7 Geo-learning: Sensors built into mobiledevices, such as smartphones  terjemahan - 7 Geo-learning: Sensors built into mobiledevices, such as smartphones  Melayu Bagaimana mengatakan

7 Geo-learning: Sensors built into

7 Geo-learning: Sensors built into mobile
devices, such as smartphones and tablets,
can determine a user’s location and provide,
or trigger, context-aware educational
resources in the surrounding environment.
These can enable both formal and informal
learning within physical ‘real-world’ settings.
They may also enhance and frame the
subject matter being studied. For example,
learning about an historical event could
be situated in the place where that event
occurred, giving a rich sensory experience
of being in the scene. Fieldwork activities
have long encompassed ‘geo-learning’ as a
way of providing information that exploits the
surroundings and landscape. Geo-learning
is not new, however technologies sensitive
to location, or embedded in objects near the
learner, now allow greater mixing of digital
information with the physical world, to produce
‘blended spaces’. We need to consider
carefully how we employ these opportunities
for learning. Current theories are somewhat
limited, but several approaches, including
research into learning spaces, provide ways
to model the richness of these environments
and our interactions within them.
8 Learning from gaming: There is increasing
interest in the connections between games
and education. When implemented as
‘edutainment’ or ‘gamification’ of learning,
teaching practices can gain superficial
elements of entertainment and reward.
This may encourage learners to continue,
however misses the power of digital games
for engagement, reflection and self-regulation.
New approaches of ‘intrinsic integration’
are linking the motivational elements of
games with specific learning activities
and outcomes, so that the game-play is
both engaging and educationally effective.
Game designers can achieve this by
developing games with elements of
challenge, personal control, fantasy, and
curiosity that match the pedagogy. They can
manipulate aspects of ‘flow’ (a player’s feeling
of absorption in the game) and strategy to
produce a productive cycle of engagement
and reflection. The shared endeavours, goals
and practices in games also help build affinity
groups gathering learners into productive and
self-organising communities.
9 Maker culture: Maker culture encourages
informal, shared social learning focused on
the construction of artefacts ranging from
robots and 3D-printed models to clothing and
more traditional handicrafts. Maker culture
emphasises experimentation, innovation, and
the testing of theory through practical, selfdirected
tasks. It is characterised by playful
learning and encourages both the acceptance
of risk taking (learning by making mistakes)
and rapid iterative development. Feedback is
provided through immediate testing, personal
reflection, and peer validation. Learning
is supported via informal mentoring and
progression through a community of practice.
Its popularity has increased due to the
recent proliferation of affordable computing
hardware and 3D printers, and available opensource
software. Critics argue it is simply
a rebranding of traditional hobby pursuits.
Proponents contend that recent evolutions in
networking technologies and hardware have
enabled wider dissemination and sharing of
ideas for maker learning, underpinned by a
powerful pedagogy that emphasises learning
through social making.
10 Citizen inquiry: Citizen inquiry refers to
mass participation of members of the public
in structured investigations. It fuses the
creative knowledge building of inquiry learning
with the mass collaborative participation
exemplified by citizen science, changing the
consumer relationship that most people have
with research to one of active engagement.
The concept is that people who are not research
professionals engage in collaborative, inquirybased
projects. For each investigation, they
gather evidence of similar successful projects,
create a plan of action, carry out a controlled
intervention if appropriate, collect data using
desktop and mobile technologies as research
tools, and validate and share findings.
Citizen inquiry not only engages people in
personally meaningful inquiry, it can also offer
the potential to examine complex dynamic
problems, such as mapping the effects of
climate change, by means of thousands of
people collecting and sharing local data.
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Hasil (Melayu) 1: [Salinan]
7 Geo-learning: Sensors built into mobiledevices, such as smartphones and tablets,can determine a user’s location and provide,or trigger, context-aware educationalresources in the surrounding environment.These can enable both formal and informallearning within physical ‘real-world’ settings.They may also enhance and frame thesubject matter being studied. For example,learning about an historical event couldbe situated in the place where that eventoccurred, giving a rich sensory experienceof being in the scene. Fieldwork activitieshave long encompassed ‘geo-learning’ as away of providing information that exploits thesurroundings and landscape. Geo-learningis not new, however technologies sensitiveto location, or embedded in objects near thelearner, now allow greater mixing of digitalinformation with the physical world, to produce‘blended spaces’. We need to considercarefully how we employ these opportunitiesfor learning. Current theories are somewhatlimited, but several approaches, includingresearch into learning spaces, provide waysto model the richness of these environmentsand our interactions within them.8 Learning from gaming: There is increasinginterest in the connections between gamesand education. When implemented as‘edutainment’ or ‘gamification’ of learning,teaching practices can gain superficialelements of entertainment and reward.This may encourage learners to continue,however misses the power of digital gamesfor engagement, reflection and self-regulation.New approaches of ‘intrinsic integration’are linking the motivational elements ofgames with specific learning activitiesand outcomes, so that the game-play isboth engaging and educationally effective.Game designers can achieve this bydeveloping games with elements ofchallenge, personal control, fantasy, andcuriosity that match the pedagogy. They canmanipulate aspects of ‘flow’ (a player’s feelingof absorption in the game) and strategy toproduce a productive cycle of engagementand reflection. The shared endeavours, goalsand practices in games also help build affinitygroups gathering learners into productive andself-organising communities.9 Maker culture: Maker culture encouragesinformal, shared social learning focused onthe construction of artefacts ranging fromrobots and 3D-printed models to clothing andmore traditional handicrafts. Maker cultureemphasises experimentation, innovation, andthe testing of theory through practical, selfdirectedtasks. It is characterised by playfullearning and encourages both the acceptanceof risk taking (learning by making mistakes)and rapid iterative development. Feedback isprovided through immediate testing, personalreflection, and peer validation. Learningis supported via informal mentoring andprogression through a community of practice.Its popularity has increased due to therecent proliferation of affordable computinghardware and 3D printers, and available opensourcesoftware. Critics argue it is simplya rebranding of traditional hobby pursuits.Proponents contend that recent evolutions innetworking technologies and hardware haveenabled wider dissemination and sharing ofideas for maker learning, underpinned by apowerful pedagogy that emphasises learningthrough social making.10 Citizen inquiry: Citizen inquiry refers tomass participation of members of the publicin structured investigations. It fuses thecreative knowledge building of inquiry learningwith the mass collaborative participationexemplified by citizen science, changing theconsumer relationship that most people havewith research to one of active engagement.The concept is that people who are not researchprofessionals engage in collaborative, inquirybasedprojects. For each investigation, theygather evidence of similar successful projects,create a plan of action, carry out a controlledintervention if appropriate, collect data usingdesktop and mobile technologies as researchtools, and validate and share findings.Citizen inquiry not only engages people inpersonally meaningful inquiry, it can also offerthe potential to examine complex dynamicproblems, such as mapping the effects ofclimate change, by means of thousands ofpeople collecting and sharing local data.
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Hasil (Melayu) 2:[Salinan]
7 Geo-pembelajaran: Sensor dibina ke dalam telefon bimbit
peranti seperti telefon pintar dan tablet,
boleh menentukan lokasi pengguna dan menyediakan,
atau pencetus, peka konteks pendidikan
sumber dalam alam sekitar.
Ini boleh membolehkan kedua-dua rasmi dan tidak rasmi
pembelajaran dalam fizikal 'sebenar tetapan -World '.
Mereka juga boleh meningkatkan dan merangka
subjek perkara yang dikaji. Sebagai contoh,
belajar tentang satu peristiwa sejarah boleh
ditempat di mana peristiwa yang
berlaku, memberi pengalaman deria yang kaya
berada di tempat kejadian. Aktiviti kerja lapangan
telah lama merangkumi 'geo-learning' sebagai
cara menyediakan maklumat yang mengeksploitasi
persekitaran dan landskap. Geo-pembelajaran
bukanlah sesuatu yang baru, bagaimanapun teknologi sensitif
kepada lokasi, atau tertanam dalam objek berhampiran
pelajar, kini membenarkan pencampuran lebih besar digital
maklumat dengan dunia fizikal, untuk menghasilkan
'ruang gabungan'. Kita perlu mengambil kira
dengan teliti bagaimana kami menggunakan peluang ini
untuk belajar. Teori semasa adalah agak
terhad, tetapi beberapa pendekatan, termasuk
penyelidikan ke dalam ruang pembelajaran, menyediakan cara
untuk model kekayaan daripada persekitaran
dan interaksi kita dalam diri mereka.
8 Pembelajaran dari permainan: Terdapat peningkatan
kepentingan dalam hubungan antara permainan
dan pendidikan. Apabila dilaksanakan sebagai
'edutainment' atau 'gamification' pembelajaran,
amalan pengajaran boleh mendapat cetek
unsur-unsur hiburan dan ganjaran.
Ini boleh menggalakkan pelajar untuk meneruskan,
bagaimanapun rindukan kuasa permainan digital
untuk pertunangan, renungan dan pengawalan kendiri.
Pendekatan baru 'integrasi intrinsik'
menghubungkan unsur-unsur motivasi
permainan dengan aktiviti pembelajaran tertentu
dan hasil, supaya permainan-permainan adalah
kedua-dua yang menarik dan pendidikan yang berkesan.
pereka permainan boleh mencapai ini dengan
membangunkan permainan dengan unsur-unsur
cabaran, kawalan peribadi, fantasi, dan
rasa ingin tahu yang sepadan dengan pedagogi. Mereka boleh
memanipulasi aspek 'aliran' (perasaan pemain
penyerapan dalam permainan) dan strategi untuk
menghasilkan kitaran produktif penglibatan
dan renungan. Bersama usaha, matlamat
dan amalan dalam permainan juga membantu membina pertalian
kumpulan mengumpul pelajar ke produktif dan
masyarakat sendiri menganjurkan.
9 Maker budaya: budaya Maker menggalakkan
formal, pembelajaran sosial dikongsi memberi tumpuan kepada
pembinaan artifak yang terdiri daripada
robot dan model 3D bercetak untuk pakaian dan
lebih kraftangan tradisional. Budaya Maker
menekankan uji kaji, inovasi, dan
ujian teori melalui praktikal, selfdirected
tugas. Ia mempunyai ciri-ciri suka bermain
pembelajaran dan menggalakkan kedua-dua penerimaan
risiko mengambil (belajar dengan membuat kesilapan)
dan pembangunan lelaran pesat. Maklum balas
yang disediakan melalui ujian segera, peribadi
refleksi, dan pengesahan rakan sebaya. Pembelajaran
disokong melalui bimbingan tidak formal dan
perkembangan melalui komuniti amalan.
Popularitinya telah meningkat disebabkan oleh
perkembangan baru-baru ini berpatutan pengkomputeran
perkakasan dan pencetak 3D, dan opensource ada
perisian. Pengkritik berhujah ia hanya
satu penjenamaan semula kegiatan hobi tradisional.
Penyokong berpendapat bahawa evolusi terkini dalam
teknologi rangkaian dan perkakasan telah
membolehkan penyebaran yang lebih luas dan perkongsian
idea-idea untuk pembelajaran pembuat, disokong oleh
pedagogi berkuasa yang menekankan pembelajaran
melalui pembuatan sosial.
10 Citizen siasatan: Citizen pertanyaan merujuk kepada
penyertaan beramai-ramai orang awam
dalam siasatan berstruktur. Ia menggabungkan
bangunan pengetahuan kreatif pembelajaran pertanyaan
dengan penyertaan kerjasama besar-besaran
yang ditunjukkan oleh sains warganegara, mengubah
hubungan pengguna bahawa kebanyakan orang
dengan penyelidikan kepada salah satu daripada penglibatan aktif.
Konsepnya adalah bahawa orang yang tidak menyelidik
profesional terlibat dalam kerjasama, inquirybased
projek. Bagi setiap siasatan, mereka
mengumpul bukti projek yang sama berjaya,
mewujudkan satu pelan tindakan, menjalankan dikawal
campur tangan jika sesuai, mengumpul data menggunakan
teknologi desktop dan mudah alih penyelidikan
alat, dan mengesahkan dan berkongsi penemuan.
Citizen siasatan bukan sahaja melibatkan orang dalam
secara peribadi pertanyaan bermakna, ia juga boleh menawarkan
potensi untuk memeriksa dinamik kompleks
masalah, seperti pemetaan kesan
perubahan iklim, dengan cara ribu
orang mengumpul dan berkongsi data tempatan.
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