Say­ing, was wear­ing and looks to Luhu fight, said: „Was a pity that  terjemahan - Say­ing, was wear­ing and looks to Luhu fight, said: „Was a pity that  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Say­ing, was wear­ing and looks to

Say­ing, was wear­ing and looks to Luhu fight, said: „Was a pity that my strong wind from afar reg­i­ment only re­main­ing was less than the 2 W per­son, heroic army that once it can also as­sume sole re­spon­si­bil­ity for an im­por­tant task”
The se­nior king looks to the daugh­ter, af­fec­tion smiled, pats the shoul­der that the racket wore say­ing: „Does not need to be wor­ried, after this war, I the bor­der sev­eral grand duke as well as the mil­i­tary strength of Monarch mar­quis will re­as­sign more than 50%, in these old fogy at least every­one hands will be grasp­ing sev­eral thou­sand troops, will squeeze to be able for the em­pire to in­crease the 50 W mil­i­tary strength com­pletely again, your strong wind from afar reg­i­ment can be the 10 W per­son or­ga­ni­za­tion sys­tem as be­fore, don't worry, the mil­i­tary of­fi­cer can also se­lect from the war in­sti­tute, very spe­cial pe­riod, will not use, when they grad­u­ated can ex­tract to en­list di­rectly.”
Wears the great hap­pi­ness: „Good, thanks the fa­ther em­peror!”
Nearby, two em­peror's sons' com­plex­ions were uglier, in some sense, wears deeply by the love of se­nior king, has been over their two al­ready.
I take plea­sure in oth­ers'mis­for­tunes in side se­cretly, Theodore has looked my this palace guard com­man­der is not feel­ing well, I thought that he is not feel­ing well, has the op­por­tu­nity words, I hope ac­tu­ally Tian Ling Em­pire can de­pose him this crown prince, changes into or good, the prece­dent that but as if Tian Ling Em­pire has not set up the queen, at least cur­rently does not have, a Ba Huang City ac­tu­ally good ex­am­ple, but the sit­u­a­tion is dif­fer­ent, An­gela did not have other broth­ers be­sides Luo Lin, can only she suc­ceed to the throne, but wore also two elder broth­ers, must kill some were also many
Thinks that this trea­son and heresy idea, I some­what am un­ex­pect­edly ex­cited, per­son who I have the pro­trud­ing bones in the oc­cip­i­tal re­gion in­born? Can­not, I very much want to give loy­alty to for the em­pire ac­tu­ally!
I sit re­spect­fully, two em­peror's sons nat­u­rally do not know that I think, but I after treat­ing for 10 min­utes could not bear fi­nally, turns around say­ing: „Your majesty, I must go to per­son­ally the im­pe­r­ial enemy, the demon spirit big sword mas­ter and stone skin giant was re­ally too many, I wor­ried that my ven­turer friends will un­able to re­sist, ask­ing your majesty to ap­prove me to fight!”
The se­nior king smiles: „Li Xiao Yao com­mands is re­ally a heroic com­bat gen­eral, takes a broad view at the em­pire, if re­ally no­body such as you so pro­vides lead­er­ship and breaks through enemy lines each time! Goes, leads the good palace guard!”
„Thanked your majesty!”
Turned around to start to crash in the crowd of demon spirit big sword to kill, my mer­i­to­ri­ous value, was cer­tainly high, oth­er­wise this final win­ner was [Leg­end].
Ashore, troop NPC in trans­port­ing ar­tillery, „bang bang bang” the crackle of gun­fire is un­ceas­ing, the dif­fer­ent demon war­ship in Luhu was rum­bled un­ceas­ingly torn to pieces, the demon spirit big sword mas­ter was rum­bled to mas­sacre di­rectly, but HP and de­fense of by far high big sword mas­ter stone skin giant, im­me­di­ately sub­merges to come ashore with the player and NPC to kill in one.
Air­borne, sev­eral Long Yin­sheng passed over gen­tly and swiftly, is dra­goon corps that the blue radish leads, sev­eral big drag­ons passed over gen­tly and swiftly to­gether Luhu, Long Xi emits, in ad­di­tion the sword light of dragon knight flows swiftly to fall, bat­tle­ships were torn into shreds, and demon spirit big sword mas­ter can­not reach the dragon knight, puts the arrow un­able to break the scales of big dragon, the stone skin giant is so un­wieldy is more im­pos­si­ble to hope to at­tain the dragon knight, this fought is Tian Ling Em­pire won ob­vi­ously, had the side of dra­goon to have com­pletely the su­pe­ri­or
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Say­ing, was wear­ing and looks to Luhu fight, said: „Was a pity that my strong wind from afar reg­i­ment only re­main­ing was less than the 2 W per­son, heroic army that once it can also as­sume sole re­spon­si­bil­ity for an im­por­tant task”The se­nior king looks to the daugh­ter, af­fec­tion smiled, pats the shoul­der that the racket wore say­ing: „Does not need to be wor­ried, after this war, I the bor­der sev­eral grand duke as well as the mil­i­tary strength of Monarch mar­quis will re­as­sign more than 50%, in these old fogy at least every­one hands will be grasp­ing sev­eral thou­sand troops, will squeeze to be able for the em­pire to in­crease the 50 W mil­i­tary strength com­pletely again, your strong wind from afar reg­i­ment can be the 10 W per­son or­ga­ni­za­tion sys­tem as be­fore, don't worry, the mil­i­tary of­fi­cer can also se­lect from the war in­sti­tute, very spe­cial pe­riod, will not use, when they grad­u­ated can ex­tract to en­list di­rectly.”Wears the great hap­pi­ness: „Good, thanks the fa­ther em­peror!”Nearby, two em­peror's sons' com­plex­ions were uglier, in some sense, wears deeply by the love of se­nior king, has been over their two al­ready.Aku mengambil kesenangan dalam others'misfortunes di sisi diam-diam, Theodore telah melihat saya ini palace guard komandan tidak merasa baik, saya pikir bahwa ia tidak merasa baik, memiliki kata-kata kesempatan, saya berharap benar-benar Tian Ling Kekaisaran dapat memberhentikannya ini mahkota, perubahan ke atau baik, preseden itu tetapi seolah-olah Tian Ling Kekaisaran tidak mengatur Ratu , di setidaknya saat ini tidak memiliki, contoh yang benar-benar baik Ba Huang kota, tapi dalam situasi berbeda, Angela tidak mempunyai saudara-saudara lain selain Luo Lin, hanya dapat ia berhasil untuk takhta, tetapi memakai juga kakak, harus membunuh beberapa yang juga banyakBerpikir bahwa ide ini pengkhianatan dan bidah, saya agak senang tiba-tiba, orang yang saya punya menonjol tulang di daerah oksipital bawaan? Tidak, saya sangat ingin untuk memberikan kesetiaan kepada Kerajaan benar-benar!Aku duduk dengan hormat, anak-anak dua Kaisar secara alami tidak tahu bahwa saya pikir, tapi saya setelah mengobati selama 10 menit tidak bisa menanggung akhirnya, berbalik mengatakan: "yang mulia, saya harus pergi ke pribadi musuh imperial, setan Roh pedang besar kulit master dan batu raksasa itu benar-benar terlalu banyak, saya khawatir bahwa teman-teman Petronas saya akan mampu menahan meminta yang mulia untuk menyetujui saya untuk berjuang! "The se­nior king smiles: „Li Xiao Yao com­mands is re­ally a heroic com­bat gen­eral, takes a broad view at the em­pire, if re­ally no­body such as you so pro­vides lead­er­ship and breaks through enemy lines each time! Goes, leads the good palace guard!”„Thanked your majesty!”Turned around to start to crash in the crowd of demon spirit big sword to kill, my mer­i­to­ri­ous value, was cer­tainly high, oth­er­wise this final win­ner was [Leg­end].Ashore, troop NPC in trans­port­ing ar­tillery, „bang bang bang” the crackle of gun­fire is un­ceas­ing, the dif­fer­ent demon war­ship in Luhu was rum­bled un­ceas­ingly torn to pieces, the demon spirit big sword mas­ter was rum­bled to mas­sacre di­rectly, but HP and de­fense of by far high big sword mas­ter stone skin giant, im­me­di­ately sub­merges to come ashore with the player and NPC to kill in one.Air­borne, sev­eral Long Yin­sheng passed over gen­tly and swiftly, is dra­goon corps that the blue radish leads, sev­eral big drag­ons passed over gen­tly and swiftly to­gether Luhu, Long Xi emits, in ad­di­tion the sword light of dragon knight flows swiftly to fall, bat­tle­ships were torn into shreds, and demon spirit big sword mas­ter can­not reach the dragon knight, puts the arrow un­able to break the scales of big dragon, the stone skin giant is so un­wieldy is more im­pos­si­ble to hope to at­tain the dragon knight, this fought is Tian Ling Em­pire won ob­vi­ously, had the side of dra­goon to have com­pletely the su­pe­ri­or
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