Chapter 9 Jodha was sitting on the balcony looking at the stars. Since terjemahan - Chapter 9 Jodha was sitting on the balcony looking at the stars. Since Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Chapter 9 Jodha was sitting on the

Chapter 9

Jodha was sitting on the balcony looking at the stars. Since childhood she used to love sit under the open sky and count the stars. Whenever she saw a shooting star she used to wish for a nice husband. But now she thought, look at what fate had brought her to. Never in her worst nightmare she could think of getting married to Jalal. The one who captured their country and killed several innocent people. She could never love him. But now something has changed between them. So what if she does not love him or like him. She cannot hate him anymore. She wanted to hate him but just couldn't. She saw a different side of him. Her heart said something and her brain said something else. She was dwelling with her brain and heart. But atlast her brain won over her. "Jalllad can never change. He will always remain a devil." She was indeed jealous. She didn't want Jalal to go hunting, especially with ruqaiya. Though she did not agree with it. She got up and went inside her room. She looked over the king sized bed which was empty. Maybe tonight Jalal would stay with Ruqaiya. She stood in front of the mirror. "I have to tell Shehensha that I'm pregnant. Let me practice first. Shehanshaji I have to tell u something. U know Shehanshaji that I am.. I am' uuuhhh' that '" "O' Jodha u cant even tell this to urself. How can u say it to Jalal." She kept on practicing until she was interrupted by a sound that came from the balcony. She froze in her place. Obviously Jalal would not come through the balcony to meet Jodha. Then who can it be? It must be a kidnapper or thief. She took a vase from her dressing table and started moving towards the balcony. She closed her eyes and hit the person with the vase. "What are you doing Jodha?" She heard his voice. Suryabhan. Her eyes opened widely. Why was he here? What if someone came inside now? What will that person think of Jodha? She thought to herself. "What are u doing here?" "What do mean? U called me here Jodha."

Jodha "When did I call u ?" Suryabhan "Then what is this letter Jodha? tell me?" He showed her the letter which she wrote a long back. But there was a change in the letter. In the last part of the letter it said'..

"Raja Suryabhan, If u don't come and rescue me from here I will commit sucide. I LOVE YOU ONLY. U have 5 days in hand. If u don't come I will kill myself."

Jodha's eyes grew wider. She doesn't remember writing this part. She would never think of committing sucide. "Suryabhan ji, I didn't write this part. I mean why would I commit sucide. Believe me." Suryabhan spoke up " I believe you Jodha. I think someone is trying to play around with us. I think someone wants to show that u r having an affair with me. This was all to defame u." Then they heard the door open. There he was standing.

Jalal smile faded away when he entered the room and found his wife talking to Suryabhan. It seemed that his eyes were on fire. He clutched his fist. Jodha froze in her place. She knew she was doomed. But now she was worrying more about Suryabhan. What will Jalal do to him? His teeth clenched. "HOW DARE YOU ENTER MY WIFE'S ROOM?" Jalal yelled at the top of his voice. Everyone entered after listening Jalal yell. Suryabhan in a calm voice "You are misunderstanding me." "Misunderstanding my foot! Jodha how could u let this man enter ur room? Only for some hours I had gone out and here u r romancing with another man? What did u think that I'm not going to return so early. What else can be expected from u Rajputs? Rajputs are cheaters and liars. U can only lie. The Rajput women have extra martial affairs. I get it."

"Bas! I cant tolerate this anymore. U can say anything to me but don't go to the Rajputs. They are the most honorable people all over the world. U Mughals are the one who lie and cheat others. U people are thieves! U captured Amer and made a deal out of me. U r the one who is bad. U r the worst person I have ever known. I don't want to live with u anymore. How can I live with a person who cant trust me?" Jodha was tear-eyed now. "Jodha u know that u will get a severe punishment for this?" said Jalal, yelling. "I know. Kill me Shenshashaji for the mistake I never committed. Kill me right now, but remember one thing ur child will die with me. U will lose ur child!" The fire in his eyes disappeared, and he was left shocked. His child? My baby? "Jodha u r pregnant?" Jalal said with an innocent voice. Before Jodha could say anything, the world around her was becoming black. Her vision was blurry. Her head was spinning. Jodha fainted. Before she could hit the ground Jalal held her. He made her lay on the bed. He saw her innocent face and he melted. He called up the doctor to check Jodha up. He dismissed everyone and then he soke to Suryabhan in a stern voice "Leave this place before I kill you. Never show ur face. I know that Jodha didn't do this. U were the one who sneaked in her room. U made her look bad in front of everyone. U made me yell at her. Leave!" Without a word Suryabhan left the place. The doctor came up to Jalal. "What happened to Jodha? Is she alright? Is my baby alright?"

"Both of them are good. This happened due to stress. U have to take good care of her. She needs to be free of stress."

"I will keep her out of stress."

the rest will be given on Friday
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Chapter 9 Jodha was sitting on the balcony looking at the stars. Since childhood she used to love sit under the open sky and count the stars. Whenever she saw a shooting star she used to wish for a nice husband. But now she thought, look at what fate had brought her to. Never in her worst nightmare she could think of getting married to Jalal. The one who captured their country and killed several innocent people. She could never love him. But now something has changed between them. So what if she does not love him or like him. She cannot hate him anymore. She wanted to hate him but just couldn't. She saw a different side of him. Her heart said something and her brain said something else. She was dwelling with her brain and heart. But atlast her brain won over her. "Jalllad can never change. He will always remain a devil." She was indeed jealous. She didn't want Jalal to go hunting, especially with ruqaiya. Though she did not agree with it. She got up and went inside her room. She looked over the king sized bed which was empty. Maybe tonight Jalal would stay with Ruqaiya. She stood in front of the mirror. "I have to tell Shehensha that I'm pregnant. Let me practice first. Shehanshaji I have to tell u something. U know Shehanshaji that I am.. I am' uuuhhh' that '" "O' Jodha u cant even tell this to urself. How can u say it to Jalal." She kept on practicing until she was interrupted by a sound that came from the balcony. She froze in her place. Obviously Jalal would not come through the balcony to meet Jodha. Then who can it be? It must be a kidnapper or thief. She took a vase from her dressing table and started moving towards the balcony. She closed her eyes and hit the person with the vase. "What are you doing Jodha?" She heard his voice. Suryabhan. Her eyes opened widely. Why was he here? What if someone came inside now? What will that person think of Jodha? She thought to herself. "What are u doing here?" "What do mean? U called me here Jodha."Jodha "When did I call u ?" Suryabhan "Then what is this letter Jodha? tell me?" He showed her the letter which she wrote a long back. But there was a change in the letter. In the last part of the letter it said'.. "Raja Suryabhan, If u don't come and rescue me from here I will commit sucide. I LOVE YOU ONLY. U have 5 days in hand. If u don't come I will kill myself." Jodha's eyes grew wider. She doesn't remember writing this part. She would never think of committing sucide. "Suryabhan ji, I didn't write this part. I mean why would I commit sucide. Believe me." Suryabhan spoke up " I believe you Jodha. I think someone is trying to play around with us. I think someone wants to show that u r having an affair with me. This was all to defame u." Then they heard the door open. There he was standing. Jalal smile faded away when he entered the room and found his wife talking to Suryabhan. It seemed that his eyes were on fire. He clutched his fist. Jodha froze in her place. She knew she was doomed. But now she was worrying more about Suryabhan. What will Jalal do to him? His teeth clenched. "HOW DARE YOU ENTER MY WIFE'S ROOM?" Jalal yelled at the top of his voice. Everyone entered after listening Jalal yell. Suryabhan in a calm voice "You are misunderstanding me." "Misunderstanding my foot! Jodha how could u let this man enter ur room? Only for some hours I had gone out and here u r romancing with another man? What did u think that I'm not going to return so early. What else can be expected from u Rajputs? Rajputs are cheaters and liars. U can only lie. The Rajput women have extra martial affairs. I get it."
"Bas! I cant tolerate this anymore. U can say anything to me but don't go to the Rajputs. They are the most honorable people all over the world. U Mughals are the one who lie and cheat others. U people are thieves! U captured Amer and made a deal out of me. U r the one who is bad. U r the worst person I have ever known. I don't want to live with u anymore. How can I live with a person who cant trust me?" Jodha was tear-eyed now. "Jodha u know that u will get a severe punishment for this?" said Jalal, yelling. "I know. Kill me Shenshashaji for the mistake I never committed. Kill me right now, but remember one thing ur child will die with me. U will lose ur child!" The fire in his eyes disappeared, and he was left shocked. His child? My baby? "Jodha u r pregnant?" Jalal said with an innocent voice. Before Jodha could say anything, the world around her was becoming black. Her vision was blurry. Her head was spinning. Jodha fainted. Before she could hit the ground Jalal held her. He made her lay on the bed. He saw her innocent face and he melted. He called up the doctor to check Jodha up. He dismissed everyone and then he soke to Suryabhan in a stern voice "Leave this place before I kill you. Never show ur face. I know that Jodha didn't do this. U were the one who sneaked in her room. U made her look bad in front of everyone. U made me yell at her. Leave!" Without a word Suryabhan left the place. The doctor came up to Jalal. "What happened to Jodha? Is she alright? Is my baby alright?"

"Both of them are good. This happened due to stress. U have to take good care of her. She needs to be free of stress."

"I will keep her out of stress."

the rest will be given on Friday
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Bab 9 Jodha duduk di balkon melihat bintang-bintang. Sejak kecil dia dulu suka duduk di bawah langit terbuka dan menghitung bintang. Setiap kali ia melihat bintang jatuh dia digunakan untuk menginginkan seorang suami yang baik. Tapi sekarang dia berpikir, melihat apa nasib membawanya ke. Tidak pernah dalam mimpi terburuk dia bisa memikirkan menikah dengan Jalal. Orang yang ditangkap negara mereka dan membunuh beberapa orang yang tidak bersalah. Dia tidak pernah bisa mencintainya. Tapi sekarang sesuatu telah berubah di antara mereka. Jadi bagaimana jika dia tidak mencintainya atau menyukainya. Dia tidak bisa membencinya lagi. Dia ingin membencinya tapi tidak bisa. Dia melihat sisi yang berbeda dari dirinya. Hatinya mengatakan sesuatu dan otaknya mengatakan sesuatu yang lain. Dia tinggal dengan otak dan hatinya. Tapi atlast otaknya menang atas dirinya. "Jalllad pernah bisa berubah. Dia akan selalu tetap setan." Dia memang cemburu. Dia tidak ingin Jalal pergi berburu, terutama dengan ruqaiya. Meskipun dia tidak setuju dengan hal itu. Dia bangkit dan masuk ke dalam kamarnya. Dia melihat ke tempat tidur ukuran king yang kosong. Mungkin malam ini Jalal akan tinggal dengan Ruqaiya. Dia berdiri di depan cermin. "Saya harus memberitahu Shehensha bahwa aku hamil. Mari saya berlatih terlebih dahulu. Shehanshaji saya harus mengatakan sesuatu u. U tahu Shehanshaji bahwa saya .. Saya 'uuuhhh' itu '" "O' Jodha u cant bahkan memberitahu ini untuk urself. Bagaimana u bisa bilang ke Jalal. " Dia terus berlatih sampai ia terganggu oleh suara yang datang dari balkon. Dia membeku di tempatnya. Jelas Jalal tidak akan datang melalui balkon untuk memenuhi Jodha. Lalu siapa yang bisa itu? Ini harus menjadi penculik atau pencuri. Dia mengambil vas dari meja rias dan mulai bergerak menuju balkon. Dia menutup matanya dan memukul orang dengan vas. "Apa yang kamu lakukan Jodha?" Dia mendengar suaranya. Suryabhan. Matanya terbuka lebar. Mengapa ia ada di sini? Bagaimana jika seseorang datang dalam sekarang? Apa yang akan orang itu memikirkan Jodha? Pikirnya. "Apa yang u lakukan di sini?" "Apa artinya? U menelepon saya di sini Jodha." Jodha "Kapan saya sebut u?" Suryabhan "Lalu apa surat ini Jodha? Katakan padaku?" Dia menunjukkan padanya surat yang dia tulis kembali panjang. Tapi ada perubahan dalam surat itu. Pada bagian terakhir dari surat itu mengatakan '.. "Raja Suryabhan, Jika u tidak datang dan menyelamatkan aku dari sini saya akan melakukan sucide. aku menyayangimu HANYA. U memiliki 5 hari di tangan. Jika u tidak datang Aku akan bunuh diri. " Mata Jodha tumbuh lebih luas. Dia tidak ingat menulis bagian ini. Dia tidak pernah berpikir untuk melakukan sucide. "Ji Suryabhan, saya tidak menulis bagian ini. Maksudku mengapa saya akan melakukan sucide. Percayalah." Suryabhan angkat bicara "Saya percaya Anda Jodha. Saya pikir seseorang sedang mencoba untuk bermain-main dengan kami. Saya pikir seseorang ingin menunjukkan ur yang berselingkuh dengan saya. Ini semua untuk mencemarkan nama baik u." Kemudian mereka mendengar pintu terbuka. Di sana ia berdiri. Jalal tersenyum memudar saat ia memasuki ruangan dan menemukan istrinya berbicara dengan Suryabhan. Tampaknya bahwa matanya terbakar. Dia mencengkeram tinjunya. Jodha membeku di tempatnya. Dia tahu dia ditakdirkan. Tapi sekarang dia mengkhawatirkan tentang Suryabhan. Apa yang akan Jalal lakukan padanya? Giginya terkatup. "BAGAIMANA ANDA BERANI ENTER ROOM MY WIFE'S?" Jalal berteriak di bagian atas suaranya. Semua orang masuk setelah mendengarkan Jalal berteriak. Suryabhan dengan suara tenang "Anda salah paham saya." "Kesalahpahaman kakiku! Jodha bagaimana bisa u membiarkan orang ini masuk ur room? Hanya untuk beberapa jam aku pergi keluar dan di sini ur Romancing dengan pria lain? Apa yang u berpikir bahwa aku tidak akan kembali begitu cepat. Apa lagi yang bisa diharapkan dari u Rajput? Rajput curang dan pembohong. U hanya bisa berbohong. Para wanita Rajput memiliki urusan ekstra bela diri. Aku mengerti. " "Bas! Saya tidak bisa mentolerir ini lagi. U bisa mengatakan apa-apa kepada saya, tetapi tidak pergi ke Rajput. Mereka adalah orang-orang yang paling terhormat di seluruh dunia. U Mughal adalah orang yang berbohong dan menipu orang lain. Orang-orang U adalah pencuri! U ditangkap Amer dan membuat kesepakatan dari saya. U r orang yang buruk. U r orang yang terburuk yang pernah saya kenal. Saya tidak ingin hidup dengan u lagi. Bagaimana saya bisa hidup dengan orang yang tidak bisa percaya padaku? " Jodha adalah air mata-mata sekarang. "Jodha u tahu bahwa u akan mendapatkan hukuman berat untuk ini?" kata Jalal, berteriak. "Aku tahu. Bunuh aku Shenshashaji untuk kesalahan yang saya tidak pernah melakukan. Bunuh aku sekarang, tapi ingat satu hal anak ur akan mati dengan saya. U akan kehilangan anak ur!" Api di matanya menghilang, dan dia ditinggalkan terkejut. Anak-Nya? Sayangku? "Jodha ur hamil?" Jalal mengatakan dengan suara yang tidak bersalah. Sebelum Jodha bisa mengatakan apa-apa, dunia di sekitar nya menjadi hitam. Visinya adalah kabur. Kepalanya berputar. Jodha pingsan. Sebelum dia bisa memukul tanah Jalal memeluknya. Dia membuat berbaring di tempat tidur. Dia melihat wajah polos dan dia meleleh. Dia dipanggil dokter untuk memeriksa Jodha up. Dia dipecat semua orang dan kemudian ia soke ke Suryabhan dengan suara tegas "Tinggalkan tempat ini sebelum aku membunuhmu. Jangan menunjukkan wajah ur. Aku tahu bahwa Jodha tidak melakukan hal ini. U adalah orang yang menyelinap di kamarnya. U membuatnya terlihat buruk di depan semua orang. U membuat saya berteriak padanya. Tinggalkan! " Tanpa sepatah kata Suryabhan meninggalkan tempat. Dokter datang ke Jalal. "Apa yang terjadi dengan Jodha? Apakah dia baik-baik saja? Apakah bayi saya baik-baik saja?" "Keduanya baik. Hal ini terjadi karena stres. U harus merawat dirinya. Dia harus bebas dari stres." "Aku akan menjauhkannya dari stres. " sisanya akan diberikan pada hari Jumat

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