#1272: Without the escape route! ( Second )
The matter of Meng Clan, Meng Hao in starry sky Ancient Gate fog, he does not know, under has the extrusion of that terrifying, spiritual sense can also shortly the extruded smashing.
And Meng Hao present entire energy, on this Ancient Tribulation, this is this life has seen, experiences, most dangerous catastrophe!
Even he has not grasped can succeed , when plunders, no matter the Meng Hao wish is anything, needs Transcends Tribulation, if not cross, must die, only has to cross ... Has that a slim chance of survival.
Thunders dreadful, Meng Hao at this moment, is experiencing this life, even has surpassed the life and death crisis when Ru Feng Plane, his all around, three faceless people of three source Dao Lord boundaries, change to the rope, is coming.
When Meng Hao is just about to dodge, cloudy and cold sound from fog, reverberation all directions, that is three characters, not movable!
These three characters fall in the Meng Hao ear flickers, Meng Hao world, as if all of a sudden static, as if that three characters had the infinite charm, making Meng Hao not movable, Meng Hao is unable to move slightly.
This static, is only the picture in his eyes, in fact, the world is usual, that three ropes the Meng Hao bundle, two are tying up the arm instantaneously, slings him, another surrounds the both feet, causing Meng Hao is unable to struggle.
Meanwhile, in that fog, went out of a form slowly, this is an old man, wears a ash-gray long gown, as if old to certain degree, walks , is very difficult, his reveals the fine glow, one wipes greedily, staring is staring at Meng Hao, approaches slowly.
„Many years, finally ... Finally has waited till immortal Ancient Tribulation ... You ... Is this our latter people, the [say / way] body that the sacrificial offering leaves ... Perfect [say / way] body ...”
„Must succeed ... I will return. I am returning. In the past. We won that two people, but the price is too big, big has to leave to us ...”
This old man muttered, older more approached Meng Hao, along with his nearness, this all around mist seemed passed through the innumerable years, unexpectedly changed the color, even this old man behind starry sky. Also as if has passed through in the flash for several thousand years, appeared withered, his nearness, lets Meng Hao here , the appearance all of a sudden had the old sign.
Especially his rope, in an instant, seems is decayed, the old man right hand lifts slowly, his right hand is withered, is similar to the bone. The look is having the anticipation, his right hand toward Meng Hao forehead. Falls slowly.
But in his fingertip, must bump into Meng Hao forehead instant, two eyes of Meng Hao stay still, suddenly dodged suddenly, reveals wipes the cold glow at the same time, in his mouth spits two characters lightly.
„Battle Weapon!” These two character, in Meng Hao bag of holding, departed a bright immediately, along with the appearance of bright, the bronze mirror suddenly, just departed, the vigorous strength, loudly the eruption, this bronze mirror instantaneously integrates on the Meng Hao right hand, suddenly changed to a fierce long blade!
Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
#1272: tanpa jalan keluar! (Kedua)Masalah Meng klan, Meng Hao di langit berbintang kabut gerbang kuno, dia tidak tahu, di bawah memiliki ekstrusi pengertian rohani yang mengerikan itu dapat juga segera smashing diekstrusi.Dan Meng Hao hadir seluruh energi, pada kesengsaraan kuno ini, ini adalah kehidupan telah melihat, pengalaman, paling berbahaya bencana!Bahkan ia tidak telah menangkap dapat berhasil, ketika para penjarah, tidak peduli Meng Hao inginkan adalah apa-apa, kebutuhan melampaui kesengsaraan, jika tidak salib, harus mati, hanya harus menyeberang... Memiliki yang ramping kesempatan untuk bertahan hidup.Guruh mengerikan, Meng Hao saat ini mengalami kehidupan ini, bahkan telah melampaui krisis kehidupan dan kematian ketika Ru Feng pesawat, semua nya sekitar, tiga orang tak berwajah tiga sumber batas-batas Dao Tuhan, mengubah tali, akan datang.Ketika Meng Hao adalah hanya tentang untuk dodge, hujan dan dingin suara dari kabut, gema segala arah, itulah tiga karakter, tidak bergerak!Karakter ini tiga jatuh Meng Hao telinga Ghost, dunia Meng Hao, seolah-olah semua dari sudden statis, seolah-olah tiga karakter yang pesona tak terbatas, membuat Meng Hao tidak bergerak, Meng Hao mampu bergerak sedikit.Statis ini, hanya gambar di matanya, pada kenyataannya, dunia adalah biasa, bahwa tiga tali bundel Meng Hao, dua mengikat lengan instan slings dia, lain mengelilingi kedua kaki, menyebabkan Meng Hao tidak mampu berjuang.Meanwhile, in that fog, went out of a form slowly, this is an old man, wears a ash-gray long gown, as if old to certain degree, walks , is very difficult, his reveals the fine glow, one wipes greedily, staring is staring at Meng Hao, approaches slowly.„Many years, finally ... Finally has waited till immortal Ancient Tribulation ... You ... Is this our latter people, the [say / way] body that the sacrificial offering leaves ... Perfect [say / way] body ...”„Must succeed ... I will return. I am returning. In the past. We won that two people, but the price is too big, big has to leave to us ...”This old man muttered, older more approached Meng Hao, along with his nearness, this all around mist seemed passed through the innumerable years, unexpectedly changed the color, even this old man behind starry sky. Also as if has passed through in the flash for several thousand years, appeared withered, his nearness, lets Meng Hao here , the appearance all of a sudden had the old sign.Especially his rope, in an instant, seems is decayed, the old man right hand lifts slowly, his right hand is withered, is similar to the bone. The look is having the anticipation, his right hand toward Meng Hao forehead. Falls slowly.But in his fingertip, must bump into Meng Hao forehead instant, two eyes of Meng Hao stay still, suddenly dodged suddenly, reveals wipes the cold glow at the same time, in his mouth spits two characters lightly."Pertempuran senjata!" Ini dua karakter, dalam tas Meng Hao memegang, berangkat cerah segera, dengan munculnya cerah, cermin perunggu tiba-tiba, hanya berangkat, kekuatan yang kuat, keras letusan, cermin perunggu ini seketika terintegrasi di sebelah kanan Meng Hao, tiba-tiba berubah menjadi pisau panjang sengit!
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