Ascending heaven pavilion.When the scene of Ye Qingyu, like a dragon s terjemahan - Ascending heaven pavilion.When the scene of Ye Qingyu, like a dragon s Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Ascending heaven pavilion.When the

Ascending heaven pavilion.

When the scene of Ye Qingyu, like a dragon soaring through the heavens, slaughtering the students of Azure Phoenix students appeared in the formation projection, the cheers that had been suppressed for a long time finally sounded. Everyone understood, that the death of Xu Ge, signified the complete defeat of the Azure Phoenix academy. Because at this time, only Xu Ge had a chance to resurrect. The other four people had already died three times, and had already been forcibly ejected from the [Boundary canyon battlefield].

And Ye Qingyu had already defeated Xu Ge in a one versus one direct battle, so even if Xu Ge was resurrected, he could no longer cause anymore waves.

A large number of second, third and even fourth year student representatives, also could not suppress their cheers and screams.

Even if they did not manage to obtain victory personally, but the honour and glory from winning one round belonged to the entire White Deer academy. And they were a part of the White Deer academy.

Bai Yuqing had a complicated expression on her face, but even she could not help but applaud.

She must admit, that this teenager called Ye Qingyu, had given her too much shock and astonishment. She must also acknowledge that her previous evaluation was too hasty and she had misjudged this teenager. At the same time, the girl that was in the eyes of many male students of White Deer academy a goddess, began to become curious towards Ye Qingyu.

In the places where the formation projection did not show his figure, just what had occurred?

This youth that had originated from the commoners displayed a battle technique that was bursting with explosive power. It seemed extremely simple, but the strength was absolutely frightening…just where had he learned such a battle technique from?

From within the crowd, Jiang Xiaohan and Han Xiaofei exchanged a glance.

Both of them could see the other’s shock and unease.

Especially at the moment when Ye Qingyu had performed his last technique. A violent and direct dive as if a dragon was descending, like a star was falling, simply nothing could match him. In a moment of time, he had completely changed the terrain, causing a miniature mountain range to appear. The two asked themselves this question: if it was me on the receiving end of such a strike, what chances of victory do I have?

The person that they had treated like a loach, that commoner student that they thought was impossible for him to rise to prominence ever again, caused them to be uneasy. It made them who regarded themselves as the favoured children of heaven to sense a huge threat.

The large majority of the teachers were also elated.

“Haha, that child is really the lucky star of our White Deer academy.”

“I haven’t accepted a disciple in over ten years. This Ye Qingyu, suits my taste very much. From now on, let me teach him personally, I’ll accept him as my disciple!” An elder with snowy white hair said laughingly.

“That can’t be, this Ye Qingyu is the perfect inheritor that I’ve bitterly searched for to learn my skills. I want to pass on [The will of Heaven sword style] to him. Old fellow, don’t fight with me over him…” Another elder with snowy white hair said with a glare.

“Hehe, Elder Liu, Elder Zhu, does that mean both of you have the intention to accept a disciple? Haha, but to tell you the truth, before Wen Wan had left the academy, he had personally given Ye Qingyu for me to take care of. Haha, then this Ye Qingyu could be counted as half my personal disciple, why don’t you guys stop trying to steal my fortune?” A middle aged teacher said with a beaming smile.

“No matter what, the academy from now on will heavily nourish this child.”

“Perhaps in the glorious battle of the ten academies a year later, this child will give us an even greater surprise.”

A large majority of the teachers had faint smiles on the faces, discussing the events joyously. Unexpectedly winning the fourth round had given the entir
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Ascending heaven pavilion.When the scene of Ye Qingyu, like a dragon soaring through the heavens, slaughtering the students of Azure Phoenix students appeared in the formation projection, the cheers that had been suppressed for a long time finally sounded. Everyone understood, that the death of Xu Ge, signified the complete defeat of the Azure Phoenix academy. Because at this time, only Xu Ge had a chance to resurrect. The other four people had already died three times, and had already been forcibly ejected from the [Boundary canyon battlefield].And Ye Qingyu had already defeated Xu Ge in a one versus one direct battle, so even if Xu Ge was resurrected, he could no longer cause anymore waves.A large number of second, third and even fourth year student representatives, also could not suppress their cheers and screams.Even if they did not manage to obtain victory personally, but the honour and glory from winning one round belonged to the entire White Deer academy. And they were a part of the White Deer academy.Bai Yuqing had a complicated expression on her face, but even she could not help but applaud.She must admit, that this teenager called Ye Qingyu, had given her too much shock and astonishment. She must also acknowledge that her previous evaluation was too hasty and she had misjudged this teenager. At the same time, the girl that was in the eyes of many male students of White Deer academy a goddess, began to become curious towards Ye Qingyu.In the places where the formation projection did not show his figure, just what had occurred?This youth that had originated from the commoners displayed a battle technique that was bursting with explosive power. It seemed extremely simple, but the strength was absolutely frightening…just where had he learned such a battle technique from?From within the crowd, Jiang Xiaohan and Han Xiaofei exchanged a glance.Both of them could see the other’s shock and unease.Especially at the moment when Ye Qingyu had performed his last technique. A violent and direct dive as if a dragon was descending, like a star was falling, simply nothing could match him. In a moment of time, he had completely changed the terrain, causing a miniature mountain range to appear. The two asked themselves this question: if it was me on the receiving end of such a strike, what chances of victory do I have?The person that they had treated like a loach, that commoner student that they thought was impossible for him to rise to prominence ever again, caused them to be uneasy. It made them who regarded themselves as the favoured children of heaven to sense a huge threat.The large majority of the teachers were also elated.“Haha, that child is really the lucky star of our White Deer academy.”“I haven’t accepted a disciple in over ten years. This Ye Qingyu, suits my taste very much. From now on, let me teach him personally, I’ll accept him as my disciple!” An elder with snowy white hair said laughingly.
“That can’t be, this Ye Qingyu is the perfect inheritor that I’ve bitterly searched for to learn my skills. I want to pass on [The will of Heaven sword style] to him. Old fellow, don’t fight with me over him…” Another elder with snowy white hair said with a glare.

“Hehe, Elder Liu, Elder Zhu, does that mean both of you have the intention to accept a disciple? Haha, but to tell you the truth, before Wen Wan had left the academy, he had personally given Ye Qingyu for me to take care of. Haha, then this Ye Qingyu could be counted as half my personal disciple, why don’t you guys stop trying to steal my fortune?” A middle aged teacher said with a beaming smile.

“No matter what, the academy from now on will heavily nourish this child.”

“Perhaps in the glorious battle of the ten academies a year later, this child will give us an even greater surprise.”

A large majority of the teachers had faint smiles on the faces, discussing the events joyously. Unexpectedly winning the fourth round had given the entir
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Naik paviliun surga. Ketika adegan dari Ye Qingyu, seperti naga melonjak melalui langit, membantai siswa siswa Azure Phoenix muncul dalam proyeksi formasi, sorak-sorai yang telah ditekan untuk waktu yang lama akhirnya terdengar. Semua orang mengerti, bahwa kematian Xu Ge, menandakan kekalahan lengkap akademi Azure Phoenix. Karena saat ini, hanya Xu Ge memiliki kesempatan untuk menghidupkan kembali. Empat orang lainnya sudah meninggal tiga kali, dan sudah secara paksa dikeluarkan dari [Boundary canyon medan perang]. Dan Ye Qingyu sudah dikalahkan Xu Ge dalam satu berbanding satu pertempuran langsung, sehingga bahkan jika Xu Ge dibangkitkan, dia bisa tidak lagi menyebabkan lagi gelombang. sejumlah besar perwakilan mahasiswa tahun kedua, ketiga dan bahkan keempat, juga tidak bisa menekan sorak-sorai dan berteriak. bahkan jika mereka tidak berhasil memperoleh kemenangan pribadi, tapi kehormatan dan kemuliaan dari memenangkan satu putaran milik ke seluruh White Deer akademi. Dan mereka adalah bagian dari akademi White Deer. Bai Yuqing memiliki ekspresi yang rumit di wajahnya, tapi bahkan dia tidak bisa membantu tetapi bertepuk tangan. Dia harus mengakui, bahwa remaja ini disebut Ye Qingyu, telah memberinya terlalu banyak kejutan dan keheranan. Dia juga harus mengakui bahwa evaluasi sebelumnya adalah terlalu terburu-buru dan ia telah salah menilai remaja ini. Pada saat yang sama, gadis itu di mata banyak siswa laki-laki dari White Deer akademi dewi, mulai menjadi penasaran terhadap Ye Qingyu. Di tempat-tempat di mana proyeksi formasi tidak menunjukkan sosoknya, hanya apa yang telah terjadi? Ini pemuda yang berasal dari rakyat jelata ditampilkan teknik pertempuran yang penuh dengan daya ledak. Tampaknya sangat sederhana, namun kekuatan itu benar-benar menakutkan ... hanya mana yang telah ia pelajari seperti teknik pertempuran dari? Dari dalam kerumunan, Jiang Xiaohan dan Han Xiaofei bertukar pandang. Keduanya bisa melihat shock dan kegelisahan yang lain. Terutama di saat ketika Ye Qingyu telah melakukan teknik terakhirnya. Menyelam kekerasan dan langsung seakan naga itu turun, seperti bintang jatuh, hanya tidak bisa menyamai dia. Di saat waktu, ia benar-benar berubah medan, menyebabkan pegunungan miniatur muncul. Dua bertanya pada diri sendiri pertanyaan ini:? Apakah itu saya di akhir menerima serangan seperti itu, apa yang kemungkinan kemenangan yang saya miliki dengan orang bahwa mereka telah diperlakukan seperti Loach, itu mahasiswa biasa yang mereka pikir tidak mungkin baginya untuk bangkit untuk menonjol lagi, menyebabkan mereka menjadi tidak nyaman. Ini membuat mereka yang menganggap diri mereka sebagai anak-anak disukai dari surga untuk merasakan ancaman besar. Sebagian besar guru juga gembira. "Haha, anak itu benar-benar bintang keberuntungan dari akademi White Deer kami." "Saya belum diterima seorang murid di lebih dari sepuluh tahun. Qingyu Ye ini, sesuai dengan selera saya sangat banyak. Mulai sekarang, biarkan aku mengajarinya secara pribadi, saya akan menerima dia sebagai murid saya! "Seorang tetua dengan rambut putih bersalju berkata sambil tertawa. " Itu tidak mungkin, Ye Qingyu ini adalah pewaris sempurna yang saya pahit mencari untuk belajar keterampilan saya. Saya ingin menyampaikan [Kehendak gaya pedang Surga] kepadanya. Orang tua, jangan melawan dengan saya di atasnya ... "penatua lain dengan rambut putih bersalju mengatakan dengan silau a. " Hehe, Elder Liu, Elder Zhu, apakah itu berarti Anda berdua memiliki niat untuk menerima seorang murid? Haha, tetapi untuk mengatakan yang sebenarnya, sebelum Wen Wan meninggalkan akademi, dia secara pribadi diberikan Ye Qingyu bagi saya untuk mengurus. Haha, maka Ye Qingyu ini bisa dihitung sebagai setengah murid pribadi saya, kenapa tidak kalian berhenti berusaha untuk mencuri kekayaan saya? "Kata seorang guru paruh baya dengan senyum berseri-seri. " Tidak peduli apa, akademi dari sekarang kehendak berat memelihara anak ini. " " Mungkin dalam pertempuran yang mulia dari sepuluh akademi setahun kemudian, anak ini akan memberi kita kejutan yang lebih besar. " sebagian besar guru memiliki senyum samar di wajah, membahas peristiwa gembira. Tiba-tiba memenangkan putaran keempat telah diberikan entir yang

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