dismissal is contained in sec.98 (2) of that Act. (The employee has th terjemahan - dismissal is contained in sec.98 (2) of that Act. (The employee has th Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

dismissal is contained in sec.98 (2

dismissal is contained in sec.98 (2) of that Act. (The employee has the initial evidentiary burden of proving a dismissal has taken place, then the burden of showing cause shifts to the employer). Where the employer has fulfilled this requirement, it rest with the Industrial Tribunal to decide whether in all circumstances the employer acted as a reasonable employer in dismissing the employee6.

3. Procedures for Dismissal

An effective system of protection against unjustified termination of employment must include not only a requirement that dismissals must be based on valid reasons, but procedures to ensure compliance with this requirement. These procedures can be divided into two categories: those to be observed before or at the time of termination and those governing appeals against termination including compensation if it is found that there was no valid reason or termination of employment7.
The Code of Labor of the Republic of Albania provides that after the probation period, when the employer thinks to terminate the contract of employment, he/she must inform the employee in writing at least 72 hours before the meeting, and talk with him/her. The employer, during the conversation, shall present to the employee the reasons concerning the decision planned to be taken, and offer him/her the opportunity to express himself/herself. The termination of the contract
shall be made known to the employee within a time limit of 48 hours up to one week after the appointment. This procedure shall be applied even in the case of an immediate termination of the contract. This provision does not apply to the cases of collective dismissals from work (see Article 143 of Code of Labour).
When the employer plans to execute collective dismissals8 from work, he/she is obliged to inform in writing the employees organization recognized as the representative of the employees. In absence of this, the employer informs his/her employee through advertisements put on the workplace, which can be easily seen. The notice must contain especially the reasons of dismissal from work, the number of the employees to be dismissed, the number of the employee normally employed, as well as the time during which it is planned to execute these dismissals. The employer
submits to the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs a copy of this notice. The employer makes consultations with the employees organization, recognized as the representative of the employees, for the purpose of reaching an agreement. In absence of this, the employer gives the opportunity to the employees to participate in the consultations. They are made in order to take measures to avoid or reduce the collective dismissals from work and to soften their consequences. The consultations are made within 20 days, starting on the day of notice, except for the case where the employer accepts a long duration. The employer informs in writing the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs concerning the completion of the consultations. He/she sends a copy of this notice to the concerned party. If the parties have failed to agree, the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs helps them to reach an agreement within 20 days, starting from the day of notice, except for the case where the employer accepts a longer duration. The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs can by no means stop the
collective dismissals from work. After the termination of the twenty-day deadline the employer informs the employees to be dismissed about the termination of the contract, respecting the notice deadlines as defined by Article 1439.
In France, an employer who proposes to dismiss an employee must, before making a decision, summon the person concerned, stating the purpose of the summons. Employees may be accompanied at the interview by an advisor of their choice. During the interview, the employer must give the reason for the proposed decision and hear the employees’ explanations. The decision to carry out the dismissal must be transmitted by registered letter and the employer must specify therein the reason or reasons for the dismissal. An employer who proposes to dismiss workers on economic grounds must summon and consults the works committee or staff delegates and inform the competent authority
of the proposed dismissals. The employer should indicate to the staff representatives the economic, financial or technical reasons or the dismissals, the number of workers concerned, the categories of workers affected, the proposed criteria for the order of dismissals, the number or workers employed in the establishment and the provisional timetable for the dismissals. The works committee or, in its absence, the staff delegates must be summoned for consultation twice. The interval at which these two meetings are held varies depending on the number of employees affected. After consultation
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
dismissal is contained in sec.98 (2) of that Act. (The employee has the initial evidentiary burden of proving a dismissal has taken place, then the burden of showing cause shifts to the employer). Where the employer has fulfilled this requirement, it rest with the Industrial Tribunal to decide whether in all circumstances the employer acted as a reasonable employer in dismissing the employee6.3. Procedures for DismissalAn effective system of protection against unjustified termination of employment must include not only a requirement that dismissals must be based on valid reasons, but procedures to ensure compliance with this requirement. These procedures can be divided into two categories: those to be observed before or at the time of termination and those governing appeals against termination including compensation if it is found that there was no valid reason or termination of employment7.The Code of Labor of the Republic of Albania provides that after the probation period, when the employer thinks to terminate the contract of employment, he/she must inform the employee in writing at least 72 hours before the meeting, and talk with him/her. The employer, during the conversation, shall present to the employee the reasons concerning the decision planned to be taken, and offer him/her the opportunity to express himself/herself. The termination of the contractshall be made known to the employee within a time limit of 48 hours up to one week after the appointment. This procedure shall be applied even in the case of an immediate termination of the contract. This provision does not apply to the cases of collective dismissals from work (see Article 143 of Code of Labour).When the employer plans to execute collective dismissals8 from work, he/she is obliged to inform in writing the employees organization recognized as the representative of the employees. In absence of this, the employer informs his/her employee through advertisements put on the workplace, which can be easily seen. The notice must contain especially the reasons of dismissal from work, the number of the employees to be dismissed, the number of the employee normally employed, as well as the time during which it is planned to execute these dismissals. The employersubmits to the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs a copy of this notice. The employer makes consultations with the employees organization, recognized as the representative of the employees, for the purpose of reaching an agreement. In absence of this, the employer gives the opportunity to the employees to participate in the consultations. They are made in order to take measures to avoid or reduce the collective dismissals from work and to soften their consequences. The consultations are made within 20 days, starting on the day of notice, except for the case where the employer accepts a long duration. The employer informs in writing the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs concerning the completion of the consultations. He/she sends a copy of this notice to the concerned party. If the parties have failed to agree, the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs helps them to reach an agreement within 20 days, starting from the day of notice, except for the case where the employer accepts a longer duration. The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs can by no means stop thecollective dismissals from work. After the termination of the twenty-day deadline the employer informs the employees to be dismissed about the termination of the contract, respecting the notice deadlines as defined by Article 1439.In France, an employer who proposes to dismiss an employee must, before making a decision, summon the person concerned, stating the purpose of the summons. Employees may be accompanied at the interview by an advisor of their choice. During the interview, the employer must give the reason for the proposed decision and hear the employees’ explanations. The decision to carry out the dismissal must be transmitted by registered letter and the employer must specify therein the reason or reasons for the dismissal. An employer who proposes to dismiss workers on economic grounds must summon and consults the works committee or staff delegates and inform the competent authorityof the proposed dismissals. The employer should indicate to the staff representatives the economic, financial or technical reasons or the dismissals, the number of workers concerned, the categories of workers affected, the proposed criteria for the order of dismissals, the number or workers employed in the establishment and the provisional timetable for the dismissals. The works committee or, in its absence, the staff delegates must be summoned for consultation twice. The interval at which these two meetings are held varies depending on the number of employees affected. After consultation
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
pemberhentian terkandung dalam sec.98 (2) Undang-undang itu. (Karyawan memiliki beban pembuktian awal membuktikan pemecatan telah terjadi, maka beban yang menunjukkan penyebab bergeser ke majikan). Di mana majikan telah memenuhi persyaratan ini, itu beristirahat dengan Pengadilan Perselisihan Hubungan Industrial untuk memutuskan apakah dalam segala situasi majikan bertindak sebagai pemberi kerja yang wajar dalam menolak employee6 tersebut. 3. Prosedur untuk Pemberhentian Sebuah sistem yang efektif perlindungan terhadap pemutusan dibenarkan kerja harus mencakup tidak hanya persyaratan bahwa pemecatan harus didasarkan pada alasan yang sah, tapi prosedur untuk memastikan kepatuhan dengan persyaratan ini. Prosedur ini dapat dibagi menjadi dua kategori:. Yang diamati sebelum atau pada saat pemutusan dan mereka mengatur banding terhadap pemutusan termasuk kompensasi jika ditemukan bahwa tidak ada alasan yang sah atau penghentian employment7 Kode Tenaga Kerja Republik Albania menyatakan bahwa setelah masa percobaan, ketika majikan berpikir untuk mengakhiri kontrak kerja, ia / dia harus memberitahu karyawan secara tertulis paling lambat 72 jam sebelum pertemuan, dan berbicara dengan dia / nya. Majikan, selama percakapan, akan hadir untuk karyawan alasan mengenai keputusan rencananya akan diambil, dan menawarkan dia / dia kesempatan untuk mengekspresikan dirinya / dirinya. Pemutusan kontrak harus dibuat diketahui untuk karyawan dalam batas waktu 48 jam hingga satu minggu setelah pengangkatan. Prosedur ini harus diterapkan bahkan dalam kasus penghentian kontrak. Ketentuan ini tidak berlaku untuk kasus-kasus PHK kolektif dari pekerjaan (lihat Pasal 143 dari Kode Tenaga Kerja). Ketika majikan berencana untuk mengeksekusi dismissals8 kolektif dari kerja, ia / dia wajib memberitahukan secara tertulis organisasi karyawan diakui sebagai wakil karyawan. Dalam ketiadaan ini, majikan menginformasikan / nya karyawan nya melalui iklan mengenakan tempat kerja, yang dapat dengan mudah dilihat. Pemberitahuan harus berisi terutama alasan pemecatan dari pekerjaan, jumlah karyawan yang akan diberhentikan, jumlah karyawan biasanya digunakan, serta waktu selama itu direncanakan untuk mengeksekusi pemecatan tersebut. Majikan mengajukan ke Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Sosial Urusan salinan pemberitahuan ini. Majikan membuat konsultasi dengan organisasi karyawan, diakui sebagai wakil dari karyawan, untuk tujuan mencapai kesepakatan. Dalam ketiadaan ini, majikan memberikan kesempatan kepada karyawan untuk berpartisipasi dalam konsultasi. Mereka dibuat untuk mengambil langkah-langkah untuk menghindari atau mengurangi pemecatan kolektif dari pekerjaan dan untuk melunakkan konsekuensinya. Konsultasi dilakukan dalam waktu 20 hari, dimulai pada hari pemberitahuan, kecuali untuk kasus di mana majikan menerima durasi yang panjang. Majikan menginformasikan secara tertulis Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Sosial mengenai penyelesaian konsultasi. Dia / dia mengirimkan salinan pemberitahuan ini kepada pihak yang bersangkutan. Jika para pihak telah gagal untuk setuju, Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Sosial membantu mereka untuk mencapai kesepakatan dalam waktu 20 hari, dimulai dari hari pemberitahuan, kecuali untuk kasus di mana majikan menerima durasi yang lebih lama. Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Sosial bisa tidak berarti menghentikan pemecatan kolektif dari pekerjaan. Setelah berakhirnya batas waktu dua puluh hari majikan menginformasikan karyawan yang akan diberhentikan tentang pemutusan kontrak, menghormati tenggat waktu pemberitahuan seperti yang didefinisikan oleh Pasal 1439. Di Perancis, seorang majikan yang mengusulkan untuk memberhentikan karyawan harus, sebelum membuat keputusan, memanggil orang yang bersangkutan, menyatakan tujuan dari panggilan. Karyawan dapat disertai dengan wawancara oleh penasehat pilihan mereka. Selama wawancara, majikan harus memberikan alasan untuk keputusan yang diusulkan dan mendengar penjelasan karyawan. Keputusan untuk melakukan pemecatan harus dikirimkan dengan surat tercatat dan majikan harus menentukan dalamnya alasan atau alasan untuk pemecatan. Seorang majikan yang mengusulkan untuk memberhentikan pekerja dengan alasan ekonomi harus memanggil dan berkonsultasi komite karya atau delegasi staf dan menginformasikan pejabat yang berwenang dari pemecatan yang diusulkan. Majikan harus menunjukkan kepada perwakilan staf alasan ekonomi, keuangan atau teknis atau pemecatan, jumlah pekerja yang bersangkutan, kategori pekerja yang terkena, kriteria yang diusulkan untuk urutan pemecatan, nomor atau pekerja yang bekerja dalam pembentukan dan jadwal sementara untuk pemecatan. Panitia bekerja atau, dalam ketiadaan, para delegasi staf harus dipanggil untuk konsultasi dua kali. Interval di mana dua pertemuan ini diadakan bervariasi tergantung pada jumlah karyawan yang terkena dampak. Setelah berkonsultasi

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