Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
MYLES mendengar TAVISH berbicara kepada Fiona di luar tenda dan mencoba untuk menjadikan dirinya, tapi hari perjalanan dan beban berkenalan dengan istri barunya telah diambil tol berat. Ketika beberapa saat kemudian ia kembali, ia jatuh kembali menjadi bahagia tidur mengetahui orangnya berada di watch, istrinya kembali di tenda, meskipun sia-sia terbungkus jubah hijau nya, dan semua adalah benar dengan dunia. Ketika burung-burung ini disebut salam pagi mereka, ada dia terletak di tepi tempat tidur, hood nya terselip tegas atas kepalanya.Dengan mata mata kabur, Myles meluncur atas dan mendorong samping kain wol hijau, ringan mencium dariotto candi. Tetesan yang alarm merayap melalui tubuhnya tidur-pengemudi yang mabuk narkoba. Kulitnya merasa aneh, kasar dan longgar, dan aroma vanili dan pala ia akan datang untuk mengasosiasikan dengan istrinya digantikan oleh sesuatu yang asam, kombinasi penolak alkali dan usia tua. Seperti Pandora membuka kotak nya, Myles perlahan-lahan menarik samping jubah dan melepaskan bawah sengit sebagai Lucifer kemarahan. Dia melompat dari palet, mendorong wanita seperti Dia meloncat. Bentuk membentangkan di tanah, tulang berderit."Sihir apa ini?" dia geram. "Aku berbaring dengan dewi dan bangun hag lama?"Bess itu gemetar tempat ia mendarat, mata berair dan takut.Di luar, orang-orang bergerak cepat untuk tindakan oleh tuan mereka berteriak, siap untuk mempertahankan majikan mereka. Dalam hitungan detik, ayahnya dan Tavish meledak ke tenda.Bess berjuang untuk duduk, tapi Myles mencapai dan menyambar bahunya tulang."Mana adalah istri saya?"Bess berkedip, mengatakan apa-apa.Cedric melangkah ke lipatan tenda dan bersungut untuk man-at-arms, yang mengangguk dan cepat pindah.Myles jostled wanita tua, pengaturan giginya Rattle. "Jawaban saya, Anda licik penyihir."Tavish melangkah lebih dekat, penyesalan penebalan suaranya. "Mereka harus telah beralih tempat."Myles melemparkan pandangan tajam pada pamannya. "'Tis jelas, Tavish! Tapi mana Fiona sekarang?""Pergi," jawab Bess.Kemarahan dan ketakutan bercampur sebagai salah satu di dalam Myles di dada. "Pergi mana?"Man-at-arms kembali. "Dia bukanlah pada pelayan palet, penguasa saya. Harus saya orang-orang yang mencari daerah?"Cedric mengangguk dan mengambil langkah menuju Bess, menjulang di atas dia, tangan kikir pada pinggul. "Mana adalah dia, wanita?"Bibirnya menutup, dan Myles menusuk dia dengan kakinya. "Anda berpikir dia tidak aman dengan orang-orang seperti kita? Bagaimana dia akan ongkos di hutan dengan makhluk liar dan daerah jahat? Atau hujan yang dingin? Apakah Anda mendengar guruh itu? Perkasa badai akan datang.""Saya mengatakan kepadanya untuk tidak pergi," katanya samar-samar. ' Dia memerintahkan saya mengambil tempatnya. ' Sungguh bukan kehendak-Ku."Paru-parunya merasa penuh rawa gambut. "Mana Apakah dia mati untuk?"Bess merunduk kepalanya, seolah-olah untuk menghindari pukulan, meskipun tidak salah satu dari mereka telah mengangkat tangan. "Ia melarang saya untuk tahu."Myles bent closer still. “You do her no service by keeping this secret. She’s sure to come to harm in those woods. If you care for your mistress, you’ll tell me where she was headed. Home?”Bess shook her head and eyed him warily. “Will she come to greater harm if you find her?”Myles grit his teeth in frustration. “I will treat her with care. I cannot promise the same for you if you do not answer. Where has she gone?” He pressed upon her shoulder.“To Our Lady of the Immaculate Heart,” the maid spit out.“The convent?” the men exclaimed in unison.“Aye. She has an aunt there. Her mother’s sister.”“Where is this convent?” Myles asked. Surely no destination could be less suitable for his disobedient bride. Then again, perhaps a life of discipline and penance might be just what she needed.Tavish spoke. “In Ludlow. I know the place. But ’tis a full day’s ride from here. She’ll never make it without a horse. She didn’t steal a horse, did she?”Bess rose up straighter. “My lady is no thief!”Myles snorted. “No thief, perhaps, but a troublesome she-devil. And you”—he pointed a finger at Bess’s nose—“you should have awoken me last night.”“She cannot have gone far in the dark,” Cedric said. “And clever as the lass might be, she no doubt left a trail wide as Loch Ness.”Myles moved to the bed of blankets and shoved one foot into a boot. He bent to lace it. “I’ll deal with this, Father. You be on your way. I’ll find her quickly and catch up to you.”Cedric nodded. “The carts keep our pace slow enough, but if we reach Inverness, we’ll stay and wait for you. Take ten men on your search. More eyes will make the task easier.”Myles wanted to argue and insist he could find her without aid. ’Twas disgraceful enough she’d left him while he slept! Christ Almighty! What kind of a soldier was he, to let the enemy slip from his grasp just because he was content and sleepy? But then again, who could have imagined the chit would be so foolish?“Tavish, choose the men,” Myles ordered.Tavish snapped to attention. “’Tis done. And if it suits you both, I’ll count myself among them. ’Twas I who let the girl out of sight.” He turned to leave the tent, nearly tripping over Bess. He nudged her none too gently with his toe. “And what shall we do with this sack of gristle and bits?”“Tie her to a tree and leave her for the wolves.” Myles wasn’t serious, of course, but let her think he was, by God. Then she’d tell her mistress not to cross him again. If he ever found her. An odd sensation twisted in his gut. It took a moment to recognize it, for the feeling rarely visited him.It was worry.The earl regarded her a moment. “Put her in the cart. She goes with us to Dempsey. And, Tavish, don’t judge yourself too harshly over this occurrence. After all, the lass is pure Sinclair.”The brothers exchanged a look that Myles didn’t wholly understand, but he’d press his father on that issue later, after his bride was found.Tavish nodded and hauled Bess from the tent.
Myles tugged on his other boot, avoiding Cedric’s gaze. Sinclair or no, the girl had duped him with her compliance. He jerked the laces tight and finished tying them.
“You mustn’t judge yourself too harshly either, son.”
“I had that old crone in my bed, Father, without even realizing. Marriage has me addlepated, and it’s only just begun.” Frustration rasped in his voice.
Cedric’s easy laughter filled the tent, his good humor in stark contrast to Myles’s own. “Truer words were never spoken. Women have a way of complicating the simplest of things. And desperation makes them stranger still. Don’t fret on it. Just find her and bring her home.”
“Desperation.” The word stung on the tongue. “That’s what I don’t understand, Father. Why was she so desperate to leave she’d rather face a future full of calamitous repercussions?”
“Because her father filled her head with lies, lad. You know I didn’t murder Aislinn Sinclair, but this lass certainly thinks I did. It’s up to you to convince her otherwise.”
Myles picked up his belt, taking note of his missing dagger. At least the girl had the sense to arm herself, but he’d be wary of that blade when he found her. She’d stabbed his father with nothing more than a brooch. She could do real damage with his knife. His thoughts trigged a question that burst forth unbidden. “How is it Aislinn had your brooch, Father? Was it stolen?” His father’s expression turned somber in that instant. “It was given freely. ’Twas meant to be proof of a promise I made.”
“What promise?”
His father shook his head. “Your wife awaits you in the woods. We’ll talk on this another day.”
His father was coy as a courtesan when it came to Aislinn Sinclair. But he was right. Every moment that passed took Fiona farther away from the protection of the Campbells and closer to certain danger—a wild boar, perhaps, or worse yet, forest brigands. Myles picked up his own cloak and left the tent. Rain started in earnest, and thunder rumbled like an omen.
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