by Thephia143
Tags angst comedy fluff romance sooyoung kris sookris | Report Content
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Then all made sense. The hanging lights, the artficial plants and flowers even though they're in a forest beside a lake. A man then approached them and greeted the two of them and said that they should get ready. Without a moment to hesitate, Sooyoung was pushed by Kris to a tent and after that he left.

After an hour or so both stepped out of the respectives tents and was avoiding glances, Kris walks beside her and was trying to get his composure back. He coughed and guided her to where are they supposed to be going.

Sooyoung was irritated by the sudden happening, for the last hour she was dressed into a wedding gown and make up was in her face. The staff told her that it was not really her wedding yet, that made her relieved. It was just a pictorial for their wedding album. She never knew how heavy her gown is, and it was convinient when Kris helped her.

"You should have told me earlier" she muttered

"I don't know either. Mom called me and the the first thing I knew the staff was here" he replied, trying to convince her

She sighed, sign of defeat. Because when it comes to the parent's decision, neither of them can argue. It was their signal to be on the perfect spot for a pictorial, Kris then helps her with her gown. They stand beside awkwardly.

"Please link arms" the photographer demands. He didn't asked but he demanded.

Kris took her arm and linked it with hers. She on the other hand hissed for she only knew that flowers were heavy, she's sweating hard she don't know why. Her heartbeat suddenly raised. Why?


"Seems like you're enjoying this"

He smiled "Definitely. By the way, thanks for yesterday night" he said and winked


"Oh my gosh. Stop with the winking"

They did it with different pose. But the thing that bothered Sooyoung the most was when he wrapped her waist with his arms and place his chin on her shoulder. She gasps and with an annoyed face looked at him.


"Choi Sooyoung. How many kids do you want to make?" he asks

She wore the shocked expression Kris loved and had him laugh.


She suddenly swatted his head with the bouquet of flowers she's holding while Kris was with his wicked grin. The photographer called it over and Sooyoung thank him for that. Both of them quickly changed clothes.

"Im so done with this make-up" she groaned

He was beside her, walking back to camp. It was lunch and both were hungry. Who thought that smiling can be so tiring? They came back and some of the other students have come and greeted them. Sooyoung was even surprised someone asked for her autograph, Kris too has many fans that pushed Sooyoung away from him.

No one actually cared about the treasure hunting anymore and thankfully Krystal just had a minor accident, Kris' fever slowly subsided but it did not faded completely. Sooyoung has to stuff the medicine in his mouth for him to take it in.

"Your relationship is like love and hate huh. Psh so cheesy" Lay blurted all of the sudden.

They were eating together. This is their last meal for this camping, which is so far for Sooyoung fun. Not as much as her past but knowing and meeting new people is fun for her.


Days went by and both Kris and Sooyoung was busy. Sooyoung with the Wedding Preparations and Kris with his company.

Still Sooyoung was worried because of his fever , and had her to decided that she should pay him a visit. These past few days he comes home late. She's still pissed though cause everytime she wakes up, he is beside her. She can't stop to shriek, being beside him gives her a feeling.

As the car drives through the street, her neck snapped and suddenly told the driver to stop. Immediately she stepped out of the car with her face shocked. There stood a billboard, her and him. Of all the pictures why did the photographer chose this.

His hand around her waist and she was wearing the same expression she has now while he was like whispering something to her. It was epic as she face palmed in embarrassment.

They continued to drive until she arrived at the company. The guard of course let her in and gave her a VIP pass. As she strodes, she notices Kris do his rounds, checking the halls. He is followed by his secretary, who for Sooyoung is a new one. As she observes them she laughs, the new secretary is obviously seducing him but to Sooyoung's knowing, Kris is in his formal side.

She proceeds to an area where she spotted the new secretary, hiding her VIP pass she approaches her with a smile.


"Who are you?" the woman asked

"Im the new person to deliver things to the President. Uhmm yeah"

The woman flipped her hair, that hit Sooyoung's face but she immediately backed away "Oh, there's such thing as that? Will you deliver this to him?"

Noticing that she's pissed, Sooyoung asked "Why? What's wrong?"

"He doesn't give in easily" she says "He will soon"

"Why? Is the president seducible?"

"He will. I'll make him give in" she says biting her lip, made Sooyoung disgusted

"Well he now has a wife, does he?"

"I don't care"

Getting slightly pissed, she left the woman and proceeded up. She don't know how will that woman react if she knows, she's the fiancé of the man he tried to seduce. She sighs as she press the buttons in the elevator. Holding the tray with a cup of coffee on it. What is wrong with her, right before she entered the building she has that free mind but now everything to her is confusing. Maybe it's because of that secretary, she's not jealous. No she's not.

The elevator sounded signaling her to go out, but the moment she stepped out she met a wall of hard muscles. It was half of her fault because she was spacing out, but she is truly guilty by the fact that the coffee is now spilled on a perfect white suit of the guy she bumped too. It made her more conscious when she knew the reason why her butt didn't landed on the floor, for his hand was around her waist.

She met his eyes. Shocked and annoyance filled her eyes and face. She initially jumped away from him.



"I thought you were in jail?"

"Im still a minor" he shrugged, he looked at his stained suit "What are you gonna do with this?"

She was about to bow down and say sorry but a hand gripped her immediately. She was dragged to an office, on the way she was not surprised by who was it but the thing that shocked her is his deadly expression. She took a glance at Kyuhyun who was left with his stained shirt.

The guy locked the door. She somehow found herself leaning at it, for he was looking at her with those eyes.

"Choi Sooyoug. Take of your clothes"

Many things were running through her her head, she of course knew why he said that but her blood rushed to her cheecks immediately.

"Kris, not here."

She was really embarrassed but pissed because she was cornered by that guy. He lowered his height to hers and grinned. Suddenly his strong hands made way to her blouse and unbuttoned it. She strongly resisted but in the end she was left with her undergarment, now all of her face is red.

Kris raised her chin "Hmmm. So your pants too?"



Awkward atmosphere for Sooyoung, nothing-really-happened atmosphere to Kris. Wearing Kris' shirt which is two or maybe three times her size, sitting on his couch while waiting for her goddamn clothes to be delivered.

"Im sorry for the last few days. I was not with you in preparing for the wedding" he stood up and walked to the couch and abruptly lied down, using Sooyoung's thigs as a pillow

The startled girl was back to becoming red when he did that but she wasnt able to escape.

"Your busy and-and pssssh what do you know about it anyway?"

She sees him close his eyes and was getting comfortable in what he was doing. She shakes her feet trying to wake him up but still no response.

"Tch. Just stay here and be with your secretary"

Kris opened an eye and grinned "So. That's why you're all grumpy. Oh come on Choi Sooyoung don't be jealous"

"I'm not jealous!"

"Then why is your face red!"

"Because your being comfortable there!"

"I love your thigs. They're soft."


"Tch. Kyuhyun was here"

She stopped ranting and relaxed a little "Yes. He was."

"I knew it." he sighed "Never bump to that person again"

"Yes sir" she scoffed

He closes his eyes again, she kind of let him be because she figured out that Kris is tired. She touched her forehead and felt his forehead. To her surprise the fever is still not gone, she sighed. Maybe Kris didn't take his medicine again. She lets him take a nap.

Why does she feel like she just ran from a marathon? What is this? She ignores it maybe because of Kris sleeping in her thighs, she's embarrassed of course. A knock on the door was heard and Kris didn't even moved a bit. It sounded again and Sooyoung can see him pissed. She was about to leave but Kris opened the door immediately, revealing the secretary.

His face was back to its usual state, the secretary peeked inside and as her eyes landed to the woman who was only wearing a shirt and was in his boss' office. Well she was shocked.

Ignoring Kris she walked inside and tugged Sooyoung.

"What are you doing here?" she asks as if her boss wasn't there

"She spilled the coffee that was supposed to be given to me" Kris replies with arms crossed

The woman's eyes widen "You're fired from your job!"

Sooyoung laughed rather than being pissed, she slowly showed her hand. Emphasizing the ring that is in her finger.

"So what you're gonna slap me?!"

Kris stood in between them suddenly. "You're fired"

"Yes you are." the secretary
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oleh Thephia143
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maka semua masuk akal. Menggantung lampu, artficial tanaman dan bunga meskipun mereka di hutan samping danau. Seorang laki-laki kemudian mendekatinya dan disambut mereka dan mengatakan bahwa mereka harus mendapatkan siap. Tanpa waktu untuk ragu-ragu, Sooyoung didorong oleh Kris tenda dan setelah itu dia kiri.

setelah satu jam atau lebih baik melangkah keluar dari tenda respectives dan adalah menghindari pandang, keris berjalan di sampingnya dan mencoba untuk kembali ketenangannya. Dia batuk dan dipandu dia ke mana mereka seharusnya pergi.

Sooyoung jengkel oleh terjadi tiba-tiba, untuk jam terakhir dia berpakaian dalam gaun dan make up pada wajahnya. Staf mengatakan padanya bahwa itu tidak benar-benar pernikahannya Namun, yang membuatnya lega. Itu hanya pictorial untuk album pernikahan mereka. Dia tidak pernah tahu bagaimana berat adalah dia gaun, dan itu convinient keris membantu her.

"Anda harus telah mengatakan kepada saya sebelumnya" dia bergumam

"Aku tidak tahu baik. Ibu menelepon saya dan hal pertama yang saya tahu adalah di sini "jawabnya, mencoba untuk meyakinkan Victoire

Dia menghela napas, menandatangani kekalahan. Karena ketika datang ke keputusan orangtua, tak satu pun dari mereka bisa berdebat. Ini adalah sinyal mereka berada di tempat yang sempurna untuk pictorial, keris kemudian membantu dia dengan gaun nya. Mereka berdiri di samping canggung.

"Silakan link arms" tuntutan fotografer. Dia tidak bertanya, tetapi ia menuntut.

keris mengambil lengannya dan terkait dengan miliknya. Dia di sisi lain yang mendesis untuk dia hanya tahu bahwa bunga berat, dia berkeringat keras dia tidak tahu mengapa. Detak jantungnya tiba-tiba diangkat. Mengapa?

* klik *

"Tampaknya seperti Anda menikmati ini"

ia tersenyum "pasti. By the way, terima kasih untuk kemarin malam"katanya dan mengedipkan mata

* klik *

" Oh my gosh. Berhenti dengan mengedipkan mata "

mereka melakukannya dengan pose berbeda. Tapi hal yang mengganggu Sooyoung paling ketika ia dibungkus pinggang dengan tangannya dan tempat dagu di bahunya. Dia terengah-engah dan dengan wajah jengkel memandangnya.

* Klik *

"Choi Sooyoung. Berapa banyak anak-anak ingin membuat?"Dia bertanya

dia memakai ekspresi terkejut keris dicintai dan membuatnya tertawa.

* Klik *

Dia tiba-tiba menepuk nyamuk kepalanya dengan karangan bunga yang dia memegang sementara keris dengan seringai jahat nya. Fotografer yang disebut itu atas dan Sooyoung berterima kasih padanya untuk itu. Keduanya cepat berubah pakaian.

"Im begitu selesai dengan make-up ini" Dia mengerang

dia berada di samping dia berjalan kembali ke kamp. Itu adalah makan siang dan keduanya lapar. Siapa yang berpikir itu tersenyum bisa sangat melelahkan? Mereka datang kembali dan beberapa murid lain telah datang dan menyapa mereka. Sooyoung terkejut bahkan seseorang meminta tanda tangan Nya, Kris juga memiliki banyak penggemar yang mendorong Sooyoung darinya.

tak ada yang benar-benar peduli tentang adanya harta karun yang berburu lagi dan untungnya Krystal hanya punya kecelakaan kecil, keris demam perlahan-lahan mereda tetapi itu tidak memudar sama sekali. Sooyoung memiliki barang obat dalam mulutnya baginya untuk mengambil in.

"hubungan Anda adalah seperti cinta dan benci ya. Lay PSH Jadi cheesy"sembur semua tiba-tiba.

mereka sedang makan bersama-sama. Ini adalah santapan terakhir mereka untuk ini berkemah, yang sejauh ini untuk bersenang-senang Sooyoung. Tidak seperti masa lalu tapi mengenal dan bertemu orang baru yang menyenangkan untuknya.


Hari-hari berlalu dan keris dan Sooyoung sibuk. Sooyoung dengan persiapan pernikahan dan keris dengan perusahaan nya.

masih Sooyoung adalah khawatir karena demam nya, dan memiliki dia memutuskan bahwa dia harus membayar kunjungan. Ini beberapa hari ia datang rumah terlambat. Dia masih memiliki kesal meskipun penyebab setiap kali ia bangun, ia adalah sampingnya. Dia tidak berhenti untuk menjerit, menjadi samping dia memberinya perasaan.

seperti mobil drive melalui jalan, lehernya bentak dan tiba-tiba diperintahkan sopir untuk berhenti. Segera ia melangkah keluar dari mobil dengan wajah terkejut. Sana berdiri sebuah papan reklame, dia dan dia. Semua gambar yang mengapa fotografer memilih ini.

Tangannya pinggang dan ia mengenakan ekspresi yang sama dia kini telah sementara ia seperti berbisik sesuatu kepadanya. Itu adalah epik sebagai dia wajah didapat di malu.

mereka terus mendorong sampai dia tiba di perusahaan. Penjaga tentu saja membiarkan dia dan memberinya lulus VIP. Saat ia strodes, ia pemberitahuan keris melakukan berkeliling, memeriksa lorong-lorong. Dia diikuti dengan sekretarisnya, siapa untuk Sooyoung yang baru. Seperti dia melihat mereka tertawa, Sekretaris baru jelas merayu padanya tetapi untuk mengetahui Sooyoung's, keris adalah di sisi formal nya.

ia melanjutkan ke suatu daerah dimana ia melihat Sekretaris baru, menyembunyikan lulus VIP nya dia mendekatinya dengan sebuah senyum.


"Siapa yang kau?" wanita bertanya

"Im orang baru untuk memberikan sesuatu kepada Presiden. a ya "

Wanita membalik rambutnya, yang melanda Sooyoung di wajah tapi dia segera mundur "Oh, ada hal seperti itu? Akan Anda menyampaikan ini kepadanya?"

Memperhatikan bahwa dia marah, Sooyoung bertanya "Mengapa? Apa salah?"

"Ia tidak memberikan mudah" Dia mengatakan "Ia akan segera"

"kenapa? Apakah Presiden seducible?"

"Dia akan. Aku akan membuat dia memberikan "katanya menggigit bibir, membuat Sooyoung jijik

"Baik ia sekarang memiliki seorang isteri, apakah dia?"

"Saya tidak peduli"

mendapatkan sedikit marah, dia meninggalkan wanita dan hingga. Dia tidak tahu bagaimana wanita akan bereaksi jika dia tahu, dia adalah tunangan dari orang yang ia berusaha untuk merayu. Dia mendesah seperti dia tekan tombol di dalam lift. Memegang nampan dengan secangkir kopi di atasnya. Apa salah dengan dirinya, tepat sebelum dia memasuki gedung dia memiliki pikiran yang gratis tapi sekarang semuanya kepadanya membingungkan. Mungkin itu adalah karena Sekretaris, dia tidak cemburu. Tidak dia adalah bukan.

Lift terdengar sinyal dia pergi, tapi saat dia melangkah keluar, ia bertemu dinding otot keras. Itu setengah dari kesalahan nya karena dia adalah spasi keluar, tapi dia benar-benar bersalah oleh fakta bahwa kopi adalah sekarang tumpah di setelan putih sempurna dari guy dia bertemu terlalu. Itu membuat dia lebih sadar ketika dia tahu alasan mengapa pantatnya tidak mendarat di lantai, karena tangannya di sekitar pinggang Nya.

bertemu matanya. Terkejut dan gangguan penuh nya mata dan wajah. Ia awalnya melompat darinya.



"Saya pikir Anda berada di penjara?"

"Im masih kecil" ia mengangkat, ia memandang nya bernoda sesuai dengan "Apa yang Anda akan lakukan dengan ini?"

Dia untuk sujud menyembah dan berkata maaf tapi tangan mencengkeram dia segera. Ia diseret ke kantor, di jalan dia tidak terkejut oleh siapa itu tetapi hal yang mengejutkan dia adalah ekspresi mematikan. Ia mengambil sekilas Kyuhyun yang ditinggalkan dengan kemeja nya bernoda.

pria mengunci pintu. Dia entah bagaimana menemukan dirinya bersandar pada saat itu, karena Dia menatapnya dengan mata mereka.

"Choi Sooyoug. Mengambil pakaian Anda"

banyak hal berjalan melalui dirinya kepalanya, ia tentu tahu mengapa dia mengatakan bahwa tapi darahnya bergegas ke cheecks nya segera.

"Keris, tidak ada di sini."

Dia benar-benar malu tapi kesal karena dia adalah terpojok oleh orang itu. Dia menurunkan ketinggian untuk miliknya dan tersenyum. Tiba-tiba tangannya yang kuat membuat jalan ke blus dan membuka kancing itu. Dia sangat ditentang tetapi pada akhirnya ia pergi dengan pakaian dalam nya, sekarang semua wajah secara

keris menaikkan dagunya "Hmmm. Jadi celana Anda terlalu? "



Suasana canggung untuk Sooyoung, tidak ada-sebenarnya-terjadi suasana keris. Mengenakan kemeja keris yang merupakan dua atau mungkin tiga kali ukuran nya, duduk di sofa sambil menunggu pakaiannya goddamn diserahkan.

"Im sorry untuk beberapa hari terakhir. Saya tidak dengan Anda dalam mempersiapkan pernikahan "ia berdiri dan berjalan ke sofa dan tiba-tiba berbohong, menggunakan thigs Sooyoung di sebagai bantal

Terkejut gadis itu kembali ke menjadi merah ketika dia melakukan itu tapi dia tidak dapat melarikan diri.

"Anda sibuk dan- dan pssssh apa yang Anda ketahui tentang hal itu tetap?"

Dia melihat dia menutup matanya dan semakin nyaman dalam apa yang dia lakukan. Ia menjabat kakinya mencoba untuk membangunkannya tapi masih tidak ada respon.

"Tch. Hanya tinggal di sini dan dengan Sekretaris Anda "

keris membuka mata dan tersenyum"jadi. Itu sebabnya Anda semua marah-marah. Oh datang di Choi Sooyoung jangan cemburu"

"Aku tidak iri!"

"Maka mengapa adalah wajahmu merah!"

"Karena Anda menjadi nyaman tidak!"

"Aku cinta thigs Anda. They're lembut."


" Tch. Kyuhyun adalah di sini "

Dia berhenti mengomel dan santai sedikit"ya. Ia adalah."

"Aku tahu itu."ia mendesah"Tidak pernah bertemu dengan orang itu lagi"

"Ya Pak"dia mendengus

ia menutup matanya lagi, dia semacam membiarkannya karena ia tahu bahwa keris lelah. Dia menyentuh dahinya dan merasa dahinya. Untuk mengejutkan demam masih tidak pergi, Dia menghela napas. Mungkin keris tidak meminum obat nya lagi. Membiarkan dia mengambil nap.

mengapa ia tidak merasa seperti dia hanya berlari dari maraton? Apa ini? Dia mengabaikan hal itu mungkin karena keris yang tidur di paha, ia merasa malu tentu saja. Ketukan di pintu terdengar dan keris tidak bahkan bergerak sedikit. Itu terdengar lagi dan Sooyoung bisa melihat dia marah. Dia meninggalkan tapi keris membuka pintu segera, mengungkapkan Sekretaris.

wajahnya kembali ke keadaan biasa, Sekretaris mengintip di dalam dan sebagai matanya mendarat kepada wanita yang hanya mengenakan kemeja dan berada di kantor bosnya. Yah dia terkejut.

keris mengabaikan dia melangkah masuk dan menarik Sooyoung.

"Apa yang Anda lakukan di sini?" Dia bertanya seolah-olah bosnya tidak ada

"Dia menumpahkan kopi yang seharusnya diberikan kepada saya" Kris menjawab dengan lengan menyeberangi

Mata wanita memperluas "Anda Anda dipecat dari pekerjaan Anda!"

Sooyoung tertawa daripada menjadi marah, ia perlahan-lahan menunjukkan tangannya. Menekankan cincin di jari nya.

"Jadi apa Anda akan menampar saya?"

Keris yang berdiri di antara mereka tiba-tiba. "Anda sedang dipecat"

"Ya Anda adalah." Sekretaris
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
by Thephia143
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Then all made sense. The hanging lights, the artficial plants and flowers even though they're in a forest beside a lake. A man then approached them and greeted the two of them and said that they should get ready. Without a moment to hesitate, Sooyoung was pushed by Kris to a tent and after that he left.

After an hour or so both stepped out of the respectives tents and was avoiding glances, Kris walks beside her and was trying to get his composure back. He coughed and guided her to where are they supposed to be going.

Sooyoung was irritated by the sudden happening, for the last hour she was dressed into a wedding gown and make up was in her face. The staff told her that it was not really her wedding yet, that made her relieved. It was just a pictorial for their wedding album. She never knew how heavy her gown is, and it was convinient when Kris helped her.

"You should have told me earlier" she muttered

"I don't know either. Mom called me and the the first thing I knew the staff was here" he replied, trying to convince her

She sighed, sign of defeat. Because when it comes to the parent's decision, neither of them can argue. It was their signal to be on the perfect spot for a pictorial, Kris then helps her with her gown. They stand beside awkwardly.

"Please link arms" the photographer demands. He didn't asked but he demanded.

Kris took her arm and linked it with hers. She on the other hand hissed for she only knew that flowers were heavy, she's sweating hard she don't know why. Her heartbeat suddenly raised. Why?


"Seems like you're enjoying this"

He smiled "Definitely. By the way, thanks for yesterday night" he said and winked


"Oh my gosh. Stop with the winking"

They did it with different pose. But the thing that bothered Sooyoung the most was when he wrapped her waist with his arms and place his chin on her shoulder. She gasps and with an annoyed face looked at him.


"Choi Sooyoung. How many kids do you want to make?" he asks

She wore the shocked expression Kris loved and had him laugh.


She suddenly swatted his head with the bouquet of flowers she's holding while Kris was with his wicked grin. The photographer called it over and Sooyoung thank him for that. Both of them quickly changed clothes.

"Im so done with this make-up" she groaned

He was beside her, walking back to camp. It was lunch and both were hungry. Who thought that smiling can be so tiring? They came back and some of the other students have come and greeted them. Sooyoung was even surprised someone asked for her autograph, Kris too has many fans that pushed Sooyoung away from him.

No one actually cared about the treasure hunting anymore and thankfully Krystal just had a minor accident, Kris' fever slowly subsided but it did not faded completely. Sooyoung has to stuff the medicine in his mouth for him to take it in.

"Your relationship is like love and hate huh. Psh so cheesy" Lay blurted all of the sudden.

They were eating together. This is their last meal for this camping, which is so far for Sooyoung fun. Not as much as her past but knowing and meeting new people is fun for her.


Days went by and both Kris and Sooyoung was busy. Sooyoung with the Wedding Preparations and Kris with his company.

Still Sooyoung was worried because of his fever , and had her to decided that she should pay him a visit. These past few days he comes home late. She's still pissed though cause everytime she wakes up, he is beside her. She can't stop to shriek, being beside him gives her a feeling.

As the car drives through the street, her neck snapped and suddenly told the driver to stop. Immediately she stepped out of the car with her face shocked. There stood a billboard, her and him. Of all the pictures why did the photographer chose this.

His hand around her waist and she was wearing the same expression she has now while he was like whispering something to her. It was epic as she face palmed in embarrassment.

They continued to drive until she arrived at the company. The guard of course let her in and gave her a VIP pass. As she strodes, she notices Kris do his rounds, checking the halls. He is followed by his secretary, who for Sooyoung is a new one. As she observes them she laughs, the new secretary is obviously seducing him but to Sooyoung's knowing, Kris is in his formal side.

She proceeds to an area where she spotted the new secretary, hiding her VIP pass she approaches her with a smile.


"Who are you?" the woman asked

"Im the new person to deliver things to the President. Uhmm yeah"

The woman flipped her hair, that hit Sooyoung's face but she immediately backed away "Oh, there's such thing as that? Will you deliver this to him?"

Noticing that she's pissed, Sooyoung asked "Why? What's wrong?"

"He doesn't give in easily" she says "He will soon"

"Why? Is the president seducible?"

"He will. I'll make him give in" she says biting her lip, made Sooyoung disgusted

"Well he now has a wife, does he?"

"I don't care"

Getting slightly pissed, she left the woman and proceeded up. She don't know how will that woman react if she knows, she's the fiancé of the man he tried to seduce. She sighs as she press the buttons in the elevator. Holding the tray with a cup of coffee on it. What is wrong with her, right before she entered the building she has that free mind but now everything to her is confusing. Maybe it's because of that secretary, she's not jealous. No she's not.

The elevator sounded signaling her to go out, but the moment she stepped out she met a wall of hard muscles. It was half of her fault because she was spacing out, but she is truly guilty by the fact that the coffee is now spilled on a perfect white suit of the guy she bumped too. It made her more conscious when she knew the reason why her butt didn't landed on the floor, for his hand was around her waist.

She met his eyes. Shocked and annoyance filled her eyes and face. She initially jumped away from him.



"I thought you were in jail?"

"Im still a minor" he shrugged, he looked at his stained suit "What are you gonna do with this?"

She was about to bow down and say sorry but a hand gripped her immediately. She was dragged to an office, on the way she was not surprised by who was it but the thing that shocked her is his deadly expression. She took a glance at Kyuhyun who was left with his stained shirt.

The guy locked the door. She somehow found herself leaning at it, for he was looking at her with those eyes.

"Choi Sooyoug. Take of your clothes"

Many things were running through her her head, she of course knew why he said that but her blood rushed to her cheecks immediately.

"Kris, not here."

She was really embarrassed but pissed because she was cornered by that guy. He lowered his height to hers and grinned. Suddenly his strong hands made way to her blouse and unbuttoned it. She strongly resisted but in the end she was left with her undergarment, now all of her face is red.

Kris raised her chin "Hmmm. So your pants too?"



Awkward atmosphere for Sooyoung, nothing-really-happened atmosphere to Kris. Wearing Kris' shirt which is two or maybe three times her size, sitting on his couch while waiting for her goddamn clothes to be delivered.

"Im sorry for the last few days. I was not with you in preparing for the wedding" he stood up and walked to the couch and abruptly lied down, using Sooyoung's thigs as a pillow

The startled girl was back to becoming red when he did that but she wasnt able to escape.

"Your busy and-and pssssh what do you know about it anyway?"

She sees him close his eyes and was getting comfortable in what he was doing. She shakes her feet trying to wake him up but still no response.

"Tch. Just stay here and be with your secretary"

Kris opened an eye and grinned "So. That's why you're all grumpy. Oh come on Choi Sooyoung don't be jealous"

"I'm not jealous!"

"Then why is your face red!"

"Because your being comfortable there!"

"I love your thigs. They're soft."


"Tch. Kyuhyun was here"

She stopped ranting and relaxed a little "Yes. He was."

"I knew it." he sighed "Never bump to that person again"

"Yes sir" she scoffed

He closes his eyes again, she kind of let him be because she figured out that Kris is tired. She touched her forehead and felt his forehead. To her surprise the fever is still not gone, she sighed. Maybe Kris didn't take his medicine again. She lets him take a nap.

Why does she feel like she just ran from a marathon? What is this? She ignores it maybe because of Kris sleeping in her thighs, she's embarrassed of course. A knock on the door was heard and Kris didn't even moved a bit. It sounded again and Sooyoung can see him pissed. She was about to leave but Kris opened the door immediately, revealing the secretary.

His face was back to its usual state, the secretary peeked inside and as her eyes landed to the woman who was only wearing a shirt and was in his boss' office. Well she was shocked.

Ignoring Kris she walked inside and tugged Sooyoung.

"What are you doing here?" she asks as if her boss wasn't there

"She spilled the coffee that was supposed to be given to me" Kris replies with arms crossed

The woman's eyes widen "You're fired from your job!"

Sooyoung laughed rather than being pissed, she slowly showed her hand. Emphasizing the ring that is in her finger.

"So what you're gonna slap me?!"

Kris stood in between them suddenly. "You're fired"

"Yes you are." the secretary
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