For the deployment of high bandwidth operational real-time streaming media application on campus network, problems that affect the quality of real-time streaming media should be considered, such as bandwidth, delay, safety and mass data distribution ability. Low bandwidth streaming media technology that based on unicast or on-demand has developed very rapidly in recent years and became a focus of the concern of the academia and industry; Because of the technical and deployment difficulty, the IP multicast based real-time streaming media technology progressed slowly. With the increase of image resolution and single way streaming media network bandwidth occupation, the deployment and application become more difficult.This paper studies real-time streaming media data compression, data distribution ability, user expansion ability, data security transmission, and other key issues under high bandwidth and large data quantity conditions. Based on the IP multicast environment that build on Lanzhou university campus network. This paper studies key problems in high bandwidth (>20MBPS) multicast real-time streaming media application, promotes the development and popularization of large-scale streaming media application.This paper made the following achievements:1) A mathematical model of campus network according to its characteristics is proposed, and the performance index and test standards of the model is analized; The transmission and network characteristics of100G Ethernet technology are introduced and studied, the campus network data center, virtualization and cloud computing problem are also researchd; At the end OpenFlow deployment and practice in campus network and other related problems are discussed.2) Scalability of streaming media transmission, deployment of campus network IP multicast and IP multicast routing are studied. The multicast data delay problems that influence the real-time streaming media is measured on campus network, and the reason why different bandwidth conditions lead to different delay is analized.3) The related technologies of high bandwidth real-time streaming media are studied The transmission mode and transfer protocol are introduced. High bandwidth streaming media compression coding techniques are studied. Real-time streaming media decoding performance under the condition of high bandwidth is discussed.4) At last the security problem of high bandwidth real-time streaming media is studied: Symmetric encryption algorithm and asymmetric encryption algorithm combined encryption algorithm and broadcast encryption algorithm for high bandwidth flow media was studied respectively. Direct encryption and part encryption method are put forward according to the different encryption system. Encryption efficiency and computational resources consumption problem are studied. A new encryption scheme is put forward for high bandwidth real-time streaming media broadcast encryption, and the correctness and security of the new scheme are proved.
Keywords/Search Tags: campus network model, overlay IP multicast, high bandwidth real-time streamingmedia, secure transmission, broadcast encryption
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