I shake my head. “Who gives a shit what they think?”“Me. I do. I’m alw terjemahan - I shake my head. “Who gives a shit what they think?”“Me. I do. I’m alw Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I shake my head. “Who gives a shit

I shake my head. “Who gives a shit what they think?”

“Me. I do. I’m always looked down upon. They’re practically creaming their panties over the fact that you show up and I loved knowing you didn’t give a shit about them. You came there for me.” She pulls me to her and lifts up on tiptoe so she can kiss my cheek. “Letting everyone know you’re mine makes me feel good.”

I feel exactly the same way. I entwine my fingers through hers, and we walk toward my truck quietly, my mind racing. How do I tell her I want her in my life for always? Should I even bring it up or would I scare the crap out of her? The last thing I want to do is put pressure on her.

But I don’t want to lose Fable either.

I hit the keyless remote and the doors unlock, both of us slipping inside the truck’s cab. Fable pulls her cell out of her pocket, a little gasp escaping her as she hits a button on the screen to make a call.

“Where are you?” she asks the moment whoever is on the other end answers. “What do you mean the place is empty?”

I watch her, see the worry and concern wash over her face, the way she white-knuckle grips the phone as she holds it to her ear. My skin prickles with uncertainty and I’m curious as hell over what’s happening and who she’s talking to.

Knowing whatever it is, it can’t be good.

“I’ll be right there. Yeah, I’m with Drew. I’ll have him drive me straight over, okay? So don’t leave.” She pauses. “Ten minutes, tops. Stop panicking, Owen. We’ll be there.” She ends the call and turns to look at me, her eyes wide with fear. “Owen’s at the apartment. He says it’s empty.”

I frown. “What do you mean, it’s empty?”

“Like almost everything is gone except some of our personal stuff. The furniture, all our things, the food in the kitchen, it’s all gone.” She nibbles on her lower lip, lost in thought.

“Were you guys robbed?” I could hardly wrap my head around what she said. It made no sense.

“No, no way.” She shakes her head and laughs, though she’s definitely not amused. More like she sounds distraught. “I think—I think my mom did it. I bet she packed up all her shit, had her loser boyfriend help her and moved everything out without telling us.”

I grimace as I pull out of the parking lot and turn toward Fable’s place. “Who the hell does that sort of thing?”

“My mother.” She leans her head back against the headrest and sighs. “I told you how I wanted to move out and take Owen with me, but I hadn’t gathered up the courage to tell her yet. Guess she took care of that, didn’t she?”

“But what you’re saying, it’s like she…abandoned you.”

“She abandoned us both a long time ago. I’ve come to terms with it. Owen hasn’t. He still believes our mom loves us and wants to take care of us. He’s young, he’ll figure it out someday.”

The bitterness in Fable’s voice makes me hurt for her. We both come from really screwed-up situations. With parents who don’t seem to give a shit about us, but in radically different ways. I wish I could help heal her heart. She may say the way her mother treats her and Owen doesn’t bother her, but I know she has to be lying. It probably hurts like hell.

My father’s indifference and neglect hurts me to do this day. My mom’s death—I sometimes feel like she abandoned me, and it wasn’t even her fault. That’s how irrational my thinking is.

And I can’t even go into what Adele’s done to me. I’m completely f**ked from the mind games she played on me for far too long.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I shake my head. “Who gives a shit what they think?”

“Me. I do. I’m always looked down upon. They’re practically creaming their panties over the fact that you show up and I loved knowing you didn’t give a shit about them. You came there for me.” She pulls me to her and lifts up on tiptoe so she can kiss my cheek. “Letting everyone know you’re mine makes me feel good.”

I feel exactly the same way. I entwine my fingers through hers, and we walk toward my truck quietly, my mind racing. How do I tell her I want her in my life for always? Should I even bring it up or would I scare the crap out of her? The last thing I want to do is put pressure on her.

But I don’t want to lose Fable either.

I hit the keyless remote and the doors unlock, both of us slipping inside the truck’s cab. Fable pulls her cell out of her pocket, a little gasp escaping her as she hits a button on the screen to make a call.

“Where are you?” she asks the moment whoever is on the other end answers. “What do you mean the place is empty?”

I watch her, see the worry and concern wash over her face, the way she white-knuckle grips the phone as she holds it to her ear. My skin prickles with uncertainty and I’m curious as hell over what’s happening and who she’s talking to.

Knowing whatever it is, it can’t be good.

“I’ll be right there. Yeah, I’m with Drew. I’ll have him drive me straight over, okay? So don’t leave.” She pauses. “Ten minutes, tops. Stop panicking, Owen. We’ll be there.” She ends the call and turns to look at me, her eyes wide with fear. “Owen’s at the apartment. He says it’s empty.”

I frown. “What do you mean, it’s empty?”

“Like almost everything is gone except some of our personal stuff. The furniture, all our things, the food in the kitchen, it’s all gone.” She nibbles on her lower lip, lost in thought.

“Were you guys robbed?” I could hardly wrap my head around what she said. It made no sense.

“No, no way.” She shakes her head and laughs, though she’s definitely not amused. More like she sounds distraught. “I think—I think my mom did it. I bet she packed up all her shit, had her loser boyfriend help her and moved everything out without telling us.”

I grimace as I pull out of the parking lot and turn toward Fable’s place. “Who the hell does that sort of thing?”

“My mother.” She leans her head back against the headrest and sighs. “I told you how I wanted to move out and take Owen with me, but I hadn’t gathered up the courage to tell her yet. Guess she took care of that, didn’t she?”

“But what you’re saying, it’s like she…abandoned you.”

“She abandoned us both a long time ago. I’ve come to terms with it. Owen hasn’t. He still believes our mom loves us and wants to take care of us. He’s young, he’ll figure it out someday.”

The bitterness in Fable’s voice makes me hurt for her. We both come from really screwed-up situations. With parents who don’t seem to give a shit about us, but in radically different ways. I wish I could help heal her heart. She may say the way her mother treats her and Owen doesn’t bother her, but I know she has to be lying. It probably hurts like hell.

My father’s indifference and neglect hurts me to do this day. My mom’s death—I sometimes feel like she abandoned me, and it wasn’t even her fault. That’s how irrational my thinking is.

And I can’t even go into what Adele’s done to me. I’m completely f**ked from the mind games she played on me for far too long.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Aku menggeleng. "Siapa yang peduli apa yang mereka pikirkan?" "Aku. Saya lakukan. Saya selalu dipandang rendah. Mereka praktis creaming celana mereka atas kenyataan bahwa Anda muncul dan aku mencintai mengetahui Anda tidak peduli tentang mereka. Anda datang ke sana untuk saya. "Dia menarik saya untuk dia dan mengangkat berjinjit agar dia bisa mencium pipiku. "Membiarkan orang tahu kau milikku membuat saya merasa baik." Saya merasa cara yang persis sama. Aku menjalin jari saya melalui miliknya, dan kami berjalan menuju truk diam-diam, saya balap pikiran. Bagaimana cara katakan padanya aku ingin dia dalam hidupku untuk selalu? Haruskah Aku bahkan membawa itu atau akan saya menakut-nakuti omong kosong dari dia? Hal terakhir yang saya ingin lakukan adalah meletakkan tekanan pada dirinya. Tapi aku tidak ingin kehilangan Fable baik. Saya memukul remote keyless dan pintu membuka, kami berdua tergelincir dalam kabin truk. Fable menarik sel keluar dari sakunya, sedikit terengah melarikan diri saat ia memukul tombol pada layar untuk membuat panggilan. "Di mana kau?" ia bertanya saat siapa pun di ujung jawaban. "Apa maksudmu tempat kosong?" Aku melihat dia, lihat khawatir dan perhatian mencuci wajahnya, cara dia mengatasi putih-buku jari telepon saat ia memegang ke telinga. Duri kulit saya dengan ketidakpastian dan aku ingin tahu sekali atas apa yang terjadi dan siapa dia berbicara. Mengetahui apa pun itu, tidak bisa baik. "Aku akan segera ke sana. Yeah, aku dengan Drew. Saya akan minta dia mengantarku lurus, oke? Jadi jangan tinggalkan. "Dia berhenti. "Sepuluh menit, puncak. Berhenti panik, Owen. Kami akan berada di sana. "Dia mengakhiri panggilan dan ternyata menatapku, matanya lebar ketakutan. "Owen di apartemen. Dia mengatakan itu kosong. " Aku mengerutkan kening. "Apa maksudmu, itu kosong?" "Seperti hampir semuanya hilang kecuali beberapa hal pribadi kita. Perabotan, segala sesuatu kami, makanan di dapur, itu semua hilang. "Dia camilan bibir bawahnya, tenggelam dalam pikirannya. "Apakah kalian dirampok?" Aku hampir tidak bisa membungkus kepala saya sekitar apa yang dia katakan. Ini tidak masuk akal. "Tidak, tidak ada cara." Dia menggeleng dan tertawa dia, meskipun dia pasti tidak geli. Lainnya seperti dia terdengar bingung. "Saya pikir-saya pikir ibuku melakukannya. Aku yakin dia mengemasi semua omong kosong nya, punya pacar pecundang nya membantunya dan pindah semuanya tanpa memberitahu kami. " Aku meringis saat aku keluar dari tempat parkir dan berpaling kepada tempat Fable itu. "Siapa melakukan hal semacam itu?" "Ibu saya." Dia bersandar kepalanya kembali terhadap headrest dan mendesah. "Saya bilang bagaimana saya ingin pindah dan mengambil Owen dengan saya, tapi saya tidak pernah mengumpulkan keberanian untuk menceritakan belum. Kira dia merawat itu, bukan? " "Tapi apa yang Anda katakan, itu seperti dia ... meninggalkan Anda." "Dia meninggalkan kami berdua lama. Aku datang untuk berdamai dengan itu. Owen belum. Dia masih percaya ibu kita mengasihi kita dan ingin mengurus kami. Dia masih muda, dia akan mencari tahu suatu hari nanti. " Kepahitan dalam suara Fable itu membuat saya sakit untuknya. Kami berdua datang dari situasi yang benar-benar kacau. Dengan orang tua yang tampaknya tidak peduli tentang kami, tapi dengan cara yang sangat berbeda. Saya berharap saya bisa membantu menyembuhkan hatinya. Dia mungkin mengatakan cara ibunya memperlakukan dia dan Owen tidak mengganggunya, tapi aku tahu dia harus berbohong. Mungkin menyakitkan seperti neraka. ketidakpedulian ayah saya dan mengabaikan sakit saya untuk melakukan hari ini. Kematian-I Ibuku kadang-kadang merasa seperti dia meninggalkan saya, dan itu bahkan tidak salahnya. Itulah cara rasional pemikiran saya adalah. Dan aku bahkan tidak bisa masuk ke dalam apa Adele dilakukan kepada saya. Aku benar-benar f ** ked dari permainan pikiran dia bermain pada saya terlalu lama.

Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
Dukungan alat penerjemahan: Afrikans, Albania, Amhara, Arab, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahasa Indonesia, Basque, Belanda, Belarussia, Bengali, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Burma, Cebuano, Ceko, Chichewa, China, Cina Tradisional, Denmark, Deteksi bahasa, Esperanto, Estonia, Farsi, Finlandia, Frisia, Gaelig, Gaelik Skotlandia, Galisia, Georgia, Gujarati, Hausa, Hawaii, Hindi, Hmong, Ibrani, Igbo, Inggris, Islan, Italia, Jawa, Jepang, Jerman, Kannada, Katala, Kazak, Khmer, Kinyarwanda, Kirghiz, Klingon, Korea, Korsika, Kreol Haiti, Kroat, Kurdi, Laos, Latin, Latvia, Lituania, Luksemburg, Magyar, Makedonia, Malagasi, Malayalam, Malta, Maori, Marathi, Melayu, Mongol, Nepal, Norsk, Odia (Oriya), Pashto, Polandia, Portugis, Prancis, Punjabi, Rumania, Rusia, Samoa, Serb, Sesotho, Shona, Sindhi, Sinhala, Slovakia, Slovenia, Somali, Spanyol, Sunda, Swahili, Swensk, Tagalog, Tajik, Tamil, Tatar, Telugu, Thai, Turki, Turkmen, Ukraina, Urdu, Uyghur, Uzbek, Vietnam, Wales, Xhosa, Yiddi, Yoruba, Yunani, Zulu, Bahasa terjemahan.

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