Meanwhile Eleanor had changed. To keep Franklin in the public eyewhile terjemahan - Meanwhile Eleanor had changed. To keep Franklin in the public eyewhile Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Meanwhile Eleanor had changed. To k

Meanwhile Eleanor had changed. To keep Franklin in the public eye
while he was recovering, she had gotten involved in politics herself. It was,
she thought, her “duty.” From childhood she had been taught “to do the
thing that has to be done, the way it has to be done, when it has to be done.”
With the help of Franklin’s adviser Louis Howe, she made fundraising
speeches for the Democratic Party all around New York State.
She helped in the work of the League of Women Voters, the Consumer’s
League, and the Foreign Policy Association. After becoming interested
in the problems of working women, she gave time to the Women’s Trade
Union League (WTUL).6
It was through the WTUL that she met a group of remarkable women—
women doing exciting work that made a difference in the world. They
taught Eleanor about life in the slums. They awakened her hopes that
something could be done to improve the condition of the poor. She dropped
out of the “fashionable” society of her wealthy friends and joined the world
of reform—social change.
For hours at a time Eleanor and her reformer friends talked with
Franklin. They showed him the need for new laws: laws to get children
out of the factories and into schools; laws to cut down the long hours
that women worked; laws to get fair wages for all workers.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Meanwhile Eleanor had changed. To keep Franklin in the public eyewhile he was recovering, she had gotten involved in politics herself. It was,she thought, her “duty.” From childhood she had been taught “to do thething that has to be done, the way it has to be done, when it has to be done.”With the help of Franklin’s adviser Louis Howe, she made fundraisingspeeches for the Democratic Party all around New York State.She helped in the work of the League of Women Voters, the Consumer’sLeague, and the Foreign Policy Association. After becoming interestedin the problems of working women, she gave time to the Women’s TradeUnion League (WTUL).6It was through the WTUL that she met a group of remarkable women—women doing exciting work that made a difference in the world. Theytaught Eleanor about life in the slums. They awakened her hopes thatsomething could be done to improve the condition of the poor. She droppedout of the “fashionable” society of her wealthy friends and joined the worldof reform—social change.For hours at a time Eleanor and her reformer friends talked withFranklin. They showed him the need for new laws: laws to get childrenout of the factories and into schools; laws to cut down the long hoursthat women worked; laws to get fair wages for all workers.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Sementara itu Eleanor telah berubah. Untuk menjaga Franklin di mata publik
saat ia pulih, dia sudah terlibat dalam politik sendiri. Itu,
pikirnya, "tugas." Nya Sejak kecil dia telah diajarkan "untuk melakukan
hal yang harus dilakukan, cara itu harus dilakukan, ketika itu harus dilakukan."
Dengan bantuan penasihat Franklin Louis Howe, dia membuat penggalangan dana
pidato untuk Partai Demokrat di seluruh New York State.
Dia membantu dalam pekerjaan Liga Perempuan Pemilih, Konsumen
Liga, dan Foreign Policy Association. Setelah menjadi tertarik
pada masalah perempuan bekerja, dia memberikan waktu untuk Perdagangan Perempuan
Union League (WTUL) 0,6
Itu melalui WTUL bahwa dia bertemu dengan sekelompok wanita-yang luar biasa
wanita melakukan pekerjaan menarik yang membuat perbedaan di dunia. Mereka
diajarkan Eleanor tentang kehidupan di daerah kumuh. Mereka membangunkannya berharap
sesuatu yang bisa dilakukan untuk memperbaiki kondisi masyarakat miskin. Dia menjatuhkan
dari masyarakat "modis" dari teman-teman yang kaya dan bergabung dengan dunia
perubahan reformasi sosial.
Untuk jam pada waktu Eleanor dan teman-teman pembaharu dia berbicara dengan
Franklin. Mereka menunjukkan padanya perlunya undang-undang baru: hukum untuk mendapatkan anak
keluar dari pabrik dan ke sekolah-sekolah; undang-undang untuk mengurangi jam kerja yang panjang
bahwa perempuan bekerja; hukum untuk mendapatkan upah yang adil bagi semua pekerja.
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