beristirahat, aku terus menginap di online untuk menunggu bahwa tugas sudah tercapai, anggota yang ratus orang Rolling menyimpang dalam kelimpahan, Kekaisaran Ling Tian langka yang pemain elit guild utama berkumpul selesai tugas, tidak tahu Kapan yang berikutnya kerjasama seperti harus menunggu sampai.In out­side the Dragon’s den ad­min­is­tra­tion hall, does not have to be so cold, in the fire­place is burn­ing the char­coal, flip-flop makes noise, near the long shape board, se­nior gen­er­als sit well there, sev­eral Yorozuo is long, but also some are the mul­ti­tude of peo­ple are long, Long Qidui the ever green radish, pre­sent cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den has also sup­ported the sol­dier to sur­pass 5 W, it may be said that is the well-trained and equipped army, widens the sphere of in­flu­ence is also the ac­cor­dance with ex­pec­ta­tion.Frost stands up slowly, draws out a red pen­nant to de­liver dis­tantly, the pen­nant flew due to the pro­mo­tion of her in­vis­i­ble strength, „” in­serts in the angle of topo­graphic di­a­gram gen­tly, Frost said lightly: „South­west heroic memo­r­ial park is the dif­fer­ent demon in­va­sions must by it place, here guards to north at least is sur­pass­ing the 10 W 2 lev­els of dif­fer­ent demon un­civ­i­lized na­tion­al­i­ties brave war­rior, there­fore I de­cided that de­ploys the Dragon’s den sharp army to guard, the crazy shape gen­eral, is led this 5000 peo­ple to guard by you, takes away enough com­mod­ity to cul­ti­vate for­ti­fi­ca­tion, starts to de­fend the in­va­sion of dif­fer­ent demon from there, es­tab­lishes the bea­con tower, mo­men­tar­ily echoes with Dragon’s den.”A full beard gen­eral stands up, both hands hold the fist in the other hand say­ing: „Yes, frost Sir!”Frost has a look at the map, said: „The de­fense of ice ridge moun­tain is also most im­por­tant, after the blood deep pool dark blue bil­lows re­gain con­scious­ness, has dis­patched to dig up a grave the clever rock climb­ing to enter Ba Huang City and Tian Ling Em­pire within the bound­aries to run amuck much, there­fore we must es­tab­lish the line of de­fense in the en­tire peak of ice ridge moun­tain, every 200 me­ters es­tab­lish a sen­try post, every 3000 me­ters build a fortress, all com­modi­ties will come from Tian Ling Em­pire and Ba Huang City pur­chase, this mat­ter gives the blue radish to man­age.”The blue radish nods with a smile: „Yes, Sir!”Frost looked at the map, said: „What also has to sup­ple­ment?”And a young mil­i­tary of­fi­cer sets out say­ing: „Sir, Dragon’s den feeds the grain that the warhorse needs to ship from the east coast ships, but lake Na­ga­jima's these Guardian think the gold coin that we give can only pur­chase the grain of 10 ships, their other strong liquor, leathers, cot­ton-padded jacket prepa­ra­tion de­cided that the old route re­turned.”„What?”Frost pats the table, on pretty face is pass­ing the look of vi­tal­ity, said: „These capri­cious mer­chants, go too far sim­ply, reach an agree­ment 100,000 gold coin 50 com­modi­ties, un­ex­pect­edly shrank 10 all of a sud­den, went too far!”Say­ing, her del­i­cate eye­brows was rais­ing, said: „Where is sil­ver dragon knight feather even?”The young mil­
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Menggosok tangan, perasaan saya senang bertanya: "Mengatakan kepada saya dengan cepat, bagaimana bisa terus refiner untuk mempromosikan Tingkat coverall tuan?"
"Pertama tidak harus cemas".
Frost menunjukkan senyum samar, mengatakan: "Dingin tanah yang tidak digarap Dragon den memiliki kemampuan orang yang terus mempromosikan secara alami hanya memiliki coverall tuan untuk membangun kuno Ran Min yang dewa dipalu, tapi Ran Min adalah eksentrik bias, eksentrik dan tidak masuk akal, setelah saya mengatur di luar dingin lahan tidur Dragon den 20 li (0.5km ) mengerahkan pasukan untuk pertahanan, saya pergi bawah tanah kota untuk mencari Ran Min untuk membahas soal kilang dengan Anda bersama-sama. "
" Baik! "
Lin Wan Er dan Dong Cheng bulan berliku beristirahat, aku terus tinggal di online untuk menunggu bahwa tugas itu sudah dicapai, anggota yang seratus orang dari bergulir menyimpang dalam kelimpahan, Tian Ling Empire serikat utama pemain elit jarang berkumpul bersama-sama menyelesaikan tugas, tidak tahu kapan kerja sama tersebut selanjutnya harus menunggu sampai.
di luar den Naga balai administrasi, tidak harus begitu dingin, di perapian membakar arang, flip-flop membuat kebisingan, dekat papan bentuk panjang, jendral senior duduk dengan baik di sana, beberapa Yorozuo panjang, tetapi juga beberapa adalah banyak orang sudah lama, Long Qidui lobak pernah hijau, hadir tanah yang tidak digarap dingin den Dragon juga telah mendukung prajurit untuk melampaui 5 W, dapat dikatakan bahwa adalah tentara yang terlatih dan dilengkapi, memperluas lingkup pengaruh juga sesuai dengan . harapan
Frost berdiri perlahan, menarik keluar panji merah untuk menyampaikan dari jauh, umbul terbang karena promosi kekuatan tak terlihat nya, "" sisipan di sudut diagram topografi lembut, Frost mengatakan ringan: "Southwest memorial park heroik adalah invasi iblis yang berbeda harus dengan itu tempat, di sini penjaga di utara setidaknya adalah melebihi 10 W 2 tingkat iblis yang berbeda kebangsaan tidak beradab berani prajurit, karena itu saya memutuskan bahwa menyebarkan tentara tajam den Naga untuk menjaga, bentuk umum gila, dipimpin ini 5000 orang untuk menjaga dengan Anda, menghilangkan komoditas cukup untuk menumbuhkan fortifikasi, mulai membela invasi iblis yang berbeda dari sana, membentuk menara suar, sesaat gema dengan den Dragon. "
Seorang jenderal jenggot penuh berdiri, kedua tangan pegang tinju di sisi lain mengatakan: "! Ya, es Sir"
Frost memiliki tampilan di peta, mengatakan: "pertahanan es punggung gunung juga yang paling penting, setelah darah dalam kolam ombak biru tua sadar, telah mengirimkan menggali sebuah kuburan panjat tebing pintar untuk masuk Ba Huang Kota dan Tian Ling Empire dalam batas-batas untuk menjalankan amuk banyak, oleh karena itu kita harus membangun garis pertahanan di seluruh puncak es punggungan gunung, setiap 200 meter mendirikan pos penjaga, setiap 3000 meter membangun benteng, semua komoditas akan datang dari Tian Ling Empire dan pembelian Ba Huang City, hal ini memberikan lobak biru untuk mengelola ".
lobak biru mengangguk sambil tersenyum:"! Ya, Sir "
Frost menatap peta, mengatakan: "yang juga harus melengkapi?"
Dan seorang perwira militer muda menetapkan mengatakan: "Sir, den Dragon feed gandum yang warhorse perlu untuk kapal dari kapal pantai timur, tapi danau Nagajima Guardian ini berpikir koin emas yang kita memberikan hanya bisa membeli gabah dari 10 kapal, minuman keras yang kuat mereka yang lain, kulit, persiapan jaket berlapis kapas memutuskan bahwa rute lama kembali. "
" Apa? "
Frost menepuk meja, wajah cantik lewat tampilan vitalitas, kata : "ini pedagang berubah-ubah, pergi terlalu jauh sederhana, mencapai kesepakatan 100.000 koin emas 50 komoditas, tiba-tiba menyusut 10 tiba-tiba, pergi terlalu jauh!"
mengatakan, alis yang halus membesarkan, mengatakan: "Di mana naga perak knight bulu bahkan? "
The mil muda
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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