I did not deny that said: „Cor­rupt wolf rode the run­ning amuck world terjemahan - I did not deny that said: „Cor­rupt wolf rode the run­ning amuck world Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I did not deny that said: „Cor­rupt

I did not deny that said: „Cor­rupt wolf rode the run­ning amuck world, Wan Er you also saw, the cor­rupt wolves of thou­sand peo­ple of tombs rode are over half are the swords­man are the play­ers, shook cuts, the sword air/Qi spa­tially day­break, im­pe­r­ial carte and tierce these out­puts is not the knight and as­cetic per­son can place on a par, the [Zhan Long] iron blade edge rode also about half is the swords­man is the player, the sword, was the kings of hun­dred sol­dier, [Zhan Long] truly needed sev­eral ul­ti­mate sword­smiths”
Lin Wan Er chuckle: „If I have not guessed that wrong, ac­tu­ally you some peo­ple had elected al­ready, right?”
I nod to laugh in spite of try­ing not to: „Ehm, Nan­gong of epic poem trade union def­i­nitely, the Nan­gong spirit brother and sis­ter, that is the sword­smith who I most favor, two peo­ple both are Hangzhou Longquan cast the suc­ces­sor of sword aris­to­cratic fam­ily, is the mod­ern craft casts the mas­ter of sword in the re­al­ity, the tal­ent in game is not oth­ers can com­pare, is not only ex­cel­lent is am­bi­tious re­spec­tively, Nan­gong de­cides this per­son un­usual loy­alty, after join­ing the epic poem trade union, is not will­ing to go to other guild again, I have men­tioned with him, was re­jected, only if the only method is”
Lin Wan Er smiled faintly: „Only if you in­cite some pledge or the friend pledge, ex­tin­guished epic poem trade union, kills guild­mas­ter of epic poem trade union to re­tire, dis­perses this guild, that Nan­gong, can Nan­gong come [Zhan Long] def­i­nitely spirit?”
I smile bit­terly: „Yes, but if by doing so, I and Wei Fan, Fei­long have any­thing to dis­tin­guish in day these peo­ple, did not want not to do to oth­ers, along with rea­son, if pre­des­tined friends, Nan­gong, Nan­gong cer­tainly will come def­i­nitely [Zhan Long] spirit, I, los­ing I as­sign for­tu­nately.”
Lin Wan Er nods: „I add the Nan­gong spirit good friend, mo­men­tar­ily main­tains the re­la­tion, if some day they want to trans­fer, meets first Cooldown to con­tact with me, what kind of?”
„Um, you man­age!”
Cooldown must im­me­di­ately to the high noon, did not have Cooldown to prac­tice the level, there­fore three peo­ple saun­tered around the des­tiny bateau-bridge, pa­trolled to look at the map to be de­tailed, then waited till 12 : 00 pm times, opened the Tian Ling Em­pire of­fi­cial forum , a giant war net day list reap­peared in the right of forum, the place also had change slightly, prob­a­bly syn­the­sized re­cent open coun­try PK and hero's the score of wing, I also first time en­tered the Chi­nese war zone be­fore , ten!
1 st, Fang Geque
2 nd, Q Sword
3 rd, small mon­ster
4 th, Jian Feng Han
5 th, if hun­dred li (0.5km) wind
6 th, Xiao Yao Zi Zai
7 th, Cang Tong
8 th, Ye to come
9 th, Mu Xuan
10 th, Sim­ple
11 th, The Sev­enth Tang
12 th, Cang Yue
13 th, Lu Chun­yang
14 th, Yanzhao un­par­al­leled
15 th, Yue Qing Qian
16 th, dying fresh long sep­a­ra­tion
17 th, gen­eral Li Mu
18 th, Drunken Spear
19 th, Misty Clouds
20 th, gen­eral Wang Jian
This place links me to have a scare, is re­ly­ing on hero's a big game of wing, my place to this sit­u­a­tion, has pro­moted 6 th from 12 th un­ex­pect­edly high in­stan­ta­neously, even also above Lin Wan Er!
More­over, player who Drunken Spear and gen­eral Wang Jian newly is on the list, sink­ing fish, vig­or­ous and res­olute push­ing, the com­pe­ti­tion in des­tiny game was too fierce, if un­able to move for­ward , one will in­evitably lag be­hind, progress slow also will place to retro­cede!
Nearby, Yue Qing Qian said: „Con­grat­u­lated the ram­ble elder brother, the place en­ters first ten!”
I also said with a smile: „Thanks, but this place can­not work as the food to eat, the spear hits the per­son who takes the lead, hop­ing me not to rise was too quick”
Lin Wan Er throws smiles: „Acts in­dif­fer­ent while ac­tu­ally get­ting a prof­itable deal, come, mak­ing me punch!”
I Ha Ha smile: „Was good
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I did not deny that said: „Cor­rupt wolf rode the run­ning amuck world, Wan Er you also saw, the cor­rupt wolves of thou­sand peo­ple of tombs rode are over half are the swords­man are the play­ers, shook cuts, the sword air/Qi spa­tially day­break, im­pe­r­ial carte and tierce these out­puts is not the knight and as­cetic per­son can place on a par, the [Zhan Long] iron blade edge rode also about half is the swords­man is the player, the sword, was the kings of hun­dred sol­dier, [Zhan Long] truly needed sev­eral ul­ti­mate sword­smiths”Lin Wan Er chuckle: „If I have not guessed that wrong, ac­tu­ally you some peo­ple had elected al­ready, right?”I nod to laugh in spite of try­ing not to: „Ehm, Nan­gong of epic poem trade union def­i­nitely, the Nan­gong spirit brother and sis­ter, that is the sword­smith who I most favor, two peo­ple both are Hangzhou Longquan cast the suc­ces­sor of sword aris­to­cratic fam­ily, is the mod­ern craft casts the mas­ter of sword in the re­al­ity, the tal­ent in game is not oth­ers can com­pare, is not only ex­cel­lent is am­bi­tious re­spec­tively, Nan­gong de­cides this per­son un­usual loy­alty, after join­ing the epic poem trade union, is not will­ing to go to other guild again, I have men­tioned with him, was re­jected, only if the only method is”Lin Wan Er smiled faintly: „Only if you in­cite some pledge or the friend pledge, ex­tin­guished epic poem trade union, kills guild­mas­ter of epic poem trade union to re­tire, dis­perses this guild, that Nan­gong, can Nan­gong come [Zhan Long] def­i­nitely spirit?”I smile bit­terly: „Yes, but if by doing so, I and Wei Fan, Fei­long have any­thing to dis­tin­guish in day these peo­ple, did not want not to do to oth­ers, along with rea­son, if pre­des­tined friends, Nan­gong, Nan­gong cer­tainly will come def­i­nitely [Zhan Long] spirit, I, los­ing I as­sign for­tu­nately.”Lin Wan Er nods: „I add the Nan­gong spirit good friend, mo­men­tar­ily main­tains the re­la­tion, if some day they want to trans­fer, meets first Cooldown to con­tact with me, what kind of?”„Um, you man­age!”„Good!”Cooldown must im­me­di­ately to the high noon, did not have Cooldown to prac­tice the level, there­fore three peo­ple saun­tered around the des­tiny bateau-bridge, pa­trolled to look at the map to be de­tailed, then waited till 12 : 00 pm times, opened the Tian Ling Em­pire of­fi­cial forum , a giant war net day list reap­peared in the right of forum, the place also had change slightly, prob­a­bly syn­the­sized re­cent open coun­try PK and hero's the score of wing, I also first time en­tered the Chi­nese war zone be­fore , ten!1 st, Fang Geque2 nd, Q Sword3 rd, small mon­ster4 th, Jian Feng Han5 th, if hun­dred li (0.5km) wind6 th, Xiao Yao Zi Zai7 th, Cang Tong8 th, Ye to come9 th, Mu Xuan10 th, Sim­ple11 th, The Sev­enth Tang12 th, Cang Yue13 th, Lu Chun­yang14 th, Yanzhao un­par­al­leled15 th, Yue Qing Qian16 th, dying fresh long sep­a­ra­tion17 th, gen­eral Li Mu18 th, Drunken Spear19 th, Misty Clouds20 th, gen­eral Wang JianFright­ens?!This place links me to have a scare, is re­ly­ing on hero's a big game of wing, my place to this sit­u­a­tion, has pro­moted 6 th from 12 th un­ex­pect­edly high in­stan­ta­neously, even also above Lin Wan Er!More­over, player who Drunken Spear and gen­eral Wang Jian newly is on the list, sink­ing fish, vig­or­ous and res­olute push­ing, the com­pe­ti­tion in des­tiny game was too fierce, if un­able to move for­ward , one will in­evitably lag be­hind, progress slow also will place to retro­cede!Nearby, Yue Qing Qian said: „Con­grat­u­lated the ram­ble elder brother, the place en­ters first ten!”I also said with a smile: „Thanks, but this place can­not work as the food to eat, the spear hits the per­son who takes the lead, hop­ing me not to rise was too quick”Lin Wan Er throws smiles: „Acts in­dif­fer­ent while ac­tu­ally get­ting a prof­itable deal, come, mak­ing me punch!”I Ha Ha smile: „Was good
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Saya tidak menyangkal bahwa berkata: "serigala Corrupt naik berjalan amuk dunia, Wan Er Anda juga melihat, serigala korup ribu orang dari berkuda makam yang lebih dari setengah adalah pendekar pedang adalah pemain, mengguncang pemotongan, pedang udara / Qi spasial fajar, carte kekaisaran dan Tierce output ini tidak ksatria dan orang pertapa dapat menempatkan sejajar, yang [Zhan panjang] tepi pisau besi naik juga sekitar setengah adalah pendekar adalah pemain, pedang, adalah raja-raja ratus tentara, [Zhan panjang] benar-benar diperlukan beberapa swordsmiths ultimate "
Lin Wan Er tertawa:"? Jika saya tidak menduga bahwa salah, sebenarnya beberapa orang telah terpilih sudah, kan "
aku mengangguk tertawa meskipun berusaha untuk tidak:" Ehm, Nangong epik serikat buruh puisi pasti, yang Nangong semangat kakak dan adik, yang pembuat pedang yang yang saya paling nikmat, dua orang keduanya Hangzhou Longquan dilemparkan penerus pedang keluarga aristokrat, adalah kerajinan yang modern gips master pedang ternyata, bakat dalam permainan tidak lain dapat membandingkan, tidak hanya baik adalah ambisius masing-masing, Nangong memutuskan loyalitas yang tidak biasa orang ini, setelah bergabung dengan puisi epik serikat pekerja, tidak bersedia untuk pergi ke serikat lain lagi, saya telah disebutkan dengan dia, itu ditolak, hanya jika satu-satunya metode adalah "
Lin Wan Er tersenyum samar:" hanya jika Anda menghasut beberapa janji atau teman janji, padam epik puisi serikat buruh, membunuh Guildmaster dari puisi epik serikat pekerja untuk pensiun, menyebar serikat ini, yang Nangong, dapat Nangong datang [Zhan panjang] pasti semangat "?
aku tersenyum getir:" Ya, tapi kalau dengan demikian, saya dan Wei Fan, Feilong memiliki apa-apa untuk membedakan pada hari orang-orang ini, tidak ingin tidak lakukan untuk orang lain, bersama dengan Alasannya, jika ditakdirkan teman, Nangong, Nangong pasti akan datang pasti [Zhan panjang] semangat, saya, kehilangan saya menetapkan untungnya ".
Lin Wan Er mengangguk:" saya menambahkan Nangong semangat teman baik, sesaat mempertahankan hubungan, jika beberapa hari mereka ingin mentransfer, memenuhi Cooldown pertama yang kontak dengan saya, apa? "
" Um, Anda berhasil! "
" Baik! "
Pendinginan harus segera ke tengah hari, tidak memiliki Cooldown berlatih tingkat, oleh karena itu tiga orang melenggang di sekitar takdir bateau-jembatan, berpatroli untuk melihat peta untuk rinci, kemudian menunggu sampai 12: 12:00 kali, membuka forum resmi Tian Ling Empire, perang raksasa daftar hari net muncul kembali di sebelah kanan forum, tempat juga memiliki berubah sedikit, mungkin disintesis terbaru PK negara terbuka dan pahlawan skor sayap, saya juga pertama kali memasuki zona perang Cina sebelum, sepuluh!
1 st, Fang Geque
2 nd, Q Sword
3 rd, kecil rakasa
4 th, Jian Feng Han
5 th, jika ratus li (0.5km) angin
6 th, Xiao Yao Zi Zai
7 th, Cang Tong
8 th, Ye datang
9 th, Mu Xuan
10 th, Simple
11 th, The Seventh Tang
12 th, Cang Yue
13 th, Lu Chunyang
14 th, Yanzhao tak tertandingi
15 th, Yue Qing Qian
16 th, sekarat segar pemisahan panjang
17 th, umum Li Mu
18 th, Drunken Spear
19 th, Misty Clouds
20 th, umum Wang Jian
Membuatmu takut ?!
tempat ini link saya untuk memiliki ketakutan, mengandalkan pahlawan adalah permainan besar sayap, tempat saya untuk situasi ini, telah dipromosikan 6 th dari 12 th tiba-tiba tinggi seketika, bahkan juga di atas Lin Wan Er!
Selain itu, pemain yang Drunken Spear dan umum Wang Jian ! baru pada daftar, tenggelam ikan, kuat dan tegas mendorong, persaingan dalam permainan takdir terlalu sengit, jika tidak mampu bergerak maju, salah satu pasti akan tertinggal di belakang, kemajuan yang lambat juga akan menempatkan ke retrocede
Terdekat, Yue Qing Qian mengatakan: "mengucapkan selamat kepada kakak mengoceh, tempat masuk sepuluh pertama!"
saya juga mengatakan dengan senyum: "Terima kasih, tapi tempat ini tidak bisa bekerja sebagai makanan untuk makan, tombak hits orang yang mengambil memimpin, berharap aku tidak naik terlalu cepat "
Lin Wan Er melempar senyum:" Kisah acuh tak acuh saat benar-benar mendapatkan kesepakatan yang menguntungkan, datang, membuat saya memukul "!
saya Ha Ha tersenyum:" Apakah yang baik
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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