Task de­f­i­n­i­tion: Forms 5 peo­ple of squads, en­ters the scar­let  terjemahan - Task de­f­i­n­i­tion: Forms 5 peo­ple of squads, en­ters the scar­let  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Task de­f­i­n­i­tion: Forms 5 peo­p

Task de­f­i­n­i­tion: Forms 5 peo­ple of squads, en­ters the scar­let moun­tain range, found the Seurre im­pris­oned place, res­cues it with Long Jing dag­ger, but is cer­tainly care­ful, the dif­fer­ent demon mil­i­tary of­fi­cer who guards Seurre is the dark blue bil­lows se­lects and as­signs per­son­ally, the strength is ex­tra­or­di­nary, your squad must be able to de­feat them tac­itly, after res­cu­ing Seurre, you will ob­tain very rich re­ward!
The duty suc­ceeded in ob­tain­ing!
Frost said to me with a smile: „Close your eyes.”
I in con­ster­na­tion, but de­pends on word to close the eye as be­fore, does she want to kiss me se­cretly? Can­not, here per­son be very many, good and evil Frost is also the fly­ing up­wards god­dess that in the recog­ni­tion main­land only saves, will be in­suf­fi­cient such will not care about own honor! Fi­nally also this, above both eyes a warmth, Frost cov­ers the palm on my eye, said in a soft voice: „I will en­trust with your binoc­u­lar short su­per­nat­ural power, in this case, you will no­tice that whose body hides is being your over­lord cov­er­all part, goes, must be care­ful all the way, I wait for you to come back in Dragon’s den.”
I open eyes, grasp Long Jing dag­ger nod say­ing: „Relax, I will cer­tainly not dis­ap­point you!”
Frost smiled sat­is­fac­tory: „Um, you have not dis­ap­pointed me.”
Nearby, Aodiliya is eager to try say­ing: „Ac­tu­ally, sub­merged this duty I most to be an ex­pert, did the frost Sir or you send me to go with Li Xiao Yao all the way? I cer­tainly will not ha­rass plan, and has a woman also to me­di­ate all the way lonely, did Li boy you say? If needed can that you un­der­stand, do not make me state clearly, oth­ers very shy!”
One side looks plays the god level fe­male thief of sin­gle plane, I am some­what weak: „But I do not have the need tem­porar­ily, next time Aodiliya”
„Snort, the brat, do not let me run into you in the open coun­try alone, oth­er­wise hits cer­tainly your black and blue!”
The Frost chuckle stops: „Aodiliya, do not tease to ram­ble again, you can­not go the scar­let moun­tain range with him to­gether, I have a more vital duty to give you and child Queen Shu.”
„, What duty?”
„Sil­ver spear obeys the dark blue bil­lows the com­mand edict, brought the mas­sive sa­cred big drag­ons to go to Asura to de­fend from the wild dragon clan ter­ri­tory, heard that the sov­er­eigns in iron skull city send out a sub­stan­tial num­ber of ven­tur­ers to make a long and weari­some jour­ney to enter Asura, plans to oc­cupy that land, the dark blue bil­lows just re­cov­ered, re­gards as im­por­tant to own thing, he also thinks that Asura is own ter­ri­tory, will there­fore not allow hu­man­ity to in­ter­fere, be­cause of this, we were or­ganic may take ad­van­tage.”
Say­ing, Frost breathed a sigh of re­lief, by the chair, mak­ing the tall and straight twin peaks stretch, looks I am dumb­founded time, she con­tin­ued: „Was the time con­tin­ues to steal dragon to ride, after sev­eral times fierce bat­tle, our 15 dra­goon buck­les, only then 12, after the dark blue bil­lows re­cov­ered, we needed to grasp the dra­goon of sa­cred weapon to de­fend im­pe­r­ial Dragon’s den, guarded the human the ter­ri­tory, on the need more sad­dle horse drag­ons, the dragon egg stock in wild dragon clan ter­ri­tory also had, was not at while the sil­ver spear, our op­por­tu­ni­ties came, tonight three of us, cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den have trained the knight who at least 100 rode the big dragon con­di­tion sat­is­fiedly, on lack­ing dragon egg.”
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Task de­f­i­n­i­tion: Forms 5 peo­ple of squads, en­ters the scar­let moun­tain range, found the Seurre im­pris­oned place, res­cues it with Long Jing dag­ger, but is cer­tainly care­ful, the dif­fer­ent demon mil­i­tary of­fi­cer who guards Seurre is the dark blue bil­lows se­lects and as­signs per­son­ally, the strength is ex­tra­or­di­nary, your squad must be able to de­feat them tac­itly, after res­cu­ing Seurre, you will ob­tain very rich re­ward!The duty suc­ceeded in ob­tain­ing!Frost said to me with a smile: „Close your eyes.”I in con­ster­na­tion, but de­pends on word to close the eye as be­fore, does she want to kiss me se­cretly? Can­not, here per­son be very many, good and evil Frost is also the fly­ing up­wards god­dess that in the recog­ni­tion main­land only saves, will be in­suf­fi­cient such will not care about own honor! Fi­nally also this, above both eyes a warmth, Frost cov­ers the palm on my eye, said in a soft voice: „I will en­trust with your binoc­u­lar short su­per­nat­ural power, in this case, you will no­tice that whose body hides is being your over­lord cov­er­all part, goes, must be care­ful all the way, I wait for you to come back in Dragon’s den.”I open eyes, grasp Long Jing dag­ger nod say­ing: „Relax, I will cer­tainly not dis­ap­point you!”Frost smiled sat­is­fac­tory: „Um, you have not dis­ap­pointed me.”Nearby, Aodiliya is eager to try say­ing: „Ac­tu­ally, sub­merged this duty I most to be an ex­pert, did the frost Sir or you send me to go with Li Xiao Yao all the way? I cer­tainly will not ha­rass plan, and has a woman also to me­di­ate all the way lonely, did Li boy you say? If needed can that you un­der­stand, do not make me state clearly, oth­ers very shy!”One side looks plays the god level fe­male thief of sin­gle plane, I am some­what weak: „But I do not have the need tem­porar­ily, next time Aodiliya”„Snort, the brat, do not let me run into you in the open coun­try alone, oth­er­wise hits cer­tainly your black and blue!”The Frost chuckle stops: „Aodiliya, do not tease to ram­ble again, you can­not go the scar­let moun­tain range with him to­gether, I have a more vital duty to give you and child Queen Shu.”„, What duty?”„Sil­ver spear obeys the dark blue bil­lows the com­mand edict, brought the mas­sive sa­cred big drag­ons to go to Asura to de­fend from the wild dragon clan ter­ri­tory, heard that the sov­er­eigns in iron skull city send out a sub­stan­tial num­ber of ven­tur­ers to make a long and weari­some jour­ney to enter Asura, plans to oc­cupy that land, the dark blue bil­lows just re­cov­ered, re­gards as im­por­tant to own thing, he also thinks that Asura is own ter­ri­tory, will there­fore not allow hu­man­ity to in­ter­fere, be­cause of this, we were or­ganic may take ad­van­tage.”Say­ing, Frost breathed a sigh of re­lief, by the chair, mak­ing the tall and straight twin peaks stretch, looks I am dumb­founded time, she con­tin­ued: „Was the time con­tin­ues to steal dragon to ride, after sev­eral times fierce bat­tle, our 15 dra­goon buck­les, only then 12, after the dark blue bil­lows re­cov­ered, we needed to grasp the dra­goon of sa­cred weapon to de­fend im­pe­r­ial Dragon’s den, guarded the human the ter­ri­tory, on the need more sad­dle horse drag­ons, the dragon egg stock in wild dragon clan ter­ri­tory also had, was not at while the sil­ver spear, our op­por­tu­ni­ties came, tonight three of us, cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den have trained the knight who at least 100 rode the big dragon con­di­tion sat­is­fiedly, on lack­ing dragon egg.”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Tugas Definisi: Bentuk 5 orang dari regu, memasuki pegunungan merah, menemukan Seurre dipenjara tempat, menyelamatkan dengan Long Jing belati, tapi pasti hati-hati, setan perwira militer yang berbeda yang menjaga Seurre adalah biru ombak menyeleksi gelap dan memberikan pribadi !, kekuatan luar biasa, skuad Anda harus mampu mengalahkan mereka secara diam-diam, setelah menyelamatkan Seurre, Anda akan mendapatkan hadiah yang sangat kaya
tugas berhasil memperoleh!
Frost mengatakan kepada saya sambil tersenyum: ". Tutup mata Anda"
saya dalam ketakutan , tapi tergantung pada kata untuk menutup mata seperti sebelumnya, apakah dia ingin menciumku diam-diam? Tidak bisa, di sini orang sangat banyak, baik dan jahat Frost juga terbang ke atas dewi yang di daratan pengakuan hanya menghemat, tidak akan cukup seperti tidak akan peduli tentang kehormatan sendiri! Akhirnya juga ini, di atas kedua mata kehangatan, Frost mencakup palem di mata saya, berkata dengan suara lembut: "Aku akan mempercayakan dengan kekuatan supernatural singkat teropong Anda, dalam hal ini, Anda akan melihat bahwa yang tubuhnya menyembunyikan sedang Anda overlord coverall bagian, berjalan, harus berhati-hati sepanjang jalan, saya menunggu Anda untuk datang kembali den Dragon ".
aku membuka mata, pegang Long Jing belati mengangguk mengatakan:" Tenang, saya pasti tidak akan mengecewakan Anda "!
Frost tersenyum memuaskan: "Um, Anda tidak kecewa saya."
Di dekatnya, Aodiliya adalah ingin mencoba mengatakan: "Sebenarnya, terendam tugas ini saya paling menjadi ahli, melakukan es Sir atau Anda mengirimkan saya untuk pergi dengan Li Xiao Yao sepanjang jalan? Saya pasti tidak akan mengganggu rencana, dan memiliki seorang wanita juga untuk memediasi semua jalan yang sepi, melakukan Li anak Anda katakan? ! Jika diperlukan dapat bahwa Anda memahami, tidak membuat saya menyatakan dengan jelas, orang lain sangat pemalu "
Satu sisi terlihat memainkan tingkat dewa pencuri perempuan dari pesawat tunggal, saya agak lemah:" Tapi saya tidak memiliki kebutuhan sementara, waktu berikutnya Aodiliya " "
Snort, brat, jangan biarkan aku lari ke Anda di negara terbuka saja, jika tidak memukul tentu hitam dan biru Anda! "
The Frost tertawa berhenti:" Aodiliya, tidak menggoda untuk mengoceh lagi, Anda tidak bisa pergi gunung merah range dengan dia bersama-sama, saya memiliki tugas yang lebih penting untuk memberikan Anda dan anak Queen Shu. "
" Apa tugas? "
" Perak tombak mematuhi pemecah biru tua perintah dekrit, dibawa naga besar sakral besar untuk pergi ke Asura untuk membela dari wilayah naga klan liar, mendengar bahwa penguasa di besi kota tengkorak mengirimkan sejumlah besar venturer untuk membuat perjalanan panjang dan melelahkan untuk masuk Asura, berencana untuk menempati tanah itu, ombak biru tua saja sembuh, menganggap sebagai penting untuk hal sendiri, ia juga berpikir bahwa Asura adalah wilayahnya sendiri, akan karena itu tidak memungkinkan manusia untuk mengganggu, karena ini, kami organik bisa memanfaatkan. "
Mengatakan, Frost menarik napas lega, dengan kursi, membuat tinggi dan lurus twin peaks peregangan, terlihat saya waktu tercengang, ia melanjutkan: "Apakah waktu terus mencuri naga naik, setelah beberapa kali pertempuran sengit, kami gesper 15 dragoon, hanya kemudian 12, setelah ombak biru tua pulih, kita perlu memahami dragoon senjata suci untuk mempertahankan kekaisaran den dragon, dijaga manusia wilayah, pada kebutuhan naga kuda lebih pelana, stok naga telur di wilayah naga klan liar juga memiliki, tidak di saat tombak perak, peluang kami datang, malam ini kami bertiga, den tanah yang tidak digarap dingin dragon telah dilatih ksatria yang setidaknya 100 naik kondisi naga besar satisfiedly, pada kurang telur naga. "
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