— Introduction —This page explains the basic principle of the various  terjemahan - — Introduction —This page explains the basic principle of the various  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

— Introduction —This page explains

— Introduction —

This page explains the basic principle of the various operating modes of the Peugeot 306 cooling fans.
The example we are using here is the two speed twin fans controled by a cooling fan ECU. Vehicle manufactured 1996 with A/C and 30 fuse box.
This system is used in most Australian models with petrol engines. Although the basic circuit remains the same in later models the fuse and wire numbers will be different.

— Overview of the system —

The engine cooling fan system is made up of the folowing parts. 2 fan motors, 3 relays, control unit and the coolant temperature thermistor (NTC).

The fans have 2 functions.
1. To provide engine cooling in slow or stationary traffic conditions.
2. To provide constant airflow for the condenser when the A/C is operating.

The 2 fan motors always run together and have 2 speeds available. At low speed the motors' power circuit is switched in series and at high speed the circuit is changed over to parallel. A ballast resistor is therefore not required. The switching of the power circuit is done by the 3 relays which, are controlled by the control unit.
The following tasks can be performed by the control unit: Switching of the fan relays, illuminating the "STOP" warning light, illuminate the warning light on the temperature gauge, prevent the A/C compressor from operating under extreme engine temperature or under full engine load, timed post cooling when engine is shut down with the fans operating.
In order to carry out these tasks it receives inputs from the coolant temperature sensor, the air conditioning control panel, the refrigerant pressostat and the engine ECU.

— Fan and relay layout —

Use this graphic to identify and relate the components to the diagrams.

— Location Of Components —

Control Unit
The cooling fan control unit is located under the left guard below the head light. Remove the inner guard cover to gain access.
Temperature Sensor
The temperature sensor us mounted on the heather tank on the cylinder head at the bell housing end. The sensor is brown with a brown 2 way connector.
Fuses (power)
Fuse 33 and 34 in the fuse box near the battery.
Fuses (relay coils)
Fuse box with 30 fuses in passengers compartment.
Fuse 7, battery + to left fan relay and control unit.
Fuse 3, ignition + to right fan relay and change over relay.
Fuse 2, ignition + to control unit.
Earth connection 1
On the left chassis rail in front and below the battery carrier.
A/C Control Unit
Integrated in the control panel on the dash board.

— System at rest diagram —

Wiring diagram

— Low Speed Operation —

Condition for low speed call

The low fan speed is called for:

When the engine temperature reaches 97°C and it will turn off when the temperature has droped to 90°C.
When the air contitioning system is switched on. It will run permanently regardless of engine temperature.
Power circuit explained

Only the "left fan relay" is energised. This relay has a permanent battery + supply from fuse 7 (fuse 10 for a 13 fusebox) in the passenger compartment fusebox.

When the coolant temperature reaches the threshold (about 97°) the control unit provides an earth for the relay coil and the contacts are now closed. This completes the power circuit for both fans.

The power circuit starts at the battery, to the engine bay fuse box through fuse 33, to pin 3 at the "left fan relay", out at pin 5 of the relay to the left fan motor, from here to the "change over relay".
The change over relay is at rest and provides a path between pin 3 and 4 to the right fan motor, the circuit is complete at pin 2 of the right fan motor when returning to earth.

The fans are switched in series and run at ½speed. The voltage drop between the 2 fans is indicated in the diagram below with a lighter collour trace.

In the low speed configuration we have one circuit for both fans. The motors operate in series.

— High Speed Operation —

Condition for high speed call

The high fan speed is called for:

When the engine t
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
— Introduction —This page explains the basic principle of the various operating modes of the Peugeot 306 cooling fans.The example we are using here is the two speed twin fans controled by a cooling fan ECU. Vehicle manufactured 1996 with A/C and 30 fuse box.This system is used in most Australian models with petrol engines. Although the basic circuit remains the same in later models the fuse and wire numbers will be different.— Overview of the system —The engine cooling fan system is made up of the folowing parts. 2 fan motors, 3 relays, control unit and the coolant temperature thermistor (NTC). The fans have 2 functions.1. To provide engine cooling in slow or stationary traffic conditions.2. To provide constant airflow for the condenser when the A/C is operating.The 2 fan motors always run together and have 2 speeds available. At low speed the motors' power circuit is switched in series and at high speed the circuit is changed over to parallel. A ballast resistor is therefore not required. The switching of the power circuit is done by the 3 relays which, are controlled by the control unit.The following tasks can be performed by the control unit: Switching of the fan relays, illuminating the "STOP" warning light, illuminate the warning light on the temperature gauge, prevent the A/C compressor from operating under extreme engine temperature or under full engine load, timed post cooling when engine is shut down with the fans operating.Untuk melaksanakan tugas-tugas ini menerima input dari pendingin sensor suhu, panel kontrol AC, refrigerant pressostat dan ECU mesin.-Fan dan relay tata letak —Menggunakan grafis ini untuk mengidentifikasi dan berhubungan komponen dengan diagram.-Lokasi komponen —Unit kontrolKipas pendingin unit kontrol terletak di bawah penjaga kiri di bawah cahaya kepala. Lepaskan penutup batin penjaga untuk mendapatkan akses.Sensor suhuSensor suhu kami dipasang pada tangki heather pada kepala silinder di ujung perumahan bell. Sensor cokelat dengan konektor 2 way cokelat.Sekering (daya)Sekering 33 dan 34 di kotak sekering dekat baterai.Sekering (kumparan relay)Sekering kotak dengan 30 sekering dalam kompartemen penumpang.Sekering 7, baterai + untuk unit relay dan kontrol kipas kiri.Sekering 3, pengapian + untuk benar penggemar relay dan berubah dari waktu ke relay.Sekering 2, pengapian + untuk unit kontrol.Bumi koneksi 1Pada rel sasis kiri di depan dan di bawah pembawa baterai.Unit kontrol A/CTerintegrasi dalam panel kontrol di Dewan dash.-Sistem di seluruh diagram —Diagram pengkabelan— Operasi rendah kecepatan —Kondisi untuk kecepatan rendah panggilanKecepatan kipas rendah adalah menyerukan kepada beberapa hal berikut:Ketika suhu mesin mencapai 97° C dan akan mematikan ketika suhu droped 90° c.Ketika sistem contitioning udara dihidupkan. Itu akan berjalan secara permanen tanpa temperatur mesin.Sirkuit kekuatan dijelaskanOnly the "left fan relay" is energised. This relay has a permanent battery + supply from fuse 7 (fuse 10 for a 13 fusebox) in the passenger compartment fusebox.When the coolant temperature reaches the threshold (about 97°) the control unit provides an earth for the relay coil and the contacts are now closed. This completes the power circuit for both fans.The power circuit starts at the battery, to the engine bay fuse box through fuse 33, to pin 3 at the "left fan relay", out at pin 5 of the relay to the left fan motor, from here to the "change over relay".The change over relay is at rest and provides a path between pin 3 and 4 to the right fan motor, the circuit is complete at pin 2 of the right fan motor when returning to earth.The fans are switched in series and run at ½speed. The voltage drop between the 2 fans is indicated in the diagram below with a lighter collour trace.In the low speed configuration we have one circuit for both fans. The motors operate in series.— High Speed Operation —Condition for high speed callThe high fan speed is called for:When the engine t
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
- Pengantar - Halaman ini menjelaskan prinsip dasar dari berbagai modus operasi dari Peugeot 306 kipas pendingin. Contoh kita gunakan di sini adalah penggemar kembar dua kecepatan dikontrol oleh penggemar ECU pendingin. Kendaraan yang diproduksi tahun 1996 dengan A / C dan 30 kotak sekering. Sistem ini digunakan dalam model yang paling Australia dengan mesin bensin. Meskipun rangkaian dasar tetap sama di model kemudian nomor sekering dan kawat akan berbeda. - Sekilas sistem - Mesin pendingin sistem kipas terdiri dari bagian-bagian folowing. 2 fan motor, 3 relay, unit kontrol dan thermistor suhu pendingin (NTC). Para fans memiliki 2 fungsi. 1. Untuk memberikan pendinginan mesin dalam kondisi lalu lintas lambat atau stasioner. 2. Untuk memberikan aliran udara konstan untuk kondensor ketika A / C beroperasi. 2 fan motor selalu berjalan bersama-sama dan memiliki 2 kecepatan yang tersedia. Pada kecepatan rendah sirkuit listrik motor 'diaktifkan secara seri dan dengan kecepatan tinggi sirkuit yang diubah ke paralel. Sebuah ballast resistor karena itu tidak diperlukan. Switching dari rangkaian listrik dilakukan oleh 3 relay yang, dikendalikan oleh unit kontrol. Tugas-tugas berikut dapat dilakukan oleh unit kontrol: Switching dari relay fan, menerangi "UNREG" lampu peringatan, menerangi lampu peringatan pada pengukur suhu, mencegah kompresor A / C beroperasi di bawah suhu mesin yang ekstrim atau di bawah beban mesin penuh, waktunya posting pendingin saat mesin dimatikan dengan fans operasi. Dalam rangka untuk melaksanakan tugas-tugas ini menerima masukan dari suhu pendingin sensor, panel kontrol AC, yang pressostat pendingin dan ECU mesin. - Fan dan estafet tata letak - Gunakan grafis ini untuk mengidentifikasi dan menghubungkan komponen ke diagram. - Lokasi Komponen - Control Unit pendingin kontrol kipas unit terletak di bawah penjaga kiri bawah kepala ringan. Lepaskan penutup penjaga batin untuk mendapatkan akses. Suhu Sensor sensor Suhu kita dipasang di tangki heather di kepala silinder pada akhir bell perumahan. Sensor coklat dengan konektor 2 cara coklat. Sekring (power) Fuse 33 dan 34 dalam kotak sekering dekat baterai. Sekering (kumparan relay) kotak Fuse dengan 30 sekering di kompartemen penumpang. Fuse 7, baterai + untuk penggemar estafet kiri dan unit kontrol. Fuse 3, pengapian + untuk penggemar estafet kanan dan berubah dari relay. Fuse 2, pengapian + untuk mengendalikan satuan. koneksi Earth 1 Pada rel sasis kiri di depan dan di bawah pembawa baterai. A / C Control Unit Terpadu di . panel kontrol di dash board - Sistem diagram sisa - Wiring diagram - Operasi Kecepatan Rendah - Kondisi panggilan kecepatan rendah kecepatan kipas rendah disebut untuk: Ketika suhu mesin mencapai 97 ° C dan akan mematikan saat suhu telah droped ke 90 ° C. Ketika sistem contitioning udara diaktifkan. Ini akan berjalan secara permanen tanpa suhu mesin. Sirkuit Daya menjelaskan Hanya "fan estafet kiri" adalah energi. Estafet ini memiliki baterai permanen + pasokan dari sekering 7 (sekering 10 untuk 13 fusebox) di fusebox kompartemen penumpang. Ketika suhu pendingin mencapai ambang batas (sekitar 97 °) unit kontrol memberikan bumi untuk kumparan relay dan kontak sekarang ditutup. Ini melengkapi sirkuit listrik untuk kedua penggemar. Rangkaian listrik dimulai pada baterai, untuk kotak mesin bay sekering melalui sekering 33, ke pin 3 di "kiri fan estafet", keluar pada pin 5 dari relay untuk motor kipas kiri , dari sini ke "perubahan selama estafet". Perubahan atas relay saat istirahat dan menyediakan jalur antara pin 3 dan 4 untuk kipas motor kanan, sirkuit selesai pada pin 2 dari kipas motor kanan ketika kembali ke bumi. Para fans yang diaktifkan secara seri dan dijalankan pada ½speed. Drop tegangan antara 2 fans ditunjukkan dalam diagram di bawah dengan collour jejak ringan. Dalam konfigurasi kecepatan rendah kita memiliki satu sirkuit untuk kedua penggemar. Motor beroperasi di seri. - Operasi Kecepatan Tinggi - Kondisi untuk panggilan kecepatan tinggi kecepatan kipas tinggi disebut untuk: Ketika t mesin

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