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International Assignee Selection an

International Assignee Selection and Cross-Cultural Training and Development
Paula Caligiuri
Rutgers University (USA) and Università Bocconi (Italy)
Ibraiz Tarique
Pace University (USA)
Multinational firms today compete on the effectiveness and competence of their core human talent around the world. Increasingly, these core individuals are being required to operate effectively across a variety of national borders and in a greater number of cross-national job assignments. These international assignees, including all employees working outside of their own national borders (e.g., parent country nationals, third country nationals, host country nationals), have collectively become vital for the success of multinational firms. These international assignees fill critical staffing needs in subsidiaries, manage key projects, transfer knowledge and corporate culture across geography, work on multinational teams, and perform many other critical tasks for their firms.
International assignments can be very challenging personally. While immersed in new cultural environments, international assignees are out of their own comfort zones and are susceptible to a variety of challenges such as the inability to speak the host national language, the inability to cope with the stress of culture shock, the inability to interact effectively with host nationals, and the like. Past research suggests that individuals who are not predisposed or prepared to confront these challenges may perform poorly, be maladjusted, etc.
Given the criticality of their roles and the associated challenges of living and working in another country, maximizing the cross-national effectiveness of international assignees has become an increasingly important function for researchers and human resources (HR) practitioners alike. From a strategic perspective, optimizing the effectiveness of international assignees – core talent for most multinational firms’ is a significant HR activity. Within an entire HR system, two specific functions which promote cross-cultural effectiveness among international assignees will be the focus of this chapter: (1) selection and (2) training and development. Other HR activities, such as compensation, performance management, and repatriation, will not be discussed in this chapter yet should be integrated into a comprehensive HR program for managing international assignees.
Within the selection and training functions, there are three major areas that have emerged in both the research and practice of managing international assignees. The first includes the individual-level antecedents of international assignee success, such as personality characteristics, language skills, and prior experience living in a different country. The second includes the process issues for effectively selecting global assignees, such as realistic previews, self-selection, and assessment. The third includes training and development issues for preparing international assignees to live and work in new cultural environments such as designing effective crosscultural training programs. This chapter will cover these important areas and offer some suggestions for future research.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
International Assignee Selection and Cross-Cultural Training and Development
Paula Caligiuri
Rutgers University (USA) and Università Bocconi (Italy)
Ibraiz Tarique
Pace University (USA)
Multinational firms today compete on the effectiveness and competence of their core human talent around the world. Increasingly, these core individuals are being required to operate effectively across a variety of national borders and in a greater number of cross-national job assignments. These international assignees, including all employees working outside of their own national borders (e.g., parent country nationals, third country nationals, host country nationals), have collectively become vital for the success of multinational firms. These international assignees fill critical staffing needs in subsidiaries, manage key projects, transfer knowledge and corporate culture across geography, work on multinational teams, and perform many other critical tasks for their firms.
International assignments can be very challenging personally. While immersed in new cultural environments, international assignees are out of their own comfort zones and are susceptible to a variety of challenges such as the inability to speak the host national language, the inability to cope with the stress of culture shock, the inability to interact effectively with host nationals, and the like. Past research suggests that individuals who are not predisposed or prepared to confront these challenges may perform poorly, be maladjusted, etc.
Given the criticality of their roles and the associated challenges of living and working in another country, maximizing the cross-national effectiveness of international assignees has become an increasingly important function for researchers and human resources (HR) practitioners alike. From a strategic perspective, optimizing the effectiveness of international assignees – core talent for most multinational firms’ is a significant HR activity. Within an entire HR system, two specific functions which promote cross-cultural effectiveness among international assignees will be the focus of this chapter: (1) selection and (2) training and development. Other HR activities, such as compensation, performance management, and repatriation, will not be discussed in this chapter yet should be integrated into a comprehensive HR program for managing international assignees.
Within the selection and training functions, there are three major areas that have emerged in both the research and practice of managing international assignees. The first includes the individual-level antecedents of international assignee success, such as personality characteristics, language skills, and prior experience living in a different country. The second includes the process issues for effectively selecting global assignees, such as realistic previews, self-selection, and assessment. The third includes training and development issues for preparing international assignees to live and work in new cultural environments such as designing effective crosscultural training programs. This chapter will cover these important areas and offer some suggestions for future research.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Internasional Ditunjuk seleksi dan-Lintas Budaya Pelatihan dan Pengembangan
Paula Caligiuri
Rutgers University (USA) dan Università Bocconi (Italia)
Ibraiz Tarique
Pace University (USA)
Perusahaan multinasional saat ini bersaing pada efektivitas dan kompetensi bakat manusia inti mereka di seluruh dunia. Semakin, orang-orang inti yang diperlukan untuk beroperasi secara efektif di berbagai batas-batas negara dan dalam lebih banyak tugas pekerjaan lintas-negara. Maskapai assignees internasional, termasuk seluruh karyawan di luar perbatasan mereka sendiri nasional (misalnya, warga negara tua, warga negara ketiga, warga negara tuan rumah) bekerja, secara kolektif menjadi penting bagi keberhasilan perusahaan multinasional. Maskapai assignees internasional memenuhi kebutuhan staf penting pada anak perusahaan, mengelola proyek-proyek kunci, mentransfer pengetahuan dan budaya perusahaan di seluruh geografi, bekerja pada tim multinasional, dan melakukan banyak tugas-tugas penting lainnya untuk perusahaan mereka.
tugas internasional bisa sangat menantang secara pribadi. Sementara terbenam dalam lingkungan budaya baru, penerima pengalihan internasional keluar dari zona kenyamanan mereka sendiri dan rentan terhadap berbagai tantangan seperti ketidakmampuan untuk berbicara bahasa nasional tuan rumah, ketidakmampuan untuk mengatasi stres gegar budaya, ketidakmampuan untuk berinteraksi efektif dengan warga tuan rumah, dan sejenisnya. Penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa orang yang tidak cenderung atau dipersiapkan untuk menghadapi tantangan-tantangan ini dapat berkinerja buruk, akan menyesuaikan diri, dll
Mengingat kekritisan peran dan tantangan terkait hidup dan bekerja di negara lain, memaksimalkan efektivitas lintas-nasional internasional assignees telah menjadi fungsi yang semakin penting bagi para peneliti dan sumber daya manusia (SDM) praktisi sama. Dari perspektif strategis, mengoptimalkan efektivitas assignees internasional - bakat inti untuk sebagian besar perusahaan multinasional 'adalah kegiatan HR yang signifikan. Dalam sistem HR seluruh, dua fungsi khusus yang mempromosikan efektivitas lintas budaya antara assignees internasional akan menjadi fokus dari bab ini: (1) seleksi dan (2) pelatihan dan pengembangan. Kegiatan HR lainnya, seperti kompensasi, manajemen kinerja, dan repatriasi, tidak akan dibahas dalam bab ini belum harus diintegrasikan ke dalam program HR yang komprehensif untuk mengelola assignees internasional.
dalam fungsi seleksi dan pelatihan, ada tiga bidang utama yang muncul baik dalam penelitian dan praktek mengelola assignees internasional. Yang pertama mencakup anteseden individu-tingkat keberhasilan pengalihan internasional, seperti karakteristik kepribadian, kemampuan bahasa, dan pengalaman sebelumnya tinggal di negara yang berbeda. Yang kedua meliputi masalah proses untuk secara efektif memilih assignees global, seperti preview realistis, seleksi mandiri, dan penilaian. Yang ketiga mencakup masalah-masalah pelatihan dan pengembangan untuk mempersiapkan assignees internasional untuk tinggal dan bekerja di lingkungan budaya baru seperti merancang program pelatihan lintas budaya yang efektif. Bab ini akan mencakup daerah-daerah penting dan menawarkan beberapa saran untuk penelitian di masa depan.

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