In­fanta.”Com­mand­ing Jiang Xiao of hot dace reg­i­ment raise the lon terjemahan - In­fanta.”Com­mand­ing Jiang Xiao of hot dace reg­i­ment raise the lon Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

In­fanta.”Com­mand­ing Jiang Xiao o

Com­mand­ing Jiang Xiao of hot dace reg­i­ment raise the long sword to walk to go for­ward sud­denly, is angry: „En­light­ened em­peror gives my duty is to de­fend the fine day water gate, then looks for the op­por­tu­nity to at­tack, how can you such fall the day water gate?”
The clear pupil de­vel­ops black ink to look to Jiang Xiao, said lightly: „Has fallen into enemy hands, dis­cussed that what falls? If not your per­son ex­tremely in the gen­eral idea, the day water gate will fall into enemy hands? Im­me­di­ately re­treats, all re­spon­si­bil­ity are taken by me!”
„Yes, good”
Gazed after the peo­ple of hot dace reg­i­ment and beau­ti­ful life trade union to draw back in the cur­tain of night, I asked: „Who this clear pupil de­vel­ops black ink is, why that did NPC call her in­fanta?”
Yue Qing Qian replied in side: „That is be­cause in the edi­tion ac­tiv­ity of pre­vi­ous In­dian area the clear pupil de­vel­ops the mer­i­to­ri­ous value of black ink to be high­est, there­fore the king pur­ple flame en­light­ened em­peror gave her re­ward to con­fer a po­si­tion of in­fanta, ba­si­cally the sta­tus com­manded with ram­ble elder brother your this palace guard al­most, but you must deal with the king in Tian Ling Em­pire to your aim­ing, but the clear pupil de­vel­oped black ink in fire Yun Cheng is ac­tu­ally the pur­ple flame en­light­ened em­peror your pres­ence fa­vorite, the pur­ple flame en­light­ened em­peror al­most de­vel­oped the ink to the clear pupil is al­ways fol­lows.”
Li Mu shows a faint smile: „This is the dis­par­ity, in some sense, the pur­ple flame en­light­ened em­peror truly can be called the en­light­ened em­peror, al­ways com­pared with looks at high to be bet­ter on many throne.”
I crack into a smile: „But no­body wants on and pur­ple flame en­light­ened em­peror.”
Li Mu touches the nose: „Your younger sis­ter”
Li Mengyao stares the round beau­ti­ful eye: „Do you want to do?”
Li Mu: „”
Xiao Li as if also has ac­tu­ally un­der­stood our speech, raises is bring­ing the long-bar­relled gun of blood to say with a smile: „Com­mands the Sir, I thought this ven­turer few vari­ants said also some­what the truth, the pur­ple flame en­light­ened em­peror in some sense truly has un­der­stood clearly Great, do we so pro­tect Tian Ling Em­pire ac­tu­ally for what? For a self­ish timid weak host?”
I put out a hand to touch in city wall the ice-cold crenela­tion, said: „No mat­ter un­der­stands clearly stu­pidly, Tian Ling Em­pire is our home­lands, is our foun­da­tions of foothold, we use tem­porar­ily as fight for Tian Ling Em­pire, more­over Tian Ling Em­pire also has the princess, her total can un­der­stand clearly many?”
Xiao Lix­iao: „Um, that uses tem­porar­ily as fights for Tian Ling Em­pire, to wear your high­ness fights!”
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
In­fanta.”Com­mand­ing Jiang Xiao of hot dace reg­i­ment raise the long sword to walk to go for­ward sud­denly, is angry: „En­light­ened em­peror gives my duty is to de­fend the fine day water gate, then looks for the op­por­tu­nity to at­tack, how can you such fall the day water gate?”The clear pupil de­vel­ops black ink to look to Jiang Xiao, said lightly: „Has fallen into enemy hands, dis­cussed that what falls? If not your per­son ex­tremely in the gen­eral idea, the day water gate will fall into enemy hands? Im­me­di­ately re­treats, all re­spon­si­bil­ity are taken by me!”„Yes, good”Gazed after the peo­ple of hot dace reg­i­ment and beau­ti­ful life trade union to draw back in the cur­tain of night, I asked: „Who this clear pupil de­vel­ops black ink is, why that did NPC call her in­fanta?”Yue Qing Qian replied in side: „That is be­cause in the edi­tion ac­tiv­ity of pre­vi­ous In­dian area the clear pupil de­vel­ops the mer­i­to­ri­ous value of black ink to be high­est, there­fore the king pur­ple flame en­light­ened em­peror gave her re­ward to con­fer a po­si­tion of in­fanta, ba­si­cally the sta­tus com­manded with ram­ble elder brother your this palace guard al­most, but you must deal with the king in Tian Ling Em­pire to your aim­ing, but the clear pupil de­vel­oped black ink in fire Yun Cheng is ac­tu­ally the pur­ple flame en­light­ened em­peror your pres­ence fa­vorite, the pur­ple flame en­light­ened em­peror al­most de­vel­oped the ink to the clear pupil is al­ways fol­lows.”Li Mu shows a faint smile: „This is the dis­par­ity, in some sense, the pur­ple flame en­light­ened em­peror truly can be called the en­light­ened em­peror, al­ways com­pared with looks at high to be bet­ter on many throne.”I crack into a smile: „But no­body wants on and pur­ple flame en­light­ened em­peror.”Li Mu touches the nose: „Your younger sis­ter”Li Mengyao stares the round beau­ti­ful eye: „Do you want to do?”Li Mu: „”Xiao Li as if also has ac­tu­ally un­der­stood our speech, raises is bring­ing the long-bar­relled gun of blood to say with a smile: „Com­mands the Sir, I thought this ven­turer few vari­ants said also some­what the truth, the pur­ple flame en­light­ened em­peror in some sense truly has un­der­stood clearly Great, do we so pro­tect Tian Ling Em­pire ac­tu­ally for what? For a self­ish timid weak host?”I put out a hand to touch in city wall the ice-cold crenela­tion, said: „No mat­ter un­der­stands clearly stu­pidly, Tian Ling Em­pire is our home­lands, is our foun­da­tions of foothold, we use tem­porar­ily as fight for Tian Ling Em­pire, more­over Tian Ling Em­pire also has the princess, her total can un­der­stand clearly many?”Xiao Lix­iao: „Um, that uses tem­porar­ily as fights for Tian Ling Em­pire, to wear your high­ness fights!”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
. Infanta "
Komandan Jiang Xiao dari dace resimen panas menaikkan pedang panjang untuk berjalan untuk maju tiba-tiba, marah:" Kaisar Tercerahkan memberikan tugas saya adalah untuk membela pintu air hari baik, kemudian mencari kesempatan untuk menyerang, bagaimana bisa Anda seperti jatuh gerbang air sehari "?
The murid jelas mengembangkan tinta hitam untuk melihat ke Jiang Xiao, mengatakan ringan:" Telah jatuh ke tangan musuh, dibahas bahwa apa jatuh? Jika tidak orang Anda sangat dalam ide umum, pintu air hari akan jatuh ke tangan musuh? ! Segera mundur, semua tanggung jawab yang diambil oleh saya "
" Ya, baik "
Dipandang setelah orang-orang dari resimen dace panas dan indah serikat buruh hidup untuk menarik kembali tirai malam, saya bertanya:" Siapa murid yang jelas ini berkembang tinta hitam ?, mengapa yang melakukan NPC sebut Infanta nya "
Yue Qing Qian menjawab di sisi:" itu karena dalam kegiatan edisi daerah India sebelumnya pupil jelas mengembangkan nilai berjasa tinta hitam menjadi tertinggi, oleh karena itu raja api ungu tercerahkan kaisar memberi reward-nya untuk memberikan posisi Infanta, pada dasarnya status diperintahkan dengan kakak pelancongan Anda pengawal istana ini hampir, tetapi Anda harus berurusan dengan raja di Tian Ling Empire untuk Anda bertujuan, tetapi murid jelas dikembangkan tinta hitam dalam api Yun Cheng . sebenarnya ungu api kaisar tercerahkan favorit kehadiran Anda, api ungu kaisar tercerahkan hampir mengembangkan tinta untuk murid yang jelas selalu mengikuti "
Li Mu menunjukkan senyum samar:" ini adalah perbedaan yang, dalam arti tertentu, api ungu tercerahkan kaisar benar-benar bisa disebut kaisar tercerahkan, selalu dibandingkan dengan penampilan di tinggi untuk menjadi lebih baik pada banyak tahta ".
saya retak tersenyum:". Tapi tak seorang pun ingin dan api ungu tercerahkan kaisar "
Li Mu menyentuh hidung:" Anda lebih muda adik "
Li Mengyao menatap babak mata indah:" Apakah Anda ingin lakukan? "
Li Mu:" "
Xiao Li seakan juga benar-benar mengerti pembicaraan kita, menimbulkan membawa senjata laras panjang darah untuk mengatakan dengan senyum: "Perintah Sir, saya pikir venture ini beberapa varian mengatakan juga agak kebenaran, ungu api kaisar tercerahkan dalam arti benar-benar telah memahami dengan jelas besar, kita jadi melindungi Tian Ling Empire sebenarnya untuk apa? ? Untuk host lemah egois pemalu "
Aku mengulurkan tangan untuk menyentuh di kota dinding yang crenelation dingin, mengatakan:" Tidak peduli mengerti dengan jelas bodoh, Tian Ling Empire adalah tanah air kita, adalah yayasan kami pijakan, kita gunakan sementara sebagai berjuang untuk Tian Ling Empire, apalagi Tian Ling Empire juga memiliki putri, jumlah nya dapat memahami dengan jelas banyak "?
Xiao Lixiao:"! Um, yang menggunakan sementara sebagai perkelahian untuk Tian Ling Empire, memakai perkelahian Mulia "
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