Darling,How are you today?.I believe that you are doing well.As for me terjemahan - Darling,How are you today?.I believe that you are doing well.As for me Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Darling,How are you today?.I believ

How are you today?.
I believe that you are doing well.
As for me I am fine here with all hopes to meet with you immediately after the transfer of my money to your position for a better life. God will bless and reward you for every effort you are about to make to see me out from this horrible prison called refugee camp where I am living today as a result of  the untimely death of my parents (may their gentle souls rest in peace)

Darling, i am happy to receive your mail and i appreciate your kindness. Thanks for your heartfelt sympathy over my circumstances. My trusting and choosing you is a question I knew you must ask and I think it is a good question. My trusting you is an act of  faith and  it is the will of  God.  Secondly,  I believe knowing you will bring hope back again in  my life then I decide to write you and I also believe that it is the will of God.
I will be waiting for your call by 12.00 to 4.00 pm London (GMT) my time at the church office located in the refugee camp where I am living at moment with this number (00221 778332751) because as we are not allowed to make calls in the camp. I thank God for the life of Reverend John Paul the pastor of the church located in the camp where i receive and send emails to you. He is like a father to us here as his church assists united nations here in Senegal in taking care of refugees. When you call tell him that you want to speak with me so that he will send for me from the females hostel to talk with you about what I am going through here.
Here  is the contact information of the bank in Scotland where the money was deposited by my late father is as follows,

TELEPHONE NUMBER IS +447010050517, +448719157094
EMAIL ADDRESS: royalbankgroup@aim.com

Already I have informed this bank about my intention to claim my late father's deposit of which my name appears as the next of kin. The only thing the bank told me is to look for a foreign partner who will assist me in the transfer due to my refugee status here in Senegal, as a refugee I am not allowed direct claim of the money but through an appointed representative as the united refugee law governing refugee all over the world states.

Based I will like you to send this email to the  bank today with this information below:

Respected Sir,
I, Mr .......... a permanent resident of ............. wants to put forth the following few lines for your kind favour and quick necessary action at your end. That Miss Enderlin Ododa, now living in Dakar Senegal, she  is in a refugee status. I am her foreign partner living in ........... Republic l will stand on her behalf. That she is the only next of kin to her late father who has an account in your bank where he had deposited some amount of money for her beloved daughter.

The account name is Dr. Robinson Ododa.
The account number is  09000750006061
The amount is $ 1.5 Million.
Next of kin Miss Enderlin Ododa.

That I want to know the possibilities of assisting her to transfer the deposited amount of her late father of which she is the next kin to my account in my country. After receiving a reply from you, I will be able to know the procedure and probability of transfer of the amount from your bank to my account.
Expecting an early reply, with regards,
           Yours faithfully,

Bank Email Addresses,

God bless you as you do this
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
bagaimana kabarmu hari ini?
Saya percaya bahwa Anda lakukan juga.
aku aku baik-baik saja di sini dengan semua harapan untuk bertemu dengan Anda segera setelah transfer uang saya ke posisi Anda untuk kehidupan yang lebih baik. Tuhan akan memberkati dan membalas Anda untuk setiap usaha yang Anda akan membuat melihat saya dari penjara mengerikan ini disebut kamp pengungsi di mana saya tinggal hari akibat kematian mendadak dari orang tua saya (mungkin jiwa lembut mereka beristirahat dalam damai)

sayang, aku bahagia untuk menerima pesan dan saya menghargai kebaikan Anda. Terima kasih untuk Anda simpati sepenuh hati atas keadaan saya. Saya percaya dan memilih Anda adalah sebuah pertanyaan yang saya tahu Anda harus meminta dan saya pikir itu adalah pertanyaan yang bagus. Saya percaya Anda adalah suatu tindakan iman dan kehendak Allah.  Kedua, saya yakin mengetahui Anda akan membawa harapan kembali dalam hidup saya maka saya memutuskan untuk menulis Anda dan saya juga percaya bahwa itu adalah kehendak Tuhan
saya akan menunggu panggilan oleh 12,00 ke 4.00 pm London (GMT) waktu saya di kantor terletak di kamp pengungsi di mana saya tinggal saat dengan nomor ini (00221 778332751) karena seperti yang kita tidak diperbolehkan untuk membuat panggilan di kamp. Saya terima kasih Tuhan untuk kehidupan Pendeta John Paul pendeta dari Gereja terletak di kamp mana saya menerima dan mengirimkan email kepada Anda. Dia adalah seperti seorang ayah kepada kami di sini sebagai bangsa membantu Gereja Inggris nya di sini di Senegal mengurus pengungsi. Ketika Anda menelepon katakan padanya bahwa Anda ingin berbicara dengan saya sehingga dia akan mengirimkan bagi saya dari hostel perempuan untuk berbicara dengan Anda tentang apa yang akan saya melalui sini.
inilah informasi kontak bank di Skotlandia mana uang yang disimpan oleh almarhum ayah saya adalah sebagai berikut,

ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND terdaftar di Skotlandia NO: 90312.
Direktur, kantor pembayaran internasional / TELEX SERVICES DEPARTMENT.
telepon nomor adalah 447010050517, 448719157094
alamat EMAIL: royalbankgroup@aim.com

Sudah saya telah diberitahu bank ini tentang niat saya untuk mengklaim my almarhum ayah deposit yang nama saya muncul sebagai sanak. Satu-satunya bank mengatakan kepada saya adalah untuk mencari mitra asing yang akan membantu saya dalam transfer karena status pengungsi saya di sini di Senegal, sebagai pengungsi saya tidak diizinkan langsung mengklaim uang tetapi melalui perwakilan ditunjuk sebagai pengungsi Inggris hukum pengungsi mengatur seluruh dunia Serikat.

berdasarkan saya akan seperti Anda untuk mengirim email ini ke bank hari ini dengan informasi ini di bawah ini:

dihormati Sir,
I, Mr... penduduk tetap... ingin mengajukan berikut beberapa baris untuk mendukung jenis dan tindakan cepat diperlukan di akhir Anda. Bahwa Miss Enderlin Ododa, sekarang tinggal di Dakar, Senegal, dia berada di status pengungsi. Aku pasangannya asing yang tinggal di... L Republik akan berdiri atas namanya. Bahwa dia adalah sanak hanya untuk ayahnya yang memiliki rekening di bank Anda yang mana ia telah disimpan beberapa jumlah uang untuk putri tercinta nya.

nama account adalah Dr. Robinson Ododa.
nomor rekening adalah 09000750006061
jumlah adalah $ 1,5 juta.
berikutnya dari kin Miss Enderlin Ododa.

Bahwa saya ingin tahu kemungkinan membantu dia untuk mentransfer jumlah deposit dari ayahnya yang dia adalah kerabat berikutnya untuk account saya di negara saya. Setelah menerima balasan dari Anda, saya akan dapat mengetahui prosedur dan probabilitas transfer dari jumlah dari bank Anda ke rekening saya.
mengharapkan balasan awal, dengan regards,
Anda dengan setia,

Alamat Email bank,

Tuhan memberkati Anda ketika Anda melakukan ini
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
How are you today?.
I believe that you are doing well.
As for me I am fine here with all hopes to meet with you immediately after the transfer of my money to your position for a better life. God will bless and reward you for every effort you are about to make to see me out from this horrible prison called refugee camp where I am living today as a result of  the untimely death of my parents (may their gentle souls rest in peace)

Darling, i am happy to receive your mail and i appreciate your kindness. Thanks for your heartfelt sympathy over my circumstances. My trusting and choosing you is a question I knew you must ask and I think it is a good question. My trusting you is an act of  faith and  it is the will of  God.  Secondly,  I believe knowing you will bring hope back again in  my life then I decide to write you and I also believe that it is the will of God.
I will be waiting for your call by 12.00 to 4.00 pm London (GMT) my time at the church office located in the refugee camp where I am living at moment with this number (00221 778332751) because as we are not allowed to make calls in the camp. I thank God for the life of Reverend John Paul the pastor of the church located in the camp where i receive and send emails to you. He is like a father to us here as his church assists united nations here in Senegal in taking care of refugees. When you call tell him that you want to speak with me so that he will send for me from the females hostel to talk with you about what I am going through here.
Here  is the contact information of the bank in Scotland where the money was deposited by my late father is as follows,

TELEPHONE NUMBER IS +447010050517, +448719157094
EMAIL ADDRESS: royalbankgroup@aim.com

Already I have informed this bank about my intention to claim my late father's deposit of which my name appears as the next of kin. The only thing the bank told me is to look for a foreign partner who will assist me in the transfer due to my refugee status here in Senegal, as a refugee I am not allowed direct claim of the money but through an appointed representative as the united refugee law governing refugee all over the world states.

Based I will like you to send this email to the  bank today with this information below:

Respected Sir,
I, Mr .......... a permanent resident of ............. wants to put forth the following few lines for your kind favour and quick necessary action at your end. That Miss Enderlin Ododa, now living in Dakar Senegal, she  is in a refugee status. I am her foreign partner living in ........... Republic l will stand on her behalf. That she is the only next of kin to her late father who has an account in your bank where he had deposited some amount of money for her beloved daughter.

The account name is Dr. Robinson Ododa.
The account number is  09000750006061
The amount is $ 1.5 Million.
Next of kin Miss Enderlin Ododa.

That I want to know the possibilities of assisting her to transfer the deposited amount of her late father of which she is the next kin to my account in my country. After receiving a reply from you, I will be able to know the procedure and probability of transfer of the amount from your bank to my account.
Expecting an early reply, with regards,
           Yours faithfully,

Bank Email Addresses,

God bless you as you do this
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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