them to outperform their rivals. These unique skills and as-sets (reso terjemahan - them to outperform their rivals. These unique skills and as-sets (reso Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

them to outperform their rivals. Th

them to outperform their rivals. These unique skills and as-sets (resources) are referred to as sources of competitive ad-vantage in strategy literature.2 Competitive advantage can re¬sult either from implementing a value-creating strategy not simultaneously being implemented by any current or poten¬tial competitors (Barney, McWilliams, and Turk 1989; Bar¬ney 1991) or through superior execution of the same strat¬egy as competitors. Sustainability is achieved when the ad¬vantage resists erosion by competitor behavior (Porter 1985, p.20). In other words, the skills and resources under¬lying a business's competitive advantage must resist dupli¬cation by other firms (Barney 1991). Case in point:
ServiceMaster is a company that manages support ser¬vices for hospitals, schools, and industrial companies. It su-pervises the employees of customers' organizations en¬gaged in housekeeping, food service, and equipment main-tenance. The company has been successful in using its unique resources and skills (specifically, system econ¬omies and specialized management skills) to raise the qual¬ity of its customers' maintenance services and at the same time lowering their costs. Using its data base (a firm-specific resource), which covers more than a decade of maintenance history on several millon pieces of equip¬ment at thousands of locations, ServiceMaster can deter¬mine objectively how its customers' facilities should be maintained, when equipment purchases and maintenance will pay off, and when parts should be replaced. The ef¬fectiveness of ServiceMaster's systems are reportedly such that its customers often invest jointly in new equip¬ment and share the resulting productivity gains (see Quinn, Doorley, and Paquette 1990).
Conditions for Sustainable Competitive Advantage
A number of studies have explored the conditions under which a business's competitive advantage is sustainable (cf. Barney 1991; Coyne 1985). Barney lists four essential re¬quirements for a resource/skill to be a source of SCA:
• It must be valuable;
• It must be rare among a firm's current and potential competitors
• It must be imperfectly imitable; and
• There must not be any strategically equivalent substitutes for this resource/skill.
Firm resources and skills are considered valuable when they aid a firm in formulating and implementing strategies that improve its efficiency and/or effectiveness. However, if certain resources/skills are possessed by a large number of present or potential competitors, they cannot be a source of SCA. Valuable and rare organizational resources/skills can be sources of SCA only if firms that do not possess these re¬sources cannot obtain them (as a direct consequence of a ca¬pability gap [Coyne 1985], die critical resources being im¬perfectly imitable [Lippman and Rumelt 1982; Coyne 1985; Barney 1986a; 1986b]). The final requirement for a re¬source/skill to be a source of SCA is that the resource/skill be nonsubstitutable. Substitutability can take two forms. If a competitor cannot duplicate a firm's resources/skills ex-actly, but can substitute similar resources that enable it to
2For a discussion on the distinctive competencies/competitive capabili¬ties underlying the superior performance of two superior performers in the banking sector—Wachovia Corporation and Bank One—see Stalk, Evans and Shulman (1992, pp. 68-69).

formulate and implement identical strategies and use very different resources/skills as strategic substitutes (see Barney 1991), then a resource/skill cannot be a source of SCA.
Coyne (1985) points out that, not only must a firm have a skill or resource that its competitors do not have (i.e., there must be a capability gap), but also the capability gap must make a difference to the customer. In other words, for a business to enjoy a SCA in a product-market segment, the difference(s) between the firm and its competitors must be reflected in one or more product/delivery attributes that are key buying criteria. Furthermore, in order for a competitive advantage to be sustainable, both the key buying criteria and the underlying capability gap must be enduring. Addi¬tionally, in the face of changes in key buying criteria, the sus¬tainability of a business's competitive advantage would de¬pend on its ability to adapt to these changes and/or influ¬ence key buying criteria (see Boulding et al. 1993; Hamel and Prahalad 1991; Treacy and Wiersema 1993).
A Conceptual Model of Sustainable Competitive Advantage
A conceptual model of SCA in service industries, which builds on the works by Barney (1991), Coyne (1985, 1989), Day and Wensley (1988), Dierickx and Cool (1989), Lippman and Rumelt (1982), and Reed and Defillipi (1990), among others, is presented in Figure 1. Here a firm's distinctive organizational skills and resources are viewed as the source of a business's competitive advan¬tages in the marketplace.3 The characteristics of services, ser¬vice industries and firms within an industry are shown as moderating the skills and resources underlying a business's competitive positional advantages. The sustainability of a business's competitive advantages is viewed as contingent on barriers to imitation of its unique skills and resources. The model further suggests that sustainable competitive ad-vantages are a key to sustained, superior long-term perfor-mance. Reinvestments in both present and new skills and re¬sources are viewed as critical to strengthening (or prevent-ing erosion of) competitive advantages. A detailed discus-sion of the constructs central to the model and the proposed links follows.
Sources of Competitive Advantage
Researchers generally distinguish between two broad sources of competitive advantage—unique resources (as-sets) and distinctive skills (capabilities). Day and Wensley (1988) characterize superior skills as the distinctive capabil-ities of a firm's personnel that set them apart from the per-sonnel of competing firms and superior resources as more tangible requirements for advantage that enable a firm to ex¬ercise its capabilities.4 These two broad sets of sources ena¬ble a business to perform the various primary and secon¬dary value activities that compose its value chain either at a lower cost or in a way that leads to differentiation. They fa-
3The skills and resources underlying a business's positional advantages listed in Figure 1 and discussed in this article are intended to be illustrative rather than exhaustive. The principal focus here is on skills and resources that could impact differentially on competitive advantage across service in¬dustries.
4Finer distinctions of resources and skills are provided by Williams (1992), and Lado, Boyd, and Wright (1992).

84 / Journal of Marketing, October 1993
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them to outperform their rivals. These unique skills and as-sets (resources) are referred to as sources of competitive ad-vantage in strategy literature.2 Competitive advantage can re¬sult either from implementing a value-creating strategy not simultaneously being implemented by any current or poten¬tial competitors (Barney, McWilliams, and Turk 1989; Bar¬ney 1991) or through superior execution of the same strat¬egy as competitors. Sustainability is achieved when the ad¬vantage resists erosion by competitor behavior (Porter 1985, p.20). In other words, the skills and resources under¬lying a business's competitive advantage must resist dupli¬cation by other firms (Barney 1991). Case in point:ServiceMaster is a company that manages support ser¬vices for hospitals, schools, and industrial companies. It su-pervises the employees of customers' organizations en¬gaged in housekeeping, food service, and equipment main-tenance. The company has been successful in using its unique resources and skills (specifically, system econ¬omies and specialized management skills) to raise the qual¬ity of its customers' maintenance services and at the same time lowering their costs. Using its data base (a firm-specific resource), which covers more than a decade of maintenance history on several millon pieces of equip¬ment at thousands of locations, ServiceMaster can deter¬mine objectively how its customers' facilities should be maintained, when equipment purchases and maintenance will pay off, and when parts should be replaced. The ef¬fectiveness of ServiceMaster's systems are reportedly such that its customers often invest jointly in new equip¬ment and share the resulting productivity gains (see Quinn, Doorley, and Paquette 1990).Conditions for Sustainable Competitive AdvantageA number of studies have explored the conditions under which a business's competitive advantage is sustainable (cf. Barney 1991; Coyne 1985). Barney lists four essential re¬quirements for a resource/skill to be a source of SCA:• It must be valuable;• It must be rare among a firm's current and potential competitors• It must be imperfectly imitable; and• There must not be any strategically equivalent substitutes for this resource/skill.Firm resources and skills are considered valuable when they aid a firm in formulating and implementing strategies that improve its efficiency and/or effectiveness. However, if certain resources/skills are possessed by a large number of present or potential competitors, they cannot be a source of SCA. Valuable and rare organizational resources/skills can be sources of SCA only if firms that do not possess these re¬sources cannot obtain them (as a direct consequence of a ca¬pability gap [Coyne 1985], die critical resources being im¬perfectly imitable [Lippman and Rumelt 1982; Coyne 1985; Barney 1986a; 1986b]). The final requirement for a re¬source/skill to be a source of SCA is that the resource/skill be nonsubstitutable. Substitutability can take two forms. If a competitor cannot duplicate a firm's resources/skills ex-actly, but can substitute similar resources that enable it to2For a discussion on the distinctive competencies/competitive capabili¬ties underlying the superior performance of two superior performers in the banking sector—Wachovia Corporation and Bank One—see Stalk, Evans and Shulman (1992, pp. 68-69). formulate and implement identical strategies and use very different resources/skills as strategic substitutes (see Barney 1991), then a resource/skill cannot be a source of SCA.Coyne (1985) points out that, not only must a firm have a skill or resource that its competitors do not have (i.e., there must be a capability gap), but also the capability gap must make a difference to the customer. In other words, for a business to enjoy a SCA in a product-market segment, the difference(s) between the firm and its competitors must be reflected in one or more product/delivery attributes that are key buying criteria. Furthermore, in order for a competitive advantage to be sustainable, both the key buying criteria and the underlying capability gap must be enduring. Addi¬tionally, in the face of changes in key buying criteria, the sus¬tainability of a business's competitive advantage would de¬pend on its ability to adapt to these changes and/or influ¬ence key buying criteria (see Boulding et al. 1993; Hamel and Prahalad 1991; Treacy and Wiersema 1993).A Conceptual Model of Sustainable Competitive AdvantageA conceptual model of SCA in service industries, which builds on the works by Barney (1991), Coyne (1985, 1989), Day and Wensley (1988), Dierickx and Cool (1989), Lippman and Rumelt (1982), and Reed and Defillipi (1990), among others, is presented in Figure 1. Here a firm's distinctive organizational skills and resources are viewed as the source of a business's competitive advan¬tages in the marketplace.3 The characteristics of services, ser¬vice industries and firms within an industry are shown as moderating the skills and resources underlying a business's competitive positional advantages. The sustainability of a business's competitive advantages is viewed as contingent on barriers to imitation of its unique skills and resources. The model further suggests that sustainable competitive ad-vantages are a key to sustained, superior long-term perfor-mance. Reinvestments in both present and new skills and re¬sources are viewed as critical to strengthening (or prevent-ing erosion of) competitive advantages. A detailed discus-sion of the constructs central to the model and the proposed links follows.Sources of Competitive AdvantageResearchers generally distinguish between two broad sources of competitive advantage—unique resources (as-sets) and distinctive skills (capabilities). Day and Wensley (1988) characterize superior skills as the distinctive capabil-ities of a firm's personnel that set them apart from the per-sonnel of competing firms and superior resources as more tangible requirements for advantage that enable a firm to ex¬ercise its capabilities.4 These two broad sets of sources ena¬ble a business to perform the various primary and secon¬dary value activities that compose its value chain either at a lower cost or in a way that leads to differentiation. They fa-3The skills and resources underlying a business's positional advantages listed in Figure 1 and discussed in this article are intended to be illustrative rather than exhaustive. The principal focus here is on skills and resources that could impact differentially on competitive advantage across service in¬dustries.
4Finer distinctions of resources and skills are provided by Williams (1992), and Lado, Boyd, and Wright (1992).

84 / Journal of Marketing, October 1993
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
mereka untuk mengungguli saingan mereka. Keterampilan ini unik dan as-set (sumber) yang disebut sebagai sumber kompetitif ad-pandang dalam strategi literature.2 Keunggulan kompetitif dapat re¬sult baik dari menerapkan strategi penciptaan nilai tidak secara simultan dilaksanakan oleh setiap arus atau poten¬tial pesaing (Barney, McWilliams, dan Turk 1989; Bar¬ney 1991) atau melalui eksekusi unggul dari strat¬egy sama pesaing. Keberlanjutan dicapai ketika ad¬vantage yang menolak erosi oleh perilaku pesaing (Porter 1985, P.20). Dengan kata lain, keterampilan dan sumber daya under¬lying keunggulan kompetitif suatu bisnis harus menahan dupli¬cation oleh perusahaan lain (Barney 1991). Contoh kasus:
ServiceMaster adalah sebuah perusahaan yang mengelola ser¬vices dukungan untuk rumah sakit, sekolah, dan perusahaan industri. Ini su-pervises karyawan organisasi pelanggan en¬gaged di rumah tangga, pelayanan makanan, dan peralatan utama-tenance. Perusahaan telah berhasil dalam menggunakan sumber daya yang unik dan keterampilan (khususnya, econ¬omies sistem dan keterampilan manajemen khusus) untuk menaikkan qual¬ity jasa pemeliharaan pelanggan 'dan pada saat yang sama menurunkan biaya mereka. Menggunakan nya data base (sumber daya spesifik perusahaan), yang mencakup lebih dari satu dekade sejarah pemeliharaan pada beberapa potong juta, dari equip¬ment di ribuan lokasi, ServiceMaster dapat deter¬mine obyektif bagaimana fasilitas pelanggan 'harus dipertahankan, ketika pembelian peralatan dan pemeliharaan akan membayar, dan ketika bagian harus diganti. The ef¬fectiveness sistem ServiceMaster ini dilaporkan sehingga pelanggan sering berinvestasi bersama-sama di equip¬ment baru dan berbagi keuntungan produktivitas yang dihasilkan (lihat Quinn, Doorley, dan Paquette 1990).
Kondisi untuk Keunggulan Kompetitif Berkelanjutan
Sejumlah studi telah meneliti kondisi di mana keunggulan kompetitif suatu bisnis berkelanjutan (lih Barney 1991; Coyne 1985). Barney berisi empat re¬quirements penting untuk sumber daya / keterampilan untuk menjadi sumber SCA:
• Ini harus berharga;
• Ini harus menjadi langka di antara pesaing suatu perusahaan saat ini dan potensi
• Ini harus menjadi tidak sempurna imitable; dan
• Tidak boleh saja pengganti strategis setara untuk sumber daya ini / keterampilan.
sumber Firm dan keterampilan yang dianggap berharga ketika mereka membantu perusahaan dalam merumuskan dan menerapkan strategi yang meningkatkan efisiensi dan / atau efektivitas. Namun, jika sumber daya tertentu / keterampilan yang dimiliki oleh sejumlah besar pesaing hadir atau potensial, mereka tidak bisa menjadi sumber SCA. Berharga dan langka organisasi sumber / keterampilan dapat menjadi sumber dari SCA hanya jika perusahaan-perusahaan yang tidak memiliki re¬sources ini tidak bisa mendapatkan mereka (sebagai akibat langsung dari kesenjangan ca¬pability [Coyne 1985], mati sumber daya kritis menjadi im¬perfectly imitable [Lippman dan Rumelt 1982; Coyne 1985; Barney 1986a; 1986b]). Persyaratan akhir untuk re¬source / keterampilan untuk menjadi sumber SCA adalah bahwa sumber daya / skill menjadi nonsubstitutable. Substitusi dapat mengambil dua bentuk. Jika pesaing tidak dapat menduplikasi sebuah perusahaan sumber / keterampilan mantan actly, tapi untuk menggantikan sumber serupa yang memungkinkan untuk
2Sebab diskusi tentang kompetensi khas / capabili¬ties kompetitif yang mendasari kinerja yang unggul dari dua pemain unggul di perbankan sektor-Wachovia Perusahaan dan Bank One-lihat Batang, Evans dan Shulman (1992, hlm. 68-69). merumuskan dan menerapkan strategi yang sama dan menggunakan sumber daya yang sangat berbeda / keterampilan sebagai pengganti strategis (lihat Barney 1991), maka sumber daya / keterampilan dapat menjadi sumber tidak SCA. Coyne (1985) menunjukkan bahwa, tidak hanya harus sebuah perusahaan memiliki keahlian atau sumber daya yang pesaingnya tidak memiliki (yaitu, harus ada kesenjangan kemampuan), tetapi juga kesenjangan kemampuan harus membuat perbedaan untuk pelanggan . Dengan kata lain, untuk sebuah bisnis untuk menikmati SCA di segmen produk-pasar, perbedaan (s) antara perusahaan dan pesaingnya harus tercermin dalam atribut satu atau lebih produk / pengiriman yang kriteria membeli kunci. Selanjutnya, dalam rangka untuk keunggulan kompetitif untuk menjadi berkelanjutan, baik kriteria membeli kunci dan kesenjangan kemampuan yang mendasari harus abadi. Addi¬tionally, dalam menghadapi perubahan kriteria pembelian kunci, sus¬tainability keunggulan kompetitif suatu bisnis akan de¬pend pada kemampuannya untuk beradaptasi dengan perubahan ini dan / atau influ¬ence kriteria membeli kunci (lihat Boulding et al. 1993; Hamel dan Prahalad 1991; Treacy dan Wiersema 1993). Model konseptual Keunggulan Kompetitif Berkelanjutan Sebuah model konseptual SCA di industri jasa, yang dibangun pada karya Barney (1991), Coyne (1985, 1989), Hari dan Wensley (1988), Dierickx dan Cool (1989), Lippman dan Rumelt (1982), dan Reed dan Defillipi (1990), antara lain, disajikan pada Gambar 1. Berikut keterampilan organisasi khas perusahaan dan sumber daya dipandang sebagai sumber dari advan¬tages kompetitif bisnis di marketplace.3 The karakteristik layanan, industri ser¬vice dan perusahaan dalam suatu industri akan ditampilkan sebagai moderat keterampilan dan sumber daya yang mendasari keunggulan posisional kompetitif bisnis. Keberlanjutan keunggulan kompetitif suatu bisnis dipandang sebagai bergantung pada hambatan imitasi keterampilan dan sumber daya yang unik. Model lanjut menunjukkan bahwa kompetitif iklan-vantages berkelanjutan adalah kunci untuk berkelanjutan, superior jangka panjang perfor-Mance. Reinvestments di kedua keterampilan ini dan baru dan re¬sources dipandang sebagai penting untuk memperkuat (atau mencegah-ing erosi) keunggulan kompetitif. Sebuah rinci diskus-sion dari konstruk sentral untuk model dan link yang diusulkan berikut. Sumber Keunggulan Kompetitif Para peneliti umumnya membedakan antara dua sumber yang luas dari sumber daya kompetitif yang unik keuntungan-(as-set) dan keterampilan khas (kemampuan). Hari dan Wensley (1988) mencirikan kemampuan superior sebagai khas capabil-tanggung personil suatu perusahaan yang membedakan mereka dari per-personil bersaing perusahaan dan sumber daya unggul sebagai persyaratan yang lebih nyata bagi keuntungan yang memungkinkan perusahaan untuk ex¬ercise kemampuannya 0,4 Kedua set luas sumber ena¬ble bisnis untuk melakukan berbagai kegiatan nilai utama dan secon¬dary yang membentuk rantai nilai baik dengan biaya yang lebih rendah atau dengan cara yang mengarah ke diferensiasi. Mereka FA keterampilan 3The dan sumber daya yang mendasari keuntungan posisional bisnis yang terdaftar pada Gambar 1 dan dibahas dalam artikel ini dimaksudkan untuk menjadi ilustrasi daripada lengkap. Fokus utama di sini adalah pada kemampuan dan sumber daya yang dapat berdampak berbeda-beda pada keunggulan kompetitif di in¬dustries layanan. Perbedaan 4Finer sumber daya dan keterampilan yang diberikan oleh Williams (1992), dan Lado, Boyd, dan Wright (1992). 84 / Journal Pemasaran, Oktober 1993

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