Great dis­tant ride on the warhorse, grasps the ar­mored hand sound to terjemahan - Great dis­tant ride on the warhorse, grasps the ar­mored hand sound to Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Great dis­tant ride on the warhorse

Great dis­tant ride on the warhorse, grasps the ar­mored hand sound to shiver: „Fought Gen­eral Bi such dead in bat­tle?”
Truly duke nods: „Is your majesty, the bat­tle­field slaugh­ters, this is the com­mon mat­ter.”
Heart has does not en­dure: „Con­tin­ues the army at­tack, must res­cue every book city, such Duke Dean will not be dis­ap­pointed to the em­pire.”
, I also lead Han Yuan, Xiao Li, Li Mu et al. to rush ahead in the crowd by far, Li Mu sends in the body of snow wolf cav­alry sol­dier the sword blade edge, while said with a smile: „, Ram­bles you to look that that side hung a Yorozuo long Egypt!”
I smiled: „Hung has hung, noth­ing but left one to pro­mote to the player for the Yorozuo long op­por­tu­nity.”
„Ac­tu­ally also not nec­es­sar­ily.” Li Mudao: „Xu Yi is flame Long Jun's com­mand­ing, after hang­ing, has to be one's turn Fang Geque this mer­i­to­ri­ous ser­vice out­stand­ing con­trol, in­stead is one lean­ing gen­eral who called Long Zhong pro­moted, NND, Fang Geque the mil­i­tary rank at that time was also a gen­eral, didn't com­pare this dragon loyal qual­i­fi­ca­tions to miss?”
I smile: „Is very sim­ple, Long Zhong is the trusted sub­or­di­nate mil­i­tary of­fi­cer of Great, there­fore pro­moted flame Long Jun to com­mand from the gen­eral di­rectly, but flame Long Jun now army only then the 4 W per­son, will be less after this fight, al­ready ini­tially did not sup­port sol­dier 15 W flame Long Jun, the gold con­tent of this com­mand­ing also re­duced much.”
Li Mudao: „Said that com­mand­ing of your this palace guard, should be now en­tire Tian Ling Em­pire most has the mil­i­tary of real power to com­mand?”
„Al­most, well does, we are the wit­ness and in­ven­tor of this phase of his­tory.”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Great dis­tant ride on the warhorse, grasps the ar­mored hand sound to shiver: „Fought Gen­eral Bi such dead in bat­tle?”Truly duke nods: „Is your majesty, the bat­tle­field slaugh­ters, this is the com­mon mat­ter.”Heart has does not en­dure: „Con­tin­ues the army at­tack, must res­cue every book city, such Duke Dean will not be dis­ap­pointed to the em­pire.”„Yes!”, I also lead Han Yuan, Xiao Li, Li Mu et al. to rush ahead in the crowd by far, Li Mu sends in the body of snow wolf cav­alry sol­dier the sword blade edge, while said with a smile: „, Ram­bles you to look that that side hung a Yorozuo long Egypt!”I smiled: „Hung has hung, noth­ing but left one to pro­mote to the player for the Yorozuo long op­por­tu­nity.”„Ac­tu­ally also not nec­es­sar­ily.” Li Mudao: „Xu Yi is flame Long Jun's com­mand­ing, after hang­ing, has to be one's turn Fang Geque this mer­i­to­ri­ous ser­vice out­stand­ing con­trol, in­stead is one lean­ing gen­eral who called Long Zhong pro­moted, NND, Fang Geque the mil­i­tary rank at that time was also a gen­eral, didn't com­pare this dragon loyal qual­i­fi­ca­tions to miss?”I smile: „Is very sim­ple, Long Zhong is the trusted sub­or­di­nate mil­i­tary of­fi­cer of Great, there­fore pro­moted flame Long Jun to com­mand from the gen­eral di­rectly, but flame Long Jun now army only then the 4 W per­son, will be less after this fight, al­ready ini­tially did not sup­port sol­dier 15 W flame Long Jun, the gold con­tent of this com­mand­ing also re­duced much.”Li Mudao: „Said that com­mand­ing of your this palace guard, should be now en­tire Tian Ling Em­pire most has the mil­i­tary of real power to com­mand?”
„Al­most, well does, we are the wit­ness and in­ven­tor of this phase of his­tory.”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Perjalanan jauh yang besar pada kuda perang itu, menangkap suara tangan lapis baja menggigil: "? Berjuang Umum Bi seperti mati dalam pertempuran"
Sesungguhnya mengangguk duke: "Apakah Anda keagungan, pembantaian medan perang, ini adalah masalah yang umum."
Hati telah tidak bertahan : "Terus serangan tentara, harus menyelamatkan setiap kota buku, seperti Duke Dean tidak akan kecewa untuk kekaisaran."
, saya juga memimpin Han Yuan, Xiao Li, Li Mu et al. buru-buru maju dalam kerumunan jauh, Li Mu mengirimkan dalam tubuh salju serigala kavaleri tentara pedang pisau tepi, sementara berkata sambil tersenyum: ", Rambles Anda untuk melihat sisi yang menggantung Yorozuo panjang Mesir!"
Aku tersenyum: "Hung telah digantung, tidak ada tapi satu kiri untuk mempromosikan ke pemain untuk kesempatan panjang Yorozuo."
"Sebenarnya juga belum tentu" Li Mudao: ". Xu Yi adalah memerintah api panjang Jun, setelah menggantung, telah menjadi salah satu giliran Fang Geque ? layanan ini berjasa kontrol yang luar biasa, bukan merupakan salah satu miring jenderal yang disebut Long Zhong dipromosikan, NND, Fang Geque pangkat militer pada waktu itu juga seorang jenderal, tidak membandingkan naga ini kualifikasi setia ketinggalan "
aku tersenyum:" Apakah sangat sederhana, Long Zhong adalah perwira militer bawahan terpercaya besar, oleh karena itu dipromosikan api panjang Juni untuk perintah dari umum langsung, tapi api panjang Juni sekarang tentara hanya maka 4 W orang, akan kurang setelah laga ini, sudah awalnya tidak mendukung prajurit 15 W api panjang Juni, kadar emas memerintah ini juga berkurang banyak ".
Li Mudao:" Mengatakan bahwa komandan Anda pengawal istana ini, harus sekarang seluruh Tian Ling Empire paling memiliki militer dari kekuatan nyata untuk perintah
"? " hampir, baik tidak, kami adalah saksi dan penemu fase sejarah ini. "
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