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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Model berikutnya yang diuji adalah untuk dimensi Civic kebajikan. Total promosi, promosi dan tahunan kinerja Rating secara signifikan berkorelasi dengan Civic kebajikan karena itu telah dimasukkan dalam model sebagai variabel dependen. Hasil dari model yang disajikan dalam tabel berikut.Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa Total promosi dan tahunan kinerja Rating yang secara signifikan tergantung pada keutamaan Civic.OCB-komposit menyusut untuk variabel yang secara signifikan berkorelasi imbalan, hasil yang ditampilkan di le Tab di bawah ini.OCB-komposit terbukti signifikan prediktor Total promosi dan Total kenaikan gaji. Ini menunjukkan bahwa jumlah promosi dan kenaikan gaji persentase karyawan yang menerima seluruh tempoh layanan di bank signifikan tergantung pada tingkat OCB ditampilkan.5. kesimpulanThe purpose of this research was to test relationship of possible variables (Total Promotion, Promotion, Total Salary Increment, Current Salary Increment, and Annual Performance Grade) with OCB in the service sector context. We explored these factors in the context of Pakistan in order to fill the gap and contribute to the emerging theoretical explanation of OCB. Study results indicate that OCB is related to the rewards. Altruism, Courtesy, Conscientiousness and Civic Virtue dimensions OCB-Composite are related to Total Promotions an employee has received from the organization. Promotion is related to Civic Virtue dimension. The people who are promoted display higher level of Civic Virtue than those who have not been promoted. Altruism, Courtesy and Conscientiousness as well as OCB-Composite are related to Total Salary Increments an employee receives. Altruism is related to Current Salary Increment. Sportsmanship and Civic Virtue are related to the Annual Performance Grade the employee receives. All these relationships of OCB and rewards are proven to be significant and positive. Altruism is positively significantly related to the maximum number of rewards proving that higher Altruism leads to more and higher rewards because Altruism is valued much more than any other OCB dimension. This means that the employees who frequently help other coworkers in work-related problems receive more and higher rewards than those who help less frequently.General Linear Multivariate Method (GLMM) results confirm to our expectations that OCB impact the rewards received by employee. Altruism impacts Total Salary Increments and Current Salary Increment positively. The employees, who frequently lend a helping hand to the co-workers, receive higher salary increments than those who help less frequently. Courtesy and Conscientiousness positively predicts Total Promotions and Total Salary Increments The employees, who prevent problems arising from work relationships and those who adhere to the rules and regulations of the organization climb up the rank ladder faster and get higher salary increments for the period of service in the organization. Sportsmanship predicts Current Salary Increment positively implying that employees who tolerate inconveniences without complaining receive more pay raise than those who often complain. Civic Virtue positively predicts Total Promotions and Annual Performance Grade indicating that employees who take active interest in the life of the organization receive more promotions and better performance grade than other employees. This finding is in line with the findings of Indian study by MoideenKutty et al. (2005). OCB-Composite is positive predictor of Total Promotions and Total Salary Increments proving that employees displaying higher level of OCB receive more promotions and higher salary increments throughout their period of service in the organization. At least two rewards are proven to be consequences of OCB-Composite as well as all o its dimensions except Sportsmanship indicating considerable impact of OCB on rewards.
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